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<br /> . \' � (
<br /> "`_ —"- `� _ . . 'i��' � ,� , . ' " . . _ -. ` � . . ����� , . .
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<br /> _ � --�_-._.-`�..�:._"��_i.�.,�raec. s�v !�!.ps!octtrad_in a sim�Jl� Po��li or �sy b� obtain�d ,`
<br /> -_ _ -•, ,. ..
<br /> in at� pa�cfu:-T�[Y'��:-�� ��---
<br /> — ----�- ----- __ _
<br /> - -- .---- -���c��i�rY �nd Tsustora� fnsur� a� Lh� fa ares maY aPP�ar 'an� ` .
<br /> :B�n�t�aiary �ha11 � provid� �r3.tb a t7frtiffcate�of-��-�P��� -
<br /> copy shwinq tht 3naura�cf to b� ia full forca aa@ �ffect at all tim�s durl.ng J� ,
<br /> th� tras of t2ils�Drad ot Tru�t. �� . , �
<br /> - 4. 11CtI0N8 111�FLCPIIiG TRUST BS"�ATB. Trnstor shall sppaar fst'astd wntest . ;
<br /> anp action or p �p�rw.�y-�� �fect the s�curity-I�eraof or ths �
<br /> r i q h t s arpow�r s o f-H a n�r t i c�ar�r Trustea and sha11 Pr►Y all cost; aad =� _
<br /> �psns�s, 3ncivafnq co� of ev ncs of ti�ie and attoraey's faes,sh�aY ��
<br /> � � aat3oa or pr�ocMding ia rhicb Heneficiary or Truatee my app�ar. .
<br /> Trustor fa31,to a�elc� ang pa7ta�nt or to do any act a�r aad in tlie snnqer
<br /> � provid�d ia ax►7�:of th��Laan Instruaents, Ben�ficiary an8 or Tiastee, each sn .
<br /> 3ts o�a discretfan, Mit�ut abli+gnt�.on, anY mlce or 8a �sa�os ia such manner
<br /> and,to snch aact�at as efth�r ara� de�a aecessarY to psvtect:t� security . .
<br /> ` heraof. Trustor shail, i�ec�ia elg upon de�ad there€or blf HensffciarY. Pay < .
<br /> � �11 casts and �peas es fncurred b�Benefic�9 connection wiUt the exercise
<br />- - , bY Heae€ic��y o� th+a farago3ng'r ts, inclu ,- aithout limitation..costs .
<br /> ---. � of avidance_ o� title, court costs, appraisals, surv�Ya and'attarn�y's fe�s.
<br /> -= = 1lny such coat� a�sdexpe naes not �i c�within�.tea (lOj. days of �rrftten demead_
<br /> �.`�',l;�;£ , , shall drar interest n� the default rate,proyided ia the Note. . _ �
<br /> Y���_:
<br /> - 5. -E1lILiBNT DO!l�IN. Shquld the Trust Estate, or anY ��t thereof or
<br /> _- , ` fnterest ere , en or damn9ed by reasoa of aay�pub13c imProvaoent or
<br /> cond�eatioa roc�adtteg, or iri any other manner f,nclu�un4 deea in lieu of
<br /> - Cond�nation �"Co�atioa"), or should.Tsustcr receive aaY notice or other
<br /> - informa ioa reqardinq euch P��nq �stor shall givaprcmp t strittaa
<br /> notice �eraof to SeneficiarY. Henef�ciasy sYiall be entitled �o all
<br /> ca�e nsation and condemnation avards end b�her paYmenta or relfef therafor �- �
<br /> th
<br /> aad-shall ba entitled to make any campromise or settlement iu connection w�th
<br />� ' such takin4 or �amage• All suchcanpe nsation and cande�msatioa, awards
<br /> �es, rights of action and proceeds a�rarde� to Trnetor (the "Pruceed�") are
<br /> assiqn�ments ofdthe P�ee�eds�as�Be�efi�cisarY Q�Trustee m�ay rtequireh further
<br /> ' �: • � from time to.
<br /> � 6. APPOIHTI�IT OF SiICCESSOIt TRUSTEE. Beneficiazy may,
<br /> � - time, by a wr en ina execu e an ackncwledgad by Beaeficiary, a�iea
<br /> to Trustor and recorded ia tlie Ccuaty in Kl�ch the Trust Estate is locatec3...aad .
