' �.'t_.�'� ._ _. _ _ ._.v_ ._ _ ... ._�.. �_.__ _._ ^.ft--
<br /> _ �' �y ut _k�ri.- .. - .. � - - _ _ C - - --- --__
<br /> - " =--
<br /> :E. -- - t._ -- . -�_ - — . . --. =-"_° , - •;�;'�_ --
<br /> '.y.
<br /> ' . � "� . � - - ' - . , . ._�__ -- . . z
<br /> � y^ �
<br /> � _ . ''!� (-: �.'F ' .< . �. . . � . .
<br /> 1
<br /> _ "`_ . .,_ ( . .
<br /> t or L�nMr�I+ait hari ttul opdo�.in in solt�nd iboiult di�cr��Iy�aN��eaeNd� '
<br /> �N�f�Mb i��0 E�kM► d�1t1��0.
<br /> M�Mtone i11 cab and�xpinNS incurted 011 it i�coneMCtbn wilh such Prac�uPo�11�nY jndMMdnM�rcuhd
<br /> ---=-•-•-�d�dlte!Ir�-- —. -... . _ «�t��iau�di.afbr.�uG�Oel.�tE�E(qltxaUon d�N _-- -- - -
<br /> - _ .
<br /> _-- _. -__ _
<br /> �d�t� artf►PaY�� �����°�M�����F�narwnMr.��Uad tU4ds sha!!b!� _.___ .: =--
<br /> Trwlor . �----
<br /> ' a �elOr�ne�Or L«iQ�r.tipon 1he oceyrranCe of an Event of Default t�ereunder,or if enY aCt t!qken or IeQat proCSlidin�
<br /> rome�nc�dwhiCh1M1N1ally�cblendlPaint�restinthsPropsRy.lendKmayini�owndtaCradon.b�twithoutobti�aUOntado -
<br /> so.�nd wfthout notice to or damarb upan Tiustor and without rHtteasin�Tiwtor irom aay obt'roatian.do any act whicR 7rusmr hm� _ ___ _
<br /> apra�d but hits W do and msy atso Qo any other tct it deems nacesear�f to proeect the se�udty hereot Trustof ahatt.tmmedia�e�fl _
<br /> , yppn dsmand thereipr py tender,psy to Lendersilcosta and ea�pensas incuRed ana eumsexpsaded by Lender In connectia�with ��-
<br /> - theexereisebyLende►ofthefore9eingrights,togethetwiiAinterestthereanatthedefaultrateprovidedintheNote.whichshai�b� �;�=-=
<br /> ldded'ta th�indebtednesa aecurW heroby.Le�der ahall noi incw any liabi�iry because ot anytAing ii may.do ar omit to do . __-
<br /> - NOreundec ' =- -
<br /> 9. 11�rsrdow MMKiNs.Ttustar snap keep the E�operty in complisnce with ali applicabte laws,ordinancesa�ed regWaUona =_- ---
<br /> - relaUn�to indwtrial Ay�iene or environmenfal protecdon(coltectivety reterred to Merein as"Environmentai Laws"�.Trustor ahal� _________
<br />- keep the Property free hom s11 aubstances deemed to be hazardous or tmcic undar any Environmental laws(co11ac4vetY roterrsd W = _ _
<br /> hemin as"Hazardflua Materials'?7rustar hereby warrants and represents to lender that there are no Hazardous Materlats on or —
<br /> � under q��sapeRy.Tniator hereby asrees to indemnity and hold harmte�.s Lender,its directors.otficers.emWaYee�and agents,and =�.-=__
<br /> any successers to Lenders ioteresf,4ram and againstany and a!i claims,damages.losses and tiabi�itles arising in connec6on witA _ ��-
<br />., �, ths presenc�use.disposa't or aartsport ot any Hazardous Materlats on,under,trom or ahout tAe Properry.THE FOHEGOIKG �^i_.
<br /> ' . BttRVNE RFCONVEYANCE OF TtfiS OEfO OF TRUST. � -�;.
<br />�`r: , tp.AssiynnNnt af R�ntf.Trustor herehy assigns to Lertdec the rents.issues and prafiis of ihe Properry:prrnided Mat Tniawr �� :_.:�;_-
<br /> � ahall,untll the occuRenceof an Event of Oefauft hereunde►,havethe right to colteCtand fetain sa�cFire�is,issues and praf'its asthey ��`x'��'
<br />�''i..�.. .. ; ..
<br /> �-.-._"r�J:.'ir.
