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<br /> � ,: periods d�t I.ender ra�uines. The insmance ca�ier pcQViding the u�sur�nre+1wlt Ae chosen by If�rtruwcr subject tci Lendest�
<br /> v�at wi�Ch slalt not be urueasona61y withheid. if Boet+nwcr fvfs ro tnaint,�in ravcrqg�e descri6ed nbove�Lender rttay.at _
<br /> - - �veaa8cfapsot�-��Fi�i��' - ` v�
<br /> � : AU inswance polieies and renewals si�all 6e�xp�abk to i.er�der and sha{1 incNck a_standard mottga$e elause. Lenckr
<br /> �siull 6avc tix c±gtit to hoW ttx poticies aad iaj¢wats. If Lectder requi�rs.Borrortier,hall Qransptly give tv Lcnder all�ectipss
<br /> ' of pzid premiums and cenewal noac�s. in the evrnt of loss.Barmvver shall give pranpt notice to the in�ursnce c:imcr and
<br /> La�der. Lender may matce pcoof of loss if not made P�P�Y hY B�wer.
<br /> Un�I�der aod Borrower otherwise agroe in writing.uLSUrance P�oceeds sha116e apptied to c+estoratioa or repair of
<br /> � �'p�p�nY d�i�8ed.if the iestoratioa or repair is eeonomicaily feasi'bte�csd fxnder�security is swt tessencxl. �1tk -
<br /> cestoratian or�epaiz is mt ecwanicaltY f�m'bk or l�nder�s security wautd 6e tessened.the insurauce praaeeds sba116e
<br /> ��������r this Se�uritj,{nstnune�u,whett�er or nat then du�with any exc�s paid ta Bor�!owu. If :
<br /> Barower a6�ndoas the�.or daes aot answer within 30 days a notice from l.ender th�t the iasuraace caRias has
<br /> ' c#�'ece�oQ seuTe a cLwu;zi�i�.a�iaalr ealte'et the iasuranee pcoceeds. Lender may use the pmcxeds to nepair or nstoa .
<br /> �p��������c�Security Insaumert,whetf�er or nat then due. The 3Q-day penad will begin when .- . -
<br /> •- the notiae is�av�Ya. ..::.; . . ,
<br /> - iTnk�ss B:ea�er a���wer oth�x�a�:a�+ee i�w-ridng,any apptication of proceeds to principal shaU not eatend ar:.. �-: _;:::�
<br />''"' PostPone�e'dac date c�taz�innthiy payments ref�+rau to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the payment.s: If::::::';;::`..:�
<br />-- �� . w�der Pasa$�`dp1�21 tbe.�perry is acquiced by Lendei:Bocrower's•right to aa}msu:ance}wlicies and proceeds tesuhing :- ..:,`'.,,�
<br /> ` fran dama�e ta the Ptopercy Prior ta the acquisuion shall pacs w Lender to the eat�►t of the sums secured by dris Security
<br />-- - tnstnunc��ediauly pnor m tke acquisition. . . . .
<br />- ' ��,, pacupa4c9. Pnsenation, Matatenance aad Prota�tion ot the Propeity: SorroKer's Loan Applkatbri; -"� _ .
<br />� � },easehofds.•Bomnwes sha11 occupy.establish,and�se the Prop�tg.as Borrower's prIncipal residence within siiity days after
<br /> ��, ttie exscatioa of this Saurity Iasaument and shalt c�ra�ue to occapy the Pmperty as Borrower's principal:,'re�tdence for at
<br /> ieast oue-}ear after the date of occupancy. uoless Lender othenvise agrees in writing, which conseqt�:�sail_not be
<br />-_-=: imncasors�5G�:withhefd,or unless extenuaring c�rc�unstances exist wtuch are beyand Brnmwer's conimL•' Bo�Cdryet st�al!not.,
<br /> �;� � cc�r �w the Ym to deteriatate.or commit waste on che�ioperty. �wer shatt .`-���.
<br /> desuoy.c3a�ai:�e or imp�r the Prope _+ P�Y
<br /> :;;�:,; be in def�'t.3f any fnrfeittue action or�sflceeding,whether civil arrxFminal.is begun that in I:r.�t�eec�s gotxl..f,a�1udg�itCn�':`.:.; .
<br /> could resulf"in forfeiturr�f,tfie Pcope�il.y or othenvise inaterialip•dmpair the lien created liyi il�is Seciirity insaamecrt`or;-`.
<br /> •. � r` Lender's securiry inte�tt. ��wer m�y_cure such a defauit und reinstate,as providact in paragraph 18,by causing ehe action
<br /> , ,�,. 'm Pnx;eed�r�g to be di�sa��ith a"ruting shat.in Lendec s good fanh determ�na$o��c±eclwdes forfehure of die Bo�rower's .
<br />-•�:,.5� ';� interest in tse Ara�,zn':o?her mat..�riat.�mpairment of the lien cr2ated by ihis`Secnnty,tnsmumenr or Lender:s secarity
<br />;;:�*;-�- � � {nterest, gs�wer s6a1§ aiso lie in.�efai�Ii if Borrower. duriag t�i�;laan,application p'racess:;gave materially false.or
<br />.�:�,.,... �;4;;} � p materiai infiii�ation)in connection with. � -
<br />=��-�::+� aaaccvra��Bnnatian os s.azements iv i:ender(or faitecb to rovide l,eddee witl►anY . � ,
<br />��;r;,::,� �`�� �<
<br /> �•,,��, ;t : � ,•�,,� � .�re.toaa e��e��rsced By..sI�e,�Tote. inctuding, but ttos Ilmised to, repi�sentations conceming Borrriwer's occupancy��f th�
<br /> , • 4 ��`P;agecty as a�::i�u r�s"sa',a�ce. If this Security Insau�ent ison a teasehold,Bprrower sbalt compiy with at#tirepmvisions
<br /> ' '�; �`'` ° of ihe tea5e,'If�ssrow:€acquues fee tiQe to the Propercy,the leasehotd and the fee titie shall not merge unless[.ei�der agrees
<br /> `,`.:•z . , : wthe rt�er,•=,�.�iwciting.
