�;����� ' : � � , °_
<br /> � �-- � - . . - - , - ,_ � -_-_- , - - �
<br /> t�.t:e� �� - ,. . . � . , � : . = � � `� : . , � ; !� 9�--Jo,�o� .
<br /> -� � - oo ae �t me aE t�kr if mo�tp�e- ut i6c acoomc aaa fa ti�p�a' -
<br /> - `Py'ie��r lao�ec �e9nire� _ aption < , m�ce oovai�a�
<br /> . _ t1�t t�rf�r �tNita?F���'9��R�'�'��Y,��bxomea avu'lable�u!u ab�aiaed.Haio�rer�iWt p�r -
<br /> ' �P�.�iO��°�f�i�r�oae in e�Ct,or to provide s Wss e�serve,unW�die zequi�a�ait f�mat�e
<br /> �st�i�oresds fs aaa��lioc�t�rifh any wri�eo�eanaet bet�aen Bomowa aad I�der ar applira6it Iaw. : , .
<br /> — -- � ' �--��._ � ' andia�eotia�ofthe_Bm�x�v�_�.�--- --
<br /> < Baevwer mtia�the tiaie of or priu�s to�n impection speeifyI�c�easomble causc for the in�pxtion. . �
<br /> `-- �--'_�f:Cu■dsi■rite�Tfie pra+eeds of s�ny-awa�d ar ctiim far d�,dinct-or oa�sequmdai.in c000ection arith�g-- - �
<br /> 000dmip�ftion oc�her 1�lcins,of apy pu�af the Prvpaty;or fa camrrya�m liw of oandano�tion.ue hereby�ssi�od�od .
<br /> sh�ll be p�id ca t,ender. .
<br /> -� ta ibe eve�of a fo�al tainng o�t�e Piogetly.tbr pnaceeds s6ali be�pC�ed to tt�e sums sa,vned iry this Seauity L�ummt,. ---
<br /> -.; wLetLer or not t6eo due.with sny esoesc ptid w Bocrawer. Ia.the evaot of a putiat talciag of th�Pmpe�ty in whieh t!K fiir
<br /> m�rlcet vatue of t6e Properiy iaunediately 6efoce the taTang is alaal to or grater thu►thc amount of the suma saa��ed Dy diis -
<br /> Soca�ity Inwameat ia�medi�tdy befo�e the t�icing.unless BorroNer aad L,ender otherwise agroe in v�riting,the sutm secun+d by
<br /> this Saariry I�m�ait a6d!fie.raduoed by,tbe amount of the pr+a�oeds multiplied by the following frarstion: (a)tl�e total
<br /> an�oant of the sme�secmed immedi�dy before 1he[aiciag>divlded by(b)the fair msricet valoe of tLe Pm�pe�ty immadiatety
<br /> .6efor�e tbe talring. My hdaooe sh�l! be paid to Boimwer. In the evert of a putial talna�of ti�e Pcoperty inwhicb tbe fsir
<br /> � mulr,et value of tLe Pmperty iunnediately befone the taking is less than ihe amoant of t6e snms,socuad imme�i�tely befote ibe .
<br /> taking.unless Barrower amd L�ender atherwise agrx ia writing or unless apptipb2e iaw otherwise pmvides.t6e pmoeeds aMll �
<br /> � be applied tatbe sums secar�ed by this Savrity 1ffiuument whdber or aa t6e sar�ane tlxt►dne.
<br /> If tbe Pmperty is abandoned 6y Borrowu,or if.afttr naace bg LendeF�.��aia�er.t6at.the coademnot offas w malre am
<br /> awud or se�a claim foc d�nages.Borrower fai�to t+espon��;�'�.�=���`r s.'�Rer tbe d�te the notiat is given,
<br /> I.ender is�ori�d to aollax and appi�:ibe pe�oce��at its�e=.ti�er�i�st�,.r�a`�r of the Pr�perty or w the s� � ;
<br /> socured bjr this Soc�mry InsUnm�t,,whetBer or n64:i�`tl�e::�, �.:°;�.-• .``:''::i::;;.:-�:��.�` :� ,'.-,,,
<br /> Unfess Lender and Bamwa aRherwise ag�ee ip�wri�g;:',�.:s�QP�Ic�.Ysf'pcnceeds[o pcinci�'.r�sai#nat exta�d or �.
<br /> postpone�e�due date af the rtwnthly p�yments referiad to in p�.l aad 2 oi chaage the amount of sucL payma�ts.
