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<br /> co�ad�o�tpn o�ourer taYiag of any pare af t1���Y�a fa conveyanoe in lieu oT�de�uian.a�e beietiy asai�e��nd
<br /> , _�_ �'•u�`���lotal-taititlf!nf tlte ProoertY' the jl�ooads'�n��W�a co en����a by u�se�cy � -– � —
<br /> � ��nm�rnt,wtianer or na axa aow� �Y� � . -.
<br /> . = which th�f�m�tket v�lts�of the�tagtit)t inunediately ix�a�the taking is cq�al to or gc�ate�than tf�e atnount of sum.s -
<br /> sec�ued by this Sacittity la�numeru imtned'eatelY before stfe talcing.►mless Borrower aad I.ender oltxrwise agcee m writin�,� , .
<br /> the sums securcd by tTiis Sav,riry Instrume�et sha{l.be reduad bY the amoont of the pcuceeds muhiplied by the fo�ip� -
<br /> f�ion: la)tfu'tutal amou�of the sums secure�immediauly 6efore the taking,divided by(h)the faii mati�d vaine'o(the
<br /> �. Pro�perty inm�ediately befae tt�taldng. Any batanc�e:st�all be paid to SoRaarer. In thc evmt of s p�al`talEing nf d�e -- - --
<br /> p�o�etty in wfiic6 tbe fair martcet vaiue of tt►c P�oQe�ty immodiatetY before the talcing is tess than tlrc aa�ount of the stuns
<br /> secund immediately befae the taking.anicss Borrnwer ana i.ender�rise a�in wtiun8 or untesd,ippliable law.
<br /> atheiwise pmvides,the Procce�s st�al{6e appfied to tlu sums secured 6y this SecuritY Insmu�nenc whetlx�a no��he sums ue
<br /> tt�ea due.
<br /> If tbe P�Y is ahandoneQ�Bormwer.or if,atter notice by Lendtr to Borrower that the condemnor offeis to malce ..
<br /> an award or seale a dana for d�mages,Barower fa�'ls to,respond to l.ender within 30 days after the d�e thc r�otice is giren.
<br /> Lader is authoriT.ed to cdlect�d appty tl�c g�acoeds.ae its option.either to restoration or Rpair of the Propaty ar to tbe
<br /> sums secu�e�6Y this S�u�'�1►�-whetTie.r ar not the�1 due. "
<br /> Ualess Lender and Barcower othaa�ise agree in writing.any application af pmceeds to principal sh�ll nat extend or .
<br /> . pustpone the due dau of tite snanthig Qa��rixnts�sfe�s�cd to in paragraptis 1 and 2 or ctiange ttte amamt of sach paymaus.
<br /> - 11. Barroaer Not Rei�d+ ��� Bl' �°' Nat a Waiver. Extensiou of the time far paymenc.or
<br />— modification of amartizatian of the sums secuied by this Se�rit3+�strument g�ar►ted by l.ender to any successor in inte�en'
<br /> = - of Borru4ver shali not operate to zelease.t6e.Iiability of tl�e arigirral Borrawer ar Bor�uwers succe�sots ia interest:i_endeP
<br /> -- shall ibt 6e noqaiced to ca�art�ence p�ocad'ui�against a�►Y succ�ssar in imemst or refuse to exte�d tune for gayrtienc or
<br /> - , nthetwvvise modify���of the snras sec�t�by tbis Securiry Insuumerit by rrason of any demand made by tl►e ocsginal
<br /> nt
<br /> — • guimwer ar Bamwer s sucoesso�'s ip inte�est. Any forbearance by 1.ender i»exercisin�ang s�ght ar iemedy si�ali aot a
<br /> _ waiver of or preclude thc exericise of any right or�medy.
<br /> -__ �� ���p��nd,.�fiu�artd Several LiabilitJ:Co�sigaers. The sovenanu and agreement�of this
<br /> - ��Security instrument shall bind and beneFi�cL-e successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower.subject to!he provlsions of
<br /> paragraph 17. Borc+ower s covenanu and�.-��ments shall be joint and several.Any Borrower afio.co-signs this Security
<br /> tnsmanetit 6ut daes�t e�ca�m the Note: t�4�s co-signiag this Security.Insuument only to martgage.,grant and convey that _ — ---
<br /> ' BarowerTS interest in the Prope�ty under the terms of this Sgcurity In.ctrument: (b)is not persoaally obligated to pay the su�s --�
<br /> secured by this Security Instrument;and(c)ag�ees that�3er and any other Borrower may agree to extend,modify.f-c�fiear �.�-
<br /> 'or maice any accommodations cvith regard to the ter�s Ey 11iis SecuritS+ Instrument or the Note without that Bflr�wers ° ���c�_
<br />.: caiseni. � ��=--'=`=
<br />_ 13� Loan Ciuges.�If the ta�n secured by this.Security instniment is subject to u law which sets mauimnm loan ;�.;;,.-�.�__,
<br /> chargea,and that taw is tinaliy interpreted so iltat the in�.e�ect or other loan charges coltected or to be coliected in connection ' �.-
<br /> with the toan exceed the pec��ed titt►iGC.then: !a1 any su�h loan charge shall be reduced by the arnount necessan io reduce ���
<br /> the charge to the peimitted F�and(b)any sums already collected from Borrawer which exceeded permittec3 ti�.;:^�c wi�l be ��?�,�
<br /> refunded to Borrower. Lec�may choose ta make thu refund by reducing the principal owed�r thep�te or hst making a �
<br /> � . direct payment to Horrawer. ff a refund reduces principal,the reduction wil!be treated a.�u �t::ce a ment"v�`�out any � y.,�%
<br />• , t ' prepayment charge under the Note. �,-.
