. _� _ _
<br /> - - . ._�.- - - - . . , - _
<br /> = d�._,,.�_•�. � _ . . . � _ ` ;'�i'+,. .�._.. - ` —
<br /> -- �� � . � .. < <- . . . . /D�-1��-
<br /> . `s. H.a�+..e�ee!!�t�a.ee:HaernwQ s�! �oeep�3mpnwm�as au�v.e�ma cc�hQnRa aa�ea ca�tbe � � .
<br /> � ;nw�ed a�laas by fire. hu�s�inciaded vri���°`��70Y��`��'other t�zands. inchdi�
<br /> floods ai flood�n6*far Nhich I.endar re4uut�s inwt�o�.This insut�►aoe s6aU 6e maimai�d in she anwumts for the periods
<br /> aad ,
<br /> =- • - l�t� 'e�ct.tn_[.ea�:c's=�nto- �-_-`_-
<br />- —_ ._ _. ._
<br /> -- - -
<br /> . i �------
<br /> -
<br /> wfuch.shtll not be omasona6ly virithh�e[d.I�Homavver fa'Is w maintain coveaage descdbed a6ovc.Lender.u�Y.at Leada's`
<br /> --- �optioa.o6tsi�mve�ge W p�ntect Leadec's rights in tlie Pcopecfy in�ocorQancc with puagraph'I. �
<br /> Ail ins�mmoe policies aad zeaewats sirili be aocepbbte vo Lender add st�all i�Tude a standaid mottgage ctwse. Lender
<br /> sball have ihe ri�ht w 6old thc policies rod tenew�ls.If Lender�nines.Boirower shall pmmplY 8ive�o tander all mcipts of
<br /> p'aid p�niwas ard ien�tr�l aotiots.In tije ev�t of loss.So�rawer shat!give pmmpt mtice to Ne insu�ncc carcicr�nd 1�eoda_
<br /> �des tm�r m�e pcoof of toss if mc made pmmptlp bY Borrov"er. �
<br /> QNess Lmder aod Bocro�ver otherwise agree in writing,inwrance ptoc,ads shai!6a appiied to restoration or npair of tht
<br /> �+n'Paty du�d;if tLe t�estoEation or�pair is eounomically feasible and Irender's savrity is not tes.se�cd:If the resw�ation ar
<br /> tepir is mt emoomically fe�le or Ilt�er's sdurity wauld be lessened,the imurance pcooeods sl�ail be applied to the sums
<br /> sec�red 6Y this SeauitY I�umeat. wf�l�a or noc tha�dae.witb au�y excess paid w Borrower. if Bormwa abandoas thr .
<br /> pioperty.ar das not sutawer witHin 30 days a notioe fivm Ieodes tt�t the inatraace rr�rter has of�ered to stule s claim,tixu
<br /> I�ader may ooUxt ti�e iasuiance procteds. Leader maY use the Proceods to npaif or resfore tl�e Ptaperty or ta pay swns
<br /> . so�vted by tl�is SaauitY Instrumene.w}xther os,not t[sea due.The 30-day period wili 6egin w1�en d�c aatice is given.
<br /> Udess Leoder and Barmwer otherwise agtee ia wsitiag,anST ap�liptioa of procteds w pri�ipal shaIt not extend oc
<br /> _ : postponc-the dae date of the moat�ty payments refeaod W in par�s i atd 2 or ct�ange the amount of ti�e paymeats.If
<br /> -- •.. .under�b 21 the�ape�ty is acquind by Lender,Bo*rowec's aght'to atry insurance Pulicies and pmoeeds resalting frotn .
<br /> . .iisiraige tn tir�Pnopercg P�c to tbe a�usia°A�Ij Pass to La�der��e eateat of tUe svms s�by this Security insuuma�t
<br /> --- . i�g�?r to tLeaoquisipon. � . g�+s I.os�n AppW�on+I.�d�-
<br /> f.��;•h�dar�'#�ioa���d PratectfaE�FFEie Pl'nperty:
<br /> _ Borrower sT�i aA'uF�:�•�d use tbe Prape�tf'�ss.HonaRi�sprtnapal rrsiilence within siaty days aftes the eaecution of
<br /> tttis Sa:udcy.�a5it��shall oontirnu to ooeupy�Propeit1 as Borrowet's principal residence for at�one yrar after
<br /> _ the date of oo�u�nuicy.un3e5.s Lender ati�erwise agroos in writiag���ich consent shall not be unneasorcabt��ith�held.or unless , - _---
<br /> -- .- ��g"� eaist wh�;�e beyond Bomnwer's�'�1. Banower s6a11 not destroy,.damage or impair the =-�_--
<br /> �' propectY.allow the PropertY to deteriorate,or commit waste�oia t�e Property. Borrower�alt be in defanit if azry forfeiturie � ��.�.
<br /> �_��r.
<br /> acxion.ar pmceoding.w�tlter civil or criminal.is 6egun t1�at in Lender's good faith judgment could res�ilt in forfeiture of�he .�,sr�^=-.
