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<br /> �ppticab{e iaw ahaY specifY far rti�lstuemeet),befae sak oP the Prnpe�cy Pa�nt b�tny po_. �ic .
<br /> - � ---- _�-��������,�e�.+r��S �+�s��n'c�_Ia�uetetN. 11ase a�nd�aaas�e that Sortower_ (a) . -_ - f -
<br /> — � ---.�---� � -,t__�_,_._..�r•_1-�,.,,�
<br /> ' pnYs l�tt�der all sams whiCh then woutd be due P�Wg tY "�:���?3°"�.�•�""", •,...
<br /> -_= ocen�red:(b?cw+�s sny default�of aay otLer eovmants vragesanents:(c)PaYs ali eapeases incwrM iri enfarciag this Sewrity �
<br /> ` Instrumeet.inclading.but not tanited to.rrasonabte aaomeys'fecs:arid(d)takes such aaioa as Le�xler ma��Dty
<br /> rcquice to au�ue that t6e lia�of this Security insmunrnt,l�dec�rights in the Aroperty and Bortower�obligation to pay the .
<br /> �, sams secured by ihis Secutity'{ns[tumeat shalt coati�ue unchanged Upon ceinst3iemeat by Bor�wer.this Secunty .
<br /> — ` Insuununt�rt+d thc obiig�oas�heabY sha14�fu11�effactivo as if ao scceleratian t�ad accurred.,However.this ,
<br /> right to reinctate at�ll not apply m ttie case of ax+eteratiQn wider p�eagrap817. - -
<br /> - 1!.Sde d Natet Chaoae u[Lo�n Servker 71�e H°te°�a P�dai tnterest in the Nate(ibge[t�et witb this SecuritY
<br /> �tl may 6e sold one or more timcs without prior natice to Borrower. A sate may resuIt in�change in the etuity
<br />_ - (hwwn as tbe"�.aan Servicer")that colleas monthl7t P�Y�u Que urtder the.lVote and this Securiry InstninKn� Tbene alsa
<br /> _ �aay be aae os mo�changes of!be l nan Secvices wuelaud w a sate of thc Notc. If there is a c6aage oi thc Lwrt Serviar.
<br /> Sorrower wili be given written notice of d�e change in acca�ance+ti+ith A�S�Ph 14 aDove aad applicahk iaw_ Tt�e natice
<br /> � - wiH stste tbe name a�d address of ttfe new l.a�an Servicer and ttte addr�ess to whic�h paymenu should be rtnde.The notice will
<br /> a4so cantain any od�er iaformation required by applicabte iaw.
<br />� 2i Nazsrdo�s Sobsta�ee9. Barower shall�t caase or{xmut the presence.use.disposal,stoeaSe.or release of any
<br /> Eta�tdaus Sa6stances an or-in the Ptop�tty. BatoWer shall not do.nor allow anyone else to do.anythin8 affectin8 d�e
<br />- Proprtty thu is in violation of any�Envitaamentaf Law. The preceding two sente�es shall not appig to tQe presence,nse,or
<br />, • stocage on the Property of stnail quamities of Hazardoi�s Su6staetces tbat are geaeratty ncagnized to be appmpriate tn normal
<br /> • residen6al uses and to maintenance otthe A�operty.
<br /> Bormwer shall prumptty give l.eader wriuen natice of any imestigation.claim.demaad.tawsuit or a[Mr acdon bY any
<br /> , govemmental or cegatatory agency a private patty involving'tde P[opetty and any}ia�udous Subst�ce or Envuonmental
<br />- - Law�of which Borrower bas actua{knawledge If Bomawer leams.or is ndified 6y any gavecz�mental or�egutatory
<br /> � ' autGority.t4�anY rertw�ai or other remediation af any Hazardous Substance affecting the PmpeRy�s necessatY�Bor"°`"et •
<br /> - sball�xomPtlY take alt necessary n�medial actions in accordance Ktiti►Envimnmental I.aw. '
<br /> Ac used in ihis P�S�Ph 20."Haz:udous SutKtances"are those substanees d�.�i"uied as toxie a hazackws'substan�xs by
<br /> � ' r i,. � Enviconnrmtal Law and the foilowing substances: gasoline.kerosene.aher flammab[e or toxic pzdoleum producu.taxic
<br />__._ �•'`='''�' . pesticides and herbicides.votaGle solvents. materiats containing asbestos or fortnaldehyde.and radiaactive materials. As
<br /> _ _ ,�,�-:,.- ,t�-` - used in this paragraph 77�1,"Envitonmental Law"mta�c feQerat taws and Favvs af t1�e iurisdiction where the PmpeitY is located
<br /> � .;� � `°'�'��< that c�late to heaith.safery ar environmental protectian.
