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<br /> • �O��n� LOAN NO. 1 5 3 9 2 1 5 2 1 0 �, .
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<br /> If Lender exercises this optlon,Lender shall gTGe Borrower notice o4 accaleration.The notice shali pravlde a perlod i
<br /> of not less than 30 days from the date the notice Is delivered or mailed wlthin whlch Borrower must pay all sums secured
<br /> by thls Security Instrument.If Borrower fails to pay theso sums prior to the axpIratian of this perlod,Lender may Invoke , .
<br /> any remedles perrnit4ed by this Securtty Instrument without furthor notice or demand on Borrower. .
<br /> _.____...._—� te.eorrower's Rlght to Relnetete. If Borrower meets certain condlt�hn�sQ,aop�owe���adavs tor su hhother period
<br /> .. , • • �----,`-"---
<br /> ., I enforcemeni oi ti�ic Securiry tnstrument aisconiir�ucn.�n�a��r�����o N��••' •"•'•••�"•••-• - •
<br /> I as applicable lew may speclfy for relnstatement)before sale of the Property Fursuant to any power of sale cor►iali�ed tn
<br /> this Securlty Instrument;or(b}entry ot a Judgmont enfor due uhnde thisitSecurlty Instrumhent and h�ei Note as If no
<br /> Borrower(a)pays Lendc�r all sums whlch then would be
<br /> acceleretlpn had occurred; (b)cures any default of any other covenants or agreemgnts; (c)pays sll expenses Incurred
<br /> In enforcing thls Securiry Instrument,including,but not Ilmited to,reasonable sttorneys'faes;and(d)takes such action
<br /> as Lender may reasonably require to assure that the Iten of this Secur(ty Instrument,Lender's rlghts in the Property and _
<br /> Borrower's�bllyatlon ta pay tho sums secured by thls Security Instrument ohail contlnue w�changed.Upon
<br /> relnstatement by Borrower,thls Securlty Instrument and the obligatlons secured hereby shatl remaln fuily efic�ctfve as ff ����,y; -
<br /> no acceleratlon had occurred.However,this right to reinstate siiall not apply In tho case of accaleratlon under . . • _
<br /> � paragraph 17. •�":•:-�
<br /> t ....
<br /> 19.Ssle of Note;Chertge of Loan Serviaer. The Note or a partial Interest In the Note(together with thls Security ° �L,,�y�.:
<br /> Instrument) may be sold one or more timos wlthout prior notice to Borrower.A sale may reoult In a change fn the entity : ��_=_
<br /> (known as the"Loan Servicer")that collects monthly payments due under the Note and this Securlty Instruman4.There �,V^�;;�.e-
<br /> s.`,.�
<br /> also may be one or more changes of the Loan Servlcer unrelated to a eale of the Note.If there Is a change of the Loan �..-
<br /> Servlcer,Borrower wlll be glven written notice of the change in accordance w(th paragraph 14 above and appllcable law.
<br /> � The notice wlll state the name and address of the new Loan Senicer and the address to wh(ch payments should be
<br /> � :• • made. The notice will aiso contaln any other information required by applicable Isw.