<br /> -�'�.�"�,,.
<br /> � 14. NoNces. Any notice io Borrower provided for in this 5ecuriry Instrument shall be given by delivering it or by �"
<br /> . . �,; mailing it by first class mail untess applicable law mquires use af anather method.The notice shall be directed to the Property . }_�,��.,i�,',
<br /> �r,. Address or any other address Borrower designates by notice to l.ender. Any natice to Lender shall be given by first clatis �_,�,�� ,.
<br />::;f�,;,,. � t'� mail to Lender's address stated herein oc any mher address I.ender designates by notice ta Bortowet. Any notice provided for ''�t��i,�';��•
<br /> °;:'?�:� in ihis Security Instrument shall be deemed to have t+een given to Barrower ar Lender when given a�provided in this _ , _
<br />���'':�:,:..,. paragrnph. . __ . _
<br /> :, ;,.,., ._ .
<br /> =�r :.`. IS. Governing Law; Severability. 'lliis Security Instrument shall be govcmed by federal law and the law af the
<br /> '.. �", • juriuliction in which the Property ic lacaced. tn the event th:�t any provisian or ciauye of this Security Instrument or the Nate _ _
<br /> ' � contlictz witb applicable law,such conflict shall not affect other provitiions of ihis Security In�trument ar the IVote which can ,
<br /> .h4 be given effect without the ronflicting pravision. To this end the provisian�of this Scrurity lnstrument and the Note are ,
<br /> ;".�;,,�. �:� declazed to be sevcrable.
<br /> `�? 16. Borrovier's Copy. Barrowcr rli;::'t:he given onC conformed�v� of�hc Notc and of this 5+�.�ritv lastrument. ,�•.:
<br /> ' * 17. 7lransfer of the 1'eopert�or a�netici�l lnierest in Borrnw�: lf all ar any part af the L�i�peny or any intere�t in •�, .:
<br /> '_! it is sold or transfejred Cor•i.f:,a beneficiul interest in�:oRUwer is+cild ar tran.rfeae3-and B�rrower is not a natural persan) •_ ��-:�.
<br /> � ' without Lender's priac wdi�.'n�'consent.Lender may.at ii�c�ption,reyuire immcdia���±�yment in fu0 of s+ll sum��ecured by . �- �
<br /> SC
<br /> ..i'.r�
<br /> - Ihis Security Instrumen�. Kc:�reaer,this option shall net 6e excrcised by l..cnder if e�cr�:;tie i�prohibited by federal law as nf ' ,' �:
<br /> .'��-��: the date of this Security lnstrumcnt. �' '`
<br /> , ' �� 1i Lender exercise�this oplion.Lender sfiall give 8orrower notice of acceterati�a. 7'he notire�.hal!provide a period of �,•_ .
<br /> nW tesw thun 30 days from Ihc date the naticc is dclivered or m�iled witfiin�vhich Burro�ver mu�t pay ali�um.��ecured by thi� ' ' ,
<br /> � :�.• .� Security lnstrument. If Borrower fails ta pay thctic tumc priar to the expiration ��i'tbis perial. Lender may �m���e any ,,,�, . �
<br /> � "wr'fi�JI�~• 7� .' ��..� .
<br /> -:E.;�: remedies permitted by this Sccurity Instrumem withnut furtbcr no�ire iu�lemand nn[3isrrower. ;.,,•;.�;� '
<br /> =�!.�=� ' 18. Borrower's RiRht to lteinstate. If Borrnwer mcetv rertain amJiti��uti. Burco�ti•�r �hall havc �hc rigtii to have Y. . . . •,'
<br /> -•�-�.� :-:�_ , .
<br /> ;, � _ enforcement of this Secudty In�trument discantinucd as any time prii�r tv�he earli�K of: ia�S daYs tor such othcr peri�xl at �
<br /> `•�;;�•�jy,. .,a,�:• Sin�IcFnm�ly--�annk�faelF'reddie\isrc4V1F'AR�11�5TN1'NF:�iT••Cndunn('uwnantr V;90 ipr{t���r,fl���.ier�� �, �
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