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<br /> C il:'�
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<br /> ' ( periods u�c t.epdrr�awim- 'fM i�anoe ca�Providing the in.wroece�alt ee cbosen Dy Bor�wer subject w t.�d�der•s� ` . `
<br /> � approval.whic6�1uiU t�t be u�u�easoaablY withbeid. If Bortower fai�s to maintain voverrge descriAod aba�re,_l�dt��eay at • `
<br /> �_=-�_�I�ndec3�iao,.��!__�_�_����'s nghts ia thc Ptoperty irt xco�dance Nnth P�S�+P� Q�ae�c.�iusr Ls�dec�—
<br /> _ _ - _ — �- --._ _ ._ .
<br /> . .�� . ... _�__�� ..—_—_ '_ ___'__�_..
<br /> s6all hav�the right to hold tbe poI'�cies ancl re�er��la if E.�nder requims.Borro�er shali promP<<Y S�Ye to Lende��It�ce�pts. .
<br /> - . of paid p�miums and�eaewal no�ice�. In the eveet af toss.Haaawer shatt�ve pra�npt noGce to the insuranse csuricr and ,
<br /> Lrnder. 1.enQeFinay maice pioof of loss if oot tnade promP�lY by'Borro�er.
<br /> • Untess Lender a�d Borcower ott�envise agee in,writing.insurance prnceeds sha116e applied to restaration or repair of `
<br /> - ibe ptapett�dantaged.'if the-testor•rtion ar�air':s c.a000taipily feasilrle and Leniiu's security is t►o�lessened. i€the `
<br /> . mstoratiat or repair is�i eranomicaliy feasi'bk or Ixnder's security�outd be tessened tix insur.Ince proceeAs sfi�ll 6e .
<br /> appliod to the sums secuced bp tfiis Security.lnstiumen�whether or not then due,with:ury excess paid to Bomower. if
<br /> gorro�,er aGy�dons i��e ptopec[y,or does not answer within 30 days a notice ftom Lender thai the insvranc�e canier has
<br /> offened to settle a cttiim,tberr 1�ender maY collect thc'as!�e P��• ��'�ay��p�ds to repair or cestore
<br /> t6c p�aperty or tn pay.sams secuc+od by this Saeorety Instniment.whether oc not tAen due. The 34day Period wili begin when
<br /> - the notice is given. `
<br /> � Unles�Lender and}lotrower otl�wise agne in wriring,any�applicatior�af pcoceeds to,principat shal[nat exund or
<br /> - pbstpane the dae date of the marsthtY PaYments cefemed to in paiagraphs 1 az�d 2 or change the amount of tl�e payme�. If
<br /> - anckr pa,ragraph 21 the Prapetty is acquired by Lender,Borrower's tight to any insurance policies�nd pcocecds resuiting
<br />_ _ fmm dua3gt to the Pmperty j�riur to die acqi!isiu°n sha11 Pass to l:ender w thr eatent of the swns secured by this Securiry
<br />-- Insd�urnet►t immediat�elY Pnos tb ttte xquisition. I�calion; .
<br />±-.: - 6. OK'Y�Cys PfGSlrYAt�011• M�iAtelwOl'!-alld Pfil[lCti011 Of tht PfOPerfyi �'�Wtl''S LoaO 1�1�
<br /> . Lq�cbpl4s Botrower shall at.�py.establistt,and use the Ptoperty as Borrower's principal resfdence within sixry days after
<br />`7' the executioit af this Securiry Instninent aaA shall conanue to accupy tt�e.PraPertY as 8o�*ower's principal msidence foc at
<br /> - - ��st one year after the date of occupiu�cy, untess Lender at�envise a8�ees in wciting, whicb ransent sball nat be .
<br /> -- �[+easonabty withheld:ar w�less e�tenuating circurustar�ces eaist whieh aie beyand Borrower�controf. Borrower shall,not
<br /> -��. deslroy�dunage or impair tt�e Ptope�ty.a11ow the Pi�op�rt7+to deterioiate.or commit�e on the Propetty. Borrower st�alt
<br />;��• ' be in defauh if any forfeiture actian or pracceding,whetl�er civil oc criminal.is begun that in Lendecti goad faith ju�l8ment
<br /> . 'conld resutt in forfeiture of the Ptoperty or otherwise materially impair the lierr.c�rated.by�this Security laswment or' _ �
<br />:. `,, : • l.ender's security interest 8arrawer may cUre such a default and reinstate.as provided in paiaagraph[S,by.causing the action �_vti_.-
<br />___ � _ . �proceeding to be dismissed viith a ruling that,in Lender's good faith determination,prec[ude�farfeiture of the Borrower's �;':__-
<br /> �� . C�.�:_,..�
<br /> _..` intenest in tfie Property or atli�t..material Impairment of the tie"n cceate�i by this Secw'ity fnsnament or Le+�der s security � ��,-__,
<br />� ' ' pnteies� Borr�wer shall aLa�be in default if BorTnwer, during ihe toan appiicatian Qracess,guve matereatty faise or •�-��,=�^y-
<br /> �',- inaccurate iaformation or statements to l.ender(ar faited to provide Lende�w.ith any cnatenal information)in cocmection with ;•�..��-�
<br /> -: :�; -
<br /> • �.:�'• the loan evidenced by the Note, inciuding. but not limited to. representauons conceming Borrower:s occupancy of the ... ::: _
