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<br /> 1�,T�•nn5fes of tl�c i'i•ope�iy oi n Yiencficinl Intere.,t�n I��s'��ti�er.if all or any pan�f the Property or anY interesi in it c_.�
<br /> is snld or tcnnsfcrrccl(ur if u bencticiul intc1 st i�`��r�r������s requi cr i nmediutc p?Y Q�t��►eful���l fedc n�l�lnw�usrof lY date �„�=
<br /> Lcndcr's priar written consent, l.cndcr m y, �;_,
<br /> �ecurity Instrument.Hu�vever,tl�is option shnll nat bc exercised by I.ender'sf exercia�is proh> >t Y ___
<br /> of thiy Security Instrument. �
<br /> If l.ender exerciscs this opc���c ot cc is delivered or mn Icd �ithi►whichpBorrow`cr must p yAlnU sum c ceurcd yf tl is
<br /> less than 30 duys from the da
<br /> Sccurfty lnstrwnent.If Borrower fai[sWOiPout fwlher nori e or�lemm d on Bo•rower�i��r�� �naa`� �aa c„theerightrto'I�rve =�
<br /> permittcd bti this SQ'Qr�Aiaht to Retnstxte. If Borrowcr meets certain conditions, Bon � �
<br /> .... .........._. _ .. . .
<br /> .�__ .,.,,,..,. �h� �arlier of: (u) 5 days (or such athcr period�as
<br /> enforcemcnt of tliis Sccunry Instrumeut discannnuea En n��y ������ ��•�• •° -••- _--
<br /> applicable law mny specify for re�nstacement) before sale of the Property pursuant to �ury powcr of snie coni+������ ��� •"'° �
<br /> Securuy Instnunent;h�b�n would be due �nder this iSe�,curity Instrum n t a d the Note as if no�acceler tion had a curredP(b)
<br /> Lender all sums whi a s all ex nscs incurred in enforcin6 this Sccuriry Instrumcnt,
<br /> cures any default of any other covennnts or agreements; (c) p Y P� � F
<br /> including, but notsiS�ed`°In.strumente Lender ssr'Shts in the Property And Boirrower s obl gationrt�paythc sua s sccur�xl bY
<br /> that the Iten of thi Y
<br /> this Security lnstnimem 51iaa�l wmain fully offective aspf no accclera ont had o cu oed rHo�ever,cthis ri�ht�tomc'ni tat dshall
<br /> obligntions sccured hereby sh h 17.
<br /> not npp�y in the case of acceleration under paragrnp
<br /> ly. Sate oi i�uild one or more times�S th ut prior notice to 8or owcr�.Alsalc may result inen`change nwhe entity(knowli `_,
<br /> Instrument)may be sa
<br /> as the"Loan Servic`he�an Service unrelate 1 t md bale of thc N teelf ther�i.Jc a'�ch nfie f he I.oan S�IcerTCBorrowe will be
<br /> or more changes of
<br /> given written notiw��n Servieer�nd the a d e si o which paymen 5 shouldnbe'made The noticc will also cantuin Any other
<br /> uddress of the ne l��ble luw.
<br /> information requir�by app'
<br /> 20. Hazar dn��s gonsoa�in the Property h Borrowerushall ot do�no r all w nyone else Sto�do�ianythin�affecting the
<br /> Ha7asrdous Subs
<br /> Pro ert of small quantities of Hazardous Substances thut are generally recogn�r.ed to be appropciate to normal
<br /> Propercy that is in violation of any Environmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall not npply to the presencc, use.
<br /> storage on thc P Y
<br /> residential uses and tc maintennnce of the Property.
<br /> , gorrower sh�ulato ptage cy oIr Private party nvolv n�he Property tund any Hazardou Sub ance or En iromnental Law `
<br /> govemmental or g rY overnmentnl or regulstory authority, that
<br /> of which Borrower has actusil knowlefige.If Borrower lea►ns, or is notified by:�ny�
<br /> a���;�ay���„r�,Pr remediation�dan,�w m�cnv►v�u��aZf I-ating the Propeity�s necessary,Bonower shall promptly tuke
<br /> ul�nec¢ss�uy remeciisl actions in a
<br /> - As used in this paragraph 20, "Hazardous SubstAnces" are those substances defined as toxic or nuzardous si����n� ;
<br /> - Environmental l.aw nr►d volat'i e solvents,bmaterials c�ontain ngkasbe tos�or form dehydecand radioacti�velmntc al��t�h t
<br /> pesticides ar�d hetbicides,
<br /> this Faragraph 20. "Environmental L.aw" meuns f e der a l l a w s a n d l a�v s o f t h c j u r i s diction where the Property '
<br /> relate to health,safety or environmental protection.
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender funher covenant and agree as follows: � � h 17 unless
<br /> 21.Acceleratlon;Re�ednesinLthie���Yi��trumeat Bb t�not prior to scceferuttlnn andernpa g�er's breach
<br /> of any covenant ur agree u[red to cure the defAUlt;
<br /> wh;ch the detault�nust 6e cured;and
<br /> s�p���fy►e�aw prnvides otherwise).The notice sl�all specity: (a)the default; (b) the act on�req
<br /> (c)a dmtc,not l�ss than 30 days[rom the da4e the notice is given to Borrnwer,by
<br /> ur[t Instrument and sale of tiie Property Thc notice shall [mther tnfurm Borrower of the rigl�t to
<br /> (d) that faQure to cure the detault on or Before the date speclfied ln the notice msy cesult in eccclerat[on of t e sums
<br /> �curetl by this Sec Y ficd in the nottcc,
<br /> • re[nstate stter acWe�le,otiacn�n�ed��i nrand s�a�le. It the default is�ot cured on ornbePore the date speclgu'�or any ot er
<br /> ' defense of Bomo �;re[mmaliate payment�n [u!1 ot a11 sums secured bY this Security Instrument wlthout
<br /> Lender� ut [te optton,may req licable law.I.cnder shall be
<br /> turther demand and may invoke the(wwer of sale and any other remedi�permitted by app
<br /> entitled ta collect all expenses incurred fn pursuing the remedtes provided in thls paragraph 21,Ineluding,but na�I�mi�h
<br /> to,reasanable attorneys'4ees and costs oi tftle evtdence.
<br /> If the power of sale 1s Inroked, Trustee shaU record a not[ce af default ln esch caunty in which any p
<br /> ,....._..��,.oa�p i�w.After the time cequ[Ked by applfcable law,Trustec shatl glve puriltc notice
<br /> praperty is Ixate+l and shall mail coptes of sach notice�n tl�e manner p�►'��by appa'��bl.,a nn RnrrotiVeT.shall sel�
<br /> _ the other persons pre��'u�.:..,.•rr----- - IiC86IC lAW. .it'uaicr� .+..•.••.-.-�.��
<br /> of sale to the persons and in thc mam�er prescribed by app st 11��Ee of all or any parcci of the
<br /> the'PropertY at publlc nuction to the highesl bldder at the time and p�ace and tende�the terms elesignated in t'he noi ce o
<br /> sale in��b°r ubUc anouncement at the t me und plxce of eny previou y ���� sale. i.ender or its designce may
<br /> �n� y y n
<br /> purehase the Praperty at any sale.
<br /> Form 3028 9190
<br /> PaOo 6 016
<br /> � ,,�
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