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<br /> � . . . . . 't' ' _ .. _ ._ _. .. _ .
<br /> , . , •
<br /> , � ca�dee'r�tioai as adur ni��?�Y P�of tbe Pmpe+�Y•cr far caav"eyaricc in lieu of caodertr�io�l•�����'��` <
<br /> � , : .
<br /> < < slWl be pid W��' . : ' s�uU b�e a�+pixd to the.stuns �Y �
<br /> =--- - �.a�-�.�;.!^'-=t-�,t�L_�Y•—�P� -��f tix g�in. _
<br /> __._ _ .�- --_ -- --�-
<br /> _ --
<br /> � `�w3�er or n�at thn—� �y° I 6efa[e tt�e takirig is eqtsal to or grGUer thaa t6e amoum��
<br /> �fiich tf�e fair a�����OP�°ll°°�Y iuik'ss Bocrower�������'u0g'
<br /> sxried E►Y t6is Sx��Y N'�t1°�'���Y befae tTie tainng. muiti lied by the foflowing .
<br /> � th4su�nsYsec�rod bY tbis Stcu�'�`1�ment shalb bc�aluced by tt�e ambunt of thc praceeds P
<br /> �a
<br /> - -- . �:_(a�the wtal amount of tl�e sums secuied immedi�t�ly before the taking.divided by(b)the fair muket vaJne of the
<br /> __ ���ly befae tt�c t�Ying. Anp Dat�sHali �r paid to Borrov�r- tn the event of a g�tia�t�8 t
<br /> pn,pe�ty ut which the fair m�rtct vatoe of tticc Pcoperty imm�diatetY txfore tbe ta�ing is less than the amounc oF the sums .
<br /> � secund�mmediuely 6efo�the t�lcing.unkss Barmwer a�d�Leed�r aherrvise agree in�S�untess appticabk faw
<br /> othecvvise Pcoeides.tiu Pmcads sh�il be�pplied to tl�sums secur�d by this Seciuity Instiurnent whether or not the sums ac+e
<br /> tbat duc ` to ucer tt�t the c�ndemnor offe�s to matcc
<br /> lf the p�opaty is,�bartdontd bY Bor�Ower,or if,after�ice by Lender $�° iven.
<br /> ' $ortower faiZs to respand to Lender witbio 30 days afcer the date the noticc is 8
<br /> aa award or settle a claim fa dama&es. . � �at its 4P�-either w restaratinn a rcpair of the PtopeRY or to the,
<br /> � t.eader is authoriud to colkcE and ap�iY P�°�
<br /> . . suras secured by this Security Instnuttienr,whether ar tat tBell duc: shalt not e�tend or
<br /> - � Uiiless Lender aad Boti�nwer otbecwise aScee i�►wnn°&�►Y��'on of gmceeds to priric�Fal
<br /> postpone thedue datc of the montUlY P1Y�s tefernd ta in pat-a$rrPhs 1 aad Z ar change du amcwnt of such paymeats.
<br /> - — 11. Bon'�►er Not Fek�sed: Faebearae�'� B7 �.a�' Not s Waiver. Extensian of the ti�nc fot payn!ent a
<br />- modifuation of amatizatiaa oY tix sums secured by this Security Inmwment 8ra�►ted 6Y
<br /> L.ender to any successos�n mteresc
<br /> - ' of.BarrowershaU aot operate'to rekase t6e liability.of the originat Borrnwer or Bcrrowerx successols in intetest.mLendei
<br /> shalt not be required to commrnce Pmce�in85 agains��►1'�-�in intecest er refuse ta extend time for�ori nal
<br /> «���od'�fjr amortization of the sums secured by this Secuirity instrumeut 6Y neasaa of aay demand made bY 8� _
<br /> ' Barto�ver or Barrawer's successo�s in intensc. Any forbeua�re bY Lend�ia exereising any right or remedy sha11 noi De a
<br /> - waiver af ar paclpde the exen�se of any right o�remedy. Tt�e cavenants and agreemen�s of this
<br /> IL S�ars sad A�Bo��dt J�t�5ever�i i.iaDiliti"+Co�
<br />."� Security Tnsuument shall bind ar�d benefit the successors and assigns of Le�and Borrower,subject to the provi5ions of
<br /> � paragtaph 17. Borrower's covenants a�►d aSreemenis shali be joint and seti�"�.:a►y��wer who co-si�sa snS��a
<br />--� ' Instrumei�[txst does nat eaecate the Nae: (al is co-signing this Security Insnuinent only to mortgage,Bran
<br />;'j'� Borcower�intemst in the PrapertY under tlie terms of this Security fnstrumen� (b)is nirt persodatty abligata!to�Y i6e�ms � _
<br />- °- secured by�this Security Insuument:and(�)aSrees lhat I.ender and any other Borrc�m�agree to extend,mod�fy.!`nrbeat _--
<br /> or make any accommodations with ngard to the te�s af tbis SecuritY (nsat.'�Y�� N°te without that Boirower's �:R-
<br />•_:�.0 ` � ��-.
