:; . _ _ �, . .. . f... _. ,�
<br /> .t='' -r _' . G _ ..,3,"= . _. . _ _ _3s.ss_"`--
<br /> , • • ' v;' , . —_—.—
<br /> _-4t ' 1 ' �_t_ � i. . - __-- --
<br /> - - - _ . .L �'__ __•-••_-�.v. - - -- -
<br /> �� '���'r '� � .., . - - � _ . .. � ' . " � � . , _ . , ''<' `�' ' .
<br /> ' , . , ' . � ` .. �. � . .. . . . . _ _ . � .� .
<br /> . _ . . . . . . . . . . � . ` � ' . -
<br /> � - " . . � . . , . - �
<br /> , , _ . � , 4 '
<br /> �� _---`-`------- - - - — ` � � ,V��l.��� _ ---..__ ..
<br /> - at a+�m,t�re a.Mrra d«Uo.ts aNS Tn,a a.o-ana any anK a�a�riry naw ar�rrart�r e+�a o�r e«�ieir�►a► nu�. "�""'
<br /> -- ai t1,�r ar MhM d t�wn cnaY in�idr abtotul8 dcxtatio��termi�:tio r�n+�dYfiKeln tOnfertad Wm ar r�vW 1D Tru�o[BwwficisrY is in1M�Wd
<br /> b h��seNMiw af any other remedY�n or oY taw Prwidsd or Ve�itted but aact►at�Db�and ahYt be in ad�idan to e+Nty t�lh�r nie�dlE_
<br /> y�u.nn■.�nawanowar�,eroanere�su�wcr�e�haar�.�D�"1°�a��yP����x�Q�rtlMSTrsiatOe�dWTrust�eot8w�y . .
<br /> ato�rhfcb�itt�d lhem ma�l bs ott�entidlsd.�Y b��cere�sed.oa�uurantlY a indeP�Y•Kan ten�ta tim�and at oRen ae may De�nW
<br /> da�pe6ent DN Tn�a B�Mfiei�clE and aimer ot tbeeo may Ddrsue i�Onsi�nt nmsdMS.t�oth(np tferoin a�W Ds oanstrued�prohihitiny Br�Betsi►- �
<br /> trorn srMctn9�QafickneY l�n��T�ua�b ths extsnt auch a�tion�prm�Tted by tar.r. `
<br /> t�.TRANiEEA Of TtiE PRCPERT�:ASSU�TIOl�If�a11 a any part of tha ProperH a inbre�at therein is saW.�ernd or othervriM tamRYMt
<br /> Dy Tn�bc wilhaA 8enefid�ClPs priar wriuen oonte!►t,e�(a)the creation of a tieq or encnm6nnoe subordinaie to this Trtrs#Osee.ro�a a�
<br /> by apKStion d d�w aPQ!�?dlaW d a Tiu�lor w!q k alai,-t tenant a(c)tha 9rsu of e�Y���inte�est at three C�AlA�g a less vrhid�Ooea not
<br /> ::: canfairi an+�tla�w Qu�i+a�sucn.acqar is a o�,ar:�ag�eeme.K.y,a eanef�fr�!�l►.at e�i's��,9,:�?ise a�d,e$nns�crine tf� �
<br /> ;,;',
<br /> ';'. lhis 7tuit.06nd ls i�s:imn�Ee�F dut e[1d pap�s.G�!�?�"''-�`:.�!��ps t�us!Deld maY.at BsMficiu7!s�a?������� -
<br /> .,�.
