<br /> .„�.,�,.
<br /> ,�
<br /> __.,�_._ � .. .. _
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<br /> ' �.�y.�a/4. • -.�fn M-Sf�G1/0�40aM_�t:�Yr+Y`�� // � � ..._ ..•.•tf++f'_ • —
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<br /> . .�� . ' .. . ' � "_._' "".. _._. ...... �•:♦
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<br /> �.JVYi.i���-..-" .
<br /> , 18, Ror�owmr'a Rlpht to FiBIfI6tAl0. II Oortoanr meolo cortaln condillonc, Bortow�r shail havo the rlpht to hava
<br /> cnforCCm�nl ot lhis SeCUrily InOtrumcnt d19COntlnuad ot any tlmo prlor to Ihn enrlMr o}: (n) G doye (or ouoh oth�r perlod es eppl�abla
<br /> 1��•� m�y ap�al'ry fnr rolnatatc:m�nt) bcforo aob ol Iho PropeRy puraucN., to nny poe�er of anla eontnlnod In thl� &�eurity Inntnrment; or
<br /> (b) enlry ol u Judpment on}orglnp this Securlty Instrument. Thoee aondftlono are that �onower: (a) paye Lender 411 Ouf�i� wh�h then (�
<br /> wou{d b� due under thls Securky InBtrumant end the Nota so ff no eCCOieratbn hud oCCUned; (b) curae eny detault ot any othet d�
<br /> � aownmt or aqrownm{a; (o) p�ys rll axpenaet Incurred h enfOrolnp this &raurily Instrument, Inoludlnp, but not Iknitod to, roaeunabb -
<br /> Qtlomoys' f�rr;pnd(d)takes nuoh sctlqn ee lendor moy rAaoonably requke to assurp thet the Iien o}thls SecurRy Instrument,Londe�'e � �,,
<br /> •, ,� rlphte In th� Property and [iorrow�s obllqUbn to pay lhs aums ssoured by thly Seaurlty Inetrument shell contlnue unahnnpsd. Upon �r x
<br /> rehstotament by Borrower, thl8 68CUrlty Inslrumsnt and the obllpatlona eacured hereby ohall romah fuily eHeative aa M no accebratbn � �"'�
<br /> ,� h�d oCCUrr�d. Haws:�er,thls rlpht to rehslete ehflll not apply h the ci8e of acceleratlan under parayraph 17. � L ,��,,-
<br /> ' ; -� f�. �8i6 GZ{'i0�'o� Ci�9oQi�.'� 04 LCAP1 .�.�:vieer. TRC NOIS or e pert�!+i inie�eai i� iiir i�uie iiGy"vt�oP '�°~ :~w °..,'�'!:� � � _...—_-.-, __—,
<br /> In9trument)may be sold one or mor�tkne!wfthout prbr not�e to Borrower. A eale mey resuk In a ohanpe h the entky(known as the �,-
<br /> .-;;;r.: . "LOA� S6NIC6f") thBt oolleots monthly paymonte due under the Note and thls Securky Instrument. There aiso may be on� or mare • -.�i �_
<br /> � .w chanpes ot the Loan Servfcer mvelatod t�a sele o}tho Note. If there Is e ohanpo ot the loan Serv�er,Bortower wlil be pNen writtan =--
<br /> not�e of the chanyo i� accordenco with peraqreph 14 abo�e and appl�able law. The not�e wlll state the name and eddross of the ; � -
<br /> . nsw Loan Ssrvl�cr nnd tho nddross to v�h�h paymente should be made. Tha not�e will alsa aontah any other htortnatbn requkod by .'`'�" '.