<br /> ' ' ��13. La�a Chatges. If the loan secace�.�sY th�s SeeuntY Inswm��s subject to a law which set.�maximum loan �-�
<br />- - �,and ttiat law is finalty interpreted so that the intecest or other toas►cYarges coltected or to�be c�€t�:�i in c��u� _
<br /> _-- with t�e toan exeeed t1�e permitted limitc.then u(mac lr ad ccQLlected fromyBorrawer whi b excee d�permittrA t!'�iYU'ts v�iil be --__-
<br /> tht s�ge to the permitted limit:and(b)anY. Y
<br /> -`` --- refanded to Bortower. Lender�Yrefu d redac principal.�the�reduction wiIl bc t eaped as purtialrPrePaYment�wa.:o�a agay =—
<br /> ='� dicect payment to 6arrower. ' _, ,_.
<br />_ , prepa.yment chargB under the Note. •
<br /> ;4� Notices, Any notice to Bocrower pravided far in this Security Instrumem sha0 be given�deliverin�it or by ��
<br /> '_�. rtta,i�g it by fir�t class mail unless�plicable law requices use oi another method.The no[ice shall be dimcted to the Pt��erty � _-
<br /> ��-._,.-
<br /> ,�:.� pddrcss or a r s�addresaatated h�e�min vr ny ather addre oti�ceender dea goates by nat ce o Borrowera'Any aot prov"rded fot .� .
<br /> mail to Len
<br /> � • in this Security lnstrument shall be deeme�co have heen given to Horrower ar Lender when given as� provided ir�this �rt,"�
<br /> :.�' ' paragraph. �=__
<br /> i$, GovernioS Law;Severability� This Security Inxtrument shull be govemed �y federal law and the lac�af ihe —
<br /> ' � ccris.3:ction in whicA the PropertY is tocated. in the event ch�any provisian oc clause of this Security In�trument or tfce Note `
<br /> . . j �...Y._--
<br /> �� ��i;ts wittla��cable law.such conflict shall not affect a�.�i=r provisions��f�hiti Security(nstrument or the Note�(Lc�can ��'-
<br />' _ be given effeet wnhout the wnflicting pravision. To this ersd the pravisions of this Security tnstrument anJ the Note are
<br /> dectared to be severable. � a�che Note andaf this Security instrument. -�.. '
<br /> ' 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower�haU be given one car�.t�rmed capy ' :�;-.
<br /> 17, 'Iira�ter olthe Praperl.Y a'a 8eneticial lnterest ea�orrowee If all or any paR of the Property or any interest in
<br /> it is wid or transferred(or if a bencficia)interest in Borro��er is sold ar tn►ntiferr+�d a�+d 9onower iti not a natural person) �Y:,�
<br /> without tender�prior writtewevers thi.s o t on ha 1 not�be exercixed by Lendcr�if ex ec��eent�p„nited by federal lnwrea of = - _
<br /> t h i s S e c a ri t y l n ti t r u m e n t. H o P - -
<br /> the date of ihis Securiry Instrumen�
<br /> � lf L.ender exercises thiw option.L.end�r yhall give Borrawer notice of acceleratinn. The notice yhall pravide a period of
<br /> ' - ni�!ess than 30 day�irom the efatc the natice is delivered or maileci within which�orrower muy�pay all tiums secured by this _
<br /> . t. S�cr:�ity lnstmment. If 8orrower Pailti ta pay the�e �,um1 prior to thc cxpirati�n��f thi� periad. Lcnder may imcKe Any ,
<br /> '! res^edies permiucd by this Security ln�trument withnut funhcr noticc or dcmand on 8�mower.
<br /> .J. �;'� ig, BorraRer's Right to Relastate. If Bonowcr meet� ccnain canditiunti. Borrower �hall havr the righc ca have
<br /> � ��' enforcement of this�5ecurity Instrument di�cominual at any time prior t�ihe curlier uf: (�)g day�(nr tiuch��►her perial as _
<br /> �-..
<br /> , _` Singtr Family--4annk StadFreddk Mac G�IFON�t I�tiTRI'�1t:�'f'••L'mti,rm Cuvcnant� 919b /puir J nf n pugrs�
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