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<br /> � iD. S0==�sr�' aa�gnti �v sae� � •,-- . , _
<br /> � � co�ditf+ansF Horza�s sball havs` tbe riqbt to:hav���nforc�treat of . ,
<br /> this g��rgty I�strua�nt discoAtinued st sny t3,ae grior `Eo the:-
<br /> �rlisr ot s (a�5 da►ys (or .such other period a� applicabl� �:aK asy
<br /> � - sp�aiiy tor re stat�sent) b�foza sa�l�=.of the Fsop�rtp pursusu�t-to _
<br /> aay �r: of� sal� contaiaad fa tteis Secwc�ty Iast�at; or (b� ` .
<br /> . �atsy of,a �udga�at �aforc3aq thi� Security Instras�at. Thos� `
<br /> � � cand�itioas ara thst Borro�ers. (a) PaY Lenders all snas x�iicb tbin
<br /> ' rvnld, be,dn� w�dqr this Sacuritp Iastruaent and the ltoti h� _ao� .
<br /> � � aca�I,�rat�oa occnrred; ib) cure aay default of,aay oth�r cw. 4ai�a�s. .
<br /> - � � or agrs�rat4F (af Pa►Y a].1 e�pan�es 3ncusred f.a eaforc3�i9 tbi:s � •
<br /> - — Ssenrity Instrw�eat, includinq. but. aot lf�it�d to, r�asonabl�,
<br /> - , at�ora�ys• fees; and �d) take snch action as�LeAders say reasoasbly : �
<br /> - — z�qnira to, assure that th� lien of tbia S�curi.ty Instre�asnt. = � ,
<br />- _ . I�enders' rfqhts ia the Property aad Horrarers• cbligatioA_to pay
<br /> " the snas s�cured bY this Securi.ty Iastruaieat, shsll coatiaae .
<br />-:�-°. ' tsachatuqed. Upon reinstate�ent by �orrawers, thi� Sacutitlj
<br />_=-- • Iastro�eat aad the obliqations secured hereby shall r�sin fnlly .
<br />- - e€feetive �ts if ao acce�eratfon had cccurze€d.. Hawaver, tbis riqbt. .
<br /> , to r�inst�►te s1�s11 not �apply in tlte case of accs2erat�.oa uader
<br />=��.r7 paraqrapbs 14 or 16. . � , •
<br /> . 16. ll�caelerati.oaj Remedies. Leadera shall give notice to ,
<br /> - � Sorro�ners Prfor�to a�•cc�.eratioa followinq Borrawers• �l�reach o� amp . . �
<br /> � covenant or aqree�aent i.n thi� Security Instsument {bnt�not p=ior to, � ,
<br /> � �z- accele��tioa under paraqraghs 14 and 16 unless app].icable law
<br /> __ - provf.ctes othery . The uotice shall specifys (a� the default; {bi • ,
<br /> � ' the aation reqnired to cnre the default; (c) a da�te, not lesa thaa �„
<br /> . , ..
<br /> . , _ � -- .
<br /> F- •� ---_--- -�� aays fr�tlr�c�e �he -�oti�e� �.s-given �o-So�r��cz�, by-Hhi�h� ::-.�.,---- - -:�..._ _
<br /> � the default must be cured; and (d� that failure to cnre ths de�ault �
<br /> � - on or before the date spec�fied in the notice msy result ia '!
<br /> � aacel4ratioa o£ the snms secured by this Securitp Instsu�nt awd
<br /> �aale of the Psoperty. The notice ehail further infoz�a Borsowers of •
<br /> ��' ��4� * the right to reinstate after acceleration and the ri.ght to brinq a �
<br /> . , .
<br /> � '� , ��;�• court actioa to ass�rt the non-existeace of a default or any other -
<br /> �=� � defense of Horsowers to acceleration and aale. If the default is _ _
<br /> ' �:� �.. not cured on or before the date specified ia the notice, Lenders at ��;
<br /> � = � their optioa may requise inaaedi.ate payment in full of all swos -�"=
<br /> :.� ��,'. .
<br />_ .: ;, secuxed by thia Securitp Instrument without farther demand aad msy -=�.-:_;,,
<br />�<:.� '� invoke the pcwex of sale and any other zemedies permitted by . �
<br /> , � _ . applicable la�r. Lenders shall be eatitled te colleat all expenses .
<br /> incurred ia pursuinq the remedi.es provided in this paraqraph �
<br /> � -- inc�.uding, but not 13.a�i.ted to, reasoaable attorneys' fees and costa _ .
<br /> �, of tstle evidence.
<br /> �:� . �, ,
<br />� er of sale is invoked, Trustee ahall record a notice ��.� r-,�''�':
<br /> . If tE�e gxow
<br /> . o� default �n each county in which any part of the Propertiy is t�.��-•:
<br />= - located a�a� shall mail copiee of ench notic�a in the . manne� . . =��
<br /> � � presar�thed b� appliaable law to Horrowers and to the other persvns
<br /> . prescribed by apglicable law. Afte� the time required by ;:',��
<br /> � � �- " applicable Iaw, Tsustee shall give public rr.otice of sale to the i::�i: '�
<br /> ":���'"`,-��',��:" � persons ar�d in the manner prescribed by app2icable law. Trustee, �';'`.
<br />. . �.rY...' s �i
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