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<br /> procends`)�n connectlon with condamnelfon or otFwr taking o1 the PropQrty or pert thereof,or for convoyance fn Ileu ot condemnatlon.
<br /> Londer sF�al1 fz�on�i�led�t Itc option to comm�RC3,�jt�7ear in end�ronecute In ils own name any actlon ar proceedinga,and shait atso �
<br /> be eniftled t��nake eny oampromiae or sorilomont tn connsctlon w}t7�suc1�taking or damaAa.In tho evont any portlon oi th�PropeRy Is —
<br /> ca tnken or c�amn�ed, �.endor et�nll lic�vo tha optlon In Ito solo and abso:uto diccrotlon,to opply nll cuch prococdo, aft�r dcductlnp
<br /> theretrom a!I co�ts and expcnsas Incurrod E�y il In conncctlon�•�ilh cuch�roc��da,upon any Ind:,�01C(�f1C��CCCUfCi�I17fC13j/QRtI Ifl C11Ch ��_
<br /> order as Lender may determine,or to spply all Ruoh Procoeata,siter such daductlons,to the reatarAtion of tho Proporty upor�6►�ch con• _ _
<br /> ditlona sa lenci�r may determine.Any appllcatlon ot Proceade to Indebtednesled fulnda ehafebe paid to Tr�ustare due date o1 any pay
<br /> mente under the P1ote,or r.ure any dstault thereunder or hereunder.Any unappl
<br /> g, par(ormrnq by l.�naMr. Upon the occurrertce o4 an Eveni of Detault horeunder, or If any act lo taken or legal prncocdinp ==
<br /> ca��rr+9nsed�rh4ch materieliy Attecta l.ender's Interest In the Pro�eKy.Lender may In Ita own dfscretion,but without obl!flat{on to do so,
<br /> a�s3�:lFhuut natlra to or d�mand��on Yn�stc�r and without retoaaing Trustor from any qbl�gation,da any er,t which I ruetor hae aqrewl �-
<br /> ►�����i�►n�anrl mav alro do env other act it deema neceseary to protect the security hereaf.i ruator shall, immedlately upon
<br /> ciamand theretor by lsnder,�say to Lontler ali coste erxi expensa�irwuii atl K���sum�en�an�a oy i.enasr in cflnne==eiui►r,iiF�i�M�.ar- _
<br /> dse by I.enciar ot the iorepoing righta,topether wlth Interest therean et the detautt tate provlded In tho No2e,whtch shall be added to
<br /> the indel�tedness!secured her�by.Lender ehaa not t�cur any Ilabitlty becsuse of enything It may da or omlt to do hereundor.
<br /> 9.Fl�rdou�IIAst�rla9�.Tnistor sha0 keep the PropeRy In camplla�ce wlth all eppllcabfe laws,ordlnances and reguletlons
<br /> relsting to Industdal hyglone or envlronmental protectlon(collectively referre�d to hereln ae"Envlronmental Lawa").Trustor shall keep _
<br /> the Property tree from a!I substences deemed to 6o hazarclou�ar toxlo und�r any�nvlronmental Lawa(coliactively refArred to heroln _
<br /> ss"Mazardous Matedals").Truator hereby warrente and represents to�ender that there are no Hazardous Matedals on or undar the
<br /> Propnrty.Trustor hereby egreas tp(ndemnlfy end hold harmless Lender.lla ciireciora,oiticers,empfoy�.�:.and:.Q�nts,en�any euc!�s- _ -
<br /> sors to Ler�ier's Intereat,from and ayatnst any and all ctalms,damepes,locses end ifabllttleo arislnp In connectbn with the preserx:e,
<br /> ass,@E4��1 or tranaport ot any Hazardous Materlals on,under,fram or ebout the Propetty.ThIE FARE(301NQ WARRAN71E3 AND