<br /> • �' �-r' r' � 7. Pcatediion oi Lender's Rights in tht Property. If Bomower fails to perform the cavenants and asreemenu
<br />.�'' , - ,r_ �r;`: contai�d in this Security l�.cuumeab or there is a legal.proceeding that may sigmficantly affect Lender's•rights in the
<br /> � �`� Property(such as a praceeding in bankruptcy.probate,for condemnation or forfeicure or to enforce taws or reguiatioas).then . _.
<br /> . ���=�� `` � • Lender may do and pay for whatever iti nececsary to pmtrct the value of the Property a�x1 Lender's rights in the Prop�:rty. y,. `�''
<br /> �:�i��r.� •� Lender's actioas may include paying any sums recured by a lien�vhicb has priority over thiti Serurity Instrument,appearing '�� .
<br /> __. *�„�._-- .-j: ' . .
<br /> �'���;�, '�.,-• in couA,paying reasonable attameyti fees;ind entcring on the Pmperry tn makc repairs.Althaugfi Lender may take action .� .� r' �
<br /> ��r�'r'* � under this pAragraph 7.Lender daec not have ta do so. z
<br /> .��7ki.,.•_t..?. ' . , , ���
<br /> :� �; .Y: Any amaunw di+buned by Lcnder under thi�paragraph 7 tih:dl hecome adJitional dcM of Ronnwer secured by this
<br /> Security Instrumen� Unlesz�ormwcr and l.ender agrcc ta olhcr tcrm.��f paymcnt.thcsc amouats ti6all bear interest fram thc ��•'�"'
<br /> ` � ��� date of disbursemem at the Nate rate and shall fx payable.with intere+t,upon nutice from Lender ta Borrowcr requetiting —
<br /> ��. - . � . payment. . �.
<br /> „ , S. Martgage Insurance. If Lrncler reyuired mortgage in.urance a.a u�nditian of making the loan securcA by thiti � .—
<br /> �'� �-x�=--��` Security ln.rtrument. Boaower shnll pay the premiumti reyuireJ to m;�imain�hc mnngasc in�urnnce in cffcct. IP,fo�any ' =`•�=��,_
<br /> r. . 7.a..,�
<br /> � > '�°{::' �easan. the mongagc insurance cavesagc rcqu�re d b y L c n dr r l a p�e� o r c c�.y c y t�� b c i n e f f e c t. B o r r o w c r �h a l t p a y t h e �';:�1=::_
<br /> ' . �� r`� premiums required ta o6lain caver:�ge tiub.rtanti.dly equivaten� to thc m��rtgagc intiur:�nce previausfy in cffcc�. at a ra�t • . �w��=�
<br /> � :�• substantially equivalent to the co�t to Barrnwcr of the mortgage in.rur�ncc prcviausly in effcct.from an:�Item�te morlgage . "•`_=___
<br /> '" °� insurer approved by Lender. If subrtantially equivalent mortguge imurance cuverage i�not available.Bnrrower tihall pay to • s__
<br />• y ' Lender each month a yum equal to one-twelfth af the ycarly mangage intiursincc premium bcing paid by 8arrawer whcn thc . _
<br /> �-•-
<br /> . . � �- insuranee eoverage lapsed ar eeased to be in effect. I.ender will aceept.utie:mcl r�tain theye payments ac a tas�rererve in lieu �_�:
<br />- --"-���� ' of mortgage imuranee. Lc�..c reserve payment�may no tunger hr r�quired.at the c�pti�+n af l.ender,if martgage insuranee , . ,�.,
<br /> � �. Y cnverage Iin the s►maunt and far the perioct that Lcnder requirc.l pr�w�drd by an intiurcr appr�n•cd hy l.cnder again Necome� "'" . � � �'�,"
<br /> . .�, , •
<br /> '"',�:'Q=` � available and is�btaiRed.6orrower.hall pay Ihe�remium��cyuircd to maintain martgage insurance i�f�f'fec1,or to providc a �,
<br /> _ �• loss rescrvc.untit the reyu;rtment f�r mortgagc insurunce enif+in acc��rd:snce�vith any written a�:reement t�etwcen Barrower � . .
<br /> . : v:;` ' r ,
<br />• �� -�,; and Lender or upplicable law. f � .
<br /> � � `' 9. Inspection. Lcndcr or its agcnt may makc rea.unablr rntric�upon:md in.pcctiun�of thc Properly. Lender tihali � � .
<br />. . .,.�-t•, - � • give 8�muwer notice ac ahz time af i�r prirn'tv:in intipecti�m�pecii'ying rrau�aahlv rau+e t'��r the in.pectiun. ;: � ..
<br /> , M . .' I0. Condemn�tian� 'fhr pr�ccd���f any award or claim f�►r dama�c,.dirrct ur run,cyuentiat.iu r�nncction�cith an} ��;,.
<br /> ��"'r:•�:~: , tiiuglc F.iaiily•-Ps�nnlc S1re/Yreddic S1ue l"�1F'1)NS11V!,"IHt�1F.�'1'••I.ndumi Co�cn:mh 9l90 ilai,��+„/bt�,�,i.� � ,
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