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, :.,,,,.�_ , <br /> ', ;� � • � ....._ .�_ .,�. . <br /> .-�.-- � .�� -- -� <br /> y ' .'_ ' ' __ "' _' _ _ ' _.�— .� . . __ _ . _ " _."_ .. . . ._ ._ .._ . <br /> �'"!'��T^.a_�.___, <br /> . .�.y . II] r�.-,. ... . _ .. ,1`hM'e�!`..?.. •..J . . ...r.MO 4v �.�.:��,.� -- - <br /> . <br /> . � r,/J:7Cif�������MhYirlq'tMR' .......' _' '' '_"' _ '�P1"`�fF'ri_ , . .... .._....- �.. �'4�,W+.�- - . <br /> . . ...� . .. .._.__� ...__ __ . . . -. .. . . r <br /> , ., : `;`� ` • <br /> � �-.-- <br /> . 7. Prote�tian a4 l.endee'e F�Ighta In tho �roperty� If Borto�vot fgli9 to perform the CovenentB fln9 AptaentaiFe �'w� <br /> contalnad In Ihls S�curity inatrurns:nt,or thcro Is p I�pnl proccedlnfl that mny algnlibantry atteat lenders rt�hts tn the Pro�►erty(saoh ae� <br /> n pracccdln�� tri bcnlcruptoy, prohnto,for cund�rr�nntlon or foA�lturo or to cnforco I�wo or iLdul�tiona?,then l.end�r mny do an� �ey fs�r � <br /> whntevo► la neeen89ry to protsot ths vblue a1 the Prop9Ry and l.end�e riqhte In the Property. Lender'e wctbna moy ki�lu(3H pwyLzfl <br /> , " � �tny wmf pcund by � IIm whioh has prbrHy owr thla F,�curky Inetrumqnt, �pFanrinp {n oourt,pAylny roaeonabM ettornoyb fe�a�nd � ,. <br /> �� �nterinp on th�PropNfy to rtwk�r�p��ra. Akhouph L�ndK may take aotbn undu thla panpnph 7,Lend�r doea not h�w to do to. <br /> „ Any imounte dl4bure�d by Lond�v undar thla parapraph 7 eholl boaomo �ddklontl dabt of Borrawer s�aursd by thN S�curity � �� <br /> �• E In�trurr�nt. UnM9� 0ortow�r and Lond�r aprN to oth�r brme of ��ym�nt, th�1� �mount� �h�A h�Yr MetK��! kom th� d�t� ol <br /> . <br /> df�burswn�nt tl lh�Moto tnt�and eh�ll bo pry�bb,with Intereeh upon not��Hom lendar to Bortow�r nqu�etN�y peym�►t. , '� <br /> -. <br /> .. .. <br /> _ �_ 8. Mnrty��e InwrancA. IP LMC3�r nqulrad mortoMfl� Ineunnc� �s o condNlon ol nwkiip tho bon c¢r;ua:tl� y t i;. <br /> �,,,_:•- <br />.--..—„—= u�'si.Uh'i�/ 1116tNITwI1S� fiOiTOti.'Y LR�fl RtS�! 1R0 pfCM:JfII� fCSjUIlM LO In9n[9+t li�tl niinii�ui�w i�iu�snGo :. wi. i�. �n'•7 Cu�� �.....^.^� :M _ .- <br /> �.. mortp�p� in�uranc�oav�np�aqulred by Landor aps�� or ceat�e to bo h oM�cl, Borrowx shall pay tho pnmlums roquind to obtoln � �• . <br /> ���r oownye wbst�ntkly �quN�Nnt to tho martpa� haurRnc� pravbusy M ��ot, �t a aost eud�antl�ly �quNii�nt to th� oott to <br /> _ --.y�} Borrow�r of th� mortpap� hdunnc� pruvbusy �n �Nsot, Prom Rn aksmate martyage inaurer approved by Lendsr. If eubstaniltly <br /> mquHalent mortqape hsuranee oovereQe h not aval4►ble, florrower ehall pay to Lender eaoh month e num equal to on�twelkh of the <br /> ycerty moRytpa lnsurnnca premi�m befnp petd by Borrower when the hsurartce coverape a�sed ar ceaaed to be in �M�ot. Lender wlll �' <br /> � �cctpt, us�and rotah th�s� paym�nts u a bas reaerv� Mi Iku of mortqape hsurnnce. Losa rea�rw paym�nte mty no bnper b� _'� <br /> y� requlred, at ths optbn of Lender, ft mo�ipepe hsurance cavaraQa (In tha amount and for tho parlod that Lencler roGukes) provided by :4 �� <br /> �, an hsurer opproved by Londer agah bxomes avaitabk+ and Is obtained. Bortower ehall pay the premlums roquYad to mahtafn �S"+"� <br /> '.;, moRpaQe hsurance In eNect, or to provlde a bss resarvo, untll ttie requk�ment tor mortpapa hsurance ends In acoordance wkh any .,�ri^ <br />- , , ,�t . written Rpreement between Bortower and Lender or applbable Inw. <br /> 9. Inspectlon. I.ender or ka aqent may make r6asonable entrles upon and inapectbns of the Property. 4ender shRN phro �'��- <br /> : � E__::._� <br /> ' Barrowar not��at the tkne of or prbr to en Inepaotlon spsaNylnp roasonahfe cause for tha inspootbn. �.