<br /> il.#rri+nwer Not Reka�ed;�'aii�ara�oe By I�nder Mitt�'flr�va Extension of the time for paymant or modifs.�u'an
<br /> ::';.,. oi�unortiza�on of the sort�s scwrod.b�tbis Seearity Incuument�:by Lender to aay successor in int�t of Borrowu shall
<br /> -- —�`.�;�. .�, not_operate to r+etease the liabiGty o��e original8orrower m BoiSrcai¢r's saccessors in iaterest:LtMer sl�all not be cequired to
<br /> _— -: .'=� wmu�eo�pracoodings againct any successor in interasi or refiue to extend tiiffe for paymznt�r otherwise�fy amortization . � ,
<br /> _ = ` -� of the sums serured by this Sauri�}t lnswment by n�on of apy demaad�made by the original Borrower or Bomnwa's
<br />-� •.successprs.in interest.-Any fozb�araa�:by Lender in ercercising acip rig6t ar remady shali a�be a waiver of vr preclude the -
<br /> -- ' . eaa�cisea�any right or�mody. �... .,' ,
<br /> -_ . �:Suoiae�sors and Assigag Bound;Jdnt Aad Severnt'f.ia6Wt9.Co-signe�s. The covenants aud,agreanents of t6is .
<br /> • .:�e�uricy instrument shall bind and benefit the suc�,�ssars and assigns of Lenda and Bonower. subjecar t�z•ihe provisions of
<br /> - �° 'puagrap[i]7. Borrower's covenants�and agnemen`.s s5a11,be�oint and several. Any Borrower who aa:s"sgns this Savrity � ,
<br /> ��� t�tnimem�but does not exeaite the Note: (a)is ca-si�t�i$s Security Irutrument only to mortgage.graat and convay that
<br /> - Bormwec`�Eaterest in the Property a�zder the terms of t}us 5e�i�y Instrument;@)is not persanally.obligated W pay the�tuus
<br />,���, sccured fsy t�"rs Sewricy Irfsstrumeat;and(c)agree.s ti�t Lender:,�amr otlxr Borrower may agcve to exund.modify.forT�ri or
<br /> ___ malce any acca�s witb regard to the terms of this Security instrument or the IVote without that So�sarer's consent.
<br />:�,.� 13.I.aan Chwges.lf the laan sacured by this Security Instrument is subjoct to a law which sets maximum loan charges.
<br /> �� and that!aw is finally interpreted so that itte interest or other loan charges caltected or to be collected in canneciion with the -
<br />��-=f:- loan excee.t tbe permitted limits.then:(a)any such laan chazge shall be reduced by the amouret aecessary to reduce the dt�e
<br /> �` w the permiaed limit:and(b)any sums aiready callected from$orrower which exceeded pe�rtCed limits wilt lie refunded to
<br /> -=- 'Borrowec. l�endcr may choose to make this refund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or b� matcing a direct
<br /> -_ �:.��paytnent to Borrower. If a refund nduoes principal, the reduction wiH be aeated as a partial pr�w-.�ent withovt msy -
<br /> �- - � prepayme�a charge under the Note. =
<br /> , i�tiotices.Any notice to Borrower provideQ for in this Security Instrument shall be gi�en 6y dellvering it or by e��ing `
<br /> - it by firs�eiass maii unless appllcabie law requires use of another methad.T6e notice shall be directed to��e Property Address • _.
<br /> - : or any other address Borrower designates by notice to l.ende�. Any notice to Lender shall be given by first cla�s mail to -
<br /> - . I.cader's sddness stated Piereln or any other address Lcnder designates by noti�to Barrower_ Arry nocice provided fos in this
<br /> ``� 5avrity Iz�st�vmen!shall be deemed to have bcen given to Borrawer ar l.ender wtren given as�rovided in this paragtaph.
<br /> �-`�" IS.Geverniaa l.nw; Sevaa6�tity. Thls Security Insuument shall be goti�emed �S? f�deral law and the iaw oP the ,
<br />;.�- '' jutlsdictian in which the Property is located.ln the event ihat any provision or clausc of this Sccurity Instrument or the Note
<br />_:'_:; aonfllcts with applicable law.such conflict shall not affect other pravisia�s af this Security instrument or the Note which can be =
<br /> , given effect without the conflieting provisian.Ta this end the provisions nf this Security Insvument�nd the Note are declared
<br />� - ro be s�eEc�abte.
<br /> I6.Borrawer's Copy.Bonawer shall be given one rnnforrt�«t copy af the N��te and nf this Security InstrumeN.
<br /> � Form 3028 9/80
<br />,��- �. � vapoaofs
<br /> .
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