- - -� °---•-- - - -- - -.._. . ._ .. ....------ ----- -- - ---- -
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<br /> - —_�--= -- = - -- ' v- -—� - -=---'�
<br /> �_ . . ' . ` .".".. — . . _.._^ . .
<br /> _ ...t��..�.=�.a�wL� �` , . ` ' ' 1 �. ' ' _ ' ' . . ` < Z_� `�� —�Y��� �
<br /> , . • - . !E 1� �C��!�-�1�BO!!��l.I��OT 911y�Of�p[OQ�[1St af�IIy,+wr`G"..`° - . .
<br /> 1� � �S
<br /> � T��O�Or Ll�IifClf�(0�1�t�1�`�II gOti�OWEE�S SQ�Ot����S QOEBu SIl111'S ��
<br /> �' Ltnder s p�tlac�rrittea oa�t. Leuder mry:.at its.apion.�=if exexcisa�s pmld6ited by fakral law as of tLe dite
<br /> � ;Security i ro h a m e n t.H o w e v a,t h i s o p ti o n s h a ll not be exes��ccisad b Y .
<br /> ' otshis:Seauity tmau�r- , � :
<br /> _.
<br /> _-_ __.—T-- - - -ir.�.a.E.��:�d�icmtia�Isndec�ll RiYe Borrowe.�notia of acceterddion.Tht naicc sball pravide a p�iod,of not _ _
<br /> �. '!as tl�ut 30 dsys fro�n-tLc dats thc�not�ae s d�div or - ''- - ga�t���ns-��-b��kis=�-- -
<br /> �ri���:_�go�y��-�t���Y�e sums prior m the expi�tion af tAis periai,l.ender may invoke any cemod'us
<br /> p�itted by,ihis Sewrity tacuu�nt without fuNur natic�ar demand oa Borrowec.
<br /> is. Eortowe�s �t to Rd�+tata If Borrower a�oets cettait� coaditior�s. Borcower si�al! have the rig6t to have
<br /> �of this Se�rit� Inutua�t discuntitu�ed at�ny'time Prior w the earlier uf: (a)S days(or svch otl�er period a� .
<br /> apQticable law maY spccifY for zrinsntert�ent)before s�te of tlte PraP�ct�'W�s�ni t°a� P�we:of sata�a�iaed-Ist d�s
<br /> � � Sxurity I�unme�•ar(b}e�Y of a judgmeaa enfoning this Sewrity lastzuument Those conditions ac�e that Borrower:(a)PaYg
<br /> Leoder alE sums wliich thrn wonid be dut w�der this Savsiry Iasuuma�t a�[I the Nae as if no aa�lelatioa had axumd:ti�)
<br /> ntres any defauIt of any othtr oovenants or agroements:(c)PaYs all expenses incurted in enfcsrcing this Security.it�stnuneni.
<br /> inclodina,6ut unt timited ta.�sonabie attarntys fees:and(d)tsioes sucb acuan as l.ender may reasonably mgwre to assure
<br /> that th�lien of tbis Savricy Iiuuumrnt.I.encler's rights in the Propertx aad Borrower's obligatiion to pay the�as��
<br /> this Scarity Insuu�nenc shal! wnt�e unc6anged. Upon re�t 6p Borrawar. this Seeucity lnsnvment
<br /> abligatioas secured MebY shail mnain fuSly ef�'xave as if uo xceler.�don had occurnd. Huwever.ttus right to neinstate shall
<br /> not appiy in the case of accetera[ion under para8tapb 17..
<br /> i,. S�I�at Nat�Cb�e d Loa�t�Serrias: Tde Notc oc a pa�tial interest in t6e Note (mgether with this Socuritg
<br /> - ' I�urt�)may be soW a�e or more times w�tha►t prior aotice to Bormwer.A sate may res�lt'in a chauge in the entiry(known
<br /> � a4 ibe"Loan Suv�cer"?Wat coltects monthly paymeau due�inder the Nate aad ibis Sec�nty tnstr�men�There also may 6e one
<br /> � Su
<br /> or more chaoges of the La�n Servicer unrelated to a sate of the Note.If ti�e is a change of the Loan Servicec•Borroa'er W+�tl be = .
<br />°_�� given wriurn mtice of the chaage in acco�nce with paragiaph 14 abov�and applicable law.Tt�e nudce wifl state the narr�e and
<br /> � addtess of the new Laan Senricer and the address to wh�ch payments should be made. 'Phe uot�ce w-�'U alsa contain any oUxr
<br /> infamratiosy reqnired by applicable taw. yrtora e,or release of an
<br /> Z0.H�u�ardo�Substanoes.Borrower shall�not causc or permit the Presence.use,disposai• S Y
<br /> -- � pa�acdous Substances on or in tlie Propeity. Buaower sball not do, nor altow asiyone eise to do,aaytbing affecting tl�e
<br /> _- pi,npetty ti�a[ is in violation of any Environmental Iaw.Tbe preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence,use,or
<br /> stoiage an the Prapetty af sma11 quantities.of Hazardous Substances that ace gtnerally recugniud to be apprapriate to nom�al
<br /> residential uses atd to maintenance of t6e Property. --
<br /> _ - ' Bumo���ba11 pmmpdy give Lender written notice of any investigation. claim,demand,lawsuit or other action by any . �-:__
<br /> "' govemmenta�"'�i'egulatory aBencY or private party involving the Property and ai►Y Hazatd°°s Sabstance or Enviranmental Law -�_
<br /> of which Bo:�o�'ar has actual knowled�e.IF Borrower leams, or is aotified by any governmental or regalatory authoriry.that ��
<br /> "` any remova!��:�ther remediadan of any Hazardous Substance affecting the Property is necc.csarY.Borrower s6all promPdy talce .
