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<br /> -.,___. __� a, �.r �la not on It�dlrldual,ti�o leauanco,nalo,4rano4or,nc�l�ynmont,convcyanco or cnour��brnnca o7 nloro ih�n a total �
<br /> • � �« � a cor oratlun Its les��ed end outetendinp efoek or(if a partncrchfp)a total ol�/a�er��nt of �J
<br /> __,:� �� ol.._.�PerceMof(II P ) -.:
<br /> '"'�`'' p�Rnerahlp Interseta durin�the perlod thla Deed ot True4 ramalne a lien on the Property. ��=•--
<br /> ---=��'�*�� �q q�����ccNsr�lkEn Upore DN�uN.In the e+vent of cny Event af Detault Lender moy,without notice except e�requlred�y ___
<br /> �-`�'••��x�� � Isw,declaro sll Indebtednese sacured heroay to be due end payable and the eame ahdll lhereupon bdcome due end peyebte �.�
<br />._,�-_���.�y�� without nny prewntment dernsnd,prote�t or notice of�ny klnd.Ther�after LendAr may:
<br /> _ � (e) aemnrtd thet Truatae exarclse the ROWER OF BALE prehted hereln, end Truatee shell thereefter cauae Truitor'� _
<br /> �--__.�.� Intereit In the property ta be sold end tiie proceasi�to b�dl,tributcd,all in the mannor provlded in tho Nebreeke Truat Deeda E`-
<br /> _.. _.� ;,,:;* .__..�......,�
<br />�.=�.�.�- (b) Exerclee eny and all rlphte provided tor in nny uf i��o Losn Inatrumant�Q���,p��-�r�O�Ol:liUt161i40 V�a��,...��..�• __-
<br /> ��� Oefault end
<br /> u�. (a) Commence en actlon ta torealoae thle Deed o1 Truet ae a mo�tflepe,appolnt a recelver,or speciitaally entorce any ot the
<br /> -�;,s.�,�� covenente hereof. :._
<br />._-�:,;,;,;�,� No rert�edy harein conferred upon or reaerved to Truatee or Lender le Ic�tendoa to be exalusive of eny other remedy herein,In the
<br />- •��5��n"� Loan Instrumente or by Isw provlded or permltted,but eaah ehall be curr►ulative,ehali be In additlan to overy other remedy qlven L
<br /> -==== hereunder,In the Loan Inatruments or now or heroafter exlatlnp e4 lew or In equlty or by etatute,end may ba exerciaed concurrently,
<br />` ="=�� IndependenUy of euccenafveiy. �--
<br /> °m-� 13. 1tu�fN.The Trusteo may reeipn at any time w!lhout aause,end Lender may et any tlme and without cauee eppoin�a
<br /> � --
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