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<br /> pnyir►xN�� may no longer ho req►�ireci,ut tt�r,onHon of I.cndcr,if mart�a,^,o in5uraslaa c�v�;tagc 4bn the mmonnt c�rnf for ifia�snr.od ',
<br /> d�:►i���ts�r rcq��ires)��r�iv[dcd f�y en e►T;+in:r i��iE�rc�vccl hy �.ctitl;rr tt;p�n I►r,+cMtiZC•r 11VFII(lYljC Qit(j IS U�It:lllll'(I,I�n�r+��'cc�S�ul�;p:►y !_--
<br /> th-prcmiums rcyuired tu m�int3im m�xtvogc in��ur.a.ucc ln cfCc�ct,Ur«�prnv�ii��n las;;c�;u••r+rc,u�ttil tiic�����ulr.��z:�it f�iz'u�n� s���f13
<br /> insurnnco tnds in accarJance witi�uny wrltt.n ngre�:m,ent tx'tw�e�n F3urr���•ws zis�d l,t:ndtis�a�e,�pUlicahle law.
<br /> !. Intpat{�n.Lenslrr e�r iis agent may nu�kc rrxwnuble es►trien upnn anti ittsi�c9�itiiin pF�hc Proper�y. I.erxler shall give
<br /> fi�rruwer�wtire rae the Nnve ai ur prias tc�ntt inspr.etioo np��cifyinL cea,c�n�t�ltt cx:�ta for th�+itVY�tfon.
<br /> 11, Cmrde�n�rtion. Thc pror.cndH of any awnrd or cl�lm for ciz�n�r.s..di�r;+^,�ar.�nRtcsq,uentisl. in cbm�ec;tion wflh ony
<br /> cor.d�mn�tfon n�c►!hrr inkin��f amv�.�n of ih�: k'cropr.ny, ur far c�m��)��tt�in lie�u of r,�a��klt�nmation,arvr Gr.�:by assigneA anct _
<br /> st�l! be pnid to L.ender.
<br /> In►he event of a t�tai taking oi th�:Property.�Ix;pracc«Is sh�ll bo a�ptic�d ta thn suinc4�:curod by�6is Scx:urity In,strumene.
<br /> whether aT nat lhen due, wtth any cx�e�.�pnid io Barrower. (n tha ct��nt�of a pa,rtit�utl;ifijl.of thc P�nperty in whir.h�1u: fwir
<br /> muket valuo of the Property immr;dantr.ly br.forc ttw;tak(ng is aqa�l t�ar grc�tar the��thti,u�tount of the sumc socuced by this
<br /> Security Instrument inunxliutely b�:fac�tt�:taktng,un�tess Bon�wer sntl I.andat othrru�����,�,YCC in writing.th�sum�Secuctd by
<br /> �his Stcnrity lostmrrMnr. ichad! br, rcxlucal by thN: arrxwnt of�he pt�c�d� multipliod b}t G"te following fraction: (�) th.e toca!
<br /> arnount of�he sum�securai immnd'u�tGly b�slocr•�he taking,di��idtxl by�(b) thn f�r ma�ic�t va�lue of thc Prapeny imrr�di;�ttily
<br /> befon ths taking. Any bulaar:c sls�d! bc pr+id ta 8nnower. In tha evcnt of u pa�t.i�l�r�S:lnB t�f,the Propc�ty in whi.ch t1oR: fAir.
<br /> markct value of�he Property immr:di;itr.ly b�,fare tlx tabcin,�is less theu�thn mm�unt.of thn s��ims sesared imm�llatr.Jy b�;foRr:tBa
<br /> talcing,unless 8urmwcr and I..�ndrr w.hsrwise sgroe in writing or unless u}�plir•ahlti ltn��•othrit��'ir�e provides, 11�:pmr,,eeds shuU.
