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<br /> Londer ta protect the eeourity o}tha Note;(Q)the periormnnca oi eii covbrieiiia 6��u uyi so�����sr e1 iru�.ar�.t icri.�Ezsre!n;enc(c�)�!I ,�,�,-,•_
<br /> pr�sent�nd luturs Indebtednew ar.d obilpatlon�o?Borrower(or any o4 them If more 4han one)to Lnnder whett�er dlrect,Indiraut, ___
<br /> absotute or contlnqent xnd whether arl�lnp byr nots,Q���r�nty,ov�rdr�ft or oth�rwl�e.Th�Note,lhte Oeed o}Truat and any and elt
<br /> otherdoeuenta that eeaure the Note or otherwl�e sxeeutsd In connection th6rswlth,InoludUfl without Ilmltatlon puarenteea,eeaurlry ��.
<br /> �preemanb and aal�nmenU of Is�te�end ronti,�hdl be rstetnd to heraln e�the"Lo�n Inetrumante". �=
<br /> Trustor covenants�rsd aprssr�wlth Lendse e�totlowo:
<br /> t �ayrc:E!C!IrtL��s!�t!tt"s•All Indebtedneta saaured hareby ehall be pald wh0n due. �a-
<br /> � T1tl�.T�uator I�th�ownsr o}the Pruparhr,ha�ths rlpht and autha�iry to convey the Proparty,end werranta ftiat lhe Ilen � -
<br /> •a..� 1�...dHww�w�l
<br /> oreated hereby fe e iiret nnd priur Ilui�i,r iha PrapaRy,a�cept tor i��n�anq ene�mo►nncee etli ii,�u�L'� ���a.or�„ ..��.,��,._....
<br /> delivered to Lender before executlon ot thle Deed of Truat,and the exeautlan and dellvery of thle Deed af Truet doea not vlolats eny
<br /> contr�tot or other obllpetion to whlch Tru�tor la�ubJeot.
<br /> 3.T�x�e�A�s�rtNnb.To pay beforo dellnquency ail texea,epealal aeecaamente and all other ahergea epatnat tlte Prop�rty
<br /> now or hereefter lovled. -�
<br /> 4. Insuraac�.To kexp the Property Ineured eyalnet damege by flre,haxards Inaludad wlthin the term"extended covsreye",�nd
<br /> euch other hazarda ae Lender may requlro,In nmounte end wlth oompsnlea acceptable to lendor,nnmin0 Lender ea an addlUonal -
<br /> n�m�Ir►�urcd,ti:ith loae psyebte to the I,�nder.In caae o1 loae under euch pollales,the Lender la authorized to adJust,collect and
<br /> compromise,all ctalme the�eunder and ehall have the optton o}applylnp etl or part of the Inaurance proceecie(i)to any indebtedneas
<br /> secured heraby and In euali ardar ae Lender may determine,(il)to the Truetor to be usesi fnr 4he repalr or reatoratian.o}the Propsrly
<br /> or(III)tor any other purpase or obJect eatfa4aotory to Lendor without aflecting the Ilan o!thla Otled oi Truat tor the full amount secured
<br /> hereby before euch payment ever took plaae.Any applicatlon of proceeds to Indabtedn0aa shall not dxtend ar poatpone the due
<br /> dete of any paymente under tha Notg,or cure eny delautt therounder or hereunder.
<br /> 6. F.acrow.Upon written demend by Lender,Yruetor shell pay to Lender,In euch manner ea Lender may datlpnate,tuHicient
<br /> suma to enable Lender to pay�e they become due one or more of the tollowlnfl:(iy ail taxsa,aes6acm�nt�and cther ch�r��e e��intt �
<br /> ths Properly,(II)the premiume on the propa►ty Inaurence required hereunder,and(III)the premlum�on any mortflage insurance
<br /> requlred by Lender.