<br /> � b o�herMise 2yi.nq w€tis the provisions ��the applicable law of the State, ,
<br /> o� h
<br /> Nebraska snb�itute a sanccessor or successors to the Trustee named herein
<br /> or aating::hereuader. �. � '
<br /> 7. . SIICC�50R5 AND ASSIGNS. This Aeed of Trust.applies to, inures,ta '
<br /> ' - the beaefi o an n s p ies hereta�.theiY' heira, legtte�s devfsees,
<br /> personal repr� esentatives� successors an8 assi9ns. The term 'Benef�ciazy" _
<br /> ;- �na],1��the e�er and holder of the Note, whether or not named as �_,__
<br /> - ;�� ' � ' ���•
<br /> 8. INSPECTION3. Seneficias�a or its agents, representatives or s
<br /> workmen, are au orized to enter at any reasonable time upon or in anY P� of
<br /> the Trust Estate for the purpose of inspec'ting the same and for the pusBo FF;��-_--�_:.
<br /> �"7j�;,�. < � perfoaaing anY oE the acts i� is authar3ze�.to perform under the terms of any �-�:�^_
<br /> - >� of the.Loan Instrwnents. '-�'` �
<br /> - . . . • �:-=._`�.:::-
<br /> ;��-` . 9. EVENTS OF DEFAtR,T. Any of the foZlowing events shal� 1�ae.deemed an �-�..�;:�'.�:�--_
<br /> .. �.,. .a:.
<br /> �'--: event of de a ereun er: `� ' '°"`
<br />�. : . '��tr __� . . (�'14.,,. _..._^�y.
<br /> � �. (aj �rustor shall have failed to make �ayment of any installment af
<br /> • . i,nterest, principal, or principal an@ interea or any other sutn secured hereby , '`,
<br /> �� When dae; or, � � h:�' � - ,.��.;°-
<br /> (b) There has cccurred a breach or default under an� term cavenaitt,, � �
<br /> - a reement, cand.#tion, provision, representation, or warran y con�ained in �ny ... :�. ,��L��
<br /> o� the Loan Iastsuments. . � �� � -
<br /> ,�•�;, . �
<br /> - s?�� � �,�_ ACCELERAT20N UPOH DEFAULT ADDITZQ�II�II. REI�DIE3. Should an eventi of f
<br /> ' ' � ':- defanit accur ene c ary may ec aze a in e e �ss aecurea hereby to be
<br /> � ;�t;;�,x A���:,±�� d u e a n d p a f e, a a d th e same shall therenpon beoa�_due and payable without �';,:, . , ,
<br /> � . "`r�; •. any presen�nt, demand, protest, or notice o f any k z.a d. T he r e g f t e r t h e
<br /> ..�'y�:``.' �'• BeneYicfary maYs ;,':`,
<br /> ;f,:� . - �--t�a' .
<br /> �=' (a) EitheY in person or by agent, with or without bringing any action ��"�'
<br /> "�'a� �= ;� or proceeding or by a receiver appointed by a Caurt and without regard ta the � � �
<br /> • _ .-.-2�,:,x��� adequacy of i�s security enter upon and take possession oE the Truat Estate, f. ,
<br /> • �� '�r.i— : or any part thereof, in �ta own name•or��in the name of Trustee, and do any � .
<br /> �._�"'---�:��..� acts xhich it deema neceasary or desirable ta preserve the value �
<br /> '�'�""�`v;'_." ' marketability vr rentability of tha Trust Estate or part thereo� or interest F ,
<br /> ?��r�•�' increase the income therefrom or protea� the security hereof, and !•
<br /> ��:}.,�,r�_� .. „ , therein,
<br /> a:;,:fi.; ,,: with ar without taking possession of the Trust Estate sue for or otherwise ; .
<br /> �*��-�- �• collect the renta, issues an8 proPits thereof, includ�ng those past due and �
<br /> � • unpaid and apply the same, less cbsts and expensea oP vperation anci � ,
<br /> '��`"�` �� ��' collec�ion inclu8ing attorney's fees, upon any in8ebtedneae secured hereby, ;:
<br /> � .°���-��.��• , � all in suc{� ordex as Beneficiary may determine. The entering upon and taking ; .
<br /> � �=-�-°- ��--` pogsession of the Truat Estate, the colleation of suCh rents, iss�ies an8 , i
<br /> ' profitg and the application thereof as,a£oresaid, shall not cure or waiva gny .
<br /> ' degault or aotice o£ default hereander�or im�alidate gny act done 3n response � - --
<br /> � � � � • to such default or pursuant'to such notice of default and, notwithstan8ing the ; .
<br /> � continuance in possession oY the Trust Estate ar the collect3on, receipt and ; . .
<br /> ' � application of renta, issues or prof3ts, Trustee ar Henegioigry shall be• � •
<br /> �� entitled to elcercise every right provide8 for in any of the Lcan Instrumenta
<br /> � or by law upon occurrence af eny event of defauLt, 3�nclucling the riqht to • .
<br /> • exercise the power of salef ,
<br /> ... . . .
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