<br />. tp,��e!@�mente of Ftent�.Tnistor hereby ass�ns to Lender,ar.d g�ents Lender a security Interest fn,all present,futuro and
<br /> after a�tsing rents,Issues and profita ot the PropeRy;provlded thst Trustor shan,untll the occurrence of en Ever�t oi Delauit,i�ereurxler,
<br /> have the rlpht to collect and reteln eikh rents,Issues and profits as they bacame Bue and payable.Upon the occ��rtence o!an Event of
<br /> Default, Lender may,etther In person or by agent,with or wfthout bdn fling any actlon or proceeding,or by a receiver appolnted by a
<br /> coun and wlttwut regard to the odequacy of fie secudty,enter upon end teke possesslon of the PropeRy,or any paR thereof,In Re own
<br /> nams or In tf►e name of the Trustee,and do any acte whlch It deems i�ecessary or deslrable to preserva the value,marketabN(ty or
<br /> rontebllity of the Property,or any part tt►ereof or Interest thereln,ot to Increase the Income therefrom or prutect tho secu�ity hereot end,
<br /> wfth or without taking possesslan of the Property,suo tor or otherwlse aollect lhe rents,Issues and profits G�ereot,lndud'eng ttase past
<br /> due and unpald,by notity�n9 tanants to make paymente to Lender.Lender e�nay apply rents,Issues and proflts,less costs and expens-
<br /> ea of operation and collectlon Incl�ding attomey's teos,to eny Indebtedness secured horeby,all In such order as Lenr]er muy deter-
<br /> rnlne.The entedng upon and taking posserslon ot the Propertyr,the collectlon of such rents,Issues and profits,and the upplk�.aUa►
<br /> theroof es aforesald slu�ll not curo or walve eny default or notice oi detault hereunder or Invatldete any act done In response to euch
<br /> detault or pursuant to such notice of detault and, notwlthstanding the contlnuance In possesston of the property or tfie collectlon,
<br /> �ecelpi and eppllcat�on of rente,ISSUAS Of pt011t9. 1 NST69 HrlO Lentiewi s?xui`vo 8�ii{i1a�2G:,:.CSC�°:�r�S�$t:Y�lf�!�?��n���anv nf thw .
<br /> Loan lnstruments or by Iaw upon occuRence of any Event of Detault,Including wlthout IlmltaUOn the right to exerdse tlie power of sete.
<br /> Fu►tt�+r,I.eixler's dghts and remadtea under thls paragreph shall be cumulative wfth,and In no way a Ilmltatlon on,Lende►'s�fghta end
<br /> remedies ursder eny asslgnment ot le�sea and rants recorded agalnst the Property.Le�sder,Trustee and the reoelvor shall be Ilab{e to
<br /> account anly tor those rents actually recelved.
<br /> 11.Ewnts of DNautt.The following shall consUtute an Event of Oetault under thls Deed ot Tnisr
<br /> (a)Failure to pay any Installment ot principal or Interest qf eny other eum secured hereby when due;
<br /> (b)A braach of or detauft un�ier any provlslon conteined In the Note,thls Deed oi Trust,any ot the I.osn tnstrr�ments,or eny
<br /> other Ilen or encumbrance upon the Property:
<br /> (c)A wdt of exacutbn or attechment or any slmilar p�ocess shall be entered apafnst Trustor wh�h shall bec�me a Ilen on
<br /> the P�ope�ty or any portlon thereof br Interest thereln;
<br /> (d)There shall be tiled by or epettnst Trustor or Borrower en nctlon under eny present or future i�deral,etste or other statute.