<br /> '.�•:`.:�rpit.a[kRy;eu�ler�s's{�n�ePatd��9ct�`���'�csscd�ora�sirJ�edhYanqme�nSwt�:q�c.-,�i.�.tieTrcntatFSaLOrpOia�
<br /> .;, and a transler ot tha maqoritYs�c a�+a's�r;:�tere�uaffi�:�a�ar�riaccu�s.or the Tru'.aar caPo�!hon merQss'�a��n�th anoths►e�r�onbon
<br /> - 'ar wKity,8erti6ciary sh�l hava waived sucrt oPUm�to acc�ate it.Priar to the sate.vanster or carnsyan�e.8eneftci�f►and ths paaon to wtf0ee ths
<br /> _ • .: ` P�aprly ia Ta bs sold or Usnstened ieach agreeme�t in wn"ting that tAe ctedit o1 wch person is satisiaetorfl�BeneflGaryand that ther irrta[est pnyabN_
<br /> - ort UM sta7K s�c�r�d bf►tMs Trust Oe�O shaH be st wch r�ts as B�r1NiCl�rfR���qwsR
<br /> - �2 AOCELEMTIOMIJPON OEFAULT:IEIIEOIES:$A1.E-Ths taibrs b1►tl�s Trusta.tomalcsany psyrtNraawpertart�anyotmetamsandwnd�Nais
<br /> a1 thls trwt OMd.a ths 1�ms and condi6ons of ths Nots.a any renawats.nw�kfications or�xNraran�thereof.a th�t�n to m�lce p�yrtunt W any
<br />-_ - ��s.prhx a aub�e�uent to thls Trust Oesd.and sacured 6Y ihia propaty.a ths d�th W cns a mon TruStaa ahall h�a Onach�n0 ,.
<br /> - dMault ot q�ls TmR ONd and ths B�nef�ci�r may d�etari a dNwR aad maY Mclan dl eums�1Q Mnbyt imns�dMNY dus and payMils and tlr,.
<br /> sr�N�N tMrN+P�b�coitN Qur;end WY�MnthQut Pr�ntm�n l.d�m a n d.P rotat or nat�ot any kind.Pravld�d.Tnrstar shall haw any statWaY
<br /> rf�t b cw�th�dM�u110Nor�anY noucs of d�tauH and MmanO faC�sNi may tl�dNiwnd to tM TrutlN.Thus�itw.B�n�fiGN►Y n►+Y dNirh►to Tsusw
<br /> - s wrilYn d�IMN+an ot drbnN snd a�man0 tor t�N.Tru�ta aprwis ab nK�by�ana tha�tM Trus1N ih�w h�v�ttw powv W�a1�d tt»Prap�rey,ind• .
<br /> - . �!�Iioi�ry daidN IM WapKry�a W b�solQ it eh�N Wpoal wuh Truata�tfi�s Trwt Q���nd Ih�Not�a na�s and anY Oth�dx��^���P
<br /> ��p�nditurM wcun0 huaby.and anau Mkvu to Trust�sa wrrttan notke of dd�uN and e�ection to auss th�qapNty to bs tWd.�n0 TruMN.In tum.
<br /> _ pN11 pt�p�r��Nmd�notics m lhe fam teqw�ed by law,wnk�shall bs dury��tad ta recad oy Trustes. �
<br /> ~ f�1) Aft�t Me fapso of 5uch time as may De+eqwred ty Ipw la�lowing the recorQatinn ott�tatke ot OehiuM,atM NWiCS�1[�/wll and Notktot . �_
<br /> , Sat�Navinp Eaen gtven as regwred by law.Tnistes,wrt hout Q eman a o n 7 r u s t o r,s n a l l s e l t t h e P r o p a rt y,i f n o t r e d e e m e d.in ons a mas
<br /> pucN��0�p sucf�adet as T►ustee may determine an tite Cate and the time and place designeted In SA�d N�tice cf 3ate,at publie wctio►t. !
<br /> pCtOrdirlQ to t8w. —
<br /> (b) Wtwn Trustee se�ts pursuant to the powers herein,7rustee shalf apply tha pfoceeds ot the sale to payment of the Costs and axPenaas c�
<br />- _ NcOrclsingthe power ot sa�e and of the sale,including,without limitation,atlomey'Stees and ttie payment otTatstAe'8 FeOS�nCUrred.wh�Ch
<br /> Trustes's Fees shall not in the aggregate exceed the foltawing amounts base0 upon the amount secured MtBbysnd remeininq unpaW at
<br /> � tha time scheduted for sate:5 percentum on the balance thereol;and then to the items In subpara�aph(c)in tne arQer ihete stated- .
