�.� _ • . k�• t��•�� �.__
<br /> . r �..,._;t� ' - . Y — �� -__ _
<br /> y i . ' .t- ' .. �--- .�.._..�... �� �( ,�� . __ �_
<br /> -`�1���:�� � ; .. � �� �� , `�� � � - 4` 92-= �l�.� a-�. .
<br /> : =s.a�.�`�i,����ur�� �►��►�a��a� +�: _
<br /> � , �x���{�y{�* ��ciuded�ritLin tbe te�•eatendod oover�e'sad any ottier A�ras:iacWdin�
<br /> floods or lloodia�,Cor whicti L�tader ra�uirep i�ca 'f6is insuranae shatl be mainrainod i�the amaunts and fur the per�ads
<br /> ` -..4• -_- -• - • . . �.�u.�+ee slntt De.chosen Hemmwer subjat w i.eixter`s apprava! ,• ,
<br /> T - r�urser_-�in�t"tir-' -- - - -- �'-------- — �
<br /> -___ _ .__
<br /> ' . +irhi�alull nat be un�s�a�rb1Y with$eld.ti Hocrowcr fuls to itiaintain oover�ge n a�.vE. .. _
<br /> aptiaa.obmin aoYe�e co[►rot�t.e�e�'s ri8hcs in the Property ia accard�nce wilh pusig�aph 7. �
<br /> AU insu:saoc poiicies a�renewaLs shall be sc,cept�ble to Lender and shsll inctudt a studare rnnngage ci�use. ixrder
<br /> �IIOC
<br /> shail ha�ve the r�gbe co 6otd the policies and reeew�Is.IE l�ender taqu�x�.8orrower sh�lt pmmptly give ta Lender ail receipts of, . ,
<br /> F�id premiur�c�d r�a�val.�.,Ia the eYent of loss,BoRUwer stnl}give prompt t�utice to the ir�surance carrier�nd Lendtr. Y------
<br /> I,mder may m�lca proof•iof loss if not a�cie p�nptlY by Bori�wer. • -
<br /> Untess i�eader aod Bo�wer otbetwise agroe in ariting,insunu�ce pnioeeds s6a116e applied ta�estaration oe repair of tbe , , —
<br /> �iR+openy d�twgad,if the testor�[i�on or repair is teoaomicaliy feasible�td Le►dsr s socnrity.is na IessenEd•if tha restoratioe or
<br /> �ir is not anoomically feasiate or Isader's savrity waWd be lesset�ed,ttie insur�ce pcucads st�alt be applied to the snms —
<br /> secuced by t6is Sa.vrity 1�ia4c. wl�l�r or rot dxn due.with any�ea�asc paid to Borrmver. If Borrower ab�nda�ns tb� �,_
<br /> Pcape�ty.or das nat aaswer aritUin 30 days a natice fmm LeMer th�t the inw:ance c�rrier has affetnd m settle a citim,tl�rn
<br /> L�ender m�y ool�eet tl�e insur�ncx proaeds..i.eader maY ase the Pnxxods to repair or�the Property or m pay sums
<br /> sewred by this Sa�riry I�ttuaien�whedxr or noc thtn due.The 30�day periad will6egin w6en the notia is giva�.
<br /> Qntess Lender awd Borrov�rer athzwise agrae in writing. any appliratian of prnc�cods co principal slsaU aat extead or --- _._ --
<br />-__ pnstpone the dae date of the aanthly paymems iefertrd to in par�phs t and 2 or cbaoge tht amount of the paymeMs-If ---_
<br />.'-''� under paiag�aph 21 t6e�rapecty is acquined by Lender. Borrower's right to a�ry msuraixs policies and proceeds iesutting from --
<br /> --_ ' d�mage w tbe Fioperty Prior to the acquisition stral!pass to Lcrder to tbe eztent of the sums secured by this Security ln�trumqit _-
<br /> _- �nuaodisaely prior co tbe acquisiaan. � � _-
<br /> __ ...f.Qan�nc'.Pceaarvstloe,Maintmwe�ad Ptotedion o[tbe Ptopn'ty,BorruWds La�u Appllwttoo;La�olds• _-__
<br /> � - — �oirower shall accupy.establish,and use the Pmperty as Borrower's principal residence wit6ia sixty days after the exoeution of �
<br /> - •..Wis Security Insqumetu a�d shaU mntlnue to oxupy tiie PrapertY as Bomuwer's principal re�d�nce for at leut one'yeat afttr
<br /> :� ,�� -�tie date of occapancy.untess Lender otherwisc aSras in writing.which wiuenc shal!not be unrra�onably withlxid,ar unless =_--
<br /> •� ::.txteauating ci�mst�nces exist which are beyond Borrower's control. Borrower sliall not destroy. damage or impair the ��_-
<br />. - prope�ty,�Ilow the Property w deteriorate.ar vammit wasts on the Property. Borrower shall be in defauit if any forfeiwt�e �,z�=
<br /> action or proceecling,whetfier civil or criminal,is began that in Lender s gaod faith judgmeat coufd result in forfeiture of the . r a:=�
<br /> :�..._._,
<br /> Property or otheivvise materialIy impair the lien created by this Security Instrument o.r Lender's security interest. Borrower may ..:.?'��
<br /> cvm such a defautt a�reinstate,as provided'm paragraph 18,by causing the action or praceeding to be dismissed with a mling . •�n�,�'�;�.;r���—
