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<br /> i ��o ������ I.OAN NO. i s s s z i 5 2 i o
<br /> ' 10.Conclemnetlon. The prnceede ot any award or clalm for dama�os,direct or cur�seyuentlal,In corsnoctlon vrlth ," • •
<br /> , � any condemnatlon or other taking of any part of the Property,or tor conveyance In Ileu of condemnatlon,are hereby .�r
<br /> asslgned and ehall be pald to Lendor. ��'
<br /> I In the event af a total takinfl of the Praperty,the proceeds shall be applled to the auma securad by thls Security ,,,, :�r,.,
<br /> : ..44�
<br /> � Inatn�ment,whether or not then due,wlth any excess pald tn Borrower.In the event of a paRlal taking of the Pr�perty In
<br /> which the falr market value of the Prop�rty Immedtately before the taking Is equal to or Breator than th3 amount ot the , .__
<br /> .- .�`� a��m��wr.urACi hy thls Securiry Instrumer�t Immedlatoly before the taking,unless Sorrower and Lender othervvise agree in _ _ _` :y,, :.��;_`
<br /> _ __'T-=�l J��...I�Iwllw�l����{�n ._..." __�....i.+.._
<br /> ' � writing,tI10 6UfYi8 88CU�E(�{7y iF1Ie Sd�UPliy i(15tiUlit611t ShIIII ESfl if.`UUC�Djf[f1B s(ROU(R U�ii�d�itivhCUn���wuNuov�� ..�.. c.;-_- -
<br /> �r"`�'.'� following iractlon:(a)the total emount of the sums secured Immedlat��y before the taking,dlvlded by(b)tho falr market
<br /> value of the Praperty Icnmedlately before the takirig.Any balsnae shall be paid to Borrower. In the event of a partlal
<br /> � tskln{�of th�Property In whlch the fair market value of the Property immediately before the taking le less than the _ ..�:
<br /> amount of the sums secured immedlately before the takinp,unless Sorrower and Lender othervvlse agree in writing or ,�_,„�_
<br /> unless appllcable taw otherwloe provides,the proceeds shall be applled to the sums secured by thiu Socuriry ' .�;:,�4;r,�.
<br /> " " Instrument whether or noi the sums are then due. � -'�=��M�t��i.�
<br /> ' or If,aftar natice by Lender to Borrower¢F�si¢i�e condemnor affsrs to � '""`"�'""`�"
<br /> � If the Property is abandoned by Borrotver, "''="�
<br /> � � make an aviard or settle a claim for damages,Borro�ver fails to respond to Lender w(thin 30 days after the date the -
<br /> • Iven Lender Is authotized to collect snd apply the proceeds,at Its optlon,either to restoratlon or repalr of the ,' ;;�+��
<br /> notic�is g
<br /> , r+, Property ar to the sums secured by this Security Instrument,whether or not then due. -�,,::���: . ----.-
<br /> , .�,rt a� _
<br /> ;:;:'
<br /> � Unfess Londer snd Borrower otherwisA agree in wrfting,any application of proceeds to princlpal shall nat extend or ,� .;._
<br /> � ' postpone tho due date of the monthly payments r6ferred to In paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount o9 such y: —�s;�,q
<br /> ,, '" paymente. �.;..::�r: �
<br /> .,.�:�--
<br /> � 11.Borrower No!Released;Forbearance By Lender Not a Walver. Extenslon of the time for payment or '`'�''��`
<br /> �� modiflcation of amortizatlon ot the sums secured by this SACUriry Instrument granted by Lender to any sucoessor in ;��..,�
<br /> �� . :;��...� �F:a
<br /> .. ., �..� Interest ot Borrawer shall not operate to release the Ilabillty of the original Borrower or Borrower's successors In ,,�`-�'"�
<br /> • Intesest.Lender shall not be requlrsd to commence proceedings aga{nst any successor In Interest or refuse to oxtend �:� �
<br /> tlme for payment ar otherwise modiiy amortlzetion of the sums secured by this Security Insirument by reason of any :�'��-�'
<br /> � � demand made by the ariglnal8orrower or Borrower's successors in Interost.Any torbearance by Lender In exercising �.,��� -
<br /> ��--
<br /> any right or remedy shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any right or remedy. �„��*- —
<br /> 12.Successors and Asslgns ebund;Jaint end Severel Llebtlity Co-signera. The covanants and agreements of
<br /> r this Securiry Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender snd Borrower,subJect to tho i`_�
