. Lz'_...3�a��..__��.i � � . ' . ,. G t ` a . ., . ' .l.` � ' �� C L�
<br /> . .4 � ` ` . . � ' � �. . . .. ` � ��„�`�f/�P.�7�l�.�_ "' __ ,.C_
<br /> _ <,�
<br /> . � . A�... . � �. ,. � i . . ,. . .. . . _. :� .. - . .�_- `- ' . :-.•. ...r- . .z. � � c . _ ..
<br /> � ' ����iQ���������:: . _ . .
<br /> ... � - pe�io�Wt l.esder�eqriia: Mr�ie1� !f�oeivw�r l�ii�b�i�qi�oanaa�e d�c�+6�e�ab'�e,t;eni�r'!q`aj ..
<br /> app�oka!�+iiicM aWt�ot bt_�e�1l� M� ��r,���,: . .
<br /> , t�derlc aplioR,cbti�caMer�e a P�ti l��3���� �� lyde a�a�A[+�e1w�e•`f.�ii! L� ti
<br /> _ _-�---. � -- - --�:�s�;..at�i..�-_.��ar�r��.0 be.caeat�Nie to i�dRr�ed a�.ii�� ,�� —_ _ _ _
<br /> , , ab�t itYtthe risM to boid tpt�?iwxs �tLe trtet of bss.Baiiowa si�alE�ive pe�'���t6e iu�r�ncs csnier aMl .
<br /> rrotic�s.
<br /> - �fp��e�uii�a�s�� , .. ' � ;
<br /> . ianaer t;md����or�osn if ooc m�a�pr�mpuy by<Bonown �������,of ,
<br /> sn
<br /> � ` iTaiess l.�eeder sd Bam�r+ex utl�vrise apa in wntioE•�ce Pa'eeds i;`not i�sreRed. jf 11�e
<br /> _ _�p�p�tY das���at,if t1+�.�°���� fasiMe aod Lender3 secwiq '
<br /> . re�or�ioo ac:epir ts aot ecoaamicsllY fsisibie os Lendet3 secunfy wbufd be lessened.ilre ir�`P�'�`�� —
<br /> appliod W t6e sa�:soCU�ed bY t�is Secvr►�Y I�uirrcnt.wlkil�er or n01 dlee due.with�r e�ccess p�id b Bafowes. If:
<br /> g�u�rQ�pdoes die ptopeity.or does nat answer vrithin 3(!da3rs=trotice f:oen Leoder t�t th�iasu�eee¢arriee h�e �
<br /> offeiod to sNtk a claim.thrn l.ender ma,Y mliect t�ins�xance p�aceods- L ender msy use du pinceed�ta repir ar�es�ores .
<br /> -• dr�pmpetty ar to pa�sums securod by Ihis SecuritY Insmaoe�.wbethec a eot then dur. '�bt 30�dag paia�will b�Ei�wl�rt
<br /> tbe notice is givert.. �_� m wsitinS��nY app�ic�°°�P�eeds to principat s1�a11 not t�Mend or , .
<br /> Unkss Lesder�td.Bamwer aahewiso agree� -
<br /> die due�te of We mo�qhlY P�Y��ferreA to ue p�agraplt�i aed2 oc ciian8c d�e o�aow�t of the PaYm�s.�8
<br /> ue�p�ragrapl�21 tbe Pt�oQe�tY is accNi�ed b]'��•�Q�O�ver's rigHt to aay insuc•rk-e pol�c�es and procads. .
<br /> — from aamaSe ta the Ptoperty pria W the acquisi�r�dalt Pass to Lender to the auem of ihe sums secuted hy this Securit�r �
<br /> �11MIC�1�1Ctjl�flUf Gl f21C aCQ11LSIU0fl•Mirltli�C! 9� pC'0�l�IQi 0��! �+ aY�TORCr�S�.011! �i �
<br /> `• ��}'+ �C513�IS�t.31id USC f11C P1�OpCfl}+
<br /> _ ���� ��w���� �s Borrowa's•prirripal t�esidence within siaty dajrs ai3er
<br /> - the exavtion of this Secusity tu�eat aud sinll continue to ooeapy the PropectY as Banower's principai residence tbr at
<br /> - � kut aoe yeu aftec tt�c dat�: �=vccupancY. unk�s l.endeF dMwise �BKes in �vriting; rrhich caosent sErrll not be
<br /> �eason�My v�ridd�eld:.`at�mles.�exteauating circumstancts exist which ate beyond Hoirowei s conmoL Borto�w���1#
<br /> -_ - �s[�uy�d�maga or ti�ur the Praperry.altov�r tfie Ptaperty to deteriorate,a cortunit waste on the P�'nperty.
<br /> - be in defanit if any fafeiwre actia�or Pmcoeding,whether civil or criminal.is begun t6at in 4.ender's goad faith judgrr�enc
<br /> �he lien croeaited b this Securiry Insuument�or
<br /> -` . cauld..c�CSU11 in forfeituce of thc•Fr_vpenY wr dherwise materialty impa'v Y .
<br />- l.e�►di��security inte�est. Bomntve�m�y cure sucha default and seinstate,as provided in parograph 1 ti,by causing the action
<br /> - �x or p�ing to be dismissed wttfta raling that.in I.ender's gaod faith detertnination.precludes forfeiture of the Borrower s �-_—_
<br />. inteiest'in the Ptop�rey or other�iiaterial impnument of thc}iers eieated by this Security Instc�neAt or t.,ender's security �:-=—
<br /> L � . = P� g �• p ave matetiall false or �''""=
<br /> �� interest. Bomua�':�ball aiso b� in defuult if Boirrower. durin the loan � hcation racess, g Y �-��`
<br /> �r,�-
<br /> inaccmat�infocm�ti`�a�5����o Lerider(or failed m provide 1-eader witb atiy rr�aterial information)in connection with �'-_�
<br /> � the toan evidence�i'..t"r}::.fhe.Nate,incl�tding, but not lunited to. repcesentatiops conceming Borrower's accupancy of the ���;
<br /> �,��. �f ,
<br /> ���-: �a �pt�'.[f this Security]n_�mettt is on 3 teasehold,Horrower s ha l l camp ty wi t h a l t t h e E s r ovisions r_,��,.,
<br /> �4�k Pn�P�.... .
<br /> s,; ���; �go�py;;��qiinre��"re title to che Prapercy.the teasehold and the fee titte shal!nat merge unless�d�a8rees �_s���
<br /> i;: td�si�eiger in wrd�titr- ' . .� .. �� -
<br /> �r;� : : ,7. protaNajr i�Leader`s RigUts in t6e PropertY• If Bamawer fai{�:to perform the covenanGS and aSreemen[s �' t .-'
<br />- ,, - , - �. contained in this Sei�rity Insirumenb or the��s �tegat proceeding that may signi6cantly affect t,enders rights in the ',�,_•,_-.<_�,-
<br /> , - . Pcoperty(such as a prxeeding in banktuptcy.probate.for condesnnatinn or furfe�wm or ta enforce laws or.regutations),then �+;-
<br /> �'-.=.—
<br />. - �''*� Leiuf�znra y do and p ay for wha[ever is neces�ary to protect the value of the Pwpeny and l.ender's rights in the Prope�ty. . r�M;. _
<br /> �.�.'�. �l.e���actions may mclude paying any sums secured by a lien which has priority over this Security I n s t r u m e n�appearing
<br /> - in cCUii.paying re�sanabte attomeys fees and entering on the Praperty to make repairs. Although Lender may take actwn _
<br /> _i� undet��tis paragrd�'ti 7,1-ender dces not h:�ve to do so. .
<br />