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<br /> (e) The eale, �xanefer, aseignment, oanvey� _
<br /> ance ox furtrier encumbr�noe a�P all or any part oF or -
<br /> Any ii�toreet i.n �he �xt�perfiy, eithar volunCari.ly o� _
<br /> �nvolun�ariZy, without the oxprees writt�n oonsent Af
<br /> Lender. _
<br /> �y n�::��s�-'�i�.:n� .lV4c+J4PaSHb.h!!�� ;;•.._� n..r«_;�. y� �t� �'� �. _
<br /> N�• na.qH F+• ♦s ba6o c voi►a.
<br /> o€ any Event of Default, L�nder may, w �hout no� ce, exoe�pt ae
<br /> required by �.aw, declare a].1 indebtednese ee�ursd hereby ta be
<br /> dua and payable anrl �he eame �hall thereupon become due and
<br /> payable without any preaen�ment, demand, protae� or no�ic� oP any _
<br /> kind. Thereafter, Lender mays
<br /> (a) DQmand that Txustee exeraise the POWER
<br /> OF SAL� gran�ed herein, and Truatee shall thereafte�
<br /> ca�ea 8��;:�,we;:'� in�:ares� in the P�aper�p to ba aold
<br /> and the proceeda to be diatxi.bu�ed, all in the manner
<br /> provid�d in thE Nebraska Tru�t Deed:� !'.ctf
<br /> (b) Exor�ise any and all righte prov�ided for
<br /> 3.n any of the Loan Inatrumente or by law u;oon ocQUr-
<br /> rence oP any Evont of Default� and
<br /> (c) Commenca an action to forecloae this
<br /> De�c� o£ Trust as a mortgage, appoint a rec�iver, or
<br /> specalfiaally en�orce any oE �lae covenants hereoE.
<br /> No remedy hereizi conferred u�on or reserved to Txustee or Lender
<br /> �a i n*wn�iwr7 tn ha gxn_.1»a3yn, n� anv �thpr ramn�lv h�►rA9 n �r� thg
<br /> Loan Ins�r�unents or by law provided nx perniitted, but each ehall
<br /> be aur,ulative, sha].1 be in additi�n to every ather remedX qiven
<br /> hereunder in the Loan Tnstrurnente or now or hereafter exie'�ing a�
<br /> l�w or 3n ec�uity or by statute, and may be exercie�d Goncur-
<br /> rently, independently or suaaessively.
<br /> 12. Trustee. The Truo�oe may reaiqn at any time w3th-
<br /> aut cause, and L��n�er may at any time and without cause appoint a
<br /> succegsor or eub,stitu�e Trustee. Truetee aha11 not be ].iable to
<br /> any par�y, including, w3thout lim3.tation, Lender, Borrower or any
<br /> purchaser of the Property, �or any lose or damage unlese due �o
<br /> reckless ar willful mieconduc�, and ehal.l not be required to take
<br /> any action in connection with the enfarcement af thic� Deed o�
<br /> Truet unless indemnified, in writing, for a11 costs, compeneation
<br /> or expenees which may be aseociated therewith. In addi�3an,
<br /> Truetee may become a purchaeer at any sale af the Property
<br /> ljudiciaZ ar under the power of sale granted her�in)j poatpone
<br /> the sale of all or any por�3on of the Property, as provided by
<br /> 1aw; or se11 trie prvperty as a who18, or sn separate parceta or
<br /> �.ote.
<br /> 13. Fees and Expenses. In the event Trustee se11s �he
<br /> Prapexty by exerc ae of paw�r of sale, Trustee eh��.t be entitled
<br />_ �o apply any sale proceeda f3rat to paymc�nt of al]. coats and
<br /> expenses of exer.cising power of sale, includi.ng all T�ustee's
<br /> feea actual�.y iiicurred. In the even� Borzower exexcises any
<br />' right provided by law to cure an Event of Degt�ult, Lander ehal].
<br /> be entitled tn recover from Horrower a].l costs and exp�x�aes
<br /> actuxlly incurred as� a result of Borrower'8 deEaul�, inoluding,
<br />- withott� limitat3.on, alZ Trus�ee's and attorn�y's feeG, in the
<br /> maximum amount a].lowed by 1aw. In addition, in �he event of eaah
<br /> such cure, Leniier ena�.l be er,ti.tlec� to a reinetatemant tee ot one
<br /> Hundred and No/100 Dollars ($100.00) .
<br /> 14. F'�u�ure Advances. Upon request of Borrowex, Lenc�er.
<br /> may, at its opt on, make addi�ior�al and fu�ure advances and
<br /> ro-advaneos to Borrower. Such advances and readvances, wi.th
<br /> intorest thereon, ehall be secured by thia Deed of Trust. A� no
<br /> time shal�. the princtpal amoun� of the indebtiedneas seCUred by
<br />= this Daed of Truet, not 3.ncluding sums advanced �o proteet the
<br /> security of this Ueed of Trust, exceed the original principal
<br /> amount stated harein.
<br /> -5-
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