<br />- become due and payabte.Upon the occurrence of an Event of Oefaui�tender may,either in�s�n os by agen�with orwithout ....�,,.____
<br /> bringiny any actton or praceedinQ,o�by a receiver appointed by a court and withaut regard to�^s adequacy of its sac�:rity,enter r;3.�-__
<br /> upon and take poss93sion of the Property,or any paR the�eof,in its awn name o:in the name of the�rustee,and doanyacts which it , .�^��
<br /> �eems necassary er desirable to presenre thevalue,marketability or rentabiliry of the Property.or any paR thereaf orinteresttherein. � .._ _..�
<br /> increase the income therefrom or p�otect the security horeot and,witti or�ithout taking possessian of the Property.sue for or
<br /> --- �� otherwise collect the renis.issues and Crofits thereot,mcluding those past due artd unpaid,and appty the same.leas c��snd _ •
<br /> expenses of operat[on and cottection inctuding attomeys'fees,upon any indebtednes§secured here6y,afl in sucb arder as T��r . -
<br /> - may dete�mine.The entering upon and taking possession of ihe Properry,the collection of such rents,issues and protita and*.f►e _"--
<br /> appticaUon therenf as aforesaid.shalt nat cure or waive any default or noUCe of default hereunder ar invalidate any act done in _ �����:
<br /> , .� response to such default a+�ursuant to slch notice of default and,notwithstanding the continuance in possession of the Properry or ` ':.�.' ` =_
<br /> � '� . the coltecrion,recekpt and application oi rents.issues or profits,and Trustee and Lander shall be entitled to exercise every right ; , _.;. . ,-_�-_
<br /> - .�'r provided fc�:�any of the Loan tnstrur:.�°�or by Iaw upon occurrer.��ot any Event of DetaulL including uithout limitation the right -�; .�,,._F,�,, -_
<br /> to exarcise`��s�povrer of sate.Further,Le��er's rights artd remed�es:::.�erthis paragraph shat�be cumutative wiih,and in na way a - a,-���.�
<br /> limitation a�,'E.'endei's rights and remed:��under ank�ig�ment o`.i�ases and rents recerded againstthe Properry.Lender,Trustee �;�;..;'-�°:``
<br /> � and the reaeNer sha{I be liable to account onty far�has�rer.is ac!uaity received. f,�,y`._...�_:�`-�
<br /> � - '�;~'. t1.Ev�nb ot ONauff.The fol(owing shal:can�;?ate a�Eveat ot Oefautt under thia Oeed of Trust � ' •• �•=-'� ---
<br /> ' �'�� .'�?: ... '•-,r;;•.-- =+�r,,.
<br /> _ ' `�� (a) Failure to pay any instaltment of prinerpa=r• asterest ot any other sum secured hereby when due; - .:.•.�;,: . ___
<br /> �.- (b) A breach of or default urtde:any provision contained in i^�Note,this Oeed of"frus�a:�j af the Loan Instruments,or any •..,`�
<br /> � � s�-.�'r � ot►ter�ien or encumbranca upon the Prt,perry: , . :�
<br /> --�`'°.,°,. :�... . -
<br /> 1• • (C) A wrlt of execution or attachment or arry similar process sRatl be eMered agalnst Fr„s�or which shallbecame a lien on •�
<br /> � the�roperlY or any poKion thereof or interest therein; • -
<br /> '�.�`--�..'`;1,.
<br />' _ • (d)There shalt be`ted by or againSt Trustor or 8orrower an action un3e�a�y present or future(ederal,state or oihet . � . . �'�"�":`-
<br /> - -,�,?.�`-� �� statute,law or�egolation relating to bankruptcy,insotvency or other relief for�2�,�rs:or there shalt be appointed any trustee, {;•.;;. �,�;._
<br /> � i" ,�.. � receiver or IiquiOatOr of Tiustor or Barrawer or ot aU or any part of the Property.o�the rer.s.i;sues or profits thereof.or Trustor �. �
<br /> � r��; "� or Borrcwer shall make any gene�a�assignm�nt for the 6enetil ot creditors; '�� i�� ,{R�
<br /> •�� • '-'��'^ e �-a sale,transter,tease,ass:�nment,conveyance or turther encumbrance of a�r ar��y pan ot or any interest;'!?`e ���,,,__,:�:-.,;
<br /> . -*`. lr.•.cL. i } ; •�i,';;i=•�-.y
<br /> �, .�.�_:.;�=:,;:"=;, Property.either vo:��:arily or invofuntarily, withoyt 1he express Nritten consent ot LenC_r,provldeG that Trustor s`2:be .
<br /> ;r'1 ��._ permitted to exec�t�a��..�se of the Property tha*.sfa�not contain an option t�purchase artd sne tarm otwhich does not exceed • �.,�
<br /> ,.-.;,, :.�... � one year, i. , . ,. _�_:
<br /> .:,�;I;:%�, .- - .�'
<br /> f�,?.;.��,-h�_�_..;-, . (� Abandonmeni of the Proper",�:or �
<br /> "���r;.^�' . . ,± . If Trostor is not an indivitlr��.t.".e issuance.sale,transter,assignment,conveyance c�cl+�umbrance olmorethan atotal `1` °'-,'."�
<br /> ,,, , ,�� i91 ... , • �::, -
<br /> • , <,�;�;• . . _ . "
<br /> ;Y='�'" �1 peicent ot(if a co���a'.an)its issaed and outstan8ing sta�k or(it a palner5's�p)a total ot percent ot -----
<br /> . i. ,i��`.�z .' ' -
<br />. . •�.z � :.r_�;,. , partnership interests�.:�"g t��4°riod this OeeO of Trust remains a lien on ihe Property. :-__.