<br /> (c) qfter paying the itams speeified fn subparagrapB{b�.+r ine sala is eyr Tn,stee.a it the edte 1s pursuant to judieiat ftxeCtosetre,the pfocseds
<br /> ' ot aate sdall be applied in the fotirnnng oraer. _-
<br /> 'y`,, (1)Cost ot any eadence ot titte pracured in wnnection wnh such sate an0 of anyr revenue tranater fee repuired tc be pald; ��
<br /> � (2J AR obligations secu�e0 by ipts Trust 03ed: �`�
<br /> `� (3)Junia trust deeQs,mortgage�.or other IienholQers; - t "'
<br /> ��w:`r
<br /> (!)The remamQer,it any.to the person Iegalty entitled lhereto. . � "'_� �
<br /> F�
<br /> ,,�:;is; 13.APOOINTMDiTdFSlICCESSORTRUSTEE.BeRS"���rymay.framtimetotime,6yawritteninst►ument6xacutedandaeknowl8tk,�9dbyBene�c7dr/:,, "
<br /> t maita4 tO Trustor end re�a:ced fi the county or count�e5�n vl.�^r:h the Praperty is locatod and by othenvise rAmptyrng with the prevfsians ot the appti�sADt��
<br /> ,• lavrs oi t�+e State o1 Nehraska substitute a successor or successors to tne Trustee named herein or acting hereunder.�' ,
<br /> '": ta.l6RECTIpNg.Beneficiary.or;ts n3�nts,representaUves oaemp(ayees,are authorized to enter at ar►Y reasonabte time upan or ih any paR o1 ths
<br /> �:;��::�
<br /> - - ptcpeRy for ttie putpose of inspeGing tna 3ame antl for the purpose ol portorming any ot the aCts it isaulhotized to peA4rm unde/the tertns 4tthe Trust Oeed. •
<br /> ' 15.OPTlON TO i0i1ECLOSUR@.upon the aeeurrence ot any breach and upon the deGaration o1 Qetault hereunQer,BaOeficlary s6atl Bava the optbn , :
<br /> • to faectoss lhts Trust Oeed in the manner provlded by taw far tne toreclosure at mortgages on real property.
<br /> a'. • .,.
<br /> tg.FOREDEARANCE BY BENEF(GARY OR TRUSTEE NQT A WAIVER.Any tarebearance by Beneficiary or Trustee in exercising any rlght or remedy �
<br /> 3, hereunEel,a otherwise allorded by apDfcable law.shatl not be a waiver oi ar prectuda the exercise o!arty such rigtft or remedy.Likewise.the weive� 'J,'.;;:i:;,
<br /> - by 8enetkiary or Trustee o1 any detautt ol Trustor under thls Trus!Oeed shalt not be deemed to be a waive�ot any other a similar Cetautts subsequently � �p
<br />_ ocCUairtg. � � :
<br /> � ' 1�.eENEFIC1AiiY'9 OOWERS.W�thout aHecting or releasmg the I�abdity ot the Trustor or any other;e�sars i�aC�e fio�the payment of any obNgaSC.n= ;� .���•
<br /> � herern mentioned,and without aifecting Ihe hen or charge ofthis T�ust Deed upon any portr�d the�ove^r�rBBnef�Giary may,hom tiMmta.^�^�^sa�G.
<br /> � witfiout nOtlCe at the request of ana or more Trustors.(q�elease any person liable.(�i}extenff a�rEre�lRematunry er alter any of the t9!'�sZ9 a�f s�c� �
<br /> � � obligifian9,pli)grant other indutgonc�ss.pu}release or reconvey.or cause to be released Gr reCartve�r.�at any time 8!BAneflCiary's aphOn Any parCbl �
<br /> . �i,,y �.
<br /> ':w±�• , a all 01 the Ptopetiy.(h take a�release any other or aQOiuona�secunty for any obUgation herein menUV�eO:{vi�make Sefltements or other anangdrt+e^L9 �
<br /> ��.r,,�.:.;;'.
<br /> �p.„ .,, wilh Trustol in relation the�eto Atl Trusta�s shaR se joMny an0 soveratly obhgated and bound by the acNons ot the 8enetiCiBty Or any one or more Tti:gt'.r
<br /> �t� as eMted in Ihls p8r8g►aph.
<br /> .,� .• ,
<br /> • � :: ,,:�c: . 18.ATTORNEY FEHB.C09TS ANO ERPENSES.tnu Benehc�ary ot tnlg Truut pved Is antitted to tne paympnt of ettdrney9 fees.cost8 and expense9 �
<br /> � "''�•� es provided in th�s Trust Oeed.except ag ottfenv�se p►oh�bitdd by�aw. , i� �
<br /> . . � -� �;,. .