<br /> 8. M�Int�n��a�,R�pala�nd Compll�nc�w(th L#w�.Truator shell keep the Property In good condition and repatr;shall
<br /> promptly repalr,or replace eny improvement whlch may be demaged or deatroyed; shall not commlt or parmit eny waste or _
<br /> dbtertoration of iha Proaeiiy;ehall nat ramava,demolish or euhstenQslly elter any of the Improvemente on the Property;sl�el)not
<br /> commit,auffer or permit eny ac4 to be donb In or upon the Property In violatlon ot any Inw,ordlnance,o►repulAtion;end ahall pay and
<br /> promptly dlacharpe at Trustor's cost and expense all Ilena,encumbrances and charges levlod,impased or asaeaaed aDainst the
<br /> Property or any part thereof.
<br /> 7. Emin�nt Domain.Lender le hereby asalpned all compensatlon,awarde,damaflea and other paymente ar relle}(hereinafter
<br /> "Proceede") In connectton with condemnation or other takinp o}the Property or part thereot, or for conveyance in Ileu uf
<br /> condemnatlon.Lender shall be entitled at Ita optlon to commence, appear In snd prosecute in tta awn name eny aatlon or _
<br /> proceedtnpa,and ehall also be entitled to make any compromise ar settlement in connectlon with such taking or damt�ge.In the
<br /> ava�i ariy No�iiui��4 4��0�ro�rt';1s aa��an os dsms��,��n�!pt gha�i hayw the ontion,in ite eole and ebsolute dlacretion,!a epply
<br /> all auoh Proceeds,alter deductinp therofrom all costs and expenses Incu�red by it in conneGtlon wlth such Proceeds.upon any
<br /> Indebtedness aecured hereby and in such order ae Lender may determine,or to epply all such Proceeda,aRer such deduotlona,xo
<br /> the reetoratlon ot the Property upon euch conditlona as Lender may determine.Any appllcation ot Proceeds to indebtadneaa ehall
<br /> not extend or poatpone the due date ot any payments under the Note,or oure any detault thereunder or hereunder.Any unapplled _
<br /> tunda ahall be pald to 7rustor.
<br /> 8. P�rlorm�nc�by L�nd�r.Upon the occurrence pf an Event of Default hereunder,or Ii any act la taken or lepel proceediny
<br /> commer+ced whlch mnterislly aifecta Lender's Intereat in the Property,Lender may In Its own discretion,but without oblipatlon to do
<br /> ao,end without notics to or demand upon Truator and wlthout re�eestng Truetor trom eny obllpation,do any act whlch Trustor has
<br /> agraed but talla to do and mey atao do any other act It deems neCessary to protect the security hereof.Trustor ehell,(mmedtrtely
<br /> upon demend theretor by Lender,pey to Lender all costa end exponses incurred and sums expended by Lender in connection with
<br /> the exerclae by Lender of the torepoing rlqhta,together wlth intereat thereon et the detault rate provided In the Note,which ehall be
<br /> addep to the Indebtedness seaured hereby. Lender ehall not incur any Ilablliry becauae of anythlnp It muy do or omit to do
<br /> hereunder.
<br /> 9. H�mrddrs M�b.Truator ehall keep the Property in compllance with all applfcable lew�,ordlnancea nnd repulatlona
<br /> re�eting to induahial hyplene or environmentai protection(collectively reforred to hereln as"Environmentel Laws").Trustor ehatl
<br /> keep the Property free trom ell subetences deemed to be hazardous or toxta under any Envlronmental Lewe(colleativoly referrad to
<br /> t�erein ee"Hezerdaua Materlals"),Trustor hereby werrants and represents to Lertder thst there are no Hezardoua Materiala on or
<br /> under the Properly.Truato►hereby agroea to fndemnity snd hold harmless I.ender,its directors,oHicere,emp�oyeea and epents,end
<br /> any succesaors to Lender'e intereat,irom and egalnat eny and ail clalms,demages,losses and Ilabllitiea arisinp In con�ection with
<br /> the presence,use,dinpoaal or trensport of•any Ha:ardoua Matdrlals on,under,irom or about the Froperty.TNE FOREl30�N0
<br /> 10. Aalpnment ol RN�b.Trustor hereby assigne to L�nder the rente,Isaues and profite of tha Properly;provlded that Truator