<br /> appifc�ble Inw. �' ' `,G
<br /> 20. Heaerdaue Subetenoea. 8orrowor shall not cauae or permtt the presence,use, dispasal, storaga, or rc�use of sny '}�' `�_�'°__ __
<br /> Hazardous Substances on or In the Propedy. Borrower sheil not do,nor ellow anyone otse to do,enythinp attectin�the Property that �''''�'��+==_—
<br /> is in vlolatlon of eny Envkonmental Law. 'fhe precedinp two sentencos shell not epply to the prosence, use, ar storaye on the `, _: —
<br /> Property ot small qusntkies of Hasardous Substances that are penerelty recognized co be approprinie fu ii0i('iidi iabids�t�t us o.:nd to ____- - ----
<br /> � � malntenance of the Property. '�����:;_ -
<br /> Borrower shall promptry glve Lender wrftten notbe of any hvestgation,alaim,domand, lawsuft or other aatlon by any povemmental :_;;:j��;�
<br /> or rapulatory ap6noy or prlvate paRy InvoNinp the Property and any Heuirdous Substance or Envkonmental Law of which Borrovrer has :;�_�--
<br /> t�:�':
<br /> • aatu4l knowledyd. if Bortower leams, or Is notlFled by any povsmmental or repuletory authority, that any removal or othe remedlatbn �r,;.::_
<br /> of any Hererdous Substance atfeatiny the Property Is necessary, Barrowor shell prompty tAke ail necesaary ren�edlal actbna In '�•r��?�
<br /> aCCOrdance wRh Envkonmental Law. �.r��
<br /> As used tn this paraflrAph 20, 'Hemrdoue Substunces" are those substances deflned as toxb or hazardous substances by •��
<br /> finvkonmentat l.aw and the followlnp substences: gasoline, kerosene,other flammable or toxb peVoteum producte, toxb pestbldes and �`��'
<br /> �'=--
<br /> '� herbfaldes,valatiie sotvonts, materials aontahing asbestos or tortnuldehyde, and radbaotNe materlals. As used h thls parapraph 20, _
<br /> 'EnvkOnmentat Law" means faderal laws end laws of the Judsdbtlon where the Property Is loc8ted thet relate to heakh, aafety or `.�i•
<br /> envkonmental proteCtion. ` -
<br /> - NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further covenant and apree as folbws: -
<br /> �� 2i. A�celeratlon; Remedies. Lender ehall give notioe to Borrower prior to acceleraUon foliewing E,;
<br /> Borrower's breach of eny covennnt or ngreement In this socurity InsVument (but not prlor to ':
<br /> ecceleratlon under parapraph 17 uniess eppucaoie iaw provides oinerw�aoj. Tno i�vui:o ���C �+e��y: -
<br /> (s) the detault; (b) the ectton required to cure the defeuit; (c) a dste, not leas than 30 daya 4�om the _
<br /> dete the notice la given to Borrower, by whtch the detault muat be cured; and (d) that tailare to cure
<br /> � � ' the defeult on or betore the dete specifled In the natiee may result in acceleretlon of the sums
<br /> secured by thia Security InaVument end aale of the Property. The noUce she11 turther Iniorm
<br /> � � Borrower of the riqht to retnatate efter eccelerAtion end the rfqht to bNn� e court acUon to et�rt the —
<br /> non-exlatence oT e default or eny other defense of Borrower to accelerstlon and ae�ie. It the detsult Is
<br /> - � � � not cu�ed on or betore the dete speclfied In the notice, Lender et ib optlon may requlre immedl�ts
<br /> , payment In tull of ell eums ,saaured by thla Security lnstrument w(thaut further demand end may
<br /> �� " `" Invoke the power of sale end eny other remedles permltted by eppliceble Iew. Lender sha!! be
<br /> ' � . r, entiUed ta collect all expense4 Incurred in pursuing the remedies provided In thls parepraph 21,
<br /> '�. Includinp. but not Ilm(ted to�reesoneble ettorneya' fees end costs ot tltle evidence.