<br /> � 20.Hazardous Subatances. Barrower shall not cause or permit the presence,use,dispasal,storage,or releass of __ _
<br /> any Hazardous Subs4ances on or in the Property.Borrower shall not do,nor allow anyone else to do,anything affecting ;;;_-`N
<br /> �: the Property that is In vlolation of any Enviranmental Law.The Rreceding two sentences shall not apply to the preser+ce, �.��;,___
<br /> use,or storage on the Property of smali quantities of Hazardous Substances that are generally recognized to bo :._��:�
<br /> � approprlate to normal residential uses and to maintenance of the Properry. '.�r�.�--—
<br /> Borrower shall promptly glve Lender written notice of any investigation,claim,demand,lawsuit or other action by �==
<br /> - -- . - any govemmnri►ni���e�ulatary ug�nc;or prl�ara pany Invotvina the Property and any Hazardous Substance or
<br /> Environmental Law of which Borrower has actuat{<nowledgo.If Borrower learns,or Is notltletl by any governrr�ai�iai o�
<br /> regulatory authorlty,that any removal or other remediatlon of eny Hazardous Substance affecting the Property Is
<br /> �r necessary,Borrower shall promptly take aIi necessary romedial actiona in acoardance with Environmentat Law. -
<br /> '� As used in this paragraph 20,"Hazardous Substances"are those substances deflned as toxic or hazardous
<br /> °i s��bstances by Environmental Law and the following substances:gasotlne,kerosene,other fiammable or toxic
<br /> � � petroleum products,toxlc pesticides and herbtcides,volatlle solvents,materi�ts containing asbestos or tormaldehyde,
<br /> � and radioactive materlais.As used In thls paragraph 20,"Envirosanfety or'en onmentai p o elction.and taws of the
<br /> - „ Jurisdtctlon whAre the Property is lacated that relate to health,
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender furt her covena n t and a gree ss follows: �
<br /> 21.Acceleretion;Remedies.Lender shell give notice to Borrower prior to acceferatlon tollowing Borrower's
<br /> bretch of any covenant or agreemen!In thia Security Instrument(but not prior to acceleration under pa�agraqh
<br /> � � 17 unless spplicab{o law providea otherwise).The notice aheil spectiy:(a)the detauft;(b)the action requlred to
<br />�,� . curo the deteuit;(c)e dAte,not lesa th�n 30 daye from the dete the notice i�givan to Borrower�by wh►ch the
<br /> >._ ,:.� � � det�utt muat be cured;end(d)that tallure to curo the detauR on or before the date�pec(fted In the nottce may
<br /> � resutt in acceleration of the eums secured by this Socurity InstrumeM and sale of the Propeny.The notice shali
<br /> � turth�Intorm Borrower of the right to reinstate after ecceleration end the right ta bring a court action to aasert
<br /> - the non-exletence of a det�utt or eny other defense of Borrower to accsler�tton�nd eate.ff the detauR Is not
<br /> cured on or betore the dete specified In the notice,Lender at tts option mey requlre immediate paymeM in tull of
<br /> atl sums sscured by this Security Instrument without fu►ther demand and mey Invoke the power of sale�nd eny = __
<br /> ' other remedle�ovided In his paragreph 21,including,but not Iimited to�reaaonable ettomeys feee artd cost�a of _
<br /> 4.:, the remedies p P
<br /> - � � titte evidence. - _- -__�
<br /> • • � -- �e Ii the power of sale Is Invoked,Truetee shell record a notice of default In e�ch caunty In Ii�icble ew io of _���a�:
<br /> - � • � the Property ta t�cated and shall ma11 copiea of auch notice in 4he manner preacribed by ep� ___ �_
<br /> ;s Bcrrower end to the other peraons prescribed by epplicable Iew. After the timo requlred by appiiceble law, �
<br /> �,; p - Trustea shell give publle notice of sete to tho persons and in the manner prescribed hy eppllcable lavn. Trustoe, ,,�.,
<br /> t• withotct demand on Borrower,ahall sell the Property at pubiic auctlon to the highest bidder et the time end place . „�;
<br /> � pnd under the terms dealgnated In the notice of sale In orto or more parcets end In eny order Trusten determfnes. - ��� �;
<br /> b Trustee mey postpone sele of ell or any parcel ot the Propert�►by publtc announaement et the time e�nd place of �:;
<br /> eny previoualy scheduted eete. Lender or tts destgnee may purchase the Property et any sale. '°""��;,��'� -:,�.;"
<br /> � ...::�4..:�.:•"'fb
<br /> � Upon recelpt of payment of the price bid,Trustee ah�ll dellver to the purchaa�r Trustea s de�d conveying :;;, ,,��+�',.
<br /> the Propeity. The recfteta In the Trustee's deed ahell be prima txcle evidenco oi the truth of the etatements me�de -� :r,.,,.:
<br /> ��•ti.�.. ..
<br /> theroln. Trustae shell epply the proceeds of the sale In the foilaw�ng order:(e)to etl coata end expenses of .
<br /> .
<br /> ISC/CMDTNE//0782/3028(9•301•L PAGB 6 OF 6
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