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<br /> . ap�iic�ie ia�►n�►speci�Y fa�)befae saie af the Phopaty Pu�suaut t°�°Y Paw�of sak ooaained in Wis `
<br /> Sec�rity t�n�aaM:ar Q►)aao�►af a' snfo�in8 this Sec�rity[muua�t. 7ba6c conditions a�r tbat Banowm:�N). . _—
<br /> � - - — s
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<br /> ° �occune�.@?cwrcs anJ►defiuft of m]►dther obven�nts or abc�eements:(c)paps all exPeases incuised ia enfoicing this Sociirity
<br /> � lnstnurkn�ibcluding.�but nat dia�irod ta.r�6k xttomeys`fee�a�d(d3 ta�es sacb.acuo�►as t:asdes m�Y tessotabiY �.
<br /> • nequile b assYte dntt6e litn of tNs Sxurilg Insuutne�.L.eride['s tights in tLe Propeny and Boma�ra�wei.��n.'s�Sxyio'��y
<br /> sulf�aacucea bY this Sccuriry Insuumau s6all condnue imchaaged. Upon raaustement by . �
<br /> • . -Instr�a�se�aid�e adig�tians s�1�aebY stnll temain fully effective u�f ao_a�xlention had ace4� Howtver.tbis . .
<br /> `. rigUt W te�lst�e ahall not�ppty irttbe case of�ceelerafioa uader para&rspii 17. - .
<br /> 1! Sale a[1No�G CMs�e at l.o�6esvice' TGe Nae or a puoi�l idte�est in the Note ttoBetha witlt this So�wity
<br /> • InsCrumrnt?may�e soM aoe a mocs times rvithout prior notice to So�m�er• A salc may resuh ia a ch�nge in the d�tity
<br /> � (Icnown ac tbe"I.wn Servicer")thot caltects monthlY PiY��due�mder the Note and this Securiry�[nst�umerit. 'Iik[e also
<br /> may be'a�e a mone chaoges of the.Wwn Servicxr uocelupd w a sate of t6e Nae. 1f tl�ce is a ci�nge of tbe Lwo Savicer.
<br /> �� Baanwec wjif�be given written�r�atice of tde edange in aocacdanoe witd p�ragroph l4�Uave u►d spplicaDk 4w. 'tT�e t�oticx
<br /> wili state tbe ru�nk and addoess of Ihe nw Loao Senricex and the address to whict�pa�Yments shoald be t�de. The notice wiil '
<br /> � also ca�tain aay othCr uffonr�uian ro9aued bY a�P�ica�1�law. `
<br /> Z�. Ns:ar�la�s Sobsta�. Barmwer sball not cause or permit the piesence.use.d'�igasal.staaBe:a rek�se of aay E
<br /> tluaMous Subst�ooes on or in the Piropeay- Bamwer shall cat�b na allow anyaa�tise to do.aeYth�nb affecting t6e'
<br />- Pmperty tl�at is in violation oFauy Favironmental Law. 71te pn�redin8 nvo senteaces shail not apply t�Ihe peseare,use.or
<br /> staage on the P�vperty af small qo�ntities oF Fl�acdous Substances that ai+e gene�ally reco@o�zeA to be ap��w nomW . .
<br /> — — cesidrn6�1 uses and to maintenarce of the Property. - ' .
<br /> — � Bortowa shait pmmPUY B�Ye Lender writ�npp6ce of any investigation.ctaim,den�nd.tawsuit or aher actioo by any.
<br /> — ' -govemmauai or reB���Y�B�Y a Vrn'�t►�1�`involving the Property aa±�any Haiacdous Su6sta��ce oc Env�oametxal -
<br /> �Law of�which BaROwer has aetual tmowkdg� If Barower.leams.or is-uqtified by any govaruixt�lal or rcgul�oo�y
<br />_ � autharity.tlwt any rernoval a otf�tr�t�ediation of any Narrrdous Substan�e affecting the Roperty is noeessacy.B6rrower
<br />— — sh�l!promptly t�ice all naessacy�etnedi�l actians in accocdance with FavitonmeuW!law. �
<br />-_-- As ored m this paragraph 2t?."Hazacdous Sul�stances"ace those sabstances def'ukd as toxic or haza�ous substanoes by .