<br /> . , �2, R���y;Aewi�rs�pry Uppn DMautt.tn;raeti:ant of any Event o1 Detault Lendet may,without notice except as required by '
<br /> ' �:��`�:"�<:� • l a w,d e c l a r e a l l i n d e tr t e dne s a secu�eC."�ereb y to bg ase and payable and the same shalt thereupon become due and payabte • ..
<br />' T'�: '.;:'f. � wlthout arry presentmen�,demand,p��sr:ar rtotice oi any kind.Thereaftsr Lender msy: � ;� � '-
<br /> . _ �,;':... <<;_.•.'�:.
<br /> � � (a�demand that Trustee ex�.�f:�e POWER OF SALE granted herein,and Tru�:ee shall thereafter cause Tru9tot's :,,,
<br /> ,� ' � - ' • interest in th�Property!o be sotd a^C fhe p�acesda to be dlsbibuted,aII in the manner provided in tha��ebraska T�ust Oeeds �.j',:�..':�
<br /> ' , . Acfi ! .
<br /> �.. (b) Exercise any and a:l rights provided for in any o1 the L.oan In�truments or by law upon occurrence ol ar.y Event o1 , . ''•: ' .
<br /> 1 ;:.�,,, ,; : Oefault and •
<br /> , ,__ . {c)Commence an action to toreclasa this Oeed ot Trust as a mo�tgage,appo�nt a receiver,or specificaltyentorceany otthe �;,:.�;
<br /> covenants hereot. •
<br /> . No remedy hereln conferred upon a•reserved to Trustee ar Lender�s intended to be exclus�ve bt any other remedy hereln,in the , ''.:'��� �.�
<br /> � Loan fnstruments or by►aw provided or permitted,but each shall be cumulative.shatt be in eddition tc every other remedy given �
<br /> _`:_. � �.
<br /> � h8teunder,in the Loan Instruments or now or herealter existmg at law or in aquityr or by statute,and may b9 exerclsed concurrent�y, �
<br /> � independently or successively. ;� .� , •
<br /> • ' � 13.Tru�tN.The Trustee may res�gn at any t�me without cause,and Lpnder may et any t��,tie and withaut eauae appoint a ; .
<br /> ' successorur sabstltute 7rustee.Trustee shall nof he I�abletv any party,inCluding without llmit�tion Lende�.Borrowar,Tru9toror any � .
<br />, +, � • � purchaser ot the Property,for any toss or damage aniess duo to reckless ar witltul m�sconduct,nnd shall not be required to take any �
<br /> � � BCtlon in canneetion witb the entorcement of th�s Oeed ot Trust unless indemnitied,in wnting,to�atl costs.compensation or
<br />. � . • expenses which may be associated therewith.ln adddion,Trustee rtray become a purChaser a!any sale ot the P�operty qudiciat or :
<br /> � ° -��� � under ths power ol�ate granted herein);postpone the sa�e ot alt or any partion ot the Prope�ty,a9 provided by taw:or setl the �
<br /> _ _ __�_... __ . PrapeAy��a whole,o�in sep�rate parcets or tots at Tr�stee s discretian. _
<br /> 14. FNS and Ex�nsN.�n the event Trustee selts the�roporty by oMerciso ot power of sale.Trugted shatt be ent�tfed to apply
<br /> � � " 8ny 8ate proceeds tlrst to payment ot ali costs and expenses of exercising power of sale,including a!1 Trustea's fees.and Lender's : :
<br /> . � and Truatee's attorney's tees,actually incurred to extont perm�tted by appucable taw.ln thb event 8orrower ar Trustor vxerci�es any
<br /> right provided by law to sute an EveM o1�efault,LenCer shall be ent�tlad to reeover 1rom"trustor aN.costs and expenses actualty
<br /> incurred a9 A result of Trustot's defau(t irtcluding wilhout limitation�ll Trustee s and attorrtey'e tees,to the eMtent perm�tted 6y
<br /> ' � ` appllcahte law.
<br /> • � 15. FuWa Advanea.Upon requesf o}Borrower.lender may.�t Its opdon,make add►tional and tuture advances and re•
<br /> ' -___ -J�-=-.L��=.- _
<br /> --_- - _ -advancestv�armwer.Suciiadvencesancfreadvanses.-wiEls►ntarustlhetao�.9t�i�ll�esecured�ythisQeeOetTtuSt�Atnotimesnall , _--_-,------ -
<br /> ` ' '• the princtpat amaunt of the Indebtedness seCUred by this Oeed ot T�ust,not inctuding sums advanced to protectthe security of fhis • � �
<br />� � • . � Deed at Trus�excee�the oAginai prtncipal amount st�ted herein,ar S L�DAK=-'�- - whlchever ts greater. ; • � .
<br /> s
<br /> . _ .. ... ' � _ _ ' • _
<br /> , - �
<br />. , f
<br />