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<br /> prlr.cipal amount of tho Ind�Stad��o3s cscurcd by tht9 Qs�d o!Trust,not Including sums advancod to protect the socurily of this Ueed of `
<br /> Trusl,oxceed the oripinal principAl amnunt�taled t�erotn,or$ 7?_,?n_n�.(� ,whlchavor ia groater.
<br /> 16.Mi�c�lleneou�P�nv�elon�. �=-.
<br /> (a)l"iotr�v:�e Bdo1 R�PE:sss�,Extonston ot tho tlino for paymon4 or r�to;lillcatlan o}Eunohl2atlon o1 tho cums cacurod by Qhis
<br /> �.�
<br /> Doad of Trust prar�4ed by Lender to any succossor In Intarest o}BorrowQ�ehall not ope�ate to retease,In aitiy n�anner,the Ilablll•
<br /> ty ot tha oripinal Borrov�rer and Borrowere eucceasore In Intflrest. Lender shall noi 6o roquirod tu comme�e procAedinga
<br /> egainst such successor or retuse t�extand time for payment ar otharovise mod'Ay amorilzatlon of the eums secured by this
<br /> Deed of TrusZ!�y reaaon o1 Any demands made by the original Borrowar and Barrower's successora In Interest.
<br /> �b)Lend�r��pow�r�.Without aHecilnq the Ilabllity ot any other person�abla tor the payment o}any oblipation h4rain men•
<br /> ttonod, and wlthout sf(ecting the Ile�or char�e af thlc Dacd ot Truat ugvn sny porllon of the Pro�erty not tfian or theretoforo __
<br /> reteased ss security for fhe iull�zo�ount o9�It unpaid abligations,Land�r may.(rom�,et,fine ro time and wtthou4 nottca(q rel0ase �
<br /> __n.w.. ni� ..w�...��h�m�fi1IIN Af AH07 NflV[1I M1R t3Rlls Of AIIV BIICh W��tbRB�(Ilp prenl other Indulpencea,(IY)
<br /> r.��y�vio:,:.a..��a..�o�vq ..,.......«... .�........., -• -°-• -. . -
<br /> release or convey, or cause to bo released or reconveyed at a�y dme et i.ende��op�ior�e��y ps���t,�artsan ar�iE oi sns �
<br /> Property,(v)take or release any other or add(tional�securiry or reconveyed at any time at Lender's�ptlon eny parcel,portbn or
<br /> all of the P�operty,(vi)take or reiease any other or addttional securlty for eny obitgatlon herein mentloned,or(vii)make compo-
<br /> sfilons of other arrsngements with debtors In reiation therota.
<br /> (c)ForMannce by L�ntMr Not�W�Iv�r.Any tarbaarunae by Lender In exerctsing any right or remedy hereunder,or uth•
<br /> erwise aftorded by apptir,�bio law,shall not be a walver of or preclude the exorcise of arry such►ight ur remedy.The procure-
<br /> ment of insurance or the payment of taxes or other liens or charges by Le��der shall not be a waiver or Lendera r{ght to accoler• _
<br /> ate the mafwiiy�f ti�a Indebtsdnass seaur�d by thia Qeed of TNSt •
<br /> (d)8ucceawn and A�slpns gound;Jotnt end Several Ll�bllity; C�ptlons.ThA covenante and egreementa hareln con•
<br /> tainod shell btnd, and tho rights hereunder ehail Inure to,the ros�ective successore snd assigns of Lender and Trustor.Ali
<br /> covenants and agreements of Tiusior eitialt be�atnt and sav�rAl.Tho cnpUoea end headinga of ffie paragraohs of this Oeed of �__
<br /> T�ust are tor convenienco only and are not to bs used to interpret or deflne the provisions hereo}.
<br /> (e)Rsquast for Notic„.The paAle�hereby request that e copy of any notlCe o}default ttereunder and a copy of any not}Ce
<br /> 09 eale h�eraundar ba mallcd to ce�h party to tlds Deed�f Trust at the a�Clress set torth above In the manner prescribed by
<br /> applica6le law.Except tor eny other notice required under applkable iaw to be given In enother manner,any notice pro��ided far
<br /> in thfs Deed oi Tnist shall be ptven by mafling such notice by certifled mau addressed to the other parttes,at the addross set
<br /> forth above.Any notica provided for In this Deed of Trust shall be eHective upon mailing in the menner designated herein.If
<br /> Truotor Is more than one person,notke sent to the address set foRh above shall be notice to ell such Rersons. rovlded
<br /> (Q Inspoctlon.Lender may make or cause to be made reasonabie entdes upon and lnspecUons of the PropeRy,p
<br /> 4hAt Lender shall give Trustor notice pdor to any euch tnspection�pecitying reasonable cause theretor related to Lertder's tnter-
<br /> est in ihe�roperty.
