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<br /> ' E7.`i res��fr,ti•of tita IPr����eriy or p 1i�t�cfictal L�ter�r�t in F�ora'o�tice.If nll ar nuy pa�t af tl�e P�-oixrty nr any ineer,:st in it _
<br /> .!s r:�id oe u�ansfcrrcd(�r if o bencticiad intc,e:;t in t3arta�vcr iF sold oi•tr;,v,sice�•cd uitil t3Urt'o�rc►•i�nut a i�Jtur,�l p�Y`:ilil}i:�itli�i�t _.__
<br /> �� Security LnStrument�t Howcver,tthis opiion hal!nat be oxereisctl by l.ender if�exercisye is pruhibit'oci by fecleral law ns nf h�Jate
<br /> of this Sxurlty Instrument.
<br /> li i.cixler exerci:ces this option,Lxndcr shall givc Borrawcr notise of ucceteratiun.Thc nottcc st�all provlde n perial uf not
<br /> lrss �hun 3l1 days from the date the �x►tice !s delivcrcd Ar muilal w�thin which Bora'ower must �►y sll sun�.s securect by this
<br /> Sect�rity 6riFtrun�ent. If Bormu�er foils to pay rhesc:cums priflr to thc�xNirdtion of thiF period, Lcnder may invc�ke:my rcmedirs r
<br /> pennittod by thls Scxurity Instn�mr,nt wlthout further nolicc or denwnd on 13orrower.
<br /> 18. Bormwn's �ttght to Reinat�tc. If Bnrrower meets cenain conditinns, B��nroWer s�ll;have 4he right to havc
<br /> enforcement of thie�Sec:urity Instn�ment iliscontiuual at any tinx p►ior to the earlier�nF:.(a) S dAys (or such dher periud us
<br /> �pplicable law may spcclfy for rcinstaten�cnt) iH:fare sal. oi thc Propercy pursuam to any poivcr of sula contai��cl in this
<br /> Security instrun�ent;or(b)entry of a judgment r.nforcing this Sc+curity instrument.'17wse co��ditiona s►ie thFd Burrower:(a)pays
<br /> l.encier all sums which then would t►c due under this Security Instnimcnt and tha Note as if no acoeiemtian ht�t accurrecl;(b)
<br /> cur�s any deFault of 3ny other covenants or agreements: (c�pnys al) expenses incurred fn enfon:ing this Security Instrument,
<br /> �ncluding.but nat litnit�xt ta,rexsonable attomeys' fees; nnd(d)takts such action as I.eixler�nay reasonably rcnuirc to assure
<br /> that thu licn o€th�is Sezurity Instn►ment, I.ender's rights in cho Pro�erty nnd Borrower's obligation to piry thc sums sccurcd by
<br /> this Sectirity instntmr,nt shall continue unchanged. Upan reinstatement by Barrower. this Security Instrument and the
<br /> obli�ratinns secur�xl hereby shs�l! remain fully effectiue as if no neceleration hs�d occurced. Haw�ver.this right to reinstat�sh:dl
<br /> not i�pply tn thu case of sica.lerati�n tuider paragraph 17.
<br /> 19. Sufe ot Note; Change oi Lo�n Servloer. 'd'iie L�Iuta or a pnrtial inte�.,t in the Note(tug�thcr with this Sacu�ity
<br /> Inst�unxnt)may bc sold ora ar mon;timcs without prior notfce tu Bumower.A salo may result in a ehan�e in the enriry(known
<br /> as tlze"Y�an�ree�er")thas co!!ects mnnthly paYraenls due under the l�Tate and this Security Inssnament.Ther+e alc�may be one
<br /> or more changes of the i�oazi Servtae unrcl�teci t�a sale of'the Notc.If chcr�is A chxnbe of the Loan Servicer. �orrower wiH oe
<br /> given written rtati�x of the change tn acco►Yluncr with paragraph 14 above and��plicable law.The ratice will state the narne Yad
<br /> a�Wn:cs of thG new Laan Servicer and the adclr�;ss to which p;ryments :�auld be made.The notic�e witl also cont:►in any other
<br /> inf�rrnation roquirod by app{icable law.
<br /> g�. Haz�rdous Sul�c�ces.Borrowcr shall not cause or permit the p�senoe, use. disposal. stomg�, or c+cle�se af any
<br /> 13azardous Substances o�� or In the Property. Borrower shall not do. �r ullow anyone clse to dn, anything :;�Tecting the
<br /> I�roperty that is in violation of any Environmental Law. TGe pra:ed'acy�;ayvo se�tences shall not apply to thc pn�encc. use. �:
<br /> storage on the Froperly of smail quantitie.s of Hazardous Substances rfi�.xt.are generaqy recognizal to be appropriate to nomiss
<br /> resident�al uses and to maintenauxe of the Pmperty.
