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<br /> ;a�itRi�`��auwnr oF n�+is rRUSS a�.r�usscx�N�er cav�uwjs�w��c�ES��s r�ou�ows:
<br /> . 'a:�AY�1rt`+oF.sl�A1.�WO MijE�T.srustar sbw v�r a�ll�n aue U,e pHncy�i a ann h+c.r.se on tfw i�Dt�s.r�ia.no�d 6r
<br /> tl1�lM�M at�d�If�ol��t�and tNS as yrovldad in tM Nots,and the prindpa�of an1 iMe�at an anfi Futun Advanea4 a�eur�d 6h►tt�TttMCQMd. °
<br /> • 2.wAIN1AN'��,pF:"rltt�.U�tar is t�whAlY�i�d�d A�ot 9ood and irtdsfi�uibM title and e�nts to ths F►cPl�h��!►�^!�'b�
<br /> =�fiMih►�i�ft togwiFstft��t��1t:��P�Y tstrae�nd cbac a�at Wns a�d a�umbrances exespt Ii�ns now ot nead:and Tnailor ri
<br /> . ' ul�iiant snd d�f�4;t(id3iltl lo Use Prapsrb��daims and demands. . .
<br /> ` B:�AN1'[El1AIfCE�CO�.�`��-tA1MS.TntsOOtsdiNkeepMsPrcPe1iYu+9�d�M�andoo�idition�ndll�IlndeortMnRw�Marp�rmit :
<br /> NnqUrtlent.or db�ti0tatiCte of 9�e Propstty and shaY eart�ryl with the Orwialons ot atry leate it tlfls Ttust Osrd is on a IN�otd.No irnpra�M now �
<br /> �ClMnMMi:�t�F���Alx!�a�1Y�be��tenqved or dee�olist�ed withaA ths P�writterl Cont�r►t ol BeneliciarY.Tnistor ttlal!oompi�f witli
<br /> - �`:-AiKc',��a,dMNt!!ie�:f�g�+t�a�s,�r�ar�.�°'�dns and resaktio�n stteca�9 tl�e Prope�n'�d nat conxnil.au1Ns a OR+��sct to a don�in ar
<br /> {�,,,, rn
<br /> L� .. ��►�d.
<br /> ��;.'.;;i iii�qijlly��o(�ri��e4vicr.won a�ny�,adins�aec:Te�dart:eoveR�+t•ca►d'man flc�r+Gtia�+:�ia��u[com�fWs«►p�%xs�ip�plly
<br /> �Y�ioo�}E:►a19��1lF���iaexSePrapertywfi�ttm�Y6��na�d�d�GaYed���d}ettdus.�Fcl�irnslotf$ape�la�C�edandtlltUfi�tt
<br /> :r�. f�ltthi'tlllid�llild�lty,9�,,ih[9�1Y�5M�e0E : . : : . .- : - • '•• � ' ' . �.
<br /> i� ,�. :< �,,:.�.�tuelor,atilfe�R�•viriRttl�ct�ist.cer�ta�ti�s�3'fi'�"�,,�.�I.it�tCeiy�LttrE�e�?fatfie����.-; ,,'
<br /> ..�...
<br /> ;�� ��76e.Ylti6iiQfsr�l�rcp.ty:arp"S�toasblr�;'�a,r,-a3"s;.ar,CaM�rpxrsanah�sa�eina67ist��+�er�e��"�7�!��- �
<br /> ••_:w':•�.�'s'c�IR;�tlOUatpuatL7.4�iMStaMeA�sldredP�f?4046�attttetra;'ts���uethereofanQi�isinCie�SUeflolll�r�andiflsadl -
<br /> :.�:•:�,(.` °' :"�as ituq�otnatitll.Carrh[i hllormers�dapeartors of sim�tea AroP�tre9 at as 8enef aarll�f►�Quita for its pralsc�on:Trarsiar wiN cdtlply witlt
<br /> .� bochctlnrt�Nnerttdas�'�'y3fm�lffromor�retotimere4uestfatheP��bllinau ofthaintReatsoftherap�cliwPa�tl�t-ANN�ura�a
<br /> ppiici�sn�hpkMdpWfsu�!nttotlaa7rust0eed shalt nameTrostar and BeneCciarf►asinsured.as�eircespeetiveinteresb maY aPP�K.anO provid�tfwt
<br /> IMi�'bs110 c�nC�Orm04fk'.alion withoutatkast 15d8ysP�+�e^t�oufiCeOOntoTrustesartd Ha�Mciarlf�YP��wchirfaufancyiRaao�dlr�et
<br /> �iq�t!w proi�Nions d�t�agta�W�Bhereat.Tnuta shall detiver ta Beneficiary the ai¢nai polieiea of instxance and renewals tMnaf ar nwmo coWM W
<br /> " suaK pqFci�s�nd��y thr[eat.Faiturs to tumiaA aucf�inwrance hY T�usta.a ren�wals as reqiwea f�wr�r�hW.at tfw oplion of 9�Nkiarlr.
