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<br /> DF.F.D OF_TRUST �v������� �(�1 � .
<br /> Thie DEED OF 'PRUST ia made as of tYie 30TH day of May, 1996 �
<br /> by and among the Truator, JAMES P. M�,St�l and CAROLYN A. tlA�AT, �
<br /> Husband and Wife, and STELLA M. LEVEA, a single pereon, whose
<br /> mailing addresa Eor pux�oeea of this Deed of Truet ie 2621 W.
<br /> Highway 30, Grand Island., NE 68803 (lierein, "Truetar��, whether.
<br /> one or more) , the Truetee, AREIJD R. BAACK, Attorney at Law, whose
<br /> mailing addrees ia P.O. Bax 790, Csrand Ieland, NE 68802-0790
<br /> (herein "Trus�ee") , and the Beneficiary, HOME FEDERAL SAV:CNGS AND
<br /> LOAN ASSOCIATIoN OF aRAND TSLAND, whose mailing addree� is P. 0.
<br /> Box 1009, Grand Ieland, NE 68802-10U9 (herein "Lender") .
<br /> FOR �IALUABLE CONSIDERATION, includ3ng LPnder's extension of
<br /> credit identified rierein to �i�n�5 P. "r�Hi, C�:Oy�T= �. MT�am �r.�
<br /> 9TELI�A M. T,FVEA (herein "Bo�rower", whether one or more) , and the
<br /> � truat her�in created, the recEipt of which ie hereby acknotvl-�
<br /> edged, Truetor hereby irrevocable granta, tranefere, conveya and
<br /> assigns to Truatee, IN TRU3T, WITH POWER OF SALE, far the beneEi�
<br /> and secuxity of the Lender, under and eubject to the terme and
<br /> conditions hereinafter aet forth, legally described as follows:
<br /> Lot Three (3) , Commercial Industrial Park Second
<br /> Subdivieion in the City of Grand Ialand, FIall County,
<br /> Nebraeka, and the East FiFty Feet (E 50' ) of Lot Two
<br /> � (2) �nd the Northeaet 62.65 Feet of Lot Four (9:) ,
<br /> Commercial Industrial P�.xk Secr�nd Subdi�ri�ion, in th�
<br /> City of Gr�nd Island, Hall County, Nebraoka, together
<br /> • wiL-h that tract of land descxibed as followa: 'that
<br /> �art af Fr.antage Road in Commercial Industrial Park
<br /> Second Subdiviaion, vacated by OrcZ3nance No. 6450, more
<br /> particularly desaribed as L•hat par� of f�'rontag� Ra�d
<br /> . auuttirig ug�.;,. tY:V F+M✓V 5� F�e�, o� ��.�dn mAtAra; nf
<br /> Lot 2 and all of Lot 3 , Commercial Indu�trial Park
<br /> Second .Subdivision in the City of Grand Island, Hall
<br /> • County, Nebraska.
<br /> - togeL-her with all buildingg, improvemente, fixturee, streets,
<br /> alleys, paesagewaye, eaaemente, rights, privileges and appurte-
<br /> nances located thereon or in anywise partaining theret�, anc� the
<br /> rente, ir�sue9 and profits, revereione and remaindere thereof, and
<br /> such peraonal property that i� attached to thp improvemeiite eo as
<br /> to conetitute a fixture, including, but not limited to, heating
<br /> and cooling equipment and together wirh the homestead or marikal
<br /> - in�ereete, if any, which inzereste ai�e licreby released and
<br /> waived, a11 of which, including replacemente and additiona
<br /> �hereto, ie hereby declared to be a part nf �he real �eGate
<br /> secured by the lien of this Deed of Truet and all of the forego-
<br /> _��
<br /> ' ing being re=erred zo nerein ae �ne "r-t�Nc+i-Y .
<br /> i Thie Deed of Truat ahall secure (a) the payment of the prin-
<br /> cipal aum and intiereet evidenced by a Promisoory Note dated May
<br />= 30 , 1996, having a matu�ity date of Jurae �., 2011, unlesa the call
<br /> - o�tian� therein contained shall be earlier exercised by the
<br />-,� Lender, in the original principal amount o£ Two Hundred 'xwenty-
<br /> - Four ThouAand and No/100 Dollare ($224 ,000.00) , and any and all
<br />�° modificatione, exteneiona and renewals thereof or thereto and any
<br /> " 1
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