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<br /> --_ - ! -� - _ , . - - . - . . . . . . . . " _, ,• .
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<br /> - � - --- `� -------•...--�..«�,.,,!-��c _Tsust.a�a_�kS�le_.�.�._.�_-�--�.----
<br /> - -js.s ,
<br /> - - -_ _ - apgoint e� r�c�iver.,or sp�cif3cally enforce aay of the covRnau�s--lR��a;:� - . . .
<br /> (c �D�livwr to Trustas a rritten daclaration o� default and d�aana fvr
<br /> ` aai� ari� a Mritt�a nctics of default.and ele�ti.oa to cenas Trwtor'a iat�rest
<br /> � _ fn �t�u Trust E�tats_to b� sold..a��f�fal R�sc.osr�s af�the ��ou�nty i.neMhfich �
<br /> the Trust Sst�.at� is l�ix:afea�s - � , ' '
<br /> � ` 11. FORECL09URB HY POirBR`�F 3AI�B Should Beneficiary eioct to. . �
<br /> for�closs b �rc e. o ° sit w�th Trustae t�hisc�Deed ofdTrustsand t�he Itote
<br /> noLify Trus��e aad ��l � ai.tases made and secarad hereby as
<br /> - and such rectipts ana sviBenCe of expen . . .
<br /> - Tr�stee mny saquire• .
<br /> _ ` • (aj U�on receipt of such ttctice €ram Heneficfar�c, Trustee shall cause
<br /> -- � to be record-ed. Published aad delfvered to Trastar such Natice of Default an8
<br /> `�Notfce af Salg as then re�red bY lax and bF this Deed of Trust. Trustee � -
<br /> sbaii, Mithout den�and on tor after such #ime as ma►Y then l�s �r°a hy
<br /> � i�x.and a�tez recordation of sucfi Notice of Oefault and after Notice of Sa1e
<br />-- havfng been given as �equ�.re8 by law, sell the Trust Estate at the tima and .:
<br /> -- .place cP sale fixed by it in such Notice of Sale efther as a whole, or in
<br />- - saparate lots or cels or items as Trnstee 'Sha�.1 d� �ent. and ia suc'�:_ �
<br /> _- — • 'order as ft maY etermine� at public auctioa to the 1�.ighe� bic�er for casb.;
<br /> ia ],awful taoaeY of the Un�.ted states, paysble at the time of sale. Trustee '<: � �
<br /> =- shall deliver t� auch P�chaser or c.hasers the�reof its good and suffi�ient� .
<br /> = deea on deeds, conveying.the pro so, sold, but wi�hout any covenant or .
<br /> `�`'� warrantY. ress or imp�ed. ��.� �► �ah deed of sn matters or , —
<br /> facts ahall� concluaivs proof of th�:'��'��eSB ��e°f• �Y ��'chas8
<br />:;:'i'��• including. without limitat3onr Trusta�•���•..and Beneficiary maY $
<br /> �;*°��� '�" at such ea�.e, a�ad Trustor hereby covena�ts to:�rant and defend the tstle of
<br /> ��. . �c'b p�irchaser or purchas�zs. � � - . _ . � ._
<br /> �' �°• ~ (bj �As may be Pexmitted by law. after d�'i:tin9 all costs. fees. ..
<br /> �-L xuat,
<br /> r: expensea o�' Trustee and af t�his T including.costs of evidenae of ti.tle 3n.
<br /> . �` ;..; . . cannectian with sale Trustee shall agply the groCeeds of sale to payme�� .
<br /> {i all sums " nded under ttie terms hereof not�then z^e€�aid. with
<br />'� � , � ` _ in�ereat at „�percent r�annum. t�) �f a�� �.�n secured hereby, , .
<br /> 'r."y and (iii) the remainder, i��g, to the pers�n ¢r ,persa�s. �2,gal1Y �titled
<br /> thereto. , .
<br />- . J' - (c) Trustee may, in tlie xnannes prcvided by law. Post�c�e sale of all�cr . .