<br /> (g)R+convoyana. Upon payment ot ell sums secured by this Deed of Trust,Lender shait request YNStee to reconvey the
<br /> Property and shail surrender this Deed of Trost and all notea evidencing indebtednoss securerl by tl�is Deed o1 Tmst to
<br /> Tn�stee.Trustee shail reconvsy tho Property,without warranty and wlthout charge to the person legaily enUded fhareto.Trustor
<br /> shall pay all costs or recordatkx�,It any.
<br /> (h) P�nonal propeKy; Security Agreement.As addttional security 1or the payment of the Noto, Trustor he�eby Qrants
<br /> ��r�md�r the e�ebraaka Uniform Cammerciai Code a securlry intereat In all fixturea,equlpment,end othar person�l property
<br /> used In connc+ctllon with the real estate or Improvemente located trserew�,end noi ouwrvristl�n�,;��o�+u�:�s�::���R=n a�
<br /> the real estate secured hereby.This Instn�ment shall be constn�ed es a Secudty Agreument under safd Code,and ttie Lender
<br /> shall have all the�ights and remedies of a secured party under sald CodR in addition to the dphts end remedfes under thB
<br /> paregraph shall be cumuladvd wlth,nnd tn no way a limitation on,Lorxlers dghts and remedies under any other security agree-
<br /> ment signed by Borrower or Tnastor.
<br /> (t)Li�ns wfd Encumbtances.Trus2or horeby warranta and represents that there la no ciefauft under the provislons of any
<br /> moRgage,deed of trust,lease or purchase contract describing stl or any pa�t of the Prope�ty►,or other contrect,instrumant or
<br /> epreement conatftuting a Ilen or encumbr�:nt�eyainst all or any paR of the Property(collec8vely,'Liens'�,existlnp ae of the
<br /> �iate oQ lhis Dsed d 7rust,and that eny and all existing Liens remafn unnwdified dxcept as disclosed to Lender in Tniatore writ-
<br /> te�n disclosu�e of Ilens and encumbra�ces provided for hAreln.Trustor shatl timely peAorm atl of Truator'8 obligntlons,
<br /> covenants,representations and warrantles uncier sny and ail existing and future Liena,ehall promptry forward to Lender copies
<br /> d ell nolkxa of delault sent In connection w�1h any and all exlsHnq or tuture Liens,end shall not wfdwut Lende�s prior written
<br /> coneei»in any manner modtfy the provlslons oi or albw Rny future advar�ces under any existing or future Iiens.
<br /> U)�qp��o�.piyrtNnb.Unieas otherwise required by law,aums paid to Lender hernix�der.IncludinD without Imfia-
<br /> qon payrt►ents ot prlrwtiGal tsnd�nte!est.Insurance Proceed3�con�em^atla^Proc°°ds end renta end proNt�,aheil be e�ppNed by
<br /> Lender to the amovnts dua and owing from TNStor and borrower In such order a3 I.ender in its sote discr�ior►deeme desi�-
<br /> ebk.
<br /> (k)S�vKabitity.It eny provislon of thla Deed of Trust confllcts with epplicnWe law or ia dedared Mvelid or Wheiwise unen-
<br /> �prceable,such oon�ict a dnvalNiity shall not aHect tY►e other provtsbns d this Oeed ot Trust or the Note whlch can be ptven
<br /> eHect wfthout ths confl�Unp provision,and to this ond the provi9lons o9 thb Deeci of��ust and tM Nota ere declarod to be eev-
<br /> 8(A�B. ,,,. �.. ., t..w �e e � t�
<br /> �I)Y�mn.i ne iertna Tru�wr end oo��+,�rs� o3sa11 fr.�uc'a�.:ltt�,..,,s:,.r_c:a�.�t�.l.2sl�!l4�h�n ttM!'rn�fitnr and Bartnwe►ere ,
<br /> the sarr�e person(e),ttwee terms as used tn this Deed of Trust shait be interchar�geable•
<br /> (m)eowrMn�Law.This Doed uf TNat shall be govemed by tha lar�ot the State ot Nebraska.
<br /> '�.._.�...�,.Mw�' �NA
<br /> - Tn�sior h�s i9 �tec1���A� the dato w►itten elwve.
<br /> �
<br /> , p �.,,�....Y,..�. �
<br /> �I �v
<br /> -- RAYMOND J 0 CONN t Tnistor Trustor
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<br /> JE ER S 'CONI]ALL Trustor Y�ustor
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