<br /> eon4ppt.a OMaiAt . . .
<br /> -- 6��TAI���MTS AI�p1A11GE8.Trustar shalt pay all taxee.as�es�rnents and dt�r aha►9a•mck+di�p.wMltoul MrMMion.lir��ndln4o�YO!�1
<br />_ �ltributNfMtoth�R'o0�►tYandkasehotC WY�tsa ground rents.it any.befoalhs sams becom�WMnqwnt Trutlor thallPromO�M IurnitN W O�nN�clr►►
<br /> .� . �I1np��ysol�nwwNSawund�itlYtparsgaph.andlnth�*vtntTtustasRaOmakepaymentditsctty.Trustashallpromptlyfurm�htoB�tM�c�Myr�Npa
<br />�.:;,• �vld�.tnp such psyments.Trusta ahatl pay all Wxes and aaseumerrt9 which may be Iev�eO upan 8enal�clary's inarest Main a upon tht�Tw�t OMd
<br />-r= wilhout tp�td to any law that may be enicted imposin9 paYmant At Ihs whob a any paA ttNrwf upan tM 8�n�ficfary.
<br />- A,App�'f1pNAt.UEMS AND PNOTECTION OF eENEFM•fARY'S 3ECURITY.Trusta sddl maks alf paymsnts ot intKasl and pnncip�l�n0 plyrt�Mtls
<br /> p!�ny clhrr charpn,f�ts arxt expenses ca�tracted to be paid to any ex�stmg a subspuant Iiantwlder a ben�P�clary,und�r any�xiqinp a wb�NNnt
<br /> � mort�er trwt dMd b�fore the doro they are de�inquent or in detault,and prompty psy and dischugs_tny and alf other li�n�,clsims a clwpra whieb
<br /> rt�ay j�oprdlz�th��uity gnnced Aerein.It Trusta taits to meks any such payment a hib to psrtam any of thr covsnants and apr�y eontMnb
<br /> in this Tfwt OMd.ar ths NMe reterted to hereln,or in any priar a subssquent trust ONd.a if any aclion a procNd�n9 is camm�nud whkh tnaN�fMl�►-=
<br />``"' � idhCts 8�(iciaryr's mterest mthe PropeAy.including,but not limited ro,eminem domaln proceedings.praeedings involving a QeceQml.natirw o1 sW
<br />-�'
<br /> ._ byTtwMr.�odc�of d�fauft bYTru�tee.matgageforecbsuroaction.a itTrusta tatstopay Trustor'sdsblsqrtNnlyt+�stheybecortNdul.thN+B�eNry.
