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<br /> < � : 6.:$l�s/fi�s�i�o pq a4���P�0►aa�!P�'��tac io thi�a�aei�/e,dht Yai j�/�R at .
<br /> �i��1�T�t��0ll��IEY1�lr i����Il�fp m1aE l����t0�t��W�,<� �:
<br /> � d1rllK��1!�MR n0�!!�1f1�11 b0 MGOl�l��1lt+l�►���r�fIIt4il�Wl�pl�d��i!'!'it!��. ,
<br /> - --_��erfat��P��—e�t�dn� -� --------- ------ _.-�r -�1 - ----. .—__- _ -- - - --
<br /> � � :?, IIPoa reQuest of the�torEp�ee,Yoet�a�or�hs11 eucn�e and dt,�i�er s suppkmeatst aate or notes � :
<br /> . fbr the wm or sutaa advanced by�[or�s�ee for the�lte�atioo,��tian,or imDmvem�nt mt�3e st
<br /> � the Yost�ator's mi�st;or ior maintenanc�oi stid pre�iaea,or ier t�uces or asaes�ments�tai�t tiu
<br /> astn�aad fas any other pnrpoie eLewliere ai�Wo�hed henander. Said note or nates slu�lt I�s secnred � .
<br /> hereDY Qn t psrlty v�ith and as fuUY as ii�he�dvan¢e evidenoed tLereby were inctaded�a tt�e aab Srst � -
<br /> �deacr➢bed ahovs. Ssid tuppkmienW nota or notes a6i11 bar iaterest sti t�te rate pmvided for in�is priit-
<br /> cipai iqdebt�edryes�snd aBaU be p�abk in apP����Y��n�Y PsYments for such pexiod as ms,Y . `
<br /> be a�e�eed npon by the Mort�t��Y�f�r Fu'W�ta a�ee on the assturity.the wl�le of tl�e wm
<br /> or st�=o=dvan�xd ahall be due snd psytWe thirtl (30) d�tys atter demsad 1sy the�[ort=s=� In ao
<br /> - event shait the mstaritq eztend be3�ond tl�e niti'mste msturity oi fiLe note Rrst�deacri'i�e+l above. �
<br /> �. Heh1�b��,��aadi�saettolheltae�e,to�sppliedtowaNtbeP�Ymaatoi
<br /> -- • � the note and ali snms aecnred hereby ia atae of sdefanit in the perfornwnce of any ot the teims and condi- _
<br /> < tious of this mort�s�e or tlie aaid notg atU the rwb,revenuea snd incame ta be`duh►ed irom tiie mort- '
<br /> ° �s�ed Pretnises dtu3n�-auch time ss tbe n►artga�+e iadebtedneas shsD remain unpatd;and the Hort�t�ee.
<br /> = shall have power to appoint�np a�ent or a�enta it m�,y d�for the purpose of reutin�the�rae�u►d cot- r
<br /> - lecti�►B the renta,revenuea ana incoa�snd iE msy p�►3►oat of aaid incomes all necesss�rf►comnaiaaions uld
<br /> - ' e�cpett�es incnrrecl in renting�nd mansginB th� a�me ana of ooliecting rentats�therefromtr the bal�nsx
<br /> rcrostinin�n€sby,to be applied toward the dischsr8�e of.said mort�ss�e indebtedneas:
<br /> S. Se�e�:wjl1 contiaua�i maintinn har�ed "rowe�x. oi wch tqpe os typa aad saau►f� a�
<br />_-- - ` Mo�..nu�.�i tiione to time rcquir� oa tbe impi�a�vemenb now.or Heiaiites oa aod ptani�e�ud;
<br />-�'� �cept whm pa�rtbent for all such�rtmiums br t]tentofore been made under(al o!ptr��tspi�2 he�o�
<br />�:�n�. �1 P�9}►�P�Y wbea due u►y pnemiums tliaelo� Qpon debult�ereo�Mort�ee m�Y P��e wtn� _
<br />,,.u;;; ;. •� All insurance ihaU be caaied in comganies sppmved"iry �►�Mortpagee and ttie policles and x�uwaL' " . ---
<br />';�•� <?; . thereoi�LaU be held bq the Mortgagee and have atwched Wereto las p�►yable.c�ea in fivor of and�ia --
<br /> fona aouept�We tfl the Mart�a�ee. Ia es+ent of tar Mort�o=wIII �ve�med�notice b y mail to tlie� ---
<br /> '''`< Moit�ee. who m�i mate pmoi oi las it aoE m�de PmmpUy bq Mortg�gor,and each inwr�ar�oe comp�nq -
<br /> .. concemea i�he�ebY wU�orf�ed �ad direated to mdce payment tor�ucb las directly to Bse,�[o:tpgee. ,: --
<br />,,�,,�;, in�ead of ta�e�ae�gor and me Mortgagee]aintiR u�d tbe in�urance praceed�,or aap pat theti.w� .. .
