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<br /> Y,endex. �he Por.eqoinq we�rrunties and repraoentatione, and
<br /> H�rrawrer'e obliga��.ane pu�eauan� �o �ha �aragoing ind�m�xi�y, ahall �=-
<br /> �uxviva repaymon� oP the Note and �he recanvayanoe� of �hie Deod
<br /> of. Truati o ti'�`�
<br /> y. , _ _.. c� .. � ae�� � � .. ..a fl.. ..�`..� �� • --
<br /> Y��1 'Sl:::CaSL VL Lec:ttc� •y�_•�•^•�•is�•aee- v� ww
<br /> ad�itional eecurs�y ereun er, Horraw�r here y ase gne �� �Lender ---
<br /> the ren�e, iseues and profite o� the Property, pxovided that
<br /> Box�rower ehall, pr.±or to acce].eratl.on u�nder paragraph 11 hereof
<br /> or abandonment o£ the ��o�s�xty, have �he xiqht tc collect and _
<br /> re�tain suah xente, iesuee ancl profite as they Y�ecome due and pay-
<br /> able. U�or_ acce7 e��i;:���n c.x abanddmmen� o£ the Property, Lender __
<br /> may, eithor..ir. gereon or '�y agenk� with or withou� bringing any
<br /> action or proaeeding, or by a receiver appointed� by a court and
<br /> withou� regard ta ��e aaequaoy or its aecuri�cy, c�nLe�r �upv�i a;ia
<br /> take poeaesaion of the Property, or any part thereo£, in i�s own
<br /> name or in �he r�aiite o� �he Tfua�ee, and do any act� crhic.h 3t -
<br /> deeme neaeesary or desirable to preserve �he vaxue, marketability
<br /> or rentability pE the Property, Qr �ny �ar� thereof or interes�
<br /> therein, increase the income therofrom or protect the aecuri�y
<br /> heraof and, witih or without taki.ng poesasaion of the Proper�y,
<br /> sue for. or atherwise collsct the rents, 3s9ues and pro�ite
<br /> thereQf, inalud�.ng thQSe paet due and unpaid, and �ppty the same, _
<br /> lese coats and eMpenees of operation and collaotion, including
<br /> attorneys' fees, upon any indebt�dneee secured hereby, a11 in
<br /> such order as �ender may determine. The entering up�n and taking
<br /> posee�ssion of the Pruperty, the col].ection of such rer�ts, iasuea
<br /> �r.d grcF3ts �n3 the ?r�l�r.ari[�n therenf as aforeaaid, sha].1 not
<br /> cure or wa3.ve any defaul� or notice o�f defau].t hereund�r or
<br /> invalidate any ac� don� ixi responae to euch defaul� or pursuan� -
<br /> to suah notioe of default and, uotwithstanding the continuanae in
<br /> poasession of the �roperty or the colleotion, rece�.pt and app].ic�-
<br /> ti�n of re��s, i.ssuea or profite, and Trustee and 3�ender ehalJ. be
<br /> entitled to exerci�se every r:Lght provided fox in any of the 'Loa�►
<br /> Tns�ruments or by law upon occurrence of any 1Event of Default,
<br /> including� �vithou� limi�ation, the r3ght to exeroi.se the power of
<br />- sale. I'urther, Lender's righ�e and remediee under thie paragraph
<br /> 9 sha].l be cumulative with, and in no way a limitat�.on on,
<br /> Lendsr's righta and remedies under any Assignment of Leaeee and
<br /> Renta �acarded �gai�s'� the Property. Lender, Truetee and the
<br /> receiver ehall bo 13able to acaount only for tIiose rente aatually •
<br /> rec:eived.
<br /> 10. Evat�ts nf Default. The followinq sha11 conatitute
<br /> - an Lvent o� Default under th s Aeed of Truets
<br /> (a) Fai].ure to pay any installment ot
<br /> principal or interest or any other s�um aecured hereby
<br /> when due, or Eailure to pay when du� any other indebted-
<br /> nesss o£ Horrower to Lendert
<br /> Qb) A bxeach of or defaul� under any provi-
<br /> -- eion contained in the Note� �hie Ueed of Trust, any of
<br /> the Loan In�trumen�s, or any other encumbrance upon the
<br /> Pioperty, after. giving effect to any a�,plicable aure
<br /> period contiained �herein=
<br /> _ (c) A wr�.t of ex�cution or attacYunent or �ny _
<br /> simi,lar procese �hal1 be �ntered againet Borrower which
<br /> - ehall b�come a lien on the Property or any port�on
<br /> - �hereof or intereat therein�
<br /> � (d) Thore shall be filed by or against
<br /> '� Horrower an action under any pi oaent vr guture federal,
<br /> � o�ate or other a�atute, law or regulation relating to
<br /> bankrupticy, insolv�ncy �r other relief for debtioret or
<br /> -:� thore ahall be appainted any trustee, receiver or _
<br /> � liquidator of Borrower or o E all or any paxt of �he
<br /> - Property, or the rentie, i.esues or prog3.�s thereof, or
<br /> Borrower ehall make any general assignment for the _
<br /> benefit of credit�rst .
<br /> ; -4-
<br />