___..-_- ;-- -- - - .. . - - - --------- -- - -- - -- _
<br /> rf�. �,. � � �.}, `, _. ` .c_,,: `tl_
<br /> -, =r- _-- _ - — .- ' -----_ �,_�.�. _
<br /> �; � - - - ��___ `. - ' ` _ _
<br /> - -.�1 -. _.E _i . �. : � _ � . ` . � � - 92.- ,�D � �
<br /> � � ` ���y-m;w���,;�i,�e����,�����r,����a°co���
<br /> ��, drt I,mda' requins)P�ov�ded bX an in��PP��bY I�*��availabk aad is a6tsine�l.Homnvira sL�tt pay ' � .
<br /> < ` ��i�s,t�quimd w m�in�n mort�e i�aiaooe ie�effeet.or to p�uv'dc a toss�rrseni�,untit thc�t for mort�ge .
<br /> i�u�ooe.eads in aoaotdsno�`wid►aaY wrritten�graar�at bctwan Bol�wer tod Leadtt or'appiita�ble law. �
<br /> ., . ,
<br /> _ __� ---� •--=-—�±_--�=,p;-;,.-�i�-��-t�����sa�t ea�ci'rs=sFoa�;insPbet�ons��=��=--- ---- : ----- - -_
<br /> - • . v��
<br /> ��- . ._ __
<br /> � Hoavwer notioe at the time ofo[prior to aa i�pecaon specit�rin8 t�q�t c�C ��10�- ..
<br /> 1�.C,a�de�tWios.T6�pca�ods of any awa�d or ci�im for datnagas.dicect o�coas�queaui3l.-in.ponnection with a� -
<br /> , ooridemo�n os ott�er talring of any put of tUe Propercy,or for convey�oe i�s tiar of cnndemnation,are hereby assigned aad
<br /> s6a11 be p�d to Lender. � � �
<br /> . In tbe event of a tataj taiaag of thaFooneitY•tha pmaeo�sis�li�e agpl'sed t�the sums seauea bY�his Senuin`In�me°f� _ - --- -
<br /> wbetber or mc tlsen dae.with any excacs ptid to Borrower. In t6e event of a partial`taidng of the Propercy in which tbe fair .
<br /> � � market valne of tbe Propaty immodiatety ixfore the tatcing is alual to or gmater than the amou�of the sums secured by th�s �
<br /> Socptity'IaStnimient immediately before tbe talcing.untess Bormwer and Leades atherwIse ag�in wri6ag,the sums seaued by .
<br /> `' tLis Soatriry it�stranxnt shall be reduced bY tha amnunt of d�e.prnceeds multiplied by the foflowing frrction: ta)tix total �
<br /> . . a�noont of tLe sums secu�od immediately befort thrtaking,divided bY�(b)the.fais aiarket value of it�P�operty immediatelY .
<br /> • 6efone the tating. My 6�tanoe si�all be ptid to Bomuwer. In the eveat of a.partial talciug of ihe PropenY in which tbe fair
<br /> - mattd vatue af the ptopetiy immedi�tely befone the iaiung is less tl�an the amount of tha snau sa�red immediately before ihe ,
<br />_- tal�ing,udess Bortuwer and I.ender othcn�nse ag�ee in writing or unle�ag�plirable law'othawise Provides.tUe proceeds sl�all� �— - ---_-
<br /> be appliod to tbe sua�securcd by tUis Securiry Iasvurt�ent whetiier ar mt the sums aze tljen due. � :. , `� • __
<br /> _-= If the Prope�is abandened by Bormri'er:or i�aftu,�tice bY Lender ta.Borrower tt�ac the:''�,�,*+!+r o�£e�s to make aa --
<br /> --- awu+d•.or:r�tt,�.�",a:�aSm for damages, Boriower fails to t�to I.ender within 3{h i�'z�s��ir��°.tt���,is given, —_ --
<br /> -- �� L�en��.�s's;a��.���o coltect asi2 apply tije proceeds.at i�sw^s��:.eid�er to restar�it�t�'�--�s��o��ae'_�ropC�F:�to the sums =____
<br /> setui�fi�a...�,�aa.:�iit�InctrUaicnt.whether or not then due:, ° : . .. ' ':. ,.,s ;. . :..;r' • =" _
<br />--_ — � E,^„��"c and Borrawer othecwise agree in wr{ting.�anY �eatiion of�.5'�}�'-�iPal s6a11 nat eztend as, .�.�,'� � �
<br /> ���se d�siate of the monthly payments nfernd to}3�i�rageap�.c'1 and 2 or c�,��te�t of sveh payaumts. �• ___
<br /> Ror�nwri 1Vot Aela�sed:Foxbauan�e BY I.ender.�144�p Waiver.Extensio::c¢,�time for paymerrt or modifiFation ��-
<br /> -` of�tuartization of the snms secured by.this Seca�rity Instaum�[granted by}.ender to�auy��xessor in interest of Boaower s�hall �r.�F�
<br /> .;`• mt operate to relsase the liability of the original�Borrowes:di Borrower s successors iiz;ir�t�es�3.e�:r shaU not be required to ��� -�
<br /> a , ��•.�'_.y�
<br /> � � cammence pra�edings against any successor in interest or refuse to extend time for payaient or a�* ,�wise modify amortization _�a;,._:.":_�
<br /> � of the sums socti� by this Secarity tnstrument by reason af any demand made by the origiiml Borrower or Borrower's ;;`,'^ .- .•
<br /> im
<br /> suo�'s`.sors iri interest. My.forbearance by Lender in exesti:�sin�aay right or remedg�atl not be a waive�of or preclude the .;=;-•�=.�''�;�
<br /> , .,�;..���
<br />.. , '�'• ei��...se•af any right or reme�:. •. �`'� ' �•�
<br /> :j:, :: �1,�5ucee�so�ts And,��gns Boand;]oint stad Sevetal Liability;Co-sighas.The copem�nts and agreements of this . _ �: -� .- -
<br /> •�'�'%��: Seccrs"tq lns�shall bisxi and benefit the successors and assi af Lender and Bonower,sub'ecc to the visions of � . •��J'�=s�
<br /> f,`;`:,,' � J P� ` '="k?:•`,�:_
<br /> '�?;�� r� par��aph 17. Boaower s cayenar►ts and ag��nts shall be joint asrd seve r a l. A�r B orrower w h o co-signs t h is S e c u r"s z.y : .. ';=<<:.
