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<br /> - exg3�atioa of. �applicable �1.awe has the effect��of send�rfnq ,tay< < '.
<br /> , � gravisi�oa of the Hote� or tl�is� Security instzument nnenforceab2e
<br /> �accordiuq to its terms, i,enders, a4.t .their agtion, aap rsqui�e .
<br /> =�•a;�ts pay�sat �u €ull o#. .all stt�s secured -b� thia� Securitp `;_
<br /> u
<br /> � �astsvaeat aad ssy� invoks a�y ren�ediesi pesa3.t,ted.by;paragraph 16. .
<br /> . � ' If I�es�der� e�cercise this option, I.endezs shall take the steps
<br /> spacified ia the second.paraqs�aP�i of Pa�aqtaPh 1�. . _ .
<br /> �. �il: �totices. 8ay notice .to Borrowers provided for i.n this ' .
<br /> gsct�a.ty; Instru�eat�.sball `be qives� l�y delivsrinq it or by aiti].ing
<br /> it by fir�rt class� i�ri.l u�tless. appLi.cab2e law requires nse of,
<br />=- — aaothes aethad... . 'l�h� n�tice sha].1 l�e directed to the Propertg �.
<br /> - � address ,or �ag:,s�Yier; a;�tdress Horrawers desigaate bp noti�e to
<br />=- .. ye�e��. �uy notfce to;L�ders s8all b,� qiven bp. firat class mail �,
<br /> - to Lenders` address stated. hetei.a. or anp -othe= address Lender�
<br />'` ' designates bg not�.ce to Boucwers�_Bny nntice prov�decl for i.n tl�ia
<br />-- 3ecusity Instraaea�.�ahall he dee�.to have been giaen tv Borra�ers .
<br /> _ . or. Leude�s t�hen.c�i�e�. a�s provided in this paragraph. '
<br />'�: . , i2: . �.t�ove�n.iag I�w; Senerability. Thfa Security Ittstruaent
<br />- - �ha7,1 be qove��€�.,by federal law and the law of the State of
<br /> � �Tebzaaka. Iia .�: event that• aay provision or clause of tbie
<br /> -,. �_ Seaurity.?:�atzuaezi� or the Note ccnflicts with appl�.a�ble law, auch _�
<br /> ��' aonfliat:' ahall aot af�ect ether provisions of tbis � Secnritp =�_--.
<br /> . '��` � instrw�en� or � the Not� -wl�i,ch caa be qiven effect w��la+o�t the , �'� .`��-
<br />� � caafliatiag provision.���a this ead the provisions cf this S�urity �:� �X��"Y..
<br /> .:. - t=-,�t.,:,y;,�-
<br /> _ �,; ,
<br /> - . ' . ' . � °S•:r'�..��i'.::�,.�
<br />� �"`� � iastr�meat and the Not�:.ase declared to be severable., ' '� . �-� ��.
<br /> , . � . , �_ -
<br /> -� • , ._,_.., . ._
<br /> .
<br /> _--.__. _.... _,
<br /> �.�__
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<br /> . _ — - - � - . --,._. ..— - - F.,�,��
<br /> � . . . . , ���_��
<br /> =. �3,. $orrow�ss' Copy. � Horrowers shall be given on�-caa.�oia�ed =_---
<br /> ." � �� eopy of. the Note and of this Security Instrumeat.' � < . ��y-y;=„
<br /> � '" `� =��.:+,� i�. Trans�er of the Pro ert or a Benefi.c�al Iaterest ui � � . ��y �
<br /> .� . P Y �✓� ..���`"..,,._�-
<br /> Horrowers. If all or any part of the Property or any.interest i� �• ��?�7��' .
<br /> � � ��'#�� `�: ; it is sold or traasferred (or if a benefici,a�. intezest in Ho�:rowers �: . �,. � _
<br /> ���';`'.� `�. �:,���� ' is sold or traasferred aad Borrower is not a natural person) � ' ,. ' -
<br />� • ;=l',::?�.7. without Lenders' prior _ written ccnsent, Lendere may, at their �.. . _
<br /> � � �;;•�: �� option, require immediate paymeAt ia full of all sums secured by _
<br /> f�� '� this Seauritp Inat=umeat. However, thia optian sball not be
<br /> `��� exarcised by Leaders if exercise is prohibited by federal law as of �
<br /> •,',`��� _ _''�� �he date of tha.s Secuzity Instrumebt. � ': , �
<br />