<br /> Bornower s1u�U promp4ly�.ive Lender wdtten notice oi r,�ny invesNgation, claim, domanci. Iswsuit or other action by any
<br /> gavernmentat or regulatory agrii�y or prieate party inwofvia:�i��e Property and any Wac:�tdoi►s Sabstarke or Envir�una�tal Law
<br /> of which Bonrower has actunl iuwwledge. if Barrower teams,or is naufnrod by any gs��emmental or rcgttlerory authority,that
<br /> az,a;r.�:�.!L:•�hsx z •��-���f�;Ha�arrlcv�g Suh.etanCe aff'eCtin�4��$�mPe�Y 1S tIeCE3s3TY,Borsower shall promptly take
<br /> a1l nece�.3ary remetiul actions in accorda►�oe with Bnv�cnnmcncal Law.
<br /> ,e1s usai in this puggraph Z0, °Hazardous Substanaa" are thosa su6stances defirod as toxic or hazardous subste�wes by
<br /> E�ia�n,namentnl L.aw a�xl the fo:lowing sabstances: �arsc'�?u�e, Fiemsene� other flamnu�blo or toxic petrolwm��ducts, toxic
<br /> pe.aq:a�s acid herblcidcs,volati[o solvents,materials contar.�n..�p arbcstc��or formatdehyde.and cadiosctive ma�tersaLs:As asod in
<br /> thi� piraBraph 2Q, "�nvitvr►rnental I.aw" means federal ladvs�suxi laws af tho jurisdiction whet+e the Property is loc�ftal that
<br /> relrta tn health,$��fi��.y�or envi�mncntnl �mtenion. , .
<br /> NAN-UNQ'n`1:►�t COVE�IANTS.�lraowcr and I..cncter fr�nher cc��asuu�d ugrec as faltows:
<br /> Zl,Aea�Jera�iou;Beme�ifics.I.endcr stwll gtve nolice.to Borrower p�wr to accelerati�un tdtuwing Rorroaer's brer�c�
<br /> o[iuoy oove�ot or.sg►�e+ea��.3n thia Securit� IaaQrur��ent (but noS Prior ta a�rsi�,rntioQ uwda� p�rssra[i6 17 aakss
<br /> �ppliaibk lytw pir.o.�Ides otl�cwl�e).'The notice eiull spec�iPy: (a)the default;(bZ�he s�ction ro4uirsd tQ wre tbe de[ault;
<br /> (c)a d�te,w�t Adcsr.tFu�a 34l dsys tr+om the d�tte the Ratke Is given to Borrower,b�wbdch ti�det�ult muet be rs:�;�.�:
<br /> (d) t6at fatlure tu eure tbe de�aalt on or b�r.tore the �te specitied in t6e�atioe may r�salE iro scodaatioo ot t6e euaw
<br /> �aurai�y tYfe Se+�urity T�aod srle o[t.iir. Propaty.T�e uotkY shall fu�tLa�tntoran Boroower o�tie ri�ht to
<br /> �te�Iter aeeeksstion�ad tl�e right to bsi�a court aatiun to seee+t the naa•eaistesa ot s�dd�uit or�n�r.otl�r
<br /> dc�ax�¢c.o[Eon�nwer to aoceler�tton�nd sak. U the d�tault Is eot cural ou or beiore the date snerlt9ed ir`tlw� ontia,
<br /> L�1Y��NT�at iQ�uptbn,no�y nnq�drc immedi�te p�►ax'�rt tult at all sums secure�l by tWs Security.I�tnimrnt wNbrt
<br /> tie�tt��'�8e�n�ed�ad nyy in�dce the p►wer ot sale and�,v�r.�pthcr remedks�rrnitted by oppli�l�le 4w.�.es�cK slqill be
<br /> eatkkil to cqiipc�t.�!!eaperaes iMCUrnd in pursui�tbe renlodks p�a�ec�in thlv p�ragrrpl��1,i�pg,but iat Itmited
<br /> W,t�4e�p'�e1c;�Q2t�rneXx'tees and costs 4[t(tk evldeMx. • .
<br /> �, , ,ue�r�t sak Ec invoked,Tnutee slutl re�c��w not?�e�aff',def�ult in lach counhy in wtsc6 u4,K.;�3 ot Ue�:
<br /> Priip���'�nRed aund s�udl ta�ail oopies o[such noHa in the manner pr�cr3�cih�!3 ePWi�yblc law to Bor�+�����cr and to
<br /> - t0��u`iS�T.�rso7n',�Mal by sppiicabk law.A(ter the t?�m rr.yutred by xpplia���1sw,Tnmta sbull gtvC�blic notia
<br /> - aT sitic tp�•;qpo�as+u�d in dNe m�noer.q�tsac�ibod by s�ppllabk I�W,7'n�stee,pr��iout demwnd oa Bonr►war,s3w11 seU
<br /> th'Proprx�,i���t-,�b1k aucNon to lbe pi�b�cs2':bl�kr at 1he tlme aa�d�!t�ice And undcr the tecws��eekgo�ted W the aotia at
<br /> aava M ooe ar a�w�ie p�+ce19 s�nd in any��3ESr�'rustee detetm(nes. il'�rm�!a�ary�OOetpone Rsle'v�4�i1 or�u►y p�rcd of t6e
<br /> lhro�aerty by puMk annoet�men4 at the tirne xnd �tACe ot any pr'tv3ously schedukd snle.I.ender or ils drsignee may
<br /> prlk�ae the Prnperty at aay salt.
<br /> Fa'm 3�28 8190
<br /> . - pnpe 6 016
<br /> ' .
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