<br /> � •�=' tg,pECONVBYANCE BY THUSTEB.Upbn wrdlen request ot tldh�hCi3W tlntl Opon paymaM by,T�untdt ot•7tu9tee's tees.TtustA9 shtllPreCOnvey to
<br /> x:'�`�.'� � Trusta.ar the person or persons legalty antitlad the�oto,wrthout warranry.any porbon ollho Propertythen heSd hereunder.Recrtats�n suCh reCOnveyanCe
<br /> . ��'�}�� � of any mattera or}acts sha�l ba cunctuswo�root of the truthtulnos9 tho�aof.The yrantee�n any recanvoyance may be described a9 the petson or perooru
<br /> �*f � fegelly entitled therotti'
<br /> *',�.'.::�� �
<br /> ' �'"•'"'�'��' '• 20.NOTICE9.Excvpt fo►nouCes,d9mands.ieqaoSt9 br olha(cammunicaLOns rc�qmrad un0or uppucatita law to bo g�v�n m anothei manner,whanever ;
<br /> • �- � ``.•':' a�.;. Benefleiary,Trustor ol?rusl0e gives or serve:,any noUcu Unclud�ny.w�tnout hmnahun,nouco ot datauN and not�ce o1 sale).domands,requests or oiher j
<br /> i ' ' cammunkavon w�th respect to th�s trusf Deed,uacn sucn nouco.demand,roquost ar otner communiCaLOn Shall be�n wriNng end sha11 bo efleetive Only
<br /> �.r�:. .
<br /> � ...+�.. • it ths sams i9 deliver9d by pn�8onal se�wce ur is maded by corU6od mad,pbstage prepa�d.7ddressed l01he address as set tortn at tho bogmn�ng ol this i '.
<br /> �. t .`�'. Trt�st Oeed.Any patty may at any Lme chnngo ds adtlrass tor such nobtos by dolwermg or maiLng to the ather pa►ty hereto.as atorbSaiQ a not�ce ot
<br /> � , �� ., � SuCh Change.Arry notiCO Nortlunder sh�lf ba deemed to h�vv�een y�+�en to Trestw or Benof�aary�when glven in the manner des�grtated he►ein. �,_ _
<br /> '��'�'�•� � 21.iiEQU�81 FOq NOTtCE.Trus:nr vnd geneheiary hareby requtlst a aopy of any notic�o!d0filup:•and a capy o}any notice ot sato thereunder.be
<br /> 's�`''��•' •��� ` mlutl0 to eaeh person who Is�pe�ty heretn at the addrtlss tar suCh pe�son set torth�n the f�rst Dar�q*a,�h ot this Trust 0¢ed. .;, ,�.::_.
<br /> _ . ��::� 3�-.-�. �,y•:�� � � -
<br /> ��;-��•":'.''::"`-:i�:'' �,�yEJ1NINCy LAYt,This T�us:O�ed snait be gu�med by tho taws at tne St,�tu af Nebraska.
<br /> . ..,, ; .
<br /> . -•��"�'�'�:„4�'1.;'�.;�n�. . .- .
<br /> �,/.,+,5 2��gUCCESSpRS qtHiD��gSIG�1,4.Tros�Trust Deetf.�and ait t�rma.conddltlns andtfBhgat�ans r,�fltrt:�y7�ly"��~��^ure to the bereti oC an6 b:�iQ9
<br /> s �• • . �, g,rtg.Yhe terr�Ber.et,ci
<br /> .:,.. .: .:
<br /> ' .',7:k , �pg��a�hgreto,fhgit heirs,tega',_s.dewsees.personal represani�lLll�9,SuCCCSSOrs and ass� ary"s�a1 r'ea�¢"�cnvr,er and
<br /> :� ,. .:'.�„
<br /> :,.'__,,., _._._._�_=� - - =---
<br /> • . .., ,:�• _'.-rib►3@r(frtnerrofs.-df119merurnaf•iTartiodas8enef�e�a�ytierein:-. '- _. _ _ :_�_._. .� _.:._. _. _.
<br /> . .. , - _ . . i.. . .
<br /> . ' .. . -i, . _ - _ , .
<br /> • � ' �
<br /> '_��. _ ,� :zi-����. -- ... . - - - _ _ . _ _ _ _ �. .
<br /> ��`�'
<br /> • ;�- . _-.'�, �
<br /> . ,. ,
<br /> . . ,
<br /> _ .,..,•
<br />