<br /> , r
<br />-"'�•' Ins+�aa�ent but does nat ex�tUe Note:{a>is co-signis�,this Seeurit� Ic�w�nen¢only to mongage.grant and convey c�aat. ;:,. _w ;,:;y 7.��_
<br /> . ,• - � �-.�.,.�
<br /> : Boisower's interest in the prv�erty under tTi�terms of th�s Sec.vrity Instmment;(h1 is not personafty obtigated to pa}�t3se sta�s � �•.t,•,:�,� �: 7•
<br /> , , :l�,�f:r:�,.:
<br /> �.,.;;;;;;; ` - secured b y this Securit y Instri�in:and(ct a�e e s th a t f x n d e r a n d any o t 3�e r B o r r o R.r m ay agree t o eaund.mad i f y.fa:bear or � ,±;;F,.,,f�,:�--�
<br /> "���'- '� `� ` � ' make any accommadatlons with regatd to the terms af this Security Instr�.e�ent or the Note without that Barrawer's conse�z. • � r�
<br /> "�tt,. ' ',� .. r .' 2��i�'y
<br />' ''�i't' 13.Lopn Chaiges.lf the laan secured by this Security instrument is subject to a law which sets maaimum toan chasges. .� �
<br /> �_� �^; �,.�.'
<br /> • �.�.� aad that!aw is finally interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges coltected or to be capected in wnnecxion with the �
<br /> • ;_ Ia�exceed the permitted timits,then: (a)any such taan charge shall be reduced by tKe amount necessary to reduce the chazge ��:, . �{:.�?�._
<br /> ;;:.=F . _ m��ptm�itted limit:and(b)any sums already caltecteA from Barrower which ezcezded permitted limits wi116��rfvnded to. ,'��;.,':;�-�``.�;=-
<br />`,-��,�, .• ,. . -
<br /> °��° !'• '1�'� • Borrower. IxnSw;nay choose to make this refund by reducing the principal owed under theNote ar by making a direc�t ,
<br /> ._ � '
<br /> ��` payment to B�rr�er. If a refund reduces principal, the reductian will 6e treated as a panial prepayment witltaut a� �
<br /> , c'=' �ayment charge under t�e�ute. � ;;',',r.°c ., _�
<br /> � .-� 14.Natices.Any notiee�3 Borrawer provided for in�his Security Instrument stt:�fi be given by dclivering it or by mailing ` . ::�.::,'';.� _____
<br /> ;�:��, 'j ic�sy first class mail unless a�ii;able law requires usc af anather mcthod.The notice shall bc dirccted t�the Property Address � °�i,��.: ._ � -`-'�`
<br /> � ;� or any other acldress Batrower designates by notice to i,cnder. Any notice to l.ender shall be given by first clsss maii Co -
<br /> , L�endei s addr�s stated herein or any othcr a€tdress l.cnder designates by notice to Borrawer. Any notice provided for in tl+.�s - ��.��'f
<br /> Sec�.�ity lnstrument shall be deemed to have been given ta Bmrower ar l.ender when given as provided in this parr�aph. . �`�'-� .
<br /> ' :• ,.�,.-�
<br />• '•,��:':, f$.Governing I.aw; Severabittty. This Security U�sstrumcnt shall be govemed by feileral law and rlie �aw ofthe • �_
<br /> � � �_ ":� - jarisdiction in which the Property is tocated.in thc event that a�r provision ar clause nf this Security lnstrum:�t.ar the Nate - . . ,,,: �—
<br /> ���• contlitts with�iipbte faw,sach wnitict shall nat affect other pruvisiuns ui thiti 5ecarity In.rtrument or t he Note w hic h can b e • , ;?.
<br /> . . ��.�.•-
<br /> �``� .°.` given effect ai�r_�:z ihe co�flicting provision. To this end the pmvision�of this 5ecurity lnstrument ancllhe Nate are declared • . � �` ��
<br /> ,'.- to be scverablr. '
<br /> ' .�i.: ...., . . . . .
<br /> • , �`''`• 16.BorroR'er's Ca�-13c1rower shaU be given�me conformed copy of�he Note and of�hiti 5ecurit�Instrument. •
<br /> _ T��7�'� i . �� . '
<br /> •�''• �
<br /> • ,i Fam 3028 9190
<br /> _ "��i- ' Vn�o 4 u�6 .
<br /> • • _��,�;; . i ,
<br /> • ,1 • �.
<br /> _.,,.. .' .
<br />_' '�i�,�Z. � •
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