<br /> be sippliod to the sums ux:urai hy chi9 Sucua�ity Iastniment whraher nr nnt:qFfl fiums•um tttnn,�itlt�.
<br /> lf thr.Prqxrty is ah�►nd�xi by B+ormwcr. or if.efter natic�e bp Lendut tc►Bnrra����r�hht�11►e candetsntror offets to mxke an.
<br /> awu�d or satle a ctura P�r d,ai;�,��es. �.ircawcr fails to rc�gosd to i.enticir withitl��•d�i}��t�ti�+• the date thc t�ticr, is givett� _
<br /> l�ier is wtho�izacl to callect and a(m!y the praceeds.at its optinn�,.eithrr�ta mstt�miian ar,�cY;+t.ir of the 1'rc�e:ny or to t1►e sums
<br /> stcurcd by this Socurity Instn+rm:nt,whr,tlx:r or ncx thcn due. •
<br /> Unl�.cs Lender nnd Barrower a.tr�:nvise agree ia writing. any a}�plttx►ti�n�of pmret,ds to principal shall nat ext�nd ar.
<br /> postpone the due dat�af ttee mnnthtr pnYmr.nt,9 refcrrod to in parngrn�►hs,l auc12 ar efi%tt�t�xhe arreount of such payments. �
<br /> 11. Ba�rovrer Not ltde�y F�xrr1�A�An�e By Ltixlce Npt a�6!s�iv�r�ErU:nscan;o��RVin time for payment or modification
<br /> of ax�nati'tation of the sw�s sec�ir,a1 bf tlu.s Seeurity Inun►ment gmnttxl by Ixndc+r tn any�becm�ssor in interesi of Bosrawu shall
<br /> not opente to relaso q�e li,�bility of tl�:origint►1 Rozrowtr or 8atmi��«t's sU��rn in iqi[mY����I�e.nt{ar sl�all na[x required to
<br /> cpru�nce prnceedingF ag�inst any sur.ccssor in i�vr�cest or rcfi�se tt�extend dmn fur.�y)�mtrrriiur aii4Yni�WQ�d�fY arrwrtiutiun
<br /> of t�e sums s�wed by this Security Instiumcnt by rcason af any dt:mancl meidt� b�+�tCtn 9rig�nnl Borrower or Hormwer s
<br /> wocessors in interest. Any forbr.aranr.e by l.trnier in eaetGi�ing an��riaht�or.mmexlS�•rhn�l not be a waiv�r of ar pceclude the
<br /> G1t�YiaC vi�'ry'ii�'vi ac.iSwj.
<br /> 12.Sacoe�ue:s aed Asxiy�n B�o�uad;JoAnt pnd Sever� l.i��6il(h,r3�Ccn�1�..,'��ha co�enants ard sgreem�nta af this
<br /> Securiry Insttumera shull binr! and M;nefit thr sucoessors and assi�ns•af,��.�adar.aod,�lu►rnwer. subjcet to the Nruvisiums of ..
<br /> �ws�r�ph 17. Hor�rowcr's oovcnnn�� an�f- ag�se�nn^^�ts shall be jaint aacts�:±:vsrnl.:A.t���•.i3!lr�nwcr w1►n co-si� this SCCUntY . .
<br /> Ip�uumeat but docs �at eaecuta tlw:Note: (a) is co-signing tl�[s Se�riq► Iitstmmes►t.on{�r;lqrhmrtg�g$.$rnnt arW1 conve.y thatt ..
<br /> Horc�ower's intenst in the Pniperty urt�fer tMa tem�s of this Socur+t}r In�tiumcnt; (b)i�nnt�ptrtt�qnally obligated to psy din surtxi '. •
<br /> secured by this Secu�ity instrumcnt;and(c�age�as tttiat Ixnder und any otlirr Aarrrnti�ir�ns��ar�ree to extend, mxl►fy.forbra�r or• ,,
<br /> maiu�ny aocomano�datiuns with rcgara to tlx:terms of this Socuritp lnsnw�xti�.7f�thn I�c�tnlvaxihout th�t Borrowcr's consa�t� :'•;'
<br /> i3.l.wu i:6�es.If tha loott socur+c�J by this Stixuriry instn►mttM�B�ucd;tiitx.�ta.a,lrtN!�which stts m�ximure�IaAn c��xrEes, ���,•,'.
