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<br /> All Insunnw policin snd renswals ahall be acceptnble t�I.endero end shali Inc(ude n stenderd niongege ciauso.Lendtn shnll hwo
<br /> tho right to hold►he pollcie�end rcnew�l�.If Lendera rcqutrc, E3onowere ahal!promptly gfve to Icndere ell recetpu of patd pnmlums end
<br /> rcnew�l nattcce.ln Uie event of los9,Dortower�shall givo prompt notico to Uio fiisunna curler xnd Lenders.Lendero may meke proof of loss
<br /> IPnot m�da promptly by
<br /> Doaowers.
<br /> Unlcss 1.t:ndcN w�d Buiiuwei3 uGi2iw{in n�yii0 I�i wilUpg,1��5Uiuiiw piBCi,tdi 6hi11 Eu Cy�pl�i:d t0 ti.SiGtutlBA 6t(i.�ult 8f th0 P'i8�7�y
<br /> dunaged, if the restonAon or repair ie ewnomlc�lly feasible end Lendero' securlty Is not Irssened. [f tho rcstomdon or rcpalr Is not
<br /> economic�liy fersibla or Lenders'security would ba lessened,tfie insun�aco proceeds ahatl bo epplied to tte sums ucund by thie Security
<br /> instrument,whether or not then due,with�ny rxcess p�id to Borrowerr.If Borrowera�bandan the propeRy,or da not answer within 30 d�ya n
<br /> noNco trom LenAen th�t the Insurona+cnnier ha ofCercd to settle a claim,lhcn Lendere may culicct tho insurnnce pmceeds.Lendem may use
<br /> tha proceeds to rcp�tr or resWre the Propeny or to pay sums cecured by�his Secudry Insaumcnt,whether or not then duo.The 30-0�y perlod
<br /> v.ill bagin ti�han the noiicc is given. -
<br /> Untas l.enders end eorrowero othenvtse egrce lu wrldng,�ny eppltcaeion or proceeds co principN shall not excend or poscpona[hv
<br /> due dua of tho pnyment n.fea:d to In peregrephs 1�nd 2 or chenge the unount otthe psyment If under pnrograph 19 the Prupertyr Is acqutrcd
<br /> by f.cnden,Borcowere'�Ight to eny insurenca policies tnd proceeds resuldng&om d�mngo to thc Peoperry prtor to tho ecquisidon shtll pus to
<br /> I.enders to tho extent of tho sams securcd by�his Security(nswment Immedluely prlorto the acqulsition.
<br /> S. Prcxrvatlon md Meintenence of Propnty l.easeholds.Bortowcrs ehall not destroy,dam�ga or substyntiWly ch�nge the Peaperty,
<br /> ellow tha Property to detetionte or commit waste.If thie Security Instntment(a on n leuehold,Borrowen shetl comply wlth th.a provlston�of
<br /> �ho leaso,:nd if i3ortcwers�cquire feo tido to tho Property,iho ieuehold end fea ttUe shnll not mcrgo unless Lenden agcse to tho merger tn
<br /> , ��ddng.
<br /> 6. Ptotecdon of Lenders'Rights ln thc Properiy;IHortgyso Insurmce. If Borrowers fnll to perfotm the cavenants and agreements
<br /> conWned ln thi�Security Cnswment,or thero Is a legtl proceeding thk m�y aignificu�py wffect l.endets'righb in Ua Property(such es a
<br /> proceeding in b�nic�uptcy,probete.for condemnadon or ta cnforco laws or ttguletlati),then l.endero mty du end pny tor whusver le neassery
<br /> to protc,ct the vdua of tho Property nnd I.ondere'righte(n Uia Property,i,eedero'�cdons m�y tncludo p�ying ony sum.v aecuad by�Ilrn which
<br /> hn pdority ovrr thic Security[nstrument,appeuing in court,paying rcesoneisle utomeys'faa�rtd enkdng on the Fropeity to m�lca rep�im.
<br /> Although Lenders m�y Wce�ctlon under tht�pan�nph 6,Lenders Ao not heve W do ao.
<br /> My unount�di�bursed by Lcnden unAer this pmmgnph 4 shdl becomo�ddlAond debt of Bortowero ucured by thU Security
<br /> [nstrumcnt Units�Bortower�utd I,endero�gree W other tetma of ptyment,these uiwuats shdl buv intercst&om the d�te of disburcement at
<br /> tho Note nto tnd shdl 6e ptyeble,with lnterest,upon noUco ftom Lendera W Bo�rowero requesdng payment.
<br /> � [f Lendera rcquired mortg�go insunnco a�a canditlon of ineking tho lou�aecured by thi�Securiry Inswment,Bortowero ehdl pay
<br /> the promlums ttquired to maintein tho Insuru�ce in efl`ect wdl auch timee as tho requirement for the insumca umHn�tes tn�ccord�nce with
<br /> Bortowers'end Lender�'written egreement or nppticaAlc I�w.
<br /> 7. Inspection. Lenders or thef:agcnt�m�y m�ko a�sonublo entrlp upon md Inspectlons of the ProExny. Lenden thdl giva
<br /> Borrowero noHw�t tho dme of or prior w�n inspecNon apeclfying rcuon�ble cause for the inspecdon.
<br /> 8. CondemnWor..11�e proceeds of any aw�rA or clalm for dumges,direct or a�nsequendal,In connection wlth eny condemn�Non
<br /> or other Wcing of�ny put of tha Praperty,or for wmeymu In Ucu of condemn�tion,ae hcreby wlgned�t►d shdl be ptld tu Lenden.
