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<br /> 31�HXvs u�m 7b HoLD�he s�toe nnto the Yort=s�aa i�er�in protride�i. �Yort�asor npa+eaents tA. � �
<br /> ,. � aa�ooreaiuit�with,the Yort�a�ee.tl�t thr l[ostSasar bas�oo�ri�ht to aeil and ooave�ssid pnmi�es:
<br /> th�tAey ara iree.iruaR encambrra�oc.e.xo�Pt as herei�rwiae e+�cikd;th�tt t6e Yort.ptor will wunnt °
<br /> . � , �� • -
<br /> , _ �,,.i � � • . ,��-a►�.. r-t.� � en
<br /> _ — —liw�,�..w��waw� —' *s�.-��l4�l7� s �►i _ �---=__-�
<br /> ------------- ._ _—^ ----�-r—..�_ e � ._.
<br /> all r�of hamate�cl,alt marital rl�l►ts,either in Uw or ia_equity,snd all athec coaRingent interests ot ,
<br /> . - tiu�iort�ss��and�fi�tie"abave-deac�Ibed-�r�se�- � _ . - . .
<br /> P1eo�m,Ai.wrtYS,ind,thest p�ents ar+e e�e�ute8 sr� delivered upon the followinE condit�ot�s,to
<br /> - . �it:-- - - - � `.- .. . � . -
<br /> � Mortjasorazreeatot�sYtothe�ort�eGoroi+der.thea+foresaidPriuctPalsumwit6tnte:estfrozudate�
<br /> a!t�e nte of Ei,ght per cent�m (8.0`'!0?Per annuia on the unpaid t�l�tnce until paid.
<br /> T6t said principsl snd in�erest ahari be payable at the otfi�e of The fquiteble BuiLdang and totn Ass•e. :
<br /> m 6tird Is1s�d. MsO�asks.. . ,or�t snch other piace s�s the haTder af the note ma,T desisnate dn _
<br /> - vnatia�delivered or mailed to the Mortgagor,in montIiiy instailments ot Fi�ra ilix�ad 'Ihirty S�x i 6Q/]OD
<br /> Doilara(;53B.60 },commencin�on the first dsy of June 1 ,19 92,�continnin�on
<br /> the firat dsy of each month thereafter untD said note is fn1Iy paid,except Lhst,ii aotaoonxr paid,the final
<br />� payment of principal and interest shall be dne and psyable on the first dsy of May 1, 2007 :a11
<br /> accorfias to t1►e tertns of A certain Promisaory note of evea date herewith euecuted by the asid Murt�or.
<br /> . The Yort�agor furF�her agrees: - - `
<br /> = 1. A%he w�l paSr t&e indebtedaeis,as herembefore prarided.Yriv�e�e is re�ezred t�pn��y at aay -
<br /> -- tiurte,�rIthout p�mium or fe�the enti�s indebt�edaan or aqy part tl�aeoi not las tl�an the amaunt o!one -
<br /> = inst�ihnent,�tr one hundred dotta�(ilOQ OO��i�a is tea�.Pr�►meat in inII iiaD be credited a►the '=--
<br /> `- — � .datie receirea. Partiat prepayment, ather�►on�msWimeut due dste.need not be cxedlted vnbl tL� � �`v
<br /> -�%. — ndct foilowia�iniWlment due d�te as tbirty days at�er,wd►PnP�9�t,whicheves i�� -
<br /> � 2 Toret6er With,and in uldition tu.the montbly psymenta o!principsl snd intereat payable under� ��i ;,�,;,�,
<br /> th�terma of the note secased hereby,�ortgigor wiU pay to Mortg�g�ee,as traatee.(under the terma of this " �`�"�`TM•-
<br /> _ rtg ve , �`.�;•= -
<br /> ` ` trttst as hercinafter stated) on t�e f�t dsy�oi�h month until aaid note is fully psid: _�=_,��
<br /> , -+=�. ' `
<br /> . r�:;. (a) A sum equal to the ground rents,if any.next due,pleia the premiums that will neat hecome due �_��� �. __
<br /> ` aad payable on policies oi Sre and other hazard it�surance covering tdie mortgag+ed property, - ,
<br /> plu�taxes and assessments next due on the mortgaged property(all aa estimated by the Mort- : :
<br /> �� '� �a�ee,and of which the Mortgstgor is notif�ed) less all aums siready paid therefor divided by - ����� �-��
<br /> �..� - �-riz..;.?. ..
<br /> tiie nwnber of months to elapse before one month prios to the date when such�rowtd renta, < {�-t=. "
<br /> premiums,taxes aad assessments wiIt become delinqueat,sueh snnfs to be held by I[ortga�ee '��-�
<br /> ::..�._;,.
<br /> ' . � _.. . in trast ta paY said ground sents,Premiums,taxes and speciai assessrneata. � -•"����:"�-'
<br /> �, �f: �. � (b) Tfie aggregate oP the amounts payable pursuant to sab�aragraph {a) a�d�pqYable on the � ;�;�" ;� � :
<br /> � - �� ��' ' note secured hereby.shatt'c�paid in a single payme::�each montfl,to be a�ap�red to the follow -
<br /> � ing items in theorder stated: � ` �� t
<br /> '--�- --
<br /> - _ (1) grounci sents,taxes,assessmenta,fireand other hazard insurance preminms; ,. ' , . •-r���
<br /> , - (n) interest on the nate secured hereby;and '�`:-
<br />' '. :.;, ;•.`. (Iti� amortization of the prineipa)of said note. � _='��'
<br /> n,----
<br /> � � Any deficiency in the amount oP any such aggregate monthly payment ahall,unleas made goal � ��"'^
<br /> �.. . . '_�..
