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<br /> cor.xn:,LenA, mwy,nt thelr oppon,rcqutra Imneadin!o psymcnt In Nll of�11 eucn�cecurcd Dy this Se:udty Inst►umcnt,Wowcvrr,thli optlon _
<br /> �h�11 not bc aYerelscd by Lenden ItoxcrclYO 1�prohiblud by kdernl I�w a nf tho R�w oYthb Security Inawmrnt.
<br /> If[..enden excrclu thi�option,l.endero eiull Qive Elorrowerq notloo of�ceslerefian.TAa notico eh�il pmvido�petio4 ot not Ieto
<br /> then 30 day�li�om the dwe 1Pw nadco ii dclivercd or mUleJ wlthin wh{ch Aorcowen m�ut pry all�ume Kcund by Ihi�Security Iniwment(f
<br /> Aocrowcro f�ll ta pay�hese tums prlo�to the explMHon of thlo perlod,Lendon may Invoka�ny rcmc�llw{xrmitkd by�hli Seeutity In�Wi+ent
<br /> w;G:uul fu�ua.r iwllw or d_:,;�:a o,13or.ot::is. r-•
<br /> 16. Berrowero'Ri�ht to Rei�uuto.ltDorrower�mat caWn candidau,Bottowee�th�l h�vo tho rl�ht to h�ve enfocament oi tfiii `-
<br /> Sccuriry Imlrument diconntlnued u�ny timA prlor to Ihe eviter oC (�)3 dty�(or �uch other psrlod iu rppltc�ble IAw rmy epecNy for
<br /> relnrtaa:mer.:)bcforo uio at the Property punwnt to my power of eae conuined In tht�Secudty Irulrument;or(b)envy of�Judur�nt
<br /> enforcing this&curity In�wment.Tho�a wndiQons rao tha Darowen:(�)p�y Lenden dl turtu whlch then would bo due under U►1�Secudty
<br /> Inswment�nd tho Note had no�calenulon occurted;(b)curo�ny defiwlt of wiy other coven�nu or�gteement�;(o)poy dl expense�Incurtcd
<br /> in enfareing thla 5acurlty lnctrument,IncluAin�,b�t not Ilmited ro,reaon�ble uwmeya'feer,�nd(d)W�e weh action a Lenden m�y
<br /> rc�sonrbly agutro to usuro that the Ilen of this Security Inswment,Lendon'riah2�In tho Propeny end Borcowct�'obllYatlon to pay tho sueu �
<br /> •_ecved by rhta creurfry Inxm�ment,shdl coritinue unchmged.Uoon rclnstuement by Bomowen,�hi�SecutitY Instmnxnt nd Ihe oaU�ations
<br /> secuad hercby shdl rcm�in f�lly e�'eri.ive�s If no�caleratlon h�d uccurrcA.Ho�ver,u5b right W rctnstMe ahail not�pply In the cue of
<br /> actelerstionunderpu�mplu IS or 17.
<br /> 17. Accelcntlon;Remedk�, Lendere slull g(va aotica W Borrowen prior to accelenulon foilow:ng Bortowen'brc�ch of�ny
<br /> coven:su or e�enntnt tn thie Security[nsWment(biA not�xlor to�calenHon mder p�rapFu 13 nd 17 unletf�ppliuble Inw ptovida
<br /> ot1�u).71ro notice�hdl�peciPy:p)tho defwir,(b)tha�ction rcqulrcd to c�u�e the defadr,(o)a Mte.rtot leu than 30 day�6+om tha d�oe the
<br /> nocicr i9�ireu cu Bar�we�a,ty widch G`�a d�,fsuR cu�t ts�wr,.d;raiA(dj th�f�luse to cute th:def ult oa or btfero Lh�:de!�Rntc�lkd�n the
<br /> notice m�y result in�ece[entlon of ItNt tums cer,uce�by thU Seciulry Instrument u►d sde of�he Property.Tfie nodce clull flutMr irtfotm
<br /> Sorrowen oY the dQht w teimtate atter�ccelerxion md tho ri�l�t to brinj a couct rctbn to txtett U►e ran<xi�tenca of�defiult or�ny otha
<br /> dafenso of Bormwcsa to�ccdentton�n6 sdo.ItU�e defauit b not cured on or befom the due�pestfled in tho noUce,Lenden�t thetr oPNon
<br /> may rcq¢iro immedi�te payment in ftill of tll�ums aewrcd Dy thia Secwl�y Inswment wl�hout tiinfKt demnd snd msy Invoka Ihe power of
<br /> sate�nd my otfier nmedk�pennlae4 by�ppllable liw.Leeden shdl be endUed W collat vl expensw inwrovl tn piwrulnL tho rcn�edict _ _
<br /> provided in thi�pu�,gr+ph including,but not Iimited to,rcason�blo wWmeyn'fu��nd cosu oftltlo evidenco.