<br />_ :. �';�� �y portion of_the Trust Estate. � ---
<br /> .:�._. _ ...---- -
<br /> :� .43�. `i 12. REt�DIES NOT EXCI.USLVE. �rustee aad Seneficiasy, and each of theiu, �_�
<br /> ,�.=rt, �, shall be ea e o en orce pay�snt and performance o� anY indebt�dness or �,-,;�__
<br /> �'""f ' obligatians secured hereby and fio exercise all r�ghts and powers under thia �..'�,:,��Y_�
<br /> ��'�''°��`�''"�- Deed of Trust or u n d e r a n I.oan Instrument ar other agreement or aay laws now • 4 �_�-
<br /> �'•�'`•j`- �`'•� � or hereafter in force, no�withstanding sane or all of the such indebtedness
<br /> �..~'��;�.:
<br /> - � and obligations secured hereby may ncw or hereafter be otheraise securea, .,�,j:
<br /> �.�;-s �hether by mortgaqe, deed of trust, pledge, liea� assigtuaent or otheruise. ;-`,:�;��Ft_
<br /> Neither tbe acceptance of this Deed of Trt�st nor its enfarce�nent whether by •_�,,��R:,;=
<br /> . �:-�
<br /> court action or pursuant to the power of eale or otherpo�rers heren� . :�.k}
<br /> ,. contained, shall preju8lce mr in anY ma►nner affect Trus�ee's or�Be:�.icfary's I _ _ =
<br /> .-:�.�-•`._, ,-,
<br /> ,,,_.,,::,,:�.�� . r i g h t t o realize upon or enforce anY ather security now or hereafter held by _ _—
<br /> � ,� Truatee ox Henefic iary i t be ing a g r e e� t h a t T r u s t e e a n d B e n e f i c iarY, a r s d e a c h �`' ..,,+;, �
<br /> , �• �',y�,�..:•.��-� ,, up them, shall be enti�led to enforce t::is De�d of Truet attd any otber . ' -
<br /> � . �'t•.:::.,, -�..
<br /> .?���''��%���v�• security now or hereafter held by Beneficias�+ or Trustee in such order anc3 , ;,. .�
<br /> '.�.-�,,�-, .. manner as they or either of them may in theix absolute d;scxetian detesmine. , _
<br /> ,�.:� . No remedy herein canferred upon or reserved to Trustee or Beneficiary is , : :,�,�,,,,,
<br /> � intended to be excluaive of any other remedy herein or by law provided or ' � ; -
<br /> � ' '' !`f.,�: germitted, but each sha21 be cumulative and shall be in addition to every
<br /> ,j� • �.: � other re��y given hereunder or noW or hereafter exiating at law or in equ�t5� ' '��;;'••���_-
<br /> ` c.;. � �:;��i;�.�, or by Statt�e. Every poaer or remedy given b anY of the Lvan Instruments *v� � � ' , ,,:.:,; �.�-;
<br /> Trustee or Beneficiary or to which either of �hem may be otherNiae entitle�, � ' ' �'°::��� ,
<br /> � ,a.c�' -. . . .
<br /> ? -r���:;�;-::,,.;�. ma be exercised concurrently or independently, from time to time artd as
<br /> ' .�yw`�'�"', • of�en as may be deeme8 expedient by Trustee or BeneficiarY; and ei�her of them .
<br /> . may pu�raue 3. consistent remedias. Nothia herein ahall be conetrued as �� � ,
<br /> roh3biting �enePiciary from seeking a de�iciency judgment against the Trustor !
<br /> ' � � � �o the extent such action is permitted by law. �
<br /> �`��'�'ti-'�`•' " , 13. RE4UEST FOR NOTICL. Trustor hereby requesta a copy of any notice• � [
<br /> .,,�:u . �:• .
<br /> � � oP default an3't a any no ce oP sale hereunder be mailed to it at the
<br /> ,� aaare88 �e� forth in the Pirat pazagraph oP this Deed of Trugt. � �
<br /> � ��•''��:�'. �• 2g, GOVERNING LAW. This Deed of Trust ahall be gaverned by the laws of E �
<br /> � '``�"=' � � the State o e rasca. n the event that anY provision or clause of any of the t' � , .
<br /> � r ��-='.� � ' Loan instrumersta conf licts with applicable lawg, such conf licta shall not f .
<br /> � affect otiRer provisions oY such Loan Inatruments which can be given effect � •,
<br /> � � without the conflicting provis3ona; ana to this end,'the provisions oE the � .
<br /> ' �� Loan inatruments are deciared to be severable. This instrument cannot be , ,
<br /> waived chattged, discharged, or terminated orally, but nnly hy an instrwnent
<br /> � � • in wri�ing s gned by the party gqaingt whom enforcement of any waiver, ahange, �• � .
<br /> � � . --- - _ discharge or3termination 3a sought. .
<br /> - - - � - �- -� � 15. REf:ONVEYAt10E SY TRi1STEE. 1lpon written request of Benef iciary ' _ �
<br /> stating tha a s sea re er have bean paid, an8 upon surrender of
<br /> � • th�s DeeB of Trusi anc] the Note to �ruatee for aazscellation and retention and
<br /> ' upon psyment by Trustvr of Tr�atee's feea, mrustee ahall reCOnvey to Trustor,
<br /> � �� � or the person or persona legally entitled thereto, without warranty, any .
<br /> 1 � � �r�econveyance ofTe�nytra�tters orefaotsdshellybeeconclusive�proof of theh .
<br /> , .
<br /> _.._._ �'="� = -------�=------ .-
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