<br /> Fnviconmcntal Law acM the foltowing substaaees: gasolinr.kerosene.other 8ammable ar tosic petroleum produ¢ts.toaic
<br /> , pesticides and Berbicides,volatile soivents.materiais containing as6estos or formaidehyde.and radioactive materials. As _ ` .
<br /> useA tn this pu-agrapfi 20."�nvironmenial I.aw"'meaas iedera!taws�nd taws of the jurisdiction whe�+e the Properiy islqc�ited :
<br /> that relate to healtl�.safety or enviroamentai pcotection. • � ':
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENAMf5. Borrowerand l.ender fartl�er wvenaatand agnee as foliows: _
<br /> -. ,.� 21. Accekration;RenKdfes. I.eqder.s6ait give nottoe to BorroRa�prior to acaleratton tdbsvina�8aciv�rei�'a.
<br /> �reacb ot any eave�aat or agreeuient in tLEs Secarity lnstrumeat l6at naE p�ar to acoelesation under p�pcAgrspM 17 ,.
<br /> ' . �ptess�pplka6k 1s�provWes utbaWlse). �heflotioe ahali specify: (a)tied�Faait;(b}t6e action nquind to care i�ie .- . `.•,
<br /> _ �defsdt:(c)�d�tti�ot kss th�ua 3b daJs ttom t6e date the nottce is g'mes�o BorrnWer,by�viicb tbe defsiok nwst be ;,..,.
<br /> � c�aed;,a�d(d)tiwt taiiarc to cure We defanit on or befare!he datr spa�t`eed b the natke a�sy res�k is�a�
<br /> - tbe siuws secared bY this Se¢aritS/nstrrment aed sak ot the Properly. Tbe notke shaQ firther intoni Barr�a of
<br /> - the r�e to reL4ctate atter a�xeleration�nd the risht to briag s canrt actio�to a.ssed llie eoa-e�isteace nf a AdsriMit ar
<br />: �,;� � ruy other de{ease a�Borrowrr to acakntion and safa It the default is not cured on or betore Ihe d�te speu�fied iu
<br />. .:�� . the notice,I.eader�t ifs option may requin immediate paymeat ia tn0�all sums secared by lhts Secarity lartrYneot
<br /> 1 �� wit6out farlher demand and map iavoice the powee ot sale and anq atbe�remedies permithd by applica6le Law
<br /> �� Lender s6a11 be entitkd to colled a0 expenses iecurred f� pursutng t3�e remedies provided ta tbis parstgrap�Zl,
<br /> - J , �. including,6ut eot limited to.reasonable attorneqs'fers aad cbsis ot titte e�idenc� �_
<br /> If the pa►wer of sak is invoked,7Yustee s6ail record a notice of det'aa�t in eac6 county in whicd any part ot the �-_�
<br /> , ., propert9 is located and shsll mail wpies oisucb noNce in the maone�pr�ri6ed by applipbk bw to Borrovrer aed to �v_
<br /> � � the Mher persons prescribed by applipbte!aw Aner the time requicec�by Applicabk law,Tcusta shtll give publk =
<br /> " _ � notice o�sak to the pe�son.s s�nd in the manner prescribed by App1icaDte taw Trustee.without dem�nd on BorroWer, �L±=�,
<br /> :,�-. shall sell the Property at pablic auctbn to the ht�hesf bidder at ihe time and place 9nd ander the tern�s desisns�ted ie ,,j,,<.
<br /> - the notice of sak in oae or more p�rcets and in any order Trustee Aetermines. 'lYu�tee may postpone sak ot all or aay
<br /> ' ; ppral of the Property Dy public ann.ouncement at the ttme�nd place ot any previously scheduled sak l.ender or its
<br /> ,�.� designee may purcbase the Property at aay s;il� � .
<br /> 'ti� Upon receipt ot payment at t6e pric�ts�il!.Trustee shaD deliver tn iiie purct�aser 7lrustee's deed conveyin�thc
<br /> Property. The recitals in the'IlrQStee's deed�ai16e prima facic eviden�aY the truth oT the statemenis made Iherein. _
<br /> � . 7�ustee sha(1 s�pply the proceed�uf tl�e sate in the followin�order: lai to ali costs nad e�cpeases ot exercicing the power -
<br /> • `<
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