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<br /> coddemnttion oc other t�icing of any part of tl�e Pmperty.ar forcohveyanoe irt lieu of condemnatian.ace i�reby assigneA aed � `
<br /> -"S}i�l�CQt1d W 1.q1�GI.[MAL 1Akln tt�-.�F�lC= �-tn� r'��i.SlClltl•1� __�q5. � _ _
<br />- '".�_.,�A. �-���I�C--� �F --_� ��-- —
<br /> • tnsmiment,wtr�theroc nat tbea due.with any encess paid to Bomawer. In the evcnt af�pa�tia{talcing of.t�x�in .
<br /> :_ =—_�hieh-tl�e fair�C vatee c►f�the Propecty i�ttmediaEelg befc�e tt�e taking=is.equai ta or peater thaa tl�e amamt of the`sums-
<br /> secur+edby ihis Security Instrumeat immediately beforc ttie taking.unless-Bo►mwe�a�L.cnder otherwise agree in writing. .
<br /> the wms secut�ed by.tltis Secwity Inswment shall be ccduced by the a�noui►t af[he praceeds multipGe�by Ehe fotlow"U�g .
<br /> � ftaction: [a)t�e tot�1�raruttt of the sums secured immediately Aeforc the talcing,divided"by tb)the fair madce[vatue ofthe � �
<br /> Firoperty immediatetY befat the taking. My balance sha116e paid to Boimwer. In the event af:�.:�i taicing of thc
<br /> Property.ia w6ieh the fair m�ricet vatue of the ProPertY immediatety 6efore�the atciug is tess th�n•:tlie:aC�t�unt nf the swas -
<br /> sceu�d immediatcty befo�the taking.unless Bomower and I.endec ojhe�wi.9e agce�in v�rsiting ur uni�ss a�plicahle law
<br /> otheiwise provides,the prooeeds shal!6e applied to the sums sccured by,tltib.Securiry,,�ustntrtient wi�edteEOr noc the sums ate .
<br /> tbec�due. . ' ,
<br /> : ..��the pcaperty is ab�ndoiied by Borrower,or if.after node�.by Lender to Hamwe�thur the�offen to maice
<br /> = aii�ard or settte a ciaim fot damages.Bormwer fsdls to rcspand to l.ender withiii 3(1 days at�er c[�e dat��fie notice is giren,
<br />- - [,endes is authorii.od w collect at�4 appty the proceed.�.at;its option.cithet to:restoration or repair of'tlie Pt+apercy or ta�e
<br />-- sums secur�d by this 5ecurity Ir�cuument,whether or not then due.. � • .
<br />=_ � Unt�s IJet�der and Borrawer aherwise agnee in wrlting.aay applicatipn of pn►ceeds to priecipal sha{t not eatead or
<br />;���t postponc tt�e due date of tt�e ma�thly payraents refened ta in paragrapits 1 and 2 orc�taiig;1h�amo�t oi$uch payments.
<br /> he
<br />. . - 11. Borraxer Not Rdexsed: Forbearana By_.I.ender lVot A Waiver_ F.�i�sjan of the am� for payment or ,
<br /> modificarion of amort'vatiaa of the sums secut+ed by this:Seeurtty Instcument granted�iyt Lender to any succes.wr in interest.
<br /> == of Hoimcaer shalt uot aperate to release th0liabiliry of the ociginal Bomnwer or Borrower's successors in interesf.[.ender`
<br /> � • sbail aa be cequired to commence�roccedings aga�ns�ai�y successa in interest or nefuse[o eatend 6me for payment or . _
<br />-`':`' ottxrwise modify amartization of.the snms secured by this Secutity Inspument by reason of any demand�de by theoriginat f:.'
<br /> Sarrower a Bomawers successors in interest. Any forbeutance by Lender in exer+cising any right or r+6itSedy siiatl'not ba a �°�='
<br /> - waiverof ar pceclude the exercise of any rigM or remedy. ', . `".:.F t:��::,�:"::. •
<br /> ' S�_...--
<br /> - '; 12. Sacoessors and As�s Foond.JaiM nnd Several Liabiiity;Co�nners. 'i4�e cavena�t��icia8�s'of thu
<br /> . �r ° Security tnstrument sha116ind�d benefit tfie successors and assigns of Ixnder and Borrower..subje�'ta the pravisions of , --
<br />' iT. Borrowerc cave�tants and au sha11 be "oint and severat. An aorrowei:iiS o q�►-si th�s Securit
<br /> P��Pb �e 1 Y �:.;.- �' Y �•=���
<br /> --= InsWnx�nt but does na executr the Nate: la)is casigning this Secuaty Tnsuw�aenCotl�y to m�t[�ig�'graat and convey tbai E=:=�r-�
<br /> . ,'�>.r�,;��
<br /> � ' Barower:s interest in the Property under the terms of this Sesurity Insmiment; (b)�is naCpetsonalty�obtigated to pay the surms ; ;,t,�.�,:
<br /> • ' '� secumd by[his.Security Instrument:and Ic)agrees that l.ender and any ather BpscoHierniay ag�ee to eMend,modify.forbear '�>-'��_
<br /> f, ' a make any accommadations witb regard to the terms of thic Secunty:Ipsttum�g�oc;the Note:�without that 8atrower's `,��;:.�
<br /> consent. ••• •. •.�� ^ ,�_-t� _ _<< ,...