<br /> shall,until tha occurrence of en Event at Defauit hereunder,have the right ta colteat and reteln auch rentd,Issuea and protits sa they
<br /> become due end payeble.Upon the occurrence of en Event ot Default,Lender may,either in person or by apent,wtth or wlthout
<br /> brinytny any action nr procaedinp,or by a recelver appotnted by a court and wlthout regard to the adec{uacy of Ita security,enter
<br /> upon and Mke posaeaalon o!the Praperty,or any part thereof,in Its own name or in the name of tha Truetee,and do any act6 wh4�h It
<br /> deeme�eces3ery or deairablo to preserve the value,marketabllity or rentabillty ot the Properiy,or nny part thereoi or Interestlherotn,
<br /> Increase tho Income theretrom or protoct the security hereof and,wlth or wfthout teking possession o}the Propertyr,sue for or
<br /> otherwlae collect the ren4s,Issues�and protits thereof,Includinp those past due end unpald,and apply the eame,lese costa end
<br /> expenses of operatlon and collection Inoluding attorneys'tees,upon any.lndebtednes�secured hereby,ell In such order as Lender
<br />= may determine.7ho eMerinp upon and tekfnp possession of the Property,the coltectlon of such rente,Issues and profits and the
<br /> eppllcatlon thereot ae atoreaaid,ehall not cure or waive any detault or notice of detauit hereundor or invalidate any act done In
<br /> reapcmae to such de(au�4 or pureuant to auch noUce ot default and,notwlthstanding the contlnuance In possessl�n ot the Propertyr ar
<br /> the coltection,recefpt and eppllcatlun o}rente,isaues or profits,end Trustee and Lender shall be entiUed to exerclso ovory rlpht -
<br /> provided tor In any of tho Loan Inatruments or by law upon occurrence ot any Event o?De(autt,tncluding without Ilmltation tho rlpht -
<br /> to exerclso the power of sale.Further,Lender'e riflhU end remedlea under thla paragraph shall be cumulattve with,and In no way e
<br /> Iimitatlon on,Lender's ripht�and remedtea under any aasignment oi leases snd rents recorded egalnst tlie Properry.Lender,Truatee
<br /> and tl�e recelver ahall be Ilable to account only tor those rente actually recelved.
<br /> 11. Ewnb ol�alauM.The toilowing ehall constftute en Event of Detault under thls Deed oi Truat
<br /> y��__��_.,....i..��...i..��.e.►nt cnu nthnr cum aar_urai horebv whfl�dUB:
<br /> �ej e�aiiurb iv p6ji di��ii�ow���.�o��...�r....,..�.... ......�._.�., --•-• -- ---- -
<br /> (b) A breaah of or detault under nny provlalon contalned In the Note,thls Deed of Trust,sny of the Loan Instruments,o:eny _
<br />- other lien or BncLmbrance upon ttio Property; -
<br />- (o) A wrlt of executlon or attachment or eny simllar proceas shall be entered againat Truetor whlch ahail becomo e Ilen on
<br /> the PropeRy or eny portion thereot or Interost thereln; _.
<br /> _ (d) Thore shall be flled by or ayainet Trustor or Borrower an actlon under any present oe future tederal,atete or other __
<br /> _ statute,lew or reflulation valating to bankru(�tcy,Insolvenay or othur reliat tor debtors;or there shall be appolnted any truatee, _
<br /> = recelver or Ilquldator of Truator ar Borrowe�or o}all or any paR of the Property,or the rente,Isauea or protite thereof,or Trustor ,
<br /> - or Borrower ehall make eny penerel asslpnment tor the t�enetit ot aredltore; °-
<br /> ' (0) The sale,trensicr,lease,easl�nment ConveyenCe or further encumOrance ot all or eny part of or any interest In the �
<br />� Property,elther volunterlly or Involuntarfiy, wlthout tho express wrltten consent ot Lendet; provided that Trustor shali be �
<br /> pprmltted to execute a lease of tho Prop4rty that d�es not cunteln an optlon to purchase and the term of whtch dQr�nQt exceed -
<br /> = one year, w ';� . . �
<br /> (q Abandonment of the Properry;or �•
<br /> �
<br />� o
<br /> e
<br /> � _ — ;
<br />