<br /> law or re�uladon re4ating to bank�uptcy,Insolvency or other rellef(or debtors;or there shall be appolntad any trustee,recelver or
<br /> Ifquldator of Trustor or Borrowor or oi all or any part ot the Property,or the rents,Issuea or pro�ts thereof,or Truetor a BoROwer
<br /> shal)make any qeneral esstgnment tor the benetit of credltors;
<br /> �e�The sate�trenater, leaoe,asslgnment,conveyance or fuAher encumbrance of all or any part of or eny Internst fn the
<br /> propeYry,eKher vdu�ta►ily or(rnolunte�lly,wlthout tho exprees wrftten oonsent at Lender,provlded that Trusta�hall be permk-
<br /> ted to exeCUte e lease oi tho Property that da+a not contaln nn opUon to pur�hase and the tertn o!v►fiksh does rwt excsed one
<br /> Y�: —
<br /> _ (�qbandonment o4 tho Proparty;or ��.t�N
<br /> (g)If Tn�star Is not an Irtdivldual,the Issuance, sale.trensTer,assignment,conveyance or erti.w��u�arK.o�� .��o�o
<br /> corporetlon)s totel of percent ot Ita Issued and ou�tanding stock,or(tf a paRnershlp)a tatal of ._par-
<br /> cent o} pr�rtnerehtp Intereste,or pt�Ilmlted Ilablllty company)a total ol percent of the Ilmited OuWlity compa-
<br /> ny Interests or votlng�ighte dudng tf�e pedod th�s�eed of Trust romatns a Ilen on the propeRy
<br /> 12.RMn�dMs;Accet�ntlon Upon DNault.In the event of eny Event of Default Lender may,without notice except as requlred
<br /> by law.declare all Indebte�ir�ess secured hereby to be due and payeMe and the same shall thereupo�become due and payable with-
<br /> out any presentment,demand,protest or notice ot any klnd.Thereafter lender may: �
<br /> (a)Demand that TNStee exerclse the PQWER OF SALE grented hereln,and Trustee shell thereatter cause Trustor's Inter-
<br /> est In the property to be sold and the proceeds to bo dlstdbute�,all in thp manner provlded U the�Vebraska Trust Deods Act;
<br /> (b) Exerclse any and aIl rights provtded tor In any of the loan Instrumente or by law upon occurrer�ce a4 any Event of
<br /> Defeutt;Snd '
<br /> (c)Commenoe an actlon to toreclose thla Deod ai Trust as a mQrtgage,appolnt a rocelver,or speclf�ulty entores eny of tha
<br /> covonents hereof. -
<br />= No�eTiiedy h&ioin cantarrod upon or rc�^.ro�d to Trustee or Lencfer Is Intended to be exclusfve of any other remedy hereh;M j�j.oan
<br /> Instrumenta or by law provided or permltted,but each shall be cumu�aUva. shall be In addiUon to every other remedy giv�n hetel�x�der.
<br /> fn tho Loan Instrumento or now or h�reafter existing at law or In equlty or by siatute,and may be exerctssd cancurrentty,tnd3pendsntly
<br /> or suocestvely
<br />= 13.Trusb�.The Trustee may reslgn at eny ttme wlthout cause,and Lender may at eny tfine and without cause eppolnt a eu�-
<br />- ..�e..,,,.�,�r;s��w rn,atae.Trustee shall not be Ileble to any party, induding without Ilmitation Lender,Borrower,Trustor or any pur-
<br />= chaser ot the Property,tor any loss or damage unless due to reckless or wiltful mis�onauct,and snaii noi ba required iv iaice arry acovn _
<br />� in wnnection with the enforcoment of ihls Deed of Trust unless Inde�nlfiod,In writing,for all costs,compensatlon or expenses wh{ch _
<br />— may be assodated therewith.In addition,Tiustee may becomo a pur+cha�er at any sete oi tho Propeny Qudictal or under the power of =
<br />- state granted hereln);postpone Me sgle of all or any portlon of the Property,as provlded by lew;or seU the Property ao a wtwle,or(n -
<br /> � separate parcets or lots at Trustee's dlscretlon.
<br /> — 1q,F�s�nd Hxp�n�s.In the event Trustea sells the Property by exen�lse ot power ot sale,Tn�stse shall be entftled to epply
<br />= eny sale proceeds 8rst to payment oi all costa artd e�enses of er.arcising power of eale,Including all Trustee's tees,and Lender's and
<br /> TNStoe's attomeys 4eos, actualty Incurred to extent permltted by a�pl►cable�aw.In the event[iomawar or Trustor exerclse�any rlght =
<br /> provlded by Iaw to cure an Event of Default,Lender shatl bo entltted to reaover irom Trustor all costs and e�cpenses actualfy incuned es
<br /> -- a resu�t oi Tnistors defauli,Inctuding wNhout limltatbn c►II T�ustee's and attomey's foes,to the extent permitted by epplicabte law.
<br /> 16.Futun Adv�nces.U(�on request of 8orrower,l.endar may,at Ite optlon,mako addittonal and tuture advances and rea�!-
<br /> vt+nces to Bortower.Such advancee and readvances,witfi Interest thereon,shall be secured by thls Daed of Trust.At no tlme shall tho
<br /> �
<br />�
<br />