-- <br /> " `�• 110. Condemnation. The proceeds of any award or alakn tor demapes, direct or consequentlal, in aonneation wit� any L,_ <br /> condart�natbn or oth�r takhy of nny part of tha Ptopwcy,or tor oonveyance h Iisu of oondemnatbn,aro horoby asalpn�d and ah4A b� "�=� <br /> pald tA Lender. <br /> . ... In tho avsnt of a toial takhy of the PropeRy, the procaeds shall be applled to the sums secured by this Securtty Instrument, ���'- <br /> � •�• whother or not then due, wkh any excese pald to Borrower. In the evsnt of u partfal takhp of the Property h whbh ths fa(r muk�t _ <br /> value of tho Prop�riy Immedl�tery betore the tekNQ is equal to or preator than the amount of the sums secured by thls Seaurily ��""- <br /> ��'� �� tnstrumunt immodMtely b�ton the takinp,unNas BoROww and Lender othwwlso ayree h w�Ninp, th� sums a�cursd by this S�curity <br /> InsWmw�t shall b� raducoci by ths amount ot the proceads muRiplfed by tha tolbwfnp Raotbn: (a) the total amount of ths suma <br /> �' secured immedl�tey betoro tna takin�, dNlded b� (b) the tatr market value ot the PropBRy knmedin!ety be(ore the tekBy. My balu�ce <br /> � BhaA be paid to Borrower. In the�vent o} a partiel takhp of the Property h whfch tha falr markat valuo of the Property Mm�df�tay - -- <br /> betoro tha takhp b lesa thm tho amount of the suma securod Immedlntaly before the t�fchp, unMss Borrow�r and Undu othuwia� <br /> � ;�� aproe in wrkinp or unNas appUcabw law othen.viss provldes, the proceeds shdl be opplbd to the sums aecured by thia &oourNy <br /> ��'�'� Inatniment wh�thsr or not th�suma�re tA�n due. <br /> �"""'�`�'� It tNe Propaty Is abandoned by Bortower,or k,after notice by Lender to Barrower tnot the condemnor oNera to rtwke an nwud or <br />`::�:l�:,: :� <br />-- • -v�;� sattk a owM for dartwpas, 8onower �aua to respond to Lender wRh(n 30 days attst the dats the notice b qhren,Lendo► le authaissd <br />'';�pji�;: to coHsct�nd �ppy th�proc�sd�, �t ke optbn, ekher to restoratbn or repair ot the Propsrty or to th�sums secund by thk Securky <br /> �'"'-"'"�� InsWmer►t,wheth�r or not then dus. <br />=�-,�,,,��`i'� Unkss Lender and Bortower otherxrke epree In wrRinp, uny applfcatWn of proceeds to prinoipal ahail not extend or postpone t�e <br /> ---- duo dato ol tha monthy paymenta rofarnd to h perayraphs 1 and 2 or ahmpo th��moun4 of suoh payma�ta. <br /> - '17. Borrower Not Released:Forbearsnce By Lender Not a WeEver. �cs.nsion ot �n• cim. ror p� a <br /> . =��_ modRbatbn ot amortlutbn o}ths suma aecurod by thle Seourky Instrument pr�nt�d by Lmd�r lo�ny duCC�tsor h inl�nst of BO�r�w�r <br /> .��==�� sh�A not operate to refeass the Ilabliity ot the oriphal Borcower or Borrowere succeasore In hterest. l.endsr ehaN not W nquind to <br /> _--- commenr,�prxwdhps eyahst any succossor h htarett or ratusa to extend tkno for�+aymant or othwwtw modify unoRfs�tfon ot th� <br /> �—��—�� sum� s�CUrod by thls S�curRy Inetrument by rsuson of eny demand mada by the orlphal Bortowet or Borrow�� suCC�IIEOrt N <br /> _"""—" ht�nst. My torbeuanc� by Lender h �corcbhp eny rlpht or remedy ahall not be a wahrer of or pncludo ths exsrck�of�ny ripht a <br /> __-:�r�! ��• <br /> 12. Suocessor�and Assipn�Bound; Jolnt end Several Llsblllty; Co-al�nars. rn. cownsflu and <br /> � - apr�nents o} thls Security Instrument ehall bind and ben�tit ths succsssors end assqna of Lender and Borrowa, sub�ot to th� <br /> �� provfabns of puapraph 17. BoROw�a coventnts end apnements shsll 4e Joint and several, Any Bcrtowe who caaqr�s thks &�curky <br /> -��� Instrum�nt but doos not ex�cuta tho Note: (a) Is casl�nlnp thls 8ecurity Instrument ony to mortp�po, pr�nt, u►d conwy th�t <br /> -`- �_= Bortoww�Intonst h th�Propsrty under the terms of tMla Sxurity InsWmank (b) Is not personnly obHgnt�d to pay the sums a�ourod - -- <br /> - --- by thb S�Cllrity 105VlIrtIMtt, l(10 (Q) eyret�s that Lanrkr ana 6ny Oiit11� BUUiIwW UlOy 6Qt� Iu sw�a"id iTi'vu:' ivi`'.,,;:: "•""'�" <br /> . _.._ � Ir ... �.