<br /> pruvi��uas� �agrapt�Z 7.Bors���srs��yA�a�ta an�i agreements shali be(olnt and several.Any Borrower who =
<br /> � co•signs thls�ecurixy Instrument but does not execute thn Note:(a)ts co•slgnfng this Securtty mstrument oniy io �-
<br /> mortgago,grant and convey that Borrower's Interest in the Property under the terms of this Securiry Instrument;(b)Is :,-
<br /> � not personally obllgated to pay the sums secured by this Security Instrument;and(c)agrees that Lender and any other p-�
<br />=�;.r s.,:.,-�,' Borrower may agrea to extond,modity,forbear or make any accors�modatlons wfth regard to the terms of thls Securttyr
<br /> '�� � •• Instrument or the Note without that Borrower's consent. =
<br />�-��!�;"����-• 13.Loun Charge�. If the loan secured by thls Security Instrument Is subJect to a!aw which sets meximum loan �
<br /> 5*!*�r��:� charpes,and that law Is finally Interpreted so that the Interest or othsr loan charges collacted or to be collected in
<br />�'�`�F���.��:; connectlon with the loan exceed the permltted Iimfts,then:(a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount
<br />_.::R=�•:�-v necessary to reduce the charge to the permitted Ilm(t;end(b)any sums elready collected from Borrower whlch _
<br /> = '�""` exceeded Rermitted�fmits will be refunded to eorrower.Lender may chcose to make this refund by reductng the
<br /> _ � ��'''� princlpal owed under t he No te or by ma k i ng a d l re c t p a y m e n t t o B o r r o w e r.I f a r e f u n d r e d u c e s p r l n c t p a l,t h e r e ductlon _
<br /> -��`�' ��`-., will be treated as a partlal prepayment wlthout any prepayment charge under the Note.
<br />=;;a.,,�.��:.,.. �
<br />�"."�`�`� 14.Notices. Any nottce to Borrower provided for in thls Security Instrument shall be gfven by dellverfng ft ar by
<br />=�=:=�=T"��_ malling ft by iirst class mail unless applicabie law requires use of another method.The notice shatl be directeei to the _
<br /> ___,;:1'� Properry Address or any other address Borrower deslgnates by notice to Lender.Any notice to Lendor shall be givan N
<br />��:�� -� by first dass mall to Lender's address stated hereln or any oiher address Lender designates by notice t�Borrowec.Any
<br /> � ���' ��' notice provided for in this Security Instrument shall be deemed to have bson given to Borrower or Lender when given �
<br /> •��:.�.�i.;',� as provldec!In this paragraph. --
<br />� r•'�°� 16.Qoverning l.�w;Severebility. Thls Sscuriry Instrument shali be governed by federal law and the law ottho �-
<br />��--��:�,:
<br /> -�-r�-�T:,; Iurlsdictlon In which tho Property is located.In the event that any provlslon or clause of this Securfry Instrument or the _
<br /> �- ' T Note corrfllcts with applicable Isw,such confllct chall not affect other provlsions of this Security Instrument or the Note �'
<br />��::����:�. wh!ch can be given effect without the conflicting provislon.To thls end the provislons of this Securlry Instrument end the �_ _
<br /> -- """"" "'- Note are declared to be severable. e`
<br />--=':,�..���...,�
<br />—`''-`F�- � 18. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be given onA conformed copy of the Note and of this Securtty Instrumeht. -
<br /> i;.} .�._..;TM,�: --- ---------
<br />= �� 1�. Transter ot the Property qr a Beneticlal Interest In Borrower. If all or eny part o�t he Prope r t y or any _—____—_—
<br /> - � - Interest In It Is sdd or transferred(or It a beneflclal Interest in 8orrower Is sold or t�ansferred and Borrower Is not a =______ __
<br />- � natural porson)wfthout Lender's prior written consent,Lender may,at it3 optlon,require Immedlate payment in full of alf =---�--�
<br /> sums secured bythis Security Ir�strument. However,this option shall not be exercfsed by Lender if exerciEe Is ..:A�_
<br /> . prohibited by federal law as of the dato of thls Secur(ty Instrumsnt. ��,;;;_;��*��
<br /> �:�°������..
<br />'" . . '.�'�`:�--�—i_"''•i,
<br /> � {SC/CA4DTNE//0782/3028(B•90)•L PAGE 4 O�13 ' d ,;,``�`�'�JFt.
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