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<br /> 17.Transf�cJ tor i6 u�beneticin! inicresl�in�Rorrowce I4��a91d orttr.�nsfcrrcd nnd�Bnrrowcrfis nuft i�uaturaltper�on)���ithout _�_
<br /> is r,old or trunsfc r ( i mcnt in full of nll sums sccurcd by this �._.
<br /> L�ndcr's prior wriUCn �onsci�t, I.cnder mc►y, nt its uptior�, rcquirc immcdiatc p:y
<br /> Security Instn�nunt,l�tawr.vcr,this optiun shnll not be exercised by L,ender if exercise is prohlbitc<1 by fcdcral I�w ns of the dute _
<br /> of this Security Instrument. p
<br /> 1���tia sef►o�uS tl e4d po the�n tc 2r Is�del vc ctBf orru uilcJ�withln �vhichn8orr wer nu,t p.�y�lall s�►ra scc�ured by tli 9 ---
<br /> lcss than 3 y �
<br /> o�w,;,.,�„o«�,�,�n�. If Elarrowcr faUs to pay th�sc sumy Prior to thc�xpiraoiu��uf�this pci•lod. Lcn:�er m!�y invoke uny rcme cs —
<br /> , -•-• --
<br /> perndital by this Securiry insirumriii withcut tustis.f F1J!lCf7 Vf��ctuniw vu......••::'-^ `_
<br /> ��� �rf hi�Sc�urity 1n�.s�trume t�disconti�ucd at nny t ine prior�ta the�e,�►rlier of:r(u)eS daysl(or�such�otl crtp ciad ns
<br /> enforccu�ent o ursuant to any power of snle contpincd in t6is
<br /> nppllc�blc luw mAy specify fbr reinstatemeizt) bcfore sale of dic Property p y
<br /> Sec:urer nll su usewhiCh then tivould bc due unJc��t1 isiSes.cur t Slnst ment an'd tl e Note as 1 ano�cccicrnt o nitad occu�11cdP(b)
<br /> Lend a s nll ea nses incucccd in enforcing this Sccurlty InstrumeN, �_
<br /> cures any defuult af any other cavenants or ugreemcnts; (c)p y P� —
<br /> Inctuding, but nut li��ift�cl to,rc:.�onsble�ndcr s�rigi ts ie�tio Property a d t3arcowerls obl'�utiu��r o p y thc sums secur��by
<br /> that the Ilen of this Security Instrument,
<br />� this Secny[ttiu.v`S�f h�r tsyslh�!! rempin f!e(lycc:fF s iv�s�f no nccolerutian had oceurred rHowicvs�this n'�htt o�re'�stat dshsll `
<br /> obi�gaua
<br /> not apply in the case of accelerntion under paragraph l7.
<br /> t9, �le ot Note; Chwnge oT Loan Servlcer. Thc Nate or a partiul interese in the Note (together with this Secunty
<br /> Instrument)may bo sald on�oe morc tintes tivithout prior natice to 8orrower. A sale may n;sult in a change in the entity(knawn
<br /> ss the "�a��s o�f the I.oan Service unrclute,�d tomn sule of the Noteelf he e ia a chunge of the Loan Servl err�Borr wer wi��b�
<br /> or more S
<br /> given writtcn notice of the change in aceardunce with puragraph 14 ubave and applicable law.The noticc will state the nume en
<br /> address of the new Loan Servicer and the address to which payments shuuld be made. Tlie notice will nlso contain any other
<br /> • information rcquired by applicablc law.
<br /> 2p, C;RZardpus Substances. Borrower shall not cause or pennit the presence, use, disposal, stornge, �r release o nny
<br /> N[a��rdous Substances on or in theEnv ronmcntultti,s►w r Thelpreccding wo se'nt nces shall not apply�to the presence tu e�or
<br /> Property that is in violation of any
<br /> storage on tha Praperty of small quc�ntities of I-Iazardous Substances that nre generally recagnf�.ed to be appropriate to nom�
<br /> residentinl uses and to maintenance of the Property.