<br /> at BMMIfcUrya apla+and witiaut rw6ce u a demand upan TrusFOr end wnhaut releasing TrusAOr 1rom any obligation flereunde►,maY maksauch appsarane�
<br /> -, ���h�s and puca such action ay is nacessary to protect Beneticiary's irrtecest,inctuding,but no!IlmiteA to.dilburaerf�ent of reesonabM sipor►hy a
<br /> {�t.p�ymmt,purthass,contest or comp►omis!�of any encumbrance,charge or lien,entry upon t�e Properly to make reparcs,o►aeGaration of ds/auh
<br /> urtdsrthlt Trust t)ssd.In the event that Trustor shall fail to procure�nsurance or to pay tanes,assessmems,a arty olher charges or W make any paym�nb _
<br /> �' toany sxbting or subsequent IienholCers or existing or subsequent beneficiaries.Benefieiary may procure sueh idsutance and make SuCA paymsnt.bu1 =
<br /> �� sffaflnotbsobligatedtodoso.AnyamountsdisbursedbyBeneticiarypursuanttothisParagraph8shaflbecomeaQditionalindebtednessotTrusiarsecutsd
<br /> � .. bythls Trust Qaea.Such amounts shatl be payabfe upan not�ee hom Beneficiary to Trustor requesiing payment thereof,and sha(1 bear interest 6om ttis _
<br /> Qats p/6lhur6sment atthe rate payabte trom time to time on outstandrng principal under the Note unleS4 payment a!irnerest at auch ratswoutd beconls7►y
<br /> -„� tp�pHCAbklaw,inwhich event suCh amounts sha116ear mterestat the highest ra[8 permissible unCer apptiCabta�aw•No{hing Contained in ttfis Para��
<br /> �shall tiquire Bsneficiary to i�o.n any expense or take any aaio�hereanCer. -
<br /> ' �#9$IGNAAENTOFRENTS-E9neflaaryshallhavether�ght.pohbr�..n4authariryduringthecontmuanCeotlhisTrusiDeEdtoCO110ettherents.i� -
<br />•�t:,,,�;�`,;� �,- 8q�profits of the P�operty an0 c.�any personal property Ixacea tna:���ntn or w�thout taking possession of the property a`.teCte6'�!telsy,arrd Trustor
<br />',�`1?r::�' tNr�py absolutety ana unabnddionally assign9 all sucA rents,iS9UES 2r•d prOf�TS!o BBnefiCiery.68ne}iCiery,hpwever,here��Cor19a��to th9 Tru3tor's -
<br /> euHSCtlpn an0 retention o1 such rents.issues and profits as they accrue ancs becoma payabte so long as Trustor�s aot,at such time,in de/ault witfi respeet �._
<br /> �,•, t.�paynlent of aPy lndebtedness secured hereby,or in the performanceof any agreemem hereunder.l:a�:s any Such defauN,Bene ieiary may A1 any tlnft, _
<br /> "�"r..+�sr in p�non,by agent,or by a receiver to be appointed by a caurt..ae4tnaut noUCe and wdhout regard:a i'r�adequecyr of any securt.y ta the indebtedne�s
<br /> • Eiersby�cured.(a)enter upon and take possession of the Prope��ss ai+y part thereol,and in its own na:r:e s�e tar or otherwiss wf,eCt such renU,iswes
<br /> and pr�ts,lnc►udln9thoss past dueand unpaid.and app�y the sa�s?a.tess costs and expensesot operanon arte cottectbn,inctuding reawn�6le attanay's _
<br /> tNS,upon any indebtednes9 secured nereby.and�n such orAer as Beneficiary may datermine;(b)peAorm sv�acts cf repalr a p►oqction as naY bs _
<br /> . MEe�Wy pr proper to cunserve the vaTUe of the Property:(c)lease tha eame ar any part thereof tot such rertia;,tetm.and upon�uch canQ�aoRS as its
<br /> �udgmant mey diclate,or terminateor adJust the terms and conditians otexist�ng teases.Unless 7'�ustor and Beneficiary thereot agres otherwise�n i�r'rting,
<br />; ,� � &�y applkatbn of ronta,issues or protits to any indebtedness seeured hereby shatl not eMend��ostpone Ihe due date o}the installment paymertis�as.
<br /> �rovidsd In sald promissory note or change the amount o1 such msfallments.The entering upo�s and taking posse9sion of the Property.thp Co(�eC:�o�
<br />• .,..T-, :.: ot s:acb rents,issues an0 prolits,and the eppliCation thereot as aforesaid,shalt not waive or cure any default or noUco of detautt hereunder or�-w�i:��"ae
<br /> arty�Ci done pursuant to such notice.Trustor atso assigns to 8eneficiary,as turther security tor the performance o}the obli�ations 5ecured�9fgby.�li
<br /> . , p�ppid�enW and all mpnles which may have been or may he�eaftor be depos:ed wdb said Trustor by any lesse@ ot the PrOperty,to secure tN�a3�ent
<br /> otany rent a damages,or upon delaull in the yeilormance at rr,r ct tho prov�swns hereot.trustur agree9 to det�ver such rents 8nd deposits to Bana!+Ciary.