<br /> In the evrnt of A totni tnking of the Property,the procad�shdl be epptied to the sum�secuad by th1�5tcur(ty in�hurtreM,whether
<br /> or not then due,with�ny exuss psid to Bortowero.In the avent of e putld hking of the Pmperty,unles�l3ortowen�nQ Lcndcro othenvise
<br /> . ag�r,o in wdHng,thc surtu secuKd by thie Security Insuument sh�t be reduced by the wnount of rhe proceeda mulUplkd by the fotlowing
<br /> , CneHon: (�)iho toul�mount of Uw aum�eeaued Immedl�tely beforo the hlcing,divided by(b)the fiir nwfcet vdue of the Ptnpaty
<br /> Immedi�tely befora the uking.My bduwe ahdl be pdd to Horrowero.
<br /> lf the propecty b�ncbnsd by Bortowe�,or if,after notice by l.enden to�ortowen thit ihe condemnor ofFen to m�he n aw�rd
<br /> or settlo a ct�lm for d�m�gw,Borcowers fail to respond to I.cnden witAfn 30 dsy�atkr tlw datc tfw notla Is Qiven,LenOen�cc au►horlud to
<br /> coilect and�pply the proceed�,et thelr aption,etther W rcstoro or rcp�lr the Prope�iy or W pay the sunu ucurcd by this Security Instrwnent,
<br /> whether or not then duo.
<br /> Unles�Ler.den iend E3ormwers otlwnvisr:�gree In wdtlng,my�pplicaHon o£procetds W p�(ncipd 6re11 not exteud or postpono the
<br /> duc due of tho yarly p�ymtnu tcfeRed to in paragnpin 1 md 2 or cAange thc wnaunt of such p�ymenu.
<br /> 9. Borrowero Not Releaud;Forbeuanco by Lendero Not a Welver. Extenslon of tho tlme tor p�ymcnt of moditic�tion or
<br /> anortizatbn of tho sume securcd by this Secudry Inswment granud by Lenrkre W ony auceessor in interest of Borrox�ers ahdl not opernte w
<br /> relemo tho llabitity of tho orisinil Bortowero or Borrowen'aucccssors ln Interosk Lendsro shall not be requlred to commence procoedingu
<br /> aQdnst�ny suecessor in inurest or refluc to extend dmo for p�yment or othenvisa modUy unort]z�Non of the siuns ucured by thb Securiry
<br /> , Imtrument by neLwn of eny demand mado by the odgind lTorrowere or Bortowero'successcn 1n interest.My forbeannce by LenGen In
<br /> , crercieing ony right or remedy shall not bo�weh�er of or preclude tha exorclso of�ny right or rernedy.
<br /> 10. SucceswrR end Assign�Houad;Joint and Sevcral Liabtlity; Co�signen.Tho corenui� and egrecmeny of thi�Secudty
<br /> [nswment eh�ll bfnd end benefit tha successors end nssigns of Lendtro end Berrowero,subJect to the provislons of paregraph 17.Borcowere'
<br /> coven�nts end�grcenxnU shdi be jolnt end ceverel.
<br /> 11. Legtsletion Afkctina Ir.ndeM'Right�. If cnnctment or expirntton of eppliceble Iewe hes the effeM of rc�dering eny proviston of
<br /> the IVote or thl�Security inswment uncnfoneablc eccording to its terms,Lertders,nt their opUon,mny rcqntrc irnmadieto p�yment In ii�ll of a11
<br /> sums secureA by this Securfry Instruracnt end may invoke eny remedtes permitted by partgnph i9.If Lendero exerclso thls opUon,L.enders
<br /> shdl teke the etep�spediled tn the second paregraoh of pangnph 11.
<br /> 12. Noticea. My noticc to liortowcra provided for in thls Securiry(nstrumr,nt shall be g�ven by dcllvering It or by malling It by
<br /> tirst clASS meil unless�ppllabla law rcquires uso of another method.Tha noNco 6hn11 be dittcted to the PropcqY eddrcs�or�ny other sddrcss
<br /> nmmwcn dcaignaic oy noiiw iv i.cndcre.i+ny naiicc io i.cndcre anei�oa givcn uy ntat cian msii co i.cndcrs admcs�smcd'nccoin rn�ry omer
<br /> address Lendere dcsignates by notia ta I3ortowcr�.Any notla provlded tor in this Secarlry I��strum�nt�hdl be dccmcd to hevc lxen given to
<br /> Dorrowera or Lcndcro whcn given ns provtdcd in Nis pnragrupl�.
<br /> !3. Qoveming l.mr;Scverabltity.'I1ils Secudty Inswmcnt shell bc govemcd by fcderel law end tho Inw of the State of Nebrnske.In
<br /> tha cvcnt that rny provislon or cinuso of this Sccurity Inswment or tho Notc conflicn wfth epplt:.eblo lew,such conAict shnll not etTbct othcr
<br /> provisiuns of thla Secudty instrumcnt or Une Note whtch can be given efTbct wtthout the conflicting provlsion.To this end the provi9lons of Uils
<br /> Securtry instrument end the Note urc dcciercd to be scvcreble.
<br /> l4. Hotcoweq'Copy.Borrowers shell ba given one confortned copy af tho Note md of this S:curiry InstrumenG -
<br /> 1 S. 7Ynnsfcr of thc Propc�ty or e Bencflcinl Interest In Botro�vers.If utl or any put of U�c Property or nny intcrest in it Is sold or
<br /> tran�Cerred(or If a bancflctnl Intercst in Botrowcra is sold or trnnsCcrted end Borrowcr is not a neturnl person)without Lcndere'prlor written
<br /> 2
<br />