�.... �:j <br /> --- -- accommodatbns wBh roqard to Wrms of this SaCUrky Inswmwit or tho Note wkhout that Borrower's conaent. <br /> ----- 13. Loan Cher�e�. It the bsn secured by this Security InaWment Is oubJect to a law whbh ssts m�ximum lan ohu�po�, <br /> °T��� pnG thet kw Is Mtlt� hterpretod so th�t the ktterest or other ban oharqas Collected or to b� ooflactsd In oonn�ctlon wkh th� b�n <br /> .—; axceed tho permltted Iknks,then; (a) eny such ban charpea shalf be roduced by the amount necessary to roduca the Chupe to the <br /> ----n:-� • parmktod link;and(b)any sums ah►ady colMcted hom�ortowar which exceoded petmiried Iknite wIN be n(untl�d to Bonow�r. Landlr <br /> ^������"�� nHy ahoos� to m�ka tht� refund by radualnp th� pnc�fpal owod under th9 Note or by maklnp � dfr�¢t p�ymQnt to Bortaw�r. If� <br />-'- ,'.��y� retund reduces princlpal,tha rc�ductbn wlu bs treated ns a partlai prepayment wfthout any prep�yment aharQo under tho Note. _ <br /> =:: ,., • <br /> __ "�"�'i' 14. Naticea. My not(ce to Bortower provlded for in thls Security Instrument shall be phrsn by deiNsrinp k or by mafilnp k bY F:. <br /> "': tirst olass maN unMsa epplica6le law requkes use o! another method. 7he notfas shall be dkacted to the Property Addnss or nny �' <br /> � � ,' othor addross BorroNSr desiynates by not�o to Londer. Any not�e to Lender shall be pNOn by Ikct akss mefl to Lsnder's addref� �`- <br />-.i��,,.��� , _ st�ted hereh or any othgr nddress Lender doslpnetes by not�e to Bortower. Any not�Ce providod for In thM Sacuriry InsWment shfll <br /> C►�_ <br />- :�_,,; .,., be dwrn�d to haw bewi pken to Borrower or Lender when qNen as provlded In thls peropraph. <br /> - - _ 16. Cc�vernino l.ew; Severeblllty. Thl� Securky Inetrum�nt shall bs powmed by iedxal kw and th� �w of tM ��c� <br /> '���`�� Jurhdktbn h whbh th�Property 1s bctled. In the event that any provisbn or ctause ot this SecurRy Instrum�nt or th� Not�contlicte F� <br /> wkh eppl�able tew, such oontiict shali not otfect other provisbns of lhls Socurfty InstNmer�t or the fVote whbh Can bo pM�►etfact <br />��''��-��� wlthout th�contUotho nrovbfon. To thb snd the provbbna o}thb S�curity Inetrummt and th�Not�aro d�alu�d to b�aw�nbN. �-`_� <br /> `��� ' '� 18. Borrowcr'o Copy. Bortower ahall bo qlven one confomad copy of the Note and of this Security Inatrum�nt. <br /> �'��'�""`� 17. Trensie� of the Prop�rry or m Beneticlei Intereat in Borr�wer, ir ull or any part of tho Prbperty or any � <br /> � � hterest In R b sold or transferred (or N a benefblal Intorest In Borrowar is sold or trensterred and Bortowor Is nat� notural peraon) <br /> wkhout Lendei's prbr wrRten consent,lender mey, at Rs uptbn, requlre Immadate payment In tull of all euma secured by thfs SecurRy <br /> . Instrument.However, thts optbn shall not be exerclsed by Lender M oxoraise I�proh�Rod by fodoral Iaw as ot the date of thls Gecurty <br /> ' Instrument. . <br /> � 11 Lender exerolses this optbn,Lender shall pHe Borrower notfce of eaceleratbn.The notfce shali provido�peNOd of not less thN <br />� , 30 days from the date the notlCe Is delNerad or malled wkhh which the Bnrrower must pay nll sums securad by thfs Sacurlty <br />" Inetrument.It Borcower fatls to pey these sums prbr to the e�iretbn of thls period,Lendor mey Invoko eny remedfss pertnitted by thb <br /> , • Security Inetrument withcut turthor notice or demand on Borrower. Form oosa v/ao <br />-- � ri,��� . '� F1020.LM0(2/03) P�p�9 ot 6 .. <br /> .- , j . <br /> t <br /> l <br />.. I 01101241 S7 — -. . . <br />