<br /> � `� all necessary�r�ial actions in accordance with Envimrunental Law. .-�°�-�-
<br /> As useG.in this parag�aph 20. "Harardous Su6stances"are those substances defined as toxic�or hazardous substances by �,f�T_
<br /> E�ironmental` I.aw and i�following substances: gasaline. kerosene. othec flammable or wxid petroleum products, taxic � -
<br /> �icides and herbic�des.wa��.�e solvents.materi a ls containing as b e s t o s a r f a r m a l d e h y d t.a n d r a�i i a a t t i v e m a t e r i a l s.A s u s e d i n �--_
<br /> aa;s paragraph 20. "Enviromii�ntai Law" means federal laws and Iaws of the jurisdi�tion where'the Praperty is located that .:�;;,�,�,.�
<br /> � ieiate to heair�;safetY oe cn�sroi�me�sat gmtection. . � � '� . ..��x'_''"�
<br /> ' NON-[,'lV'�RM COVENANTS:�osrower anct Lendcr further co4enant a�!a�as f�iItirvs::s .:+��, '
<br /> _ .�_�,. ' . 21.A�n,Remedies.Lender sl�all give notice to Borr+nRa prfor to aitxteratioa fdkiwing Borrowes's brestch . ' ;:" ---
<br /> 08 Any coven�ant or agreement in this Securlty Instrument (but ao't prtoe ta adceteration ander pnragraph D7 wrte�v
<br /> � � � ' �licabte law pr+nvides otherwise).TUe notice�iwll specify: (a)the defantt;(b)the action 'reqnired to cs�n�the detault;
<br /> '� ' #c)a date,not iess thar►30 daYs trom the date the noNce is fiiren to Borra�rer,by whicb the detautt mt�t be cnretl:and ��'=�
<br /> ;.ug:'--
<br /> ��� �� (d)tlwt taii�e'to cure ihe detautt on or betore the date specified in the notice may resuit in accelecatiun ot the sums . _�
<br /> `•;;�;; ,�ured by ti�s Securlty Instrument and 5ale ot the Property.The notice shall turther intorm Borrowee ot the right�tu •;^�,'�
<br /> � r " reins�te aft�erscce�eration and the rigbt ta Dring a court action to acgert !he non-extstence ot A detauU or any other _ __-__
<br /> defenge oi Bosrower to aooei�at�on and�e. It the detaatt is not cured oa or betore the dute specitied in the notice. � --_
<br /> - ! i,ender,pt;ty apt;on,may require immediate pay�ment in full of all sums secural by this 5ecurtty lnstrument witl�out _-
<br /> • ���' [urther demand and ms►y inioke the poaer ot sate an�t any ather re�nodi�s permitted by appiicable taw.l.ender shall be .. � � _—
<br /> . ••.• entitted to cd�ecf a0 expeat4es incurrec�in�nr:suin�the remedies provided in lhi.4 para�rnpb Zl,includin(�,but nat limited ��'v�_.�
<br /> "`�% to,reasonable attorneys'iees and costs aT titie evidence. • �`� � "
<br /> � ,.: .,� �.,r_�
<br /> � ;�' ��S°�•`t°" II fhe�wer of s�ale is invoked, Trostee shall record a�once oidefault in each connfy in whlcb sny part o!the �' �=--
<br /> ' 1" ' *=
<br /> Praperty 1s tacated and shall maii copies of sucb notice in the manner pr�cribed by appli�able law to&►mower and to
<br /> ' the ather person.g prescribed by applicable law.Aites tise time required by appliceble law,Trustee shall pire public notice �1:- .��__
<br /> o!ssde to the persnns aad in tl�e manner prescribcd b�`appticable law.Tru.�tee,witix►ut demand an Borrawer,sh�tl sell . ;
<br /> ' ' t6e Prapert4 at public auction to the highesi bldder ai the Nme and p1�ce and under the terms desig�wted in the notke of • : � �_—-
<br /> n,.{ sale in one aa'more parcets and in any ordee T�.�tee delermines.Truvtee_may postpone snle ot all or any parcel o!the ::�"`�,.��_
<br /> � � Froperty b� �bltc s+nnouncement at the time and pZace of an�� greviousty srhedufed sale. l.�nder or i�v des(gnee may �� • ,,�;�„t�,;,.
<br /> ; :"-� r puncha4e the PiropeRy at�ny sale. �4,•,;:, •r;�,'` r
<br /> � •��; _ - � ; .
<br /> . •;y � :;J: i1S:�t�. . "�. .
<br /> ' ''.;s:,� ,;�:_'. Form 3028 9180 ; ,
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