<br />-` �txK3+ar otherwise�..,"rially impair the lien cneated by ihis Sacurity lnstiumeat or I:ender's security,interesG Borrawer may � �'-�'--::--
<br /> .,:'. :��..
<br /> c�ure such a d��wlt a�d remstatt•as Pn°vided in paragaph 18,by rau.sing the aetion or procceding to be dis�sssed witl►a ruling , �c:��_.F�.
<br /> that. in I.e.�#:t's good faith detac�n�tion. precludes forfeiture o�i3e Borrower's interat n�d,.e Ptoperty or o�her ma:erial �-�-
<br /> implitmer��`the lien cc+eated by t�s Secvrity tnstn�ment or Le�.�es's security interest. Bo�ra�shaI1"aLsa be in de�aaC?'if �--
<br /> gonqwer,dari�rg the la�capplicatiau.process.gave materially fatse os inaccurate infom�ation oz ssateme�*s��.ender(ot:���ed --
<br /> • - to pmvide Lepder with'anY��information)in cannecqon wilh the loan evidenced by the(�Tote,inc1��.but not limited
<br /> to,nprese�tations coneeming Bonower's aecupaney of the Prepe�as a prineiPal residence.If this Security lnstrument is on a —_ _
<br /> � teasehold..�rmwer shall camply with all the provisions of t�e tease. If Borrowec acqueres fee title to the Property.tl�e -�-----3 -
<br /> -�.,m.`_
<br /> leasehald and the f�title shall nat merge unless l.ender agrees to t3�:merger in writing. ��' .�
<br /> 7.PrntecNon of Lender's Rights in the Pcopety.If Barrower fails to perform the covenants and agreements comainod in ��,��
<br /> � r.�,• this Serurity Instmment.or therc is a legal prooeeding that may significantty affect l.ender's rights in the Property (such as a
<br /> ' procealing in bankrupcey.probate.for condemnation ar forfeiture or ta enforce laws or regulations).then Lender may da and �:'��
<br /> ��._='-..~�
<br />' , pay far whatever is necessary ta pratect �he vatue oi the Pro rty and I.ender's ri ts in the Pro i.ender s actions may �-�-_-
<br /> Pe Sh P�Y' •�.;�rt�,':.
<br />:::�,,�.' itICIUAC p'dV�tl� $(ly SURIS SCCUtCa �7� a lien which has priorin over this Securiry Instnas,nu�� app�earing in court. paying ,._�;�p_
<br />"« ,-�� reawnab2`e Gtomeys'fces and erner�;�the Property to mafce regairs.Although Lendec r.�zy�3ce aecias under this paragraph .'�..`.;:;:
<br />- ' 7.I.eudeE�ies not havew do so. , ;T,�� ��;.-.:
<br /> ude
<br /> ' ` qrr� �nounts disbursed by Lercder under this paragraph 7 sha11 beccr.'.e aV3iiional c��b! of BOTC���sCGlted by lhis r�rF-s�;, �,.��
<br /> �`�? ' Securit�f,�;,sument. Unless Borrowesand l.ender a ree to other teims af j�ent,these a�o�a�ts sha11 tieat interest fromthe �",";st��:��°
<br /> 8 Pa ���_;..::=
<br /> ` � t. date o�d�bursement at the Nate r.�c.�d shaU be payable, with,inter�t, upon notice frmat�.ender ro Borrower rea_r;esting . :�•f�;�.{--__
<br /> ,,� .. .. , ,n A
<br /> , PaYment. ---�
<br /> �' ' ^ 8.Mort�e lnwrnnce.lf Lerder required cr�.ct�age insurance ag a cand:�on of makiz�the toan secured by this Security • �� ' J���
<br /> � . Jnstmmn� Bonower shall pay the premiums rea�::�to maintain the mora���i:�snra.Zce..in effect. If. ��r any reason,the , ;.�
<br /> mottgage insutance coverage require��p Lender tapses or ce.zces so be in ef.`�.Borroa`e��'.aU pay the premiums required to � ,��.
<br /> obtaln coverage substantiaUy equivater�t to the mortgage insuraa�s-eviousty i:a'ef€eci.�a ayst substantiaily equivaler�t t.�tho . �,.�,�.�=
<br /> .���r
<br /> , ' cost to Borrov►er of the mortgage insurance previcw.s�y in effecw^:.rram an�Ite^�a:c raor�g:�;�insurer approved by Lecr'..��r. If �,�«::.
<br /> • � " substantially eqWvalent mortgage insurance coversge is not avai�ati{e.Borrow•ec�rell Qay��4 Lender cach momh a sum equal to - . ,
<br /> 't•� ono-tweifth oi the yeady martgage insurance premium being paid Uy Borroa�uF::n ehe ir�urance cover�ge lap�ed or ceased to i`� . � :.
<br /> ` be in effect.4ender will accept.use and retain these paymentc as a tosY resen�'s:, fieu c�F enortgase insurance. Lo�.ti reserve • ;,, : .;; ,
<br /> •, - � Fo.�.aazs si90 � •
<br /> ��,::�'
<br />� vrflo 3 oi 8 . . � , �
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