T-t -i i " ' _ -_ ..----' _ ` _._- < " �_ .. _
<br /> ' .. . (i` " _ ' _ . . ' . .
<br /> :"t. � � • ' . l— �c�. _�_
<br /> _.G� ' .-• .f . L- i.-� __ . : . . . ' , . i_ — _ ` t
<br /> - �_�r_�,:,�:�.�� . : . " . - _ , . . , ' . . . � � ���- ����� .-_ ' .. _ -
<br /> , , �
<br /> .` .�q�dertip�tiop or utAer takin�of ar►Y P�rt of the Fc°peny ar for conveyanca in-tieu of cc�ndemnatioa ane ixteby assi�ed and .
<br /> — --,e�ait.t�e.�idfaGender.'--- � � tos,e �aums=se�u�Led bY it►is-Socur;ry� --
<br /> . in t1�e evrnl o a toWTta�ng bt-1Le��M6perty.�the�Pri�'�'�`sitatl��se sppl�ed=
<br /> ,. ���a���.v�ri�h eny excess paid to Borrovuer. In the event nf a partial iog o
<br /> n
<br /> whicfi the fair madcet vatue of 8�e AopertY im�diatety befqre the taking is equal w oe g�rattr tt�an tlte anxxa�c of�t��swns
<br /> ��d yy this Se�riry lnswnxnt immediately before the taking,unless Borrower a�td Lender otherwise agrec 8�
<br /> the su�securc�by ttis SocuritY Lnsuu�nent sha[f be reduced By.tlie amount of the pmcceds multipiied by tt�following
<br /> 5aet�a; (a�the tatal amount of thc sums secu�imme�iately 6efore the taking.divideA by(b)the fair market value of the
<br /> pioperty immediaoely before tue talcing. Any baf�e shaU be paid to Bor�u�cPr. �n the eveaf of a ganiul.tafciaS of the
<br /> pcop�erty m which the fau marhet valae of the PcopertY immediately befo�+c.ihe U�nB�is,las than the amount of ttu sums
<br /> secaied imn►ediateiy before the 5���Ged t the umc se ared by�Secun Inswment whahe�tor not�►e sums are
<br /> othec�-ise pn�vides.the Pr°ce� �
<br /> ��' �a��by go�rower,or if,after notice by Leader to Bornnwer that the.condomnor offers to make
<br /> -If tt�e 8coperty.
<br /> an award or seNe a claun for damages.BomoR�er fails to respond to Lenckr within 30 days aft�the date the notice or toYthe
<br /> I�eud�er is authoriud ta cotkd aad appty the Pmce�s•at its optian.eitder w restoration a.repair of the PmpertY .
<br /> so�secuced by this Sec�nity Inscrument,wl�cther or not thea due. to rinci shaU nM eittend or `
<br /> - `Un[ess Lender and Bacrav�zr otheEwisc agree in writing,any appGca6on of pmcxeds.. P P�
<br /> - posipone tiie dae datc of tfie manthlY�aY�enu�eferred tv ui paragraphs 1 and 2 or diange the amoum of such payments. : ,
<br /> - • , ll, Borro�rer�Not Reiessed; Forbe�� BY �der Nat a Waiver. ExteasiLe der to an��successar�in�er�
<br /> ° modific3tion of amort'vatim o�the sums secured bY tof th�nry�ew�Bomower's succes�rs iR interes�L.ender
<br /> _- of Borrower shal!na operate?i�i�lease the li�bitity S� eat or
<br />-_ � ' sfiall nat be ieyuired w co�ce Pi'°�eedings aSainst anY soccessor in interest or.iefuse to extead time far paym.. .
<br /> otheiwjse modify amoitiza6on of the sums secured by this SecuritY lns�ument by reasoi;of any dem��y shaU-not be a
<br /> -` Borrower or Bna�nwer's successacs in intece� AnY fmbearance by Lendet,in e�ceve�uag anY nf,h ,
<br /> -� ,".�:s waiver of orpreclude the eae�ise of any ci���remedY• .: =`": . '' ,'•, •:.: _
<br /> ci� aiid �meats af�s
<br /> ��t
<br /> �, S���t�.�iyts$oe�i;�t and Sev:sat Liabilit;�i�� The covenat�ts.. agre _
<br /> Insnument shall bind�rd 1�ene�t'n=sacces:w�?��signs of L'ender and Borrower.st►bjecE•to the ptovi.n�s e�
<br />'�'�%� _ . .�h 17.Borcower's cov�rae�ts aiie�?�-^���5�' �joint and severa{.Any.Borrower who co-signs:th�s�Secutity =-
<br /> � - "�•.s�,:�ent 6c��s not exeevte the l�fatz::+�a-5..i�co-signing.�iis Securiry Instcument ont�to mortgage.gca�►t and ea?�►t°i•,thae _
<br /> r,�- -
<br /> i��. Sorrower's a��.'s,'s.the P�aPeitY under.ct�e�s oF di'ss,Securit Ins�rament; (b)is not pei'sonalty obligatedto gas.�esams � � ^-
<br />.:���� .':� secused bg�s�:�a;ty'Is��ment:an�ocD�;�zes thai Lender and any other Borrower may agree to extend,mv�f�:f�rbear - ---
<br />"�`' r�r`make a..-�'s:a�.�ada�.c a�ififi regatd sa tfie temis:of this Seeucity Instrumertt.or the Note without that �amnwer's - .