<br /> [f the powcr of c�ie le�nvokcd,Tmstu:shill record a notice of defiwlt in each oounty In which uny part of ttw Property b localed
<br /> and ihul maU copk�of such rwtice tn the mwkr prcicrlbed by�pplic�bio IRw w Bamwm�nd W tfie oAKr penau q�esulbed by�ppilcable
<br /> law.ARer the dme requiced by�pplicsblo law,T►vske shdl give pnblio iwNco of aie to ihe perwns�nd In ihe manner praatbed bY
<br /> •pplic�ble law.Tnutae.without dem�nd on Bortowen,ah�tl nttl the Properey K public wcpon W tho M{hest bidda k tfie Amo�nd pl�oe under
<br /> the umu desi�nMed in 1ho notia of sile fn one or moro pival�md iu u�y order Trustto detumtne�.Tnnta mty pottpona uik of�I or rry
<br /> pral oiche Pcoperty by Publla wauncrmcnt�t tho dma�nd pisce of any provkwly scheduied wte.Lcnden a thely desl�nea may purchre
<br /> � DiC YN'PGLY R�i�0. -
<br /> Upon rccelpt of p�yment of�e prica bld,Trusteo chdl dellver W the Qurchaur Trustee'�doed convoyinj the Proputy.'i'be rcciuls
<br /> In the Tcu�toda deed ih�ll be pri�nn ficb evidenco of thc truth of the�t�temenn madc therein.Tru�tee ahdl�pply the prooeedi of the uio In the
<br /> � followin�order.(a)to�il expenu�of the�ele,including,but not Iimited to,Trustea's feer u pemdtted by appik+ble�iw�nd«�e
<br /> �ttomey'�fas;@)w dl ewn��eeured by thb Securiry Instrumrnt;nd(o)�ny exces�to tha�eraon or penon�Iepliy uRidcd W it
<br /> � t!. 4endrn in Poausslon.llpon�cakratlon under Pa�nPh 17 ot�bndon�r�ent of tAo P[opert5'�u�►da�(in P�non,bY�t a
<br /> : by judklaly�ppointed reafvtr)�A�11 be entitlal W cata�upon,t�ke pouadon of�nd mny�p the PropeRy aad W cnllat tbo r�m of tbo
<br /> Propa�y Includtn�tlaso pat due.My anb wikctod by Lender�a the rcc.�lver�hill bo�pplkd fUst w puynxnt of tho co�of mru{aneat
<br /> � of tbo Propuey�ad oolloctlon of renu,includtn�,bat not Ilmiled tn,tecelvet'a fea,prcm:um�on realvera fay.prc,+ntums oo roaiva'i bo+d�
<br /> ± aed rcaan�ble Mtotneya'teu,and thai to the tumo eecuced by thls Security Inttivmene.
<br />; t9. Reconveyance. UPon WYmau of dl aums xcuied by thb Security Insaua�u►t,Lcnden�hall requat Tru�ke W rocomey the
<br /> � Ptoperty�nd chYl s�►traida thb Sec�uity Irehtunent md�11 notea evideadnt dtbt eecueed sy tlds Sa.udry IntCwnent b'CnrOee.7YwMe fhUl
<br /> rccatvey tl►s Pmperty without wma�ty rxf without char�e to the penon or penon+Icgdiy rnQtled W i�Such pasai or pc�aru th�tl p�Y+uh'
<br /> restontlon w�.
<br /> ? 20. Substiu�oe Tnaue.I,rnden.�t theU opUon,mry frum dme W dme mnove uwtee rid�ppoint�suooetar Nuteo fo�nY Trw,x
<br /> . �ppol�tDOd hereunder by�r►lnsxument recorded In dio oowty in w!►!ch thU Suurity Inrtnunent ts reca�ed.Witlwut oonrcymca of dio
<br /> Propaty,the suca:tsor uustee sh�ll euctad w�II the title,power�nd duHa conkmed upon Tnuta hercin md by�ppiicabk Icw,
<br /> � 31. Request for Notlu�.Borcowcn requcst thnt coples of tha noda�of default enQ s�le bo sent W 8orrowero'�a whlch if Ihe
<br /> Pmpaty AdMesr.
<br /> BY SIG[dRdCi HSLOW,Doaowcre wupt md�gcce to tho tenu md covenanu wnWned In thb Security Iniwment
<br /> �ICHA��� ,
<br /> ; ����IRK J W���
<br /> � sateet NE8RA5KA �
<br /> �
<br /> Cou■tyot HALL___ _�
<br /> , The fotegoing Instrument wu9 ecknowl:dged,subscrlb:d nnd swom to bcforo mc thla 28TH dey of_ MAY =_
<br /> iq 96 ,by M]:CHAEL F WIECK AND MARK J ��IECK ac cre�a�stu�a, �
<br /> � N�bra�ke. ^ � -
<br /> �s�ut�ar+�r-s�w K�t, �'�`--�-r�i =
<br /> �Y Con1m.Fxp.AyfG�,1948 Notay Pubtlo ::
<br /> 3
<br />