<br />,T��_',� msy be�d bg.the Mortpgee xt ita option eitl�er ta tb�e reduction ot me indebtadner hereby�ecueed� :":.. -
<br /> =�;:�;+ os to��'�tor�tticra or tepair ot the PropertY daaitged.In eveat ot to�teclo�ure oi tbis mort�e,or otLes. ..., �
<br /> ..'f. �. .fruvfer oi title to`�e mortp6p'd PIOPeriY in esttnguir(�ment oi fhe#ndebtedness secured hereby,aU � _ �
<br />. � rl�t, tit2e and iatere�t oi tbe Mortg�gos in aud to aqy iaa�rauce paliciea thea in force�haU pa�s to the � .��-=---_-=-
<br /> . ,�_ rt 8 h �'. �::;��,�,,•<:-
<br /> _ -. ,:,. 'Purcharesorgrantee. �. t. _;,�;,:�-.:��;'.
<br /> -: . �3� ' 10. As additional and collateral security for the payment of the note desc�zbed,and all sume to become E • -
<br /> ''� due under this moi�tgage,the biortgagor herebyassigns to the Mortgagee all lease bonuses,proRts,reve- ��•�� _
<br /> nues,royalties.rights,and other benefits accra�in�ta the Mortgagos under aay and all oil aud gaa leases � _.. __ _
<br /> now,or during ti�e life of this mortgage,execated oa»aid premises,with the right to receiveand receipt . . •--
<br /> - for the same and apply them to saed indebtedness as welt t►efore as after default in the conditions'oi this r ��� i
<br /> ` i � moi�tBRR�and the Mo��tgagce m;a�ctemand,sue far and recwver any such paymenta when due and p�►�+ .�-;•���.�`-;�
<br /> .. �" _ . 4 �, abte,huti shall not be required sm to do. This assignment is to terminate and become null and void upan ,. ° :
<br /> r . retease of this mortg�g� . � �:; '' `
<br /> . .,p il. He/�he�ha�Fanc�t comm�itor petmit�►astetat�d shaU malat�n ti�e propertY�a a�good conditian�u at ,`;�;:; '
<br /> ,,,�
<br /> _ . preaent,reasonable�cear and teas'excepted. Upon any failure to aa maintain,Mortgagee,at ita optton, � =`?.`
<br /> may rause��easonable maintena�ce work to be performed at the cost oY Mortgagor. Any amount�p�tid �� t;='_;�
<br /> �'` therefor by l�oi�tga�ee sha11 bear intereat at the rate provided for in the principal indebtednesa, ahstll - =
<br /> thereupon become a part of the indebtedness secured by this instrument.ratably and on a purity with all � � t �
<br /> :�- ; other indeb�edness secured hereby,and ahatl be payabte th�rty (80) days after demand. � - �
<br /> , . � �•: ��u • ]2. ]f the premises,or any part thereof,be condemned under the power of eminent domain, or .
<br />`" �� 1 �����='-t ' acquireci for a public use, the damages awarded, the proceeds for the taking of,or the consideration for �
<br /> r'!:•., . - '�:h�c'�;.;.
<br /> �, , :�.�F;�.•.�.;•� such acquisition,to the extent of the full amount of the remaining unpaid indehtedness secured by this �. ; �
<br /> mortgage� or hereb� assigned to the Mortgagee,and shall be paid forth�vith to slid Mortgagee, to be
<br /> ' �•• �. apP��ed an account nf the last matu�•ing inst�zllmenta oY such indebtedness. ��''�� ,
<br /> , �� 13. lf the �fo��t �ft�►r fails to make any a ments when due,or to ennfo��m to and com 1 wlth sny �
<br />" ;�,.-���,_,. .� K P 3' P Y
<br /> �_�a��'�-'��- of the con�itions or ngreements contained in this martgage, OY thC lt6tC8 tt•hich it securea, �hen the r
<br /> ��� "'=�'�'"����:� entire prineipal sum and accrue� inteyest shall at onee beeome due and paynble. at the elt•etion oi the i �
<br /> .F� I` .
<br /> � -•��- '�- ' Mnrtgagee;and thia mm•lgnge may thereupon be forec2osed immediately for the��hote uf the inde6ted• i
<br /> '. , �����.
<br /> . � nrss hc��eby securt�d, i�tcluding the cost of extending the abatraet of title fi•orn the date �t this mu��t- ,
<br /> ,;�,. , � �-'`' �'°;� guge to the timc of c nmmenrinR Auch suit,a reasonab:e a+,torney's fee,and any sums paid by the Yeterans I �
<br /> • � ���;-:�`� Administratian on account of the guaranty or inaurac�c�of the indetitednesa secm•ed hereby,a})of which i .'
<br /> ' ;:_:'��. shaU 6e inclnded in the decree of foreclostire. . '
<br /> _. j �
<br /> � _ _ _. . _ .. 14. ]f the indebtedne5s secured hereby be g�taranteed or insured under TiHe�A,tJnited States Code, ' .,
<br /> • � such Titte and Regulations issued therevnder ai�d in ef�ect an the datc hernuf ahall gavern the rights,ciuties �
<br /><�,�,���;;' � �� and liabilities of the partiea hpreto,Attd any provislbns of this or other instrume»ta exe�cuteci in connectian �
<br /> � � '. wlth sa3d indebtedness which z�re inconsistent with said Title or ReRUlations are hereby amended to ; ,
<br /> . . contorm thereto. , �
<br /> � � . The covenants herein contained shall bind, and the benefits and advantages shall inure to, thr
<br /> . . . .
<br /> . .. . ,. .
<br /> , . "
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