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Dotrowu Fhnll bc gIven ano confarmc�copy of tha Nota and of this Sccurlty Inatrumcnt, �_ <br />.� ��� <br /> 17,7'rHprPer of tMe 6'roperty or p Ilenefkl�l 7ntercr�t In�lorrower. if al!�r any pa�t of tlio Property or any intcrest in it ie � : <br />:,��,�� isold or u�nKr.trcd (or iF p benc fkUil InterG9t in Barrower ie sold or tranefcrrcd and Borrower Is not a natural�crson)without � <br /> r ' � l.cnder'e prlar writtcn conRCC�t,t.cnder mxy,at i�a aptlon,Qcquire immedtato payment in full of all sums exura!by t4�ia Socurlty <br />_�.�,� IiiSGiiiilGilZ.iiuw;,v;;r,!i►!�u�iuo;+ �halt P:oi 1:�excrcl�td by Lend�f if cxerci�3 fq prohii�ltcd by fec�ernl Inw av of the dnto of thls �:� <br /> ' -- Sxudty Instrumcr�t� __'i___c����.t� �n.�....�i,.�.h.0...v.�i�t,.n Mrlrvl nf nnt Irsv <br />-=� tf Li:iiCC. �nG�tS.;o i(11v CpitCR,LC:I�t�S 9n�»i gi�e a6i�eiwce�wE,e�..,,..,.,..,..a�..... ...................�..r...........�----- - ``- <br /> than 30 days [rom Iho datc tho nodco is clelJvered or mailed withtn whlch Borrawer must pay nll aums secured by thfs Secudty �•�. <br /> v� Ynstrumcnt.If Bortower falls!n pey tt►c�auma prioc to the explradon of thls pcdod,Lend�r msy invoko uny remedies permittcd -'� <br /> by thls Security Inswmcnt w1A�ow further nodCO.or dcmand on Borrowcr. _ <br /> :�� 18.Borrower'e[31ght to Itefnstate. If Bdrcower meets certein condidons. Bonower shell hnva thc right to havo � <br /> enforcement of this Security Inswment discondn��ed ac any time prtor to the earlter of: (a) S days (or such othcr period as <br /> �, � npplicable law may apecify for reinstatement)before salo of the Praperty pursuant to eny power of sale contained ln this Securiry _ <br />'��'` In�wmen�ar N)entr�of a.iudgment cnforcing this Securlty Instrument.'Il►ose wnditions a[o that Borrower:(a)pays L.ender all <br /> `,_Mj_,� sums whIch thcn would lx9 duo under thls Seeurity Insvument and tho Note as if no acceleruui��� i�au oce�r►2t1;(b) ew'es any -- <br /> default of any othcr covenants or agccements;(c)paya sU cxpenses lnc�ured tn enforcing this Sccurity Inswment,U�cludfng,but <br />`=�=�-�� not limieed ta.rcasonabla auomays'fees;and(d)tekes such sctton as Lender ma reFUOnably require to asswe that the l�an of thia - <br /> ed <br /> `"� Security Instrument, Lender's nghts in tho Propelty and Horcower's obllg on W pay the sums secured by this Sccuriity <br /> --� Instmment shall contlnua unchcmnged. Upoa reinstatement by Borrower, this Secunty Inatrument and the obli�teHn the case of - <br /> -'� t�ra5y shall rmain fully cffecdve rs if ao eccelcretion he�ecct?rred,However,thls right to reinstate shall not a�p�y `_ <br /> ����� acceleration under pacagtaph 17. _ <br />-�:;--- 19.SAk of Note;Gh�uge ot Loan Servicer. The Noto or a pardal inurest in the Note (together with this Sacuriry <br /> .,� Instrumcnt)may be sold one or more times without prior nodco to Hottower.A sale may result in a change in tho entity(known _ <br /> ' as ihe"Loan Servicer")that collect�monthly aymenu dus under the Note and this Security InstcumenG There also may be one or _ <br /> =��,`.� more changes of the Loan Servicer unrela�to a sals of the Note.If there!s n change of the Loan Secvicer,Boaower will be Y <br /> _— given writien r,o�co of the chango in accordancc witl�pai'agraph 14 abovc and appllcable la��.The noflce will sLte the ns+mo and �:: <br />__ ..�°� sddress of thu new L,oan Servicer and the address w which paymenu ahovld bc made.The nodce will also contain ony other <br /> informadon nx�uind by appl�cable law. <br /> -=== 20.H�zardoa9 Suhstxnces. Bonowcr shall not causa or permit the presence, use, disposal, storago, or release of any <br /> ' Hezardou�Subatances on�r in the P��apecty.Borrowu shaU not do,nor allow anyone eLs�s w do,enything aifecting the 1'roperty <br />�.;.�;,;,� that is in violxdon of anY Environmental Law.'