<br /> property ati a principal lesidence. If ihis Securiry Instrument is un a teasehald.Borrower shall camply with all the provisions �r���,..:°;�
<br /> af the lease. If Bomuwer acquires fee title to the Propeny.the leasehold and the fee tisie shall not merge unless Lender agrees. �,�_�-��-:--
<br /> � , ";., : to the merger in writing. '. �-=
<br /> 7, Protectlon of I.ender's•Rights in the Property. If Borrower faiis to pet`orm the covenants and agreements �
<br />" ' eontained in this Securiry [cts�ment,or there is a legal proceeding that may sig�icantty ttffect I.ender s rights in the �'- r t�_�
<br /> � �-s e�:-
<br />: �.��` �'' Property tsuch as a praceeding in bankruptcy,probate.for candenmation or forfeiture or to eniorce laws ur cegulalionc),then • ��T,•; ,
<br /> `'��' � �•� �_
<br /> ' ;#Y.- Lender may da and pay for whatever is aeccssary to protect the value of the Property and Lender:s rights in the Property. ,�S�,�_-
<br /> .:i_ 4-
<br /> •. �: ' � Lender's•actions may include paying any+ums secured by a lien which h�u priority over this Security Instrumen�appeanng ,,.4`,:;.:,;
<br /> • - in ccrort,paying reasonable attorneys'fees und en�ering on the Praperty ta make repairs.Although Lender may take action .l�f;, ;_:-
<br /> under this Qaragraph 7.Lender dcec nat have to do xo. r,y�,:., � - -
<br /> 4 Any amounts disbuned by Lxnder under this paragruph 7 shall becomc ad�iaional debt of Bonnwer secured by tbis .
<br /> _ Security Insuument. Unless Hormwer and L.ender agree ta ather terms af payment,these�mounts�hall bear int�rest from the
<br /> � ^� , date af dis6ursement at�he Note rate and tihall be payable,with intere+t,upon notice from Lender ta Borcower reynesting : - , _
<br /> e^ —
<br /> a ment. ' •,,s� ` -
<br /> - .x�:,: ` p y S, Mortgage ln.tiurance. If Le�der required mongage intiuranre ati a condition of making the loan secured by this - � i,�
<br /> Security In�trumen�Borrower�hall pay the premiums reyuired tv maintain the martgage in�urance in effect Ef,far any ` ';:,`:i<`�. - --
<br /> ,,<::.
<br /> reason. the mortgage insurance coverage required hy Lender lapsey or cea�e. to be in effect. Borrower �f:a:� pay the •j E• . _
<br /> . • - premiums reyuired ta obtain coverage .ubstantially eyuivalent tc�thr mortgage insurance previously in eff�. at a cas� ��
<br /> , _ '' yubstantially eyuivalent to the cast to Barrower��f the murtgage in�uc:�:ce previou�ly in effect,frora an alterr_are m��rtguge _
<br /> ;=� �M��� insurer approved by Lender. If tiubstantially ec�uivalent mottgabe im�rance co�•eragr i+nut avaifz�'.e;Bnrron�lr�hall pay Io � .:.
<br /> •V.e..?. '` Lender eacfl manth a sum eq�.ral to'ane-twelfih uf ihe yes+rly mortgage i�,ur.mce prem:um being paid by BaRO•nez��hen the . �r�^'.'-'- --.
<br /> insurance caverage lapted or cratied to he in effecL Lender will:�ccept.ure und rGai:t thCsC payment�as a loss re.�rve in lieu ;" '� �
<br /> .: ,.
<br /> , of mongage insurance. La.�re+erve paymentti muy no longer br reyuired.at the aptian uf Lender,if mortrage insurance ', ' ""'
<br /> .�; caverAge tin the amaunt.�nd for thc periad that l.rnder reyuirc+�pmvided by.+n in.ur��r appruved by Lcndcr ngain berome� ��:,'�^�'~ _:��`-
<br /> �:, :�� ;�vailAbfe And iti abtained.F3��rr��wer�h,�ll pay Ihc prcmitun.r�quircd to maimuin mohgage imurance in rffect.��r to pr�vide a �
<br /> : s�..� tot�reserve,until the requirement fnr mortgage in+u�unce ei�J.in.�ccurdance wish.m�written agreement he���ecn 8�rmwer �`_,
<br /> � �;;y:.;,~..,y �� and Lender ar applicahtc Saw. � i •'
<br /> � •^';i •�' ; 9. Inspection. LcnM=r ar il.ti agent may makc mawnublr rniriu+r�pun and impcciiun.nf ihc{'raperty. L_s:drr tihal) , •
<br /> ';:.r��",�.,,_': t pive Bonnwer notice at the trmt ui c�r pri�r to an in�pectiun.peci fying rea�nna b lr c:ui,r G�r t he i n�p e c t i a n. � ,.'.
<br /> x ;�.,. . 10. Cattdemnation. The pruccedti uf any ativard ur claim ti,r damagr�.dirrcl ur cuntiryuential.in ronnectian wilh aim
<br /> . ''»�,,.,,�.�,,:
<br /> i � +'.�::;� .�'t`1 r S�nrk 1•.om�y..t:innie�f•ruk'reddie�fac 1'�1FUk�t l�til'NI'�1k�1'..t'mtvnn C���cn.iot. 9;911 ipu,e t r¢n puc�v .
<br /> ' x' �- s 7.• _ '. ' .
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