<br /> `�•�` - NON-UNIFORM COVENAI�'I'S. Borrower and Lender further coveoant and agree as follows:
<br /> �;:`f,r-,�:, ,.,. ,��.-,. - -
<br /> �}�, .. 21. Acceteration;Remedks. Lender s6at!give aotice to Borro�er prioc to s�caleration idbWing Sorrawer's
<br /> %�;c;�*�r .•..'' 'breac6 at�np coven�nt or agreement in this Securtty Instrument lbut aot prior to aceekration uade�paragrapb 17 �
<br /> � `���• .�� j, ualess appllcabk law provides otherwr�e). 7'he adice stwl{specjfy: la)tl�e detault:!b)the action�equi�ed ta cure the
<br /> S.g..
<br />;'�; ���:�:�s�•k , •� defaak;(c)�dat�nM less tiwn 30 days fran t6e date the notke is giv�n to Borrawer,by�hich the defaWt must be
<br />';:•�:i.' -�;,;,-�;x;�.°;�; . .. cured;and(d)tlwt failure to care the default on or betore the date specified in ihe notke may resulE in xcelention a�
<br />;;;��",. 4' � �, ;,� . tbe sams secured by t6is Secarity Instruinent and tiale of the Praperty. The notice shall lorther infdrm Borrowa of
<br /> .5�-�=.� �
<br />:::�.:;;;,;,:�; the right to retnstate stter aeceteratbn and t6e right to Dring a eourt actioa to userl the non�eacLstence at a defauit or
<br /> `t�.yl,7�+,:": �`
<br /> �;�;;�,:,�;,;:-;:�_: ' any otder defense ot Borrower to accekration add sale. It the defaWt is aot cared nn a'before the date specified in :;�.�- ��
<br /> ' ;;;,���,��'.: , tbe notice,i.ender at its option may require imm�diate paymeni in fuil otali sams secured Dy this Secacity Instrument ;:���
<br /> � without turther tlemand and may invoke tfie pveer ot sale and any atder remedies permitted by applkabte law
<br /> • � ' � - � Lender shall be entitled to coltect All expenses i�rarred In pursuin�the remed ies pra�ided in this pa r a g�a ph 21, � • "
<br /> �ncluding,but not limited to.reasonable attorneys�fees and castg ottitle evidence. � �•
<br /> : � ::•;� It the poRer o�s�le is invaked.7fustee shait record a notice of detault in estch coonty in which any part caf tl�e . =�.;A
<br /> '~' ' Prop�Ay is tocated and shatl mail rnpies af such nafice i�the manner prescribed by applicabk Iaw to B�rrovrer and to _``
<br /> " �y�*•'-'- � the other pe�ons prescribed by applipble law. After the time required by applipble law.7fustee s6a1!give public � u-.
<br /> ��... . ,. " " �__-
<br /> >a; :-. :�, n o t i c e o t s a l e t o t h e p e r s o n s a n d i n t h e m a n n e r p r e s c�i b ed b y a p pUcabte law Trustee.wtthout demand on Borcawer. ___:
<br /> ' � � s'��{� � shail sellthe Propert�at public auc�n to the hlghest bi�lder at the time�nQ ptace and ander the tecros designated in .
<br /> � � '� ���'�i�:f' t he no t ke o t s a le ur oce or+n a r e�a r a�s a n d i n a n y o r d e r Trustee determines. 'ba�tee mai Postpone sale ot all or any . �'"-��
<br /> ' r�„��.�. .; .'.':�i.:r _;.:_:�s�.y,'.
<br /> - ;,r-;.,, : . parcel o�the Propecty�y public annoorsa�at:�2ihe time and ptace otaay prevtausty scheduted sak l.ender or its - .;__..
<br /> . ;::�.� �;..'•��;.:L designee may purchase 9be Property at any s�. . . • -;x�;:
<br /> ,. r.,C•;':L "�=,3 f:
<br /> ����:+:.�• �,,;,,,�;,• Upon receip!ol payment ot ihe price bid. 7'rustee shall deliver to the pureha.cer Trustee's deed conveying the
<br /> � , ��:� �•'i)�.;_ • property. The recitals in the 7lrustee's deed shall be prima facte�vidence ot the truth of the�tateme��g made tfierr�n. � . . =_.Y�,�,;;F--
<br /> �.;���° '�, ' 7lrustee shail apply the proceeds of the sale i�the[ollawing order: la)to ail costs and expen�es of exercising the powe� ;:,..:,:�----
<br /> . ,i "'�:.�. ' � . .:.��'.:
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