<br /> � r. . . ; • : .
<br /> -. ' : • ���._.
<br /> ; `.' �S�L:- .... • �". � .. . . .
<br /> :;..f�,�, �Clsarge,y. i��he ioan secared by this Security lnstiument is subjecc=to a law �vhich sets maxi�.��-uTc�foan -
<br /> '"�;:�; charges,and tt�atlaw is finally interpreted so that the interest or aher toan chacges collected ar to be collecced in conitection ___,_
<br />`•" with the loan exceed the pem�itted limits.then: (a)any sucfi loan charge sbu116e reduced by the amount necessary to reduce �T�
<br />- the charge to the permitted limir.and fb)any sums already collected from Borro�ver which exceeded permttted limits will be —
<br /> . cefunded to Barrower. Lender may chaose tu make 1hi`refund by reducing the princip�l owed under the Nate or by making a _�_�
<br /> `f 1i� dir+ect paymene co Borrower. tf a refund reduces principal.the reduction will be treated as a partiai prepayment w�thout any ;�
<br /> prepayment chargc ander the Notc. ����""
<br /> ... .-:�;-;�;:
<br /> � � 14. Notices. Any natice to B�nower pu�vided for in this Securit� Instrument shall be given by delivering it ar by r,.. , . `
<br /> � mailing it by fint clacs mail unle+.r appticable law reNuire�u+c��f another method.The notice shall t►e directed ta the PmpeRy ,��_ ._-
<br /> � � �_�.�:�::`
<br /> ' Address or any other addre+y Boru►wer detiignatey by nntice to lxnder. Any rtatice to l.ender�hall be given by firht clars 1
<br /> '`' , mail to l.ender's uddrey+stated herein�►r any othcr addresti L.ender�tctiignatey by notice ta Borwwer. Any notice pravided for . _
<br /> in this Security Instrument rhall t+e deemed tn ha�c t+een given to Bc+rcuwer ur Lender when given a+ pravided in thi.r
<br /> y-n paragraph. �• ' " =
<br /> ,�= 13. Governing l.aw; Severnbility. This Security tnytrument yhali 6c govemed by fcderal luw and the law of the
<br /> ¢=•. jurisdiction in which thc Propeny is lacatcd. tn the cvcnt that any pravi,ian ar clauce af thi�,Security Inslrument or the Note _. .J'�,_
<br /> • �`R conflicts witb applicable law.yuch conflict tihall nat affect other pravi�ions of thiy Securiry Instrument or the Note which can _
<br /> � "''F�`" J' be iven effect without ihe conflicting praviyion. Ta thi�end thc provisianti of�hi.Security lnstrument and the Nate are
<br /> _�:;z �. g
<br /> , �";.��� �" declared to be severuble. '�
<br /> .�r:�. 16. Barrow•er's 4opy. B��rrawer�hall be giYen ane confomted copy uf'the Notc und uf thiw 5ecurity Instrument. ,
<br /> 17. 'llransfer nf the Property or A Beneficial Interest in Barrower. li'all or:�ny pan of the Property or any interetit in
<br /> ' � it is sold or trantifcrred Inr�i a benrficial interort in Bona�vcr iti�:ald or transfcrceJ and Borrower is not a natural penon) _'`•L:�
<br /> � � �.:.:; without Lender�prior writtcn consent,l.cnder may.at its op�i�n.require immediate paymcnt in fu►I of aIl sums�ecured by ,' rr;,.i�;
<br />. �,:^ • this Security lavtrument. Hawevcr.this uptian shall nat be exerci,ed by Lender if exerrise iti prohibited by federal!aw uti of� _ y
<br /> • the dttte af ihis Security lnstrumen� . ��
<br /> '��, IP l.ender excrcises ihiv optlon.l..�ndcr�hall givc Bnrrnwcr aetice of acccicratian. 1'hc noticc�haU pravide a periad of
<br /> not tess than 3�ddAys from thc datc tfie natice is dclive�ed nr mailed wiu!�in wbich Borrowe�must pay all�umti yecured by this
<br /> ` � `'»:.��;,�f'�:�5: • Secutity Instnrmem. If Borrower fails w pay the�e sum�.prior to t�c cxpiratian ��f�hiti period. Lender may invoke any
<br /> "'':• � remedies pertnittcd by thiti 5ecurity lnstrument withuut f�rsher notice��r demand un Burrawer.
<br /> '°�-°-:��� 1g, gorra�er'g Right to Reinstate. If Horrow•er mcet�ccnain cunditiun�. Hunuwc► sh:►11 h:rvc thc right ta havc
<br /> � . �� �r�7,�. enforcemem af ihis 5ecurity InStrumcnt dixcantinucd ae any time prior to thc cariirr uf: la)�d�iys l�r�uch other periexi.►.
<br /> '<�-.:�.::1.,.,
<br /> . . � , S1u�:lcEamily--Pannk�laelFrtdAk�lacl��IFf)RS11�ti7'RI'�1E%'1'..Cnitonnt'ncci�:�ro. 9140 r���+�v���l��P�+c�•u . . .
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