., . .-.-.r..�.,.-�..... •_
<br /> -�mtwvere:t�,am�vw�r,..,.
<br /> .�._'�.,�,�,�..ryi��,ryUs�.,..... . . _.__. ..
<br /> �ii#•'���L�"�.. . __ ___—_ — _--- _ _... ��_——
<br /> i� ��.�'.�.'�'�.��..r��..�..�.�- . '
<br /> ___._.. ._.._. . ...
<br /> ___. . _. ._ . . .
<br /> f�t10K �'�PAS�t��t� E--
<br /> 9�` �.�
<br /> � (4) To borrow fundt� for� thi� truat in aueh aa[our��to and
<br /> for auc�(n pu.rpoae� u� �t�s�l]. �eea► fac� thA ba�at inCex�a�t or Ghia
<br /> truet and th� benefieiarle� her�oi�'� and i�U �ui�c.�iia�e ���o;�or-�y� on
<br /> the eradit o!' thia trust� and, in ecnneetion rrith eueh borrowing
<br /> or au�eh purchane� ta exe�ut�a and deliver pro�ni�r,�ry notoe or
<br /> other eviden�ea ot iadeb�'.adne�ea of thia truet andl to r�orLgaga or
<br /> �ledge a1� or any part o�;' ttas proper�y in thls trunt �n seeure
<br /> payment of euch indebte:dt�t�as, and ta r�pe�y auch indebtedn�sr�e out
<br /> o�' thim truat.
<br /> (5) Ta employ a��nts, legal counael, brokera and
<br /> assistant�, gnd to pay ttiair fee� and expenaes, aa the 'Truat+se
<br /> may deem neeessary and advirxable to carry out tihe praviaians �f
<br /> thi� tru�st. •
<br /> (6) To �vote �.n pez��a.on or by Fraxy any share� of dtoek
<br /> xhieh ma�r tars part ot this ;'��*ust.. � . , � •
<br /> . .;..
<br /> (7). .. To ���F.��nte �ea�i:�,��p�'a���,��:�c��[ i•eceX�a,��.:::a�:��:'�xpenaea.a�;:�..,;�i:.::.,;�•:::�. .
<br /> �. ,',. beLWeen 3.nc��ma ani��„��'�k�e�.�s+�. �,a�tiiig_���bn�i�t�eisb�.�.y�:_���;a;,B�ibRara►- � , ' _
<br /> �'�' graFh (b) of: �t�i�is Pa�z+�grapl�, ;�'�.t�TH. "�,,�, � :;��. . : _
<br /> ;.y;;"`�;' � . � �•�. ; . .:'. �,:�.��.' . '�. . ,,r:��;;,� _
<br /> '`;�;�;.;�"°;ti��,�,`�:;:, (8) To pay, expeng����� oF the G�ranta��'a e�1;a�e wlti�'�';:�.�r�
<br /> � �'�'��''`>.� deduit�ib].� uander SecL•ion 205���st' the I�torn�al Revenu� Code �i;�'.
<br /> °�;,:. ,, �95�1.: � �
<br /> i�� .� �
<br /> �r�► � __---
<br /> (9) GeAersliy, and withaut limitation by �sp�cit�,e anu�
<br /> meratioa hereia, to �anage� �eo�ttrol, operAte� eon�srt, re�onvert,
<br /> inveet� rein��st, eeli� axeha�nge� leaee� e�ort�a��, pl�daa , pnol,
<br /> uni�is� or otd�rwiaa enourber and de�l With th• prop�rty �of td�e
<br /> ' trast� far and ia b�haif or tbi� trust �nd bea��fSciwri�a hor�of,
<br /> aad �n so doins to ex�ret�� the �ud�r��nt and car� uaA��r th� ci�-
<br /> eu�stsn�s• fro� ti�� �o ti�� pre��ilin� wlai�h �n ot �rud�ccm,
<br /> discr�tiace amd int�Yli��aee ax.areiee in tt�• �n���i�nt Qt' t��ir
<br /> oxn �tfair�. rwt ia re�ard to �pseulAtiora, ,but ir� re�Rx�d to th�
<br /> . lon�-t�ra srowth and appre�iation o! th�ir fupds, eanaidsrin� th�
<br /> ineoss ss �rAll ss the p�roDab2� sefety of their eapit�l.
<br /> " (10) Ia nddition to the foregoing� Lhe Truatee la v�st�d
<br /> � xith all of tho�s powara authorized• b�r Arks.na�ee Aete o! 1961 , No.
<br /> �: � 153. S3� OXClµsivs of 3ubper�graph���a through d, vhi�D said Aet ,
<br /> ia� by thia re�ereaea thereto, �.neorporatad herein aad .�ad� a
<br /> ��,.."' , part hereof. ,
<br /> •�;;��., (D) rh�s Trust��e'�sha�.l, in allac�ting tAs varioua it��ra ot'
<br /> ' ' � � reeei,pt� and expenditurda t�.etWeen �rineipal and ineo�e, ��o��
<br /> govarned by ell the provtsioa� of Arkan�aa Aets of 19'�1, ��9a. 318,
<br /> �
<br /> $ , W�Y �N
<br /> �' .� o?�- � 3f%z-
<br /> _ _ _ -
<br /> _ _ _
<br />