<br /> � _, - OetivEry of writ�9n notiCe o}6enefiCiaty'9 oxercise o1 the�ights y antetl he�o�n,to any tenant occupying sa�a p;emises shalt be..�•..aent to reqwre said �
<br /> • � �..7 t�flan!t0 pay renf to the Beneltci0ry untd lurlher notice.
<br /> - �_.
<br /> � � � 8.CpNpEMNATION.H 611e to any par10}tne Praperty shall bo taken in condemnation proCeedings,by righl of eminent domain ar similar aCtion,or
<br /> eh�ll be soNf under th�eat ut condemnation.��I awards.damages anA pracoeds aro horeby ass�gned and shall be paid to 8eneficia�y who sh8118ppty
<br /> � � euCh award9.damages and pruceeUs ta tho aum securvd by this t�ust Uoed,w�th tne axcoss,if any,paid to trustor.11 T�ustor reCeives any notice or
<br />. - --" � • Othdf inlolm8lion�egarding sucfi acttony br proceedmgs.Trustor sha�l g�vo prompf wntten notico shereof to 8enefiCiary.Beneticiary shall be entitled,at
<br />. - "�"`�`,'''� .�. It!optlon,tocommenc+e,appear m�nd p►osecute in ds o�Hn n�mo nny such acbon nr proceeding9 nnd sba�l ba entiUed to make any Compromiseor SeHlemenf
<br /> ';-.?�r, ; in cenneetion wlth eny such actan ar procaedmgs.
<br /> ,Y_`�:-
<br /> a., 9.fUTURE ADYANCES.�Jpon r�iquesl ot irustor,BeneliCl�ry at Benehciary'&opt�on,pno�tu reconveyance ot the Ptoperty to Trusta,may make
<br /> � � �>��Y � ' tulure advanees toTrustar.Such lulure advaneos,unth tnterest theieon,shall be secured 6y this Trust Oeed when oviQenCed by pmmissory not9s staUng �
<br /> , s.:.�� .":�;::
<br /> - .- - -- thffi eald notes ars securod hereby:provided that at no timv stttiU the secured pnncipal and�uturo advancas,not�ncluding sums adyanced tS protect
<br />� ��:w==�..�" � �the seCUrity,excead two hunQred percent(200's'o)ol thH angmal prmcipal amourits secured heroby.
<br /> . ' . lx:;;3:;"..•.. ..'�_:
<br /> • � *f -t� 10.NEMEDIES NOT EXCLUSIYE.Trustee and genehc�ary,ar.a each of them,shall be entdled to entorC9 payment and pertarr,.�+:�r o1'ary��'ednes9
<br /> � �'•"' ' >-'. `',;°r � ot obligatioas secured hN�eby and to exeic�se au ng�ts and powers und�r this Twst Oeed or under any othe�agteemeM exec�:�d:;�cocr.ee,:e�'+erewith
<br /> t���j';;;i•.:..•'
<br />'�•',; , r•:.�;�.: ar any Iaws now ar hereatier�n force,notw�tnstarsdmg same�r a�l ot the such inde6tedneSS end obl�gatlon9 Secuted hereby r"ay now or n3'ea'.'er be
<br /> �� • �"`'�� ��`�"+`�'`3''���:: athervWse securod,whether�ay morlgaye.trust deed.pledge.�:er..assig�ment or btherwise.Nedtt9r 1N9 aCCOptanCe ot this TtuSi OeeC ror itse:S'�1;Af11ent
<br /> ,
<br /> •��+ �''�'"1'r`��z whetherbycauHaCdorsorpurs4:��ttathepawerofsaleorotherp�bershere�ncontained.shauprejud+ceorinanymannerafteet?rjs:e�'sor8er.efieiary's
<br /> . .
<br /> . — -•`:'-�``-'�-"�;... f;ghtiarealKa�ponore�das���athoesecuntgetnxaher�`�?gl!tbyTn,steeoe�enet�2ryr.it�einpSQ►eedthat7rnstee�:�..3er.e'ie,ary.an .e
<br /> . • ^;.: •
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