� ---. .. � . -
<br /> �.s�+aw ���••_.
<br /> , .a,!?�c . .. f��+.».• _
<br /> i ,�;�.�,... ,,
<br /> � — -.._�.r. �_.�_�- — -�_
<br /> tw.w�fa'!a:!!k . . .,.. . `�.:,c�r..-_.—�__��_—
<br /> ---- -._.. .._ __. .. ..
<br /> /"'�.� Q �4,p11 �"4/��YI V{.T= .
<br /> . ��-• ���.7 .,
<br /> � whirh ��id Ast is, ny thia rs�'mcenee fchdre4:c�� ��i�.�v�°}+f)l•a��vd
<br /> h�rein, and au�d� a part heraof� aa if ful.ly aet out.
<br /> (c) The Tru��ee �ha11 not be requl�red to aake physieal divi-
<br /> aian r�t �he truat property� exceptc wk�ea tzaeassary far th� pur^
<br /> pa�+ee of dietriaution� but may, in the T.rustee'a dieeret,iQn�
<br /> ■aiatain and keep the assets of any seplrate trustm in on�e ar
<br /> wnMA ..�nAnt,i.c�s�ted tru�t fund�. and as to ear� con�olidate�! truat
<br /> . , , ;: ..�
<br /> fund� tbe division fnto. tbe ynri�aus �ha�'es.:�c�Qpr::i:��.a� ��cati truat
<br /> � _ . , . �.. �. . � ,
<br /> • , , F i.
<br /> fund nmsd�.�be made only ii.�?}�:a�t�e�T:�uet��.*r� ��wev�,� ;'ia�' a��ys�r�M�'1�4�. �.n . ,�y
<br /> . . . � � 1 ' t,i ..., �i � '�' 1:"' ' �1, 1�/"_.
<br /> - -.- • �' _ ' . , :-'�{ I�u -�. _ .ti/.� - - . . �
<br /> wtii�eh e�et�:�:�.���i�a���'e tru��, �ha��;�, U�r� ��,�,t,�'�'��d 5��� �,p��+opot�t���a1
<br /> �';•,
<br /> � �, ±� <<,'
<br /> ahare of������he.,pr�:j�'�`ipal ��dncl�� ineome of ttie`:.�;rana4lidated funcl�:,aad .
<br /> shall be eharg�� With it� proportiaaate part of expeasee tt�'rrrsof. ';
<br /> � (d) The tltlee, powd�ra� dutiee and d�ser3ptii4n, her�.n��eaa- � --� •�
<br /> ferr�d upon ths Truats�, aha�1 eont�i.aue, atLer the tert�iiaattion o.t
<br /> � aa� trust ereated horsundec, until tin�►1 di�tribution of the .
<br /> trust� •st�tt.�. '
<br /> (e) in no ��rer�t ahail the benefita froe a quslifi�d�pl�m•
<br /> dofinea by Seetion 401 of the Intern�l Ravsnue Code of 19'���� :
<br /> � paysp 1� to the Truatee �����eundar be appl�ed to the pa��►a���� a�.. ttie
<br /> . � . _-�,,. .,, . ;.' , "•1•.,:`� ,} J . � . , j.
<br /> .esLats L�xea and�or „ad�ainis���e�,�'ve expe�ii�i�.� �Qt �lt,e Gt��I���i��'b �.,.� ':�YS�}�,44 •
<br /> , .. . ' .i:ti b� . n.i' !•j - `1�� . !}!�i.
<br /> rRV�Mi• .�i ,`� . � i �i.' :I . .`'.
<br /> ...: �1. ' . � . . �. ;• ,.�`.,..�
<br /> :. ..- ._ .. . ., - .. - '�i, - -
<br /> (!)":;,.�Upon t�err�inst.�.�an of t,;��;ta truet or a ,�d.�tision �br�•diat�?a- � ,:;<. .
<br /> bution of ths �ruet prineipal, aa trie rase aa�y��ba, tha T�ua�e�±i
<br /> art�s�il hsve the �u�t�ority to diatribute or divide� the trumt� p�,i�n-
<br /> cipal in kind or ia caah, or partlq in kind ank4.;;�artly in c�:e�i:r�:��•
<br /> � . ,
<br /> � ,� � ,t�'.:� _
<br /> . -�.�_ o �y3
<br />