<br /> �nd dmt!aw ia fin�lty interpated so il►�t the interest or otl►�r io�.ch�i��s�"9:iilluctcr�ar�tt�,ix colloctod in connextion.with tMn
<br /> laa�axaood tbe pGrtnitted limit3.th�:n_(a)any such loan chAr��:,hr�ll tin•tkduoa!b)�,tbn�um�Hmt noc�sary to roclux.ttit.�'.�t�a
<br /> to tfie permiqed limir, and(b)any wms alaady wllaxed frorr�Botm►�r,�x Whic:h�exc�le�d�i�;�tlittad limite will be mfi;i�ixl��ta
<br /> Borrawer. I.ender mny ct�xr.�:to mnke tbie ncfund by roducing tt►o prir�a�al'owrxi undttr,,th� Note or by mak�ng A dlext _,
<br /> Payu�p�t w Bomowcr. if a nfun�i ioduccs princip�nl, tho r�urAion ���`,fa� ti�e4tad-'us.�a,partin7 pr+�Ymont•�withnut arry ��.,;: �,
<br /> Pne��Yt�iaK dr�egc uttidcr thc Nou:. ` . • .��'�`�::.��.
<br /> 14.Noticaf.Ar,y noticc tu�xrowcr provided for in this Socurity Insftutrxmt�Ftatnll bt��iit°.�.i 6y delivuit�g it or by m�iling •
<br /> it try firat Class m�i!unless ay�plr�:sb�:c law requins use of�ott�ee md��nd. Thn nnticu shh1C bh�d�tuctad to the Pr�pa'tP A�W�S
<br /> cr my otE�r addres;Bomuwcr dcsigantes by a�nticc to Lrnder. Any nc�tine to I.e.ndur.sl.ip11i33n,gitnszs by first cl�ss mW co ;r::.
<br /> .. l�:t�da�'a address uaeed hcrcin ar any other addxess l.ender dcsig�urtess by nntioe tu 8�mati�wm�a4r���,t�tsillx pa+nvidod for ia this .,.
<br /> Securie�r Instnirt�ent stwl!bc dcemod w lutvc bocn given ta&+rt»wrr or�,txxlr.r x�htrt�givap,��pi�a'<<idasd�in this p�rastip6•
<br /> 1�i5 Gorernie� Law; SevccAO�fiiity. TI►is Securi�y Instrurr►rnL sk►�1)�bb goti,r.mcrl,b�,,Ca�br�C'frw arK! tt�e Irw o[the
<br /> jurisdi�s'tion in which tM:�crty is locutcd. In tM:event tta4 any proti;isaon or clH�i�o of�l�iti::ye+.�}r�4y Inun►mcnt ar the Note
<br /> co�tlicts with applicebte iiw,such.contliet shsll noc affoct ott�er prov�aicros.af tlils Secuiit�►ti�►�cnintirint,�gr the MeKe whic�c�n be
<br /> • yven ef�'ect withcwt thc eunf�iwting p�ovision. Ta chis end cho provisi�nc c►f tt�[a Seean9�yr tmx�u�nrnti�nH ths Not�ar+�dcctyrod'
<br /> . � � Io 6c aeverxblc. ' �
<br /> �l�.Borro�rer's Copy.l6�ower shull be givcn one canformod ompy of Uib Nott:uMt uf tU1e Sk�,"llrity Insdumcnt.
<br /> • Fonn 302� 918D
<br /> � �.•.,
<br /> . � Pp�1 of 9 ..
<br />