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<br /> payments may no tonger u+;ryuU�.ct th:,optlan uf L�ndcr,if rr���tgAge insutencfl covert�ie(in ihe aniount and fae ihe[szriod �_
<br /> Ihat L�nder requi�es)pravldcQ by an insurcr approvul by I.cnder ngain b�coracs nvailablc�and is abt�ined.Hunowcr shall pay�he ;_-_
<br /> prcmfums requized to maintain mor�gago insuranco in offect, ur to pravido a loss rescrvo� undl the rcyuirernent for mortgagc
<br /> insurknce er►d�in accordanca wiih anY Wriuen eg�etment between Bortawer and l.ender or applicablo law. �nder ehall givo
<br /> 9.Inspectbn. Lendcr or i�agent may mako ccASOnabb e�trlra upQn and lnspectlone of tho Fmputy. _
<br /> Horrnwer�ot;ce at ti;o d�►:c of az p:t�r to r.n!n�➢'st!on 9�:ifying rePSanable cause for die inspecdon. _
<br /> 10.Condemcwtba. Tha ptocada of sny awacti or claitn for damages,direct or cc�nsequential� in connecd Qta+wi�pn� __
<br /> condcmnation or othu tai�ing of any pari o� u�n Fra�,.;.--ry�ar ior can�a�anc..in;��+�_E�,���•'�;.���.W-e��b, ._....ar.___-- `
<br /> shall bo pafA to I,endu.
<br /> In the event of a wtal taking of the Praperty.tho pruceeds shAA be applied to the sums�ecured bY���hich the fei mark t
<br /> whetha or not then duo,with any exccss paid to Borrawer.In the avent of a pardal taking af thc Property
<br /> value of U�e Froperty immcdiately befure ttie t��sing is equal ta or grezter than the amount of the sums secured by this Security
<br /> Inswment immediatcly be£or� �he taking, unlcss Banower e��d I.cnder otherwise 0.3ree �n writu�B� the sums secnred bY aiis
<br /> Securiry Ins�ru�uu�i sitalt(;�r:.�uc:,d by the atnoant of tl�e prxRC.ciu muldnlied by ihe foUowing ftacdon:(a) the eotal amount of
<br /> thc sums sccurcd immediatcty 6efore tt►e taking.divided by (b) chc falr market value of the Prope.rty imn►edlntelY before tha
<br /> taldng,Any balance shall be paid to Borrower.In the event o£n parrtial takln8 of the Property ln which the fair market value of the
<br /> property immediately before tho taking is less thtu► the amllcable law otherwise prov d�edfatel�shall be applied to the
<br /> Borrower and L.endu atherwise agrea in wr1d��8 or unle,4s app
<br /> sums cecured by this Securiry Iflstnsment whether nr aot ihe sums src thea due. --
<br /> If tha Property is abandoned by Botrower,or if,after notice by Y.ettder to Borrower that the condemnor offera w�a�
<br /> nward or settle a claim for damig�Borrr�s f a its op donnei t he r t nnr e s t o p n3 c�r e p a i r�of the P r o p e r c Y p�to thesums secured
<br /> is authorized to collect utid aPP Y P
<br /> by this Securiry Insuvment,whcUier or not then due. _
<br /> Unless Lendu and Borrowet otherwiso agce�e in�ritIng�ar►y aPPlication of procee�l9 ta�iri,-�cip�l shaU noi extend or postpQ„o
<br /> the due date of the monthly payments referred ta in paragrePhs 1 and 2 or chcinge the runount of such pavments.
<br /> 11.Bonrower Not Rekassdi Forbearnace By Lender Not n Waiver. Extension of the dme for payment or modif'uadon
<br /> of amordzation of the sums secured by this Sxurtry Instmment grantcxl by I.ender eo any successar in interes�of Borrowec sha11
<br /> not operate to release ihe llability of the odginal Borrower or Borrower's successors in interesG I,ender shaU not be requirod to
<br /> commenw proceedinBs a8ainst any successor in inurest or refuse to extand time for{sayment or otherwisa modifY an►orhzati°n of
<br /> the swns aecurtxl by tnis�ecuriry Ynsaumia�i uy�oas.,�s a::��dsms�s�m�hy d�c nrirainal Bonower or Botrower's successors
<br /> in intcrest.Arty forbearat►ce by Lei►du�n eaercising any right or remedy shall not be a waiver of or preclude tho exercisc of any
<br /> dght or nmedy.
<br /> 12.Seccessora wnd Assigm Bouad;Joint a�nd Ssveral Li�b�ity; Co•signere.The covenanis and a�eunu►ts of this
<br /> Security Instrumcnt shaU bind end benefit Ihe successors end assfgns of Lendar and Borrower, subject W the provlsions of
<br /> paxagraph 17. Borrower's covenants t+nd agceemeats sha11 be .ialnt and scveral. A�y Borrowu who casi8as tt►is Sxurity
<br /> Instrumatt but does not eaecu�e th�Noce: (a) is co-signing this Socurtry Instrutnent only to mortgage,grant end convey that
<br /> gormWU�s inumst in the propeRy undu the tums of this Securlry Instrument; ib)is not pasonaUY obligatod ca PsY tha aums
<br /> securod by t�is Security Insuumen�end(c)agrees that L.cndcr and any othu Borrowu may egcee to extend,modify.forbear or
<br /> malco nny accommodaHans with cegard to the cams of this Seciuity Instrument or�}►e Note without that Bocrower's conxnG
<br /> 13.LoAn Chxraes. If the loan secured by this Security Instn�ment is subject to a law which set�maximum loan char8es,
<br /> and that law is finally intetpreted so that tho Intaest a othu tov�chargss colkxted ar to be collected in connectlon with the lcwn
<br /> exca��he pennitted limits,then: (a)any such loan charge shall be reduccd by eho amount noces,ga�Y w coauce the cha�ge��°
<br /> permitted limit;end(b)anY sums alrcady callccted from Donower which exceeded pern►Itted iiri►it9 will b°nfi►n�led a Boirowu.
<br /> Lender may choase to malce Ihis [efund by reducing the pdncipal owed undci thf No nent wyttxwt a�Y P�Y���'Ba
<br /> Bcxmwer. If a refund recluces princiPal� the redaction will be treaeed es a Pact�al P�paY�
<br /> ander the Note.
<br /> 14.Noticea. My nodce to Borrower providrd tor in this Security Iasuument shall be given by d�livuing it or by mailing it
<br /> uy ::o.cL.;:.;�:.::L•af�^a,.r�::°!'�A lo..,ronuirws nsr.nf nnnther metltotl.The nodCt ShalL be diteCtcd t0 ihe P[opCity Address or
<br /> any other address Borrower de�isnatca by nodw W Lertder.My notice to I.cnder sha11 ba given by fust class mait to I�enner's
<br /> addcess staud here3n or any othor address Lender designates by notice to Borrowu.Any notice providal for in this Sccuriry
<br /> Inswment shall b�doemcd to have bcen givon to Barrower or Lender when givcn es providsd in�bls ParagraPh•
<br />_ 15.Governing Ls�w;SeverpbWty. '17�is Securiry Instrument shal! be governcd by federai law and the law of the
<br /> — jurisdicdon in which the Pro�erty is located. In the cvent that any provision or clausa of this Securiry Insttvtt►ent ur the Nou
<br /> cont�icts with appHcable law,such conflict shall not affect other provisions of th.is Security Insuument or the Note tvhich can be
<br />' given effect without the conflictinng provislon.To this end the provisions of tlils Securiry Xnstrument and the Nota are declazed W
<br /> - bc sevcrablo.
<br /> Form 5048 0/00
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