<br /> . - .��.: .�. �;�: �_.. - • . -
<br /> 13 Loan C6arges. If the loan securecl by this Security 1ns�teumenC•�.s'subject:;o.a taw which set�maximum toan :' �� '°._
<br /> `� `` charges,and that law is firraliy interpreted w that the intecest or ather loan chnrges.cdlteded or to be'collecKed in connection - �� "�`''���'
<br /> . �� � with ihe loan exceed the permitted limitc,thea: ial any such loan charge shaU be rediiced�$y the amount necessary to reduce :,�Q�F f��.f'
<br /> , �_ the charge to the permitted limir.and(b)any sums atrendy,wllected from Borrower-Which exceeded permitted limits wiU be �<<•�:_•.�_,-;
<br /> refurtde,�l ta Barrower. l.ender may c8onse ta make this�fund by reducing the principal awed u�der t�Note or by making a � � -r.T
<br /> __�t..,,
<br /> direct paymcns to Borrower. If a sefunc!rectuc�principa�,the reduction will be mated ac a partiat p�ymeat withaut any _ -
<br /> • prePayment charge under the Nutr. ;_= `• `'' .-- --
<br /> � �' _,.. ••- 14. NoNces. Any nutica ta Bortnwer provided for in this Security lostrument sba11 be given�v deliverin& it or by ,. • , _
<br />. �� ,yF:�':`: ' mailing it by first class mail unless Applicuble luw requires uso of another method:'�'hc'notice shati be¢irecred to tfte Property ���'y`i.:��. —
<br /> � '.��' � Address or any other addre+s Borrower desigoutes by n��tice ta I.ender. Any�4{ic�,t4,Lender spaE[be given by fi�st clacs �v:��=::�:;';';;.� --�
<br /> ���, .�. .. :.�;t��;,.:;t':z;'; �
<br /> ;.�• .. ` mail to Lender�addresr stated hereia or any other addre�s Lender dcsignates by flptiCC to.8onnwer. Any notice provided for . ;.���.��, ,�,. '_
<br /> _ -�"':� in thic Security In�irumeat tihall he deemed ta havc becn given ta Borcawcr or j�ender wf�g"nrete ay provided in this • .
<br /> �:�=.,.:r p���ph. .>:�,., : `:.-•. - '� ;`�;•�_`, �_
<br /> ��.�, �i�-�._:'= IS. Governing I.aw:Severability. Thi� Security In�trument yhall be�rncined�by federai taw and the law of the (•�.��;;;t;,;;���
<br /> y...,
<br /> � r f•:•�:`` }urisdictian ia which the Propc�ty is locatcd. In thc event Ihat any provision orctauso�oFihi�Sccurity lnstrument or the Note `:;,(f;i;:4;::--'. .��__
<br /> ''" '�• • eonflicts with applicable law.�ucb rnnilict tihall not affcct other provi.iam af this Securiiy Instrument or the Note which can `��<'''' �
<br /> , .,,; .
<br />. , be given effect without the ronilicting pravitiian. To thi�cnd thc pravitiion.r af this Security Intitrument and the Note are _ -
<br /> ,
<br /> �...�-�:• . ' •' ,, declared ta 6e severable. ' `` :
<br /> "^��'. � ''%i;r•` ��• �� 16. Boerowe�'s Copy. Hnrrawer tihall b�givrn une ronfarmed copy af the Note and ai thiy 5ecurity lnstrument. � �_
<br />� � � ��-� _" �Y''' '� 17. 7lr�nster of fhe Praperfy ur a Beaeficial lntcrest in Rn�row•er. If ali ar any paA af thc Property ar any interest in (� . . _
<br /> � �'�' it is sold or transfetred l�r if a beneficial intere.rt in Harrnwcr ir s<�1Q w tramfertrd and Borrawer is nat a natural persan) � ' ��"? �
<br /> , , �.�,:•;�,
<br /> � without Lendcr's pri�►r writcial:aonscnl.l.endcr may,at itti uption,rcyuirc immediatc paymcnt in ful!of all sums secured by ".�:'�.� �.�
<br /> 4'; '=�� this Security Instrament. Hoaever,this�optian�hall not 1k excrciscd by l.cndcr if cxcrci�c i�prahibited 6y fcderal taw a�af • •_ ` • , -
<br /> '':'; '� °-� 'i .'� the date of this Serurity Instrument. � -
<br /> ,:;�''•�•- '" � '�*•�� If Lcrt�ler.r;xra;isr�Ihir optiun,l.cnder shatl give Bnnnwcr nc�ticc of accctcration. Thc noticc shall pravide a period�f � � '
<br /> ��,;: : ; ,•�, � .
<br /> • ,' .�� .��.--= - �� nn�tctis�han 3t►days ftum the date the notirc ic dcli�•cmd ar mailed within uhich 6urr��u;er mu.�{r.�y all�ums xeeumd by this
<br /> • • ", � 5ecurity ln�lrument. If Hntrower fails ta pay thc.rc .rum. prior u+thc cxpiratinn af this periad. I.cndcr may invoke any , .
<br /> , ' � remedics permittcd by thi�Sccuriry Im�rumcnt�vithuu�i'urther nutice ur demand an Borrowcr. '•
<br /> ' • 18. llorro��er's Ri�,ht to Reinstate. It Fk+nawcr nuet.rcrlain cnndition.. Bnao«�er shall h3�-c thc right to havc �'' - - - -
<br /> ;�;;;;��, � enfarcement�f this Security In�trumem ditcontinued at any time pri��r tu the ratlier oL• I:u 5 duy�t�rr�ach��ther periad av ' •
<br /> • - �
<br /> �""��'' SLt 1�I;unil Y:mnlr�1rr.Frcddle Sfac C�IF'llp\11%�'fRl"�1F.Y(•-1'mfum�Cucrn:�m. 4�90 �,�r rJ�,e a„i�i �
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