<br /> Borrower shall promptly give Lcndcr written n�Ivinf t6e Prope yaand any Hawrdou 3 b uncc or Environn ental Iaw
<br /> eovernmentnl or regulatory abency oc privata party' S ovemmental or regulatory authadty.that
<br /> of which leorrower�as ac�uai k�iuwi�g:.. Tf�a'f^`•`•'"r I�arns, or is uotified bY anY ���sswy. �o���w�=���!!Ymmpt►_�!"��
<br /> any remnval or other remediation of any Hazardous Substnnce nffecting the PropertY
<br /> all neccssary remedtal actions in accordance wuh Envin,�t���enial i.t►N•
<br /> As used in this paragmph Z0, "Hazardous Substances" nre those substances defined as toxic or hazardous substances by
<br /> � Enviro��nd�►b cid s.t ol t le solvents,mat nals eontafn ng asba tos�r formald�Ydeeand radioactive matenAls�.AsS�sed in
<br /> pesttc d
<br /> , this parAgrapl� 20, "Environmental Law" meaz►s federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located that
<br /> relaie to health.safety or cnvironmental pretection.
<br /> NON-UNIFORM CaVENAN'fS.Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree ss follows: 17 unless
<br /> 21. Accelert+i9on;Remedies. Le�s �u�s�Inst teument b,ut�oi prtoc to accele att o[oln�win��g��r s bmich
<br /> mt�ty covenant or agree�►�emt in t t3'
<br /> (b)the actton required to cure the det�ult;
<br /> applicable law provicks otherwise)•The notice shall specliy: (a)the default; �y Wh[ct►the default must be cured;wr.d
<br /> - (c)st date,not less thAn 3(1 tiays from the dAte the notice is given to Borruwer,
<br /> (d) ttwt [Ailure to cure the de[aulnt and sale ot t te PropertY iTh notice hall f rther nfotrm BorroM'N'of the right to
<br /> secured by this Securtty instrume
<br /> rei�.gtot�e after Accele otlaCCe,erationrand ss►!b I[the default is�not cared onhornbefore[he d ce spec.'�fied in tbe notice,
<br /> de[ense of 13orrower t liS,re i�nmediate payment in iull oP all sums secured by thls Security �nstnnnent without
<br /> � i,ender, at ft�s option, ms�y req rm[tted by appifcabte law.Lender slull be
<br /> further dem�nd pnd mAy invokc the power of sale mnd any other remedles(�c 21,including,but not limited
<br /> " enUtled to ceilect a!1 expenses fncurred in pursuing the remedies provided in this pp+rx8�l�
<br /> to,reASOnable attarne�s'Pecs and costs of title ev[dence. T_W_...^r �w� `n
<br /> . .__._.._.. Tw.o�ro�hsu r�,r�rd a nottce oi default in euch county an�vhficl� auy part ot the
<br /> - lf�[RC�)OWCT Vi sitic�o n...�.......� ...,..'-- - t�UlUir ian iv w.aw.. .- --
<br /> pro�xrty is(�catetl and shall mail copie9 of such notice in the m��b���je lawp'�'rustee shaU give publia notice
<br /> the other persons prescribed b3'ApP�icable law.Atter the time req Y Np
<br /> of sale to the persons and in the mam�er prescribed bY aPP�lcable taw.lrustee+wtthout dcmand on$orrow•er,shall sell
<br /> the PropertY st publtc auction to the highest bidder at the time and place and unsi St4hne sale of alnor�y parcel tot ttie
<br /> sale ln one or u 13c am ou'ncement at the t me a d place of any prcvlou ly seheda��d sa�e• Lender or its deslgnce inay
<br /> • property by p
<br /> parchasc the PropertY at any sale.
<br /> Form 3028 9/90
<br /> ,
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