[he pieceding two sentences shall not�pply to the presence,use,or sWrage on tha <br /> a- Property af small qusma�es of Hazardous Substances that are generaUy recognized to be approprfate w normal residendal uses <br /> '- -- °iY3 t4 thn Prc1(tr.rty, <br /> --_ � Bonower shall promptly g�ve I.ender writun nodce of any invesdgation, claim, demand, lawsuit or oti�er action oy any <br />-=- govemmental or regulatory agea�cy or private pa�ty involving tho Property and any Hazardous Substanca or Environmental <br /> ��— af which IIorrower has ectual knowicdgo.If Borrowu leams,or is nWif'ied by any govemmental ar regulawry authority,that any <br /> ---- removal or ather remediaHon of any Hazardous Substanco affecdng the Property is necessary,Borrower shall prompdy taka all <br /> nccessary remedial,actions in nccordance with 8nvironmental Law. <br /> As used in thu paragraph 20, "Hazardous Substances" are[hose substanccs defined as wxtc or hazardous subgtamces by <br /> Environmental Law and the following gasoline. kerosene, osher tlemmable or toxia petrolcum proclucts. taxie <br /> pesqc�ides end herbkides,volatile solvents,materlals wnWning�sbestos or fonnaldchyde,and radioactive matenals.As used in <br /> this pecagreph?A."Environmentel Law" mcans federal lawe and laws of the jurisdictfon where the Pcoperty is locat�ed that rcl8te <br /> to heaith,ssfety or envuonmental protection. <br /> � � NON-UNIFOItM COVENAIV'TS.Horrower end Lendu fvrther covenan�end agree as follawa: <br /> 21.Aceekrwtlon;Rea�alka.Lender shall qive notke to Borrowe�prbr to a�ccekmNon folbw�inQ Sorrower's breac6 of <br /> pny coveoant or agretment in Wb Security Iostrutcent (bnt net prbr to �ocekratbn under paragraph 17 ynlese <br /> ApplkA�k IAw providee ot6erw�se).'P6e notice shAll specVy:(R)t6s defaWt;(b)the Actioe required to cure the defAUk�(c) <br /> _ p date,no! las tban 30 dsye trom t6e date t6e notke ie given to Borrnwer�by whkh the detAUlt muat bc curedi snd(d) <br /> that fpUure to cure the dptault on or before the date specitkd in the notice may result te Accekration ot the sum�sccured <br /> by thie Security Inatrument and snk of t6e Property.The notia ahaU turt6er iatorm Bonbwer ot t6e right Yo refadtak <br />-- - - : wfter acceleratbn and the right to brin� w court actbe to xssert the non-existence ot a detault ur any ot6er defenx ot _ <br /> ___ R•�ow..�to ocnekratbn anal�ale.It t6c dcfault d not cured on ar betore thc date Bpecilled in the notice,Lcnder,at ita <br /> optlon�may requiro immsdiate pA�tnent in full ot ati sums secured by this Security lnstrument without�urtner aemana <br /> �nd mAy invoke the power ot sAk and Any other remedks permitted by opplicabk IAw.Lender shall be entitkd to wllect <br /> _ ap qcpene�tecurred ia pursuieg the remedies provided in thtv pxragraph 21,including,but not limited to, reaaonabk _ <br /> �itome�a'fea and costs ot Htk evldence. <br /> It the power of 5ak i� invoi�ed,Tr�stee s6AU record A notice at detault in each county in which any part ot the <br /> Property Ls IocAted�tnd shAll mail ooples o!suc6 notke in the manner prescribed by opplicnblc luw to Borrower and to the <br /> ------ ot�er pereons prescribed by applicAbk law.Atlter the timz required by applkabk law�Trustte s6a11 give public notice of <br /> sak to the �sersons And in the manner prescribed by npplkabk law.Trustee,without demand on Borrower�shall sell the <br /> _ -_ - Pro�pe�rty at public s�uctbn to the highest bklder at the time and plwce and under tbe terma deslgnAted in the notke of sa{e <br /> ___,�:�� Fotm 902e 91D0 <br /> -,___.,,� �•6R(NE)IOZ�2).o� Pay.sme innuu:---- <br />_�—°_- � . <br /> :y� -^-----°- —....,.-. v....,Pr�- -^ ••»� :� css �.-•-- -_-- .;.� <br /> .-.-._, <br /> - -� . � �- .:.... �' <br /> _S.��.���.. <br /> r _1_ �_ ' .. . .. . ._ tr .� .e-1�S7"' � 1Fa.?_ . . ` . .• _ <br /> i � . .. .i�� � 4� : . .. <br /> +rt � . ,.. <br /> _ e ''.°�:� ,. .. . . ' .. _ � � �"r-!.�u� , � r " 7r:; <br /> ,� <br /> :.e�r;vy�.t . r°. . .. . . . ' . c,� ._ . .. . . . <br /> ��:T�i���w:�:.i •,„ ' . �� , . . .. V.. � .y ��{,. ..M..�?•: � : <br /> -�. J� �. . .. . .. }f 1�`•; �+' '•� . - <br /> qK�,' �1 . �ali�?i� =�:jr±•�,.� '`� _ .. .. <br />.-,yr���VNI'� ri, . , '� . ' '•'.�i' ��j�.� .. -.. Y <br />„r��X-• ' . .. .� . .. � . �^i� ' :� •x�. . <br /> i . .. ", .�•,i' i°'t• <br /> a.a. !4a �.� .. . - . . - �!� , y,4=' . , .:1 � � <br /> .. .. . a. `;.ti.r.jr,I.^_.. ' <br /> , � .. , • . ,. •t - .. .-L•"� - - _ � . <br /> r � � - <br /> ,� • ' , <br /> � ., . '.. . . . , .: . . , . <br />