<br /> _ y;E �-�
<br /> . that, in Lender's goad faith determ'cpatiqn, prectudes forfeiNre of the Bocrower's Interest in the Propetcy or ather material . �+�'r=;:r:.;_��
<br /> ' � ,imp�irment.�f�e lien created by t1us�So��ritY Insm►ment or Leadec's sec�trity Interest. Bor�+bwer shal{atso be in defa�ett if _:��=<��
<br />'I` , gorrower;`dp�dbe loan application pnooess.gave materially false or inaccurate infom�atiaie ar statements to Lender(or i":���,
<br />- , tp�avide i.eiicier with any material information)in cannection with the laan evidenced by the Nate,includiag,but Aot ii�t�:', • :�?'°.r H�
<br /> � ��. `•sm.representations conceming Borrower's occupatK.y of•the Properry as a principal residence. if thiS Serurity Insm�ment is on a � ���
<br /> ' ieasehold. Borrower shall compty with a}i ihe provisions of the lease. If Borrawer'acquires fee title to the Property. the - �
<br /> .'����eY�'_�'
<br /> teasehold and the fee title sfiall not mergeunless Lender to the me er in wr�in : , • --�'E.=<-T�:
<br /> aSrees rg S :F;::--
<br /> • ,r7.Ptotedba ot Lender's Ri�hfs ia the Property.If Borrower fails ta perfarm the coveaants and agreernents wntained in '� ,1.,,. -.-�__
<br /> �r, this Sceudty Instiument,ar there is a legal proceeding that may significantly affect Lender's righu in the Property(such as a , '�-�_-
<br /> � . proceeding in bankruptcy,probate,for condemnation or forfeiture ar to enforce laws or regulations).then Lender may do aixl *�;;i<`'� `�'�:
<br /> . pay for whatever is necess�n to protect the value af the Property and Lcnder s rights in�he Property. Lender's actions may �`'�'���
<br /> . i4R� ! {t.�'�--_—
<br /> , _j
<br /> include payin� arry sums secared Isy a iien which has priority over this Securiry Instrumene. appearing in court, paying �z_� -�
<br /> reasonabte a'�.^,a^�eys'fees and entering ann elhe Propeny to makc rep�es.Although I,ender may take action undcr this paragraph �-''�
<br /> i� -
<br /> 7.Lender 8�es ao�have ta do so. - � -
<br /> - • Any amounts disbucsed by Lender under this�aragraph 7 shaU became additional dcbt of Borrower secured by this ' :�>r=-
<br />. ' ` Security lnstrument.Ur�?�s�tdorrower and i.ender a,`�see ta ather terms of paymatt.these amaunts shall bear interest from the ' �_
<br /> do •
<br /> date of disbursement at fhe Note rate and shall be payabie. with intcrest. upon notice from Lender ta Botrower reqaesting ' •r�: �
<br /> -`.����,._
<br /> . PaYment. _ ,";�- '.�
<br /> :-',�,.�c:y...T:�.,�'.
<br /> �d'RI
<br /> 8.Mort��e Ia�ttranee.lf Lender required mortgage insurance as a condition af making the taan secured by this Security 7,��,'----;:.
<br /> �r-n.
<br /> lnstrument. Borrower sha11 pay the premiums required ta maintain the martgage insurancc in effect. If. for any masan. �he �"�.���>t„�' -
<br /> ,�:��i=,
<br /> �� mortgage insurance coveraga re+quired by i,encier lapse�c+r ceases to be in cff�.�rrower shaEl pay the premiums rcquired ro :����'� ; �.- �-•;.
<br /> �-.
<br /> obtain coverage substantially equlvat�r-.�co the mortgage insurance previvusly irt effect.at a cost substantially equivalent to the �t�;'"`�;,-'�,`j.'i;+��%J�3j�w�,y',
<br />. '� , cast to Bom�-�er ot the moagago idsurance previously in effec�.fcom nn altemate martgage insurer a roved b l.ender. lf �`��`'��'•�`'�`� �
<br /> PP Y %...,�:',�;.�,<�':f'. ,
<br /> , '�- substantia�t}equivalent mortgage insurance coverage is nat availabfe.8ormwcr shall pay to i.ender each manth a sum�qual to , ',;�''?�','?i��. °
<br /> �.����''�:;,� ono-twclfth of the ycarly mortgagc insurance prcmium bcing paid by Bnnawcr when the insuranR covcrs�ge lapsed or ceased to . • .
<br /> � :'��:•� be j�effect, i,ender will accept.use and retain these payment9:�ti a lass revervc in lieu of mort�ge imurance. Lass reserve , .
<br /> ' =� Form 3028 9190 ( �
<br /> - . �t�*'a„ . Paya 3 018 ! � '
<br />� . • 'ESi'1..2�':� �• ' • . .
<br />.. � �
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