<br />_ �.. It the power of sele Is Invoked, Trustee shatl record a notice of detault in eech county In whEch -
<br /> =-'..�}... :.,.. � eny part of the Property Is loceted and shall mell copiea of auch notice In the menrter proscribed by °�
<br />---�;;,,�,,�: �. epplicabte law to Borrower end to the other peraflns preacribed by sppllcebte lav,r. ARer tho time -
<br />�,;��'�:. �� . required by applicable law� T�uetee shell qive public �otice oi sale to the peraor�s end (n the m�nner __
<br />_��''�°:� `�~ preacribed by applicnble law. Trustee� witheut demend on Borrrower,shall neli the Praperty �t ps+blic _
<br />==;��� ' • euctton 4o the higheet bldder at the time and place end under the terms deapneted In tho noUoe of _
<br />-�° sele in one or more parcela and in nny order Truatee determinea. Truexee mey postpone eale ot eli F- _
<br />=;:�.=�:•.�Tf___ „r „�.0 �„►Ce� �} th� p�onerty by r�ublic announcement at the time end plsce of eny previously _ _ __ _
<br /> . . .. � scheduled sale. Lender or Its desiqnee may purcha�e the Property et eny sale. _ -
<br /> Upon receipt of payment ot the price bld, Truatee shell dellver W the purchaser Truatee's daed
<br />�;.s•'��.� ��: conveyinq the Property. The rocitels In the Truatee'a deed ehe10 be prima feale evldence of the truth �_-�
<br />_ ,.,: `� :. y ot the etatemenU mede therein, Trustee shaU epply the proceeds of tNe sale in the followin� order: � :�----
<br />=� �^� (e) to etl coats and expenses of exerclaing the power ot eale, end the sale� Ucludinq the psyment of �
<br />-'"` '�;� - � ' the Yrusteeb tees ectvelly Incurred, rtot to excoed 3 % of the princlpAl amount o4 the note �_ --
<br />� � ` �' at the time of the deoleretion of defnalt, end reeaonable a,ttorneyb tees es permitted by law; (b) to all ��;�;��-��
<br /> suma secured by thte Security InsVument; end (c) eny exceas to the person or persons legally �-��:'���`�==��_=
<br /> � � entitied to It. +����-�=�-�-_-�
<br /> 22. Reconveyance. Upon paymont of all sums secured by this Security InsWment, Lender shall request Truatee to reCOnvey - ``-_.=�-"
<br /> �'�. ���—
<br /> #_,, the Property and 8hall surtender this SeCUrity Instrument and all notes evldencing debt 6eCUrod by thls SeCUrlly Instrumant to 7ruatee. '���
<br /> .*.�,r�i-�,
<br />- � Tnistee shall reconvey the Property without wartanty and wRhout charpe to tho por�on or porsone bpalry ontftled to R. Such pers�n or '�',`��'`•��;,�,
<br /> . � ;�}: persons ehall pay any reaordation aosts. ` �,�,��r�A
<br /> !T F sv-c._
<br /> 1� � ��� . i'�..,i �1•
<br />_ �s ..
<br />_ :# '�r+��-.:,�.;::
<br /> .;
<br /> , 23.SubaUtute Truat�e. Lender, at Rs optbn, may trom tkne to time remove Trustee and appoint a successor Uustee to ;,-:F ' -
<br /> 1._._ " , any Trustee Bppohted herounder by an hstrument recorded In the county In wh�Ch thls SeCUrityr InsWment Is tecorded. WRhout �
<br /> ' � ConvOyanCe of the Property, suCCessor tmstee snan succoeu to an tne irtie, power and duties aonierted upon Trusiea nere� ano oy --- -- -
<br /> : flpplfcable law.
<br /> ' ,; 24. Requeat for Notices. Borrower requests thet coples of the not�es ot defeuR end sale bo sent to Bortower's address
<br />-= I �vh�h IS the Property Address.
<br /> - i 2S. Ridera to thia Security Instrumont. If ono or more rldors nre executed by Borrowet nnd reCOtded togethet wRh
<br /> = this Seaurity Instrument, tho covenants and aqroomonts of oach such rtder shall be hcorporetod Into and ahgll amend and supplement
<br /> � I tho covennnts and agreoments of this Security Instn�ment ns It tho rlder(s)were a part ot tfils �ecurity Instrument. •
<br /> -. Form 302E 9/CO
<br /> -- F10YY.LMO(2/C6) P�p�4 0�6 „
<br /> i
<br /> ; 01101741 OS
<br />