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<br /> ��..n ...y.r..�.a.rc�rs�.sr.�.r....�• �
<br /> :.rK� . � " VS 1 ._' ...
<br /> l �
<br /> `dJ� -. . •• P�1�iLY..}ii��N'h.['11��.'i.__. ', . .... `.F^:.. ..:..!1�,...- -__ '
<br /> . 'lll� .. ',li��� ` �IlilliN ���� .. ... =.1 ' _. _� __. ' —.
<br /> �����"�Y�7��
<br /> and a7.:1. fu�uro adv�-�n�e� and z�e-advances to Borrow�r (or any of =..
<br /> them if maz•e than one) hcreunder pureuant to ane or more
<br /> prnmioeory note9 or cxedit agreemente (herei.n called ��Nate��) ; (b) _
<br /> the payment of othex r�ume advanceci ny Lender to protect the
<br /> security of the Note; (c) �h� perEormance ot all covenante and _
<br /> ar�:��era�n�r� o� �;ur��.:o� ee� iox�lz Dieieiri; and (d) all preeent and.
<br />. fi�t.»rA ind�hrAr�nap� aa�cl nhl �gatinna �f Rnrrc-�waar (c�r anv �f tham
<br /> if. mare than one) �o Lander whethex direct, indirec�, abe�l.ute or
<br /> contingent and whether arieing by note, gu�.ran�y, overdraFt or
<br /> otherwiee. Tkie Nate, �h�a Aeed of 1'rua� and any and all other
<br /> doaumenta that eeaure tha Note or otherwiee executed in connec-
<br /> tion therewith, including witYiout lirnitation guarant�es, aecurity
<br /> agreemente and aesignmenta o:E ].oaees and �ents, shall be rPferred
<br /> to hc�rein ae the "�,oan Inekxum�nta" .
<br /> TRTTS`�'OR rn��rntap�rg n,tqn �1f;RFF.A WiTH LENDER �,.4 FO'LLOWS:
<br />� 1. Pay�L, of indebtedriesa, Al1 indebtedneae aecured
<br /> hereby el�all be paid when due.
<br /> 2. T�.*�. Tru�tor i� the owner of the Property, hae the
<br /> right and authorit�s t o convey the Px•aperty and warrants that the
<br /> lien cxeated hereb}�.� ia a Eiret and priar lien on the Property and _
<br /> �he execution and delivery of the Deed af Trust doee not violate
<br /> any contract or otYaer obligation Co which Truetior ia eubject.
<br /> 3 , �x�e, A�a .asm -ntra, To pay before delinquent all tax�e,
<br /> epeGial aseesamenta and all other chargeo againet the Property
<br /> naw ox hereafter levied.
<br /> g, rn�uranc�_ To keep the Prapertv ineuxed aqainat damage
<br /> ' by Eire hazarde included with the term ��extended coverage" and
<br /> such nther hazaxda ae 1Lender. may require in amounte and with com-
<br /> paniee acceptab�e to I,endar, namiizg Le�ndez� ae an additional named
<br /> insured with losa payable to the Lender. In caee of loss under
<br /> euch policiee, the Lender ie authorized to ad�ust, COL�.E-:Ct and
<br /> comprr,�r�iae all claims thereunder and ehal]. have the opti.on of
<br /> applying all or part of the ineurance pxACesde (i) to any indeb�-
<br /> • ednese secured her,eby and in such Qrder ae Lender may dete�nine,
<br />. (ii) to the Truetor to be ueed for the repair or regrorati.on of
<br />: the Property , or tiii) for any o�her purpoee ar object satie-
<br /> factory to Lender wirhout affecti.ng ths lien of thie Deed af
<br /> Truet for �he full amount secured hereby before c�uch paymenC ever
<br /> took place. Any applic�tion of proceecie td i�.debtednea� sha11
<br /> not extend or poet�one the due daCe of any paymenta under the
<br /> Note. or cure any defaul� thereunder or hereunder.
<br />— _ t J_�. 4�1'1 .J T..���
<br />— ' J� �cft:iUW. lll VatC CVOl��. LGL�4Gi Ri!{fwii �.v��n�►rv� �.w�w��.. �
<br />`, sh�ll gay to Lender., in euch manner ae Lendex may dzeigna`�,
<br /> eufficient sums to onab3.e Lender to pay ao they become due in
<br /> respect to all taxee, aeseesm�nte and ather chargea �gainst the
<br /> � Property. Further, �zpon wri.tten demand by Leader, Truetor ahal].
<br /> pay to I�ender, in 0uc�h manner ae T.,ender may deslgnate, su£ficient
<br />� , sume to enable Lender Ca �ay ae they become rlue, or►e or moxe of
<br /> the following: (i) the prPmiume on the property insurance �
<br /> xequired hereunder, and (ii) �he premiume �n any mortgage ineur-
<br /> ance required by L�nder.
<br /> 6. Maintenance. Re�ai;�e and Comp7 a ancp �;�,����. �ruetor
<br /> shall keep the Proper�:y in good condi�ion and repai.rt ekiall -
<br /> pzomptly rapair, wc replace, any improvement which may b� damaged
<br /> or destroyed; shall net commit or permiC any waste or dete•rioz•a-
<br /> ' tion of the Pz�operty� ehall not remov�, demAZi�h or eubeCantially
<br /> _,..
<br /> - a.��e� a�iy vz �ne imprvvemenz� on cne �roper�y� ettaii nut eommit,
<br /> • �uffe� or permit any ,act to be cione in or upon Che propertyr in _
<br /> � violation of any law, ordinance ar regulation; and ehall promptly =
<br /> diecharge at Truetar' � cosL- and expense all liene, encumbrances =
<br /> and charges levied, impoeed or aeeear�ed againa� thc� Propor�y or
<br />