<br /> . �� ' by the l�iortgag�s�rior to the due dxte afr�he next such payment,conatitnte ari eveat oY defitult . �
<br /> .s.. , �. +� ` 4-=-
<br /> Mortgagor wiU�ay a late charga not exceed- � ��H
<br /> ', � . •.�';�:: under thia mortgage. At Mortgagees a;�tion, s,-�:�<
<br /> ` -�=-
<br /> ; i;�t.�;�:.. ing fonr per centum (4"/c� oY any inatallment�vhen paid moxe than fiiteeA(ib)daya afterthe . ,-: �,�.---
<br />. � .���� �"�4.�� ' duedatethereoftocover�r.eextraexpenseinvohedtnhandlingdelinquenty�armenta,butsuch � ��_�°
<br /> " ,� -��'�.`� ' "late charge"shall not be�;able out of the pracee�'s�of any sale made to aa�aYy the indebted- _
<br /> . ;,:.�' � �� _
<br /> K'w 1lTIY
<br /> • ` " ness secured hereby,unless such proceeds are sufficientto disek�aa re theentireindebtedneaaand :� �,�,,;�;��__
<br /> . � all proper costs aad expenses secured tfiereby. , ��'�s���� - .
<br /> _ :., , . .., :�'�.::�;=r
<br />.:.,.�:�;':'�'� S. If the total af the paymenta made by the MortgaSor en�der ta}af paragsADh 2 yreceding a1wU . . ' _:�- �
<br /> '��'��''t exceed the amount ot psymenta actualty msde by the Mortgagee as tssastee, for ground renta,taaes and �
<br /> ' �seasmenta or instirance premiuma,aa the case mxy be,sucM ezcess sEzall be credlted by the Mortgxgee �
<br /> . : �- �subsequent D�►ymenta to be made by the Mortgager tor such items ar,a��iortgagee'a option,its tsuatee. � � . , �
<br /> �����•."^°� ���� �be retunded to Morfgagor. If,however,such monthly paymenta s:�a11 not be euflkient to paq a�tch .��`�'�
<br /> _��� -� ..:• ,�, j . .
<br /> ,�.:;;;�e�_ it�tms when the aame ahall become dv�e and payable, then the;uiortgagor ahall pay to the Mortgagee,aa f .
<br /> �' - ° ' � Y . truatee,any amount necessary ta ma�c��rD the deflciency w9th:�fi�irty(30)daya after written notice irom � ;.. .
<br /> ���ti ' the Mortgsg�ee sLting the amount of tlze deflciency�which nat:�may be given by mail. If at any time j , ; � . ,
<br /> ��`�,�'"'��,�'�;; � the Mortgatgor ahall tender to the Mortgagee, in accordance with t�b.��sr�viaiona ot the note aecured E ,;���,,:, '
<br /> � �v��� ��` � hereby, iull yayment ot the entise indebtedneae repre�ented thereby,:i�� �Iortgggee�aa�trnstee.ahall, i � :.�� .
<br /> • '" ;,�`� in camguting the amount ot such.9ndebtedness.credit to the aeconnt of�F:e Mortgagor any credit baTance �
<br /> `� "•`- �'�`J� accwnuLted under the provisions oY (a) of paragraDh 2 hereol. It there ahall he a default under any � � �
<br /> ��� �``=' o!the pmvlaions oi th9s mortgage reeulting in a publlc gale of the premiaes covered hereby, or it the i .
<br /> . .�^..4ii.'.i: ' . . �
<br /> � � - - _ - I�ortgagee acqnire�the yroperty otherwiae ait�r default, the MorEgag+e�e�,as traatee, ahall apply,at the ; • .
<br /> � � ��;��3����-�� time ot the commencement of auch proceeding�,ar at the time the praperty ia otherwlae acquired, the • � � �;
<br /> � �•.�.:�:,���'� amannt then remsi�ing to credit the Mortgsgor under (a) of paragraDh 2 precedi»g,aa s credit on the ��. �
<br /> �. inf,ereat accrued aa8 unpa9d and the balance to the�rincl�ral then rem�inlag unpsid on asid note. ; ' .
<br /> � 4. The lien o!thia instrument shall remairi in fuU iorce and eftect durJng any postpo»ement or exten- - �
<br /> � . ' . � sion oi the time of payment of the indebtedness os anv nartthereof aecured hereby. .
<br /> � � � b. He/ahe xIU pay sU ground renL, taxa. a�searmmL. water ratee, aad othes governmental or • '
<br /> .. • : municip�l charges�finee.or impaitian�,Ievted upon rtid premi�sad that he/ahe w1U psy all taaces levied �
<br /> . . �..v�� upon thL mort�e.or the debt,secured thereby.tagether wilt1�any other taxes or mce�mentrwhich m�y .
<br /> :. � '
<br /> -- ---- -- _—.=_ . be Ierl�.uadet the�aw�ot Nelrr�k�.�gainet the Mort�saee, or the 2ega1.halt�e�of�id p�lncipd nate.on '
<br /> ' • . account ot this�lndebtedne�, dccept when payment for dl auch if,eme has theretotare been made wider(a) _ ____. , -�_.�__.
<br /> . �. ot ptra�pb 2 henol,md He/ahe w�11 prdmptlY delives the digcial rPCeipb therefor to the Martg�gre.In _
<br /> . , . . . � y deiwt�there�ai the Ma�tgagee m�Y P�1Y tba same. .
<br /> . . . . . '_ . .. _._ . . ._ _ .. ... . . .... .... .. . . . . _. _ .. . . _. _ ._ . .. _ . . . , . i .. . . . ..
<br /> :j.: .
<br />