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<br /> . (i)All m•part af thc Praperty,or u bcnc�ci��l intcrest in il trust owning uU or purt nt thc Property, is holci�
<br /> or othcrwisc transfcsred(uthcr titun Uy devisc or dcscenl),and
<br /> (ii) Tbc Properly is n�t nccu�icd by thc purchascr or grantcc ns his on c�r principal residcncc, or�hE
<br /> pw•cl�user u�• �;ruute� does so accupy tho Prc�perty but hIs or her crectit has not been approved in ,
<br /> nrrnrtlunrr wilh tha rrnni�ementc nf the Secretarv.
<br /> (c)No Walver. If circumstnnces accur that wauld permit Lender to rcquire Immediute puyment in full,but �
<br /> Lcnder d�cs not require such payments. Lendcr docs not wuive its riglias with respect tu subsequcnt events. -
<br /> (d) Re�ulationy of HIID Seeretary. In many circumstances regulations issucd by the Secrernry will limit
<br /> Lc;ndcr's rishts, in the case of payment deFaul[s, to requirc immcdinte payment in full und farcclose if not
<br /> paid. This Security Instrument does nat authorize accc(emtion or foreclosure if not permitted by regulutions
<br /> of die Secretary.
<br /> (e)Mortgagc 1Vot Ynsured.Horrowcr agrces thut if this Security instrmnrnt iwd thc:Nute�ue uot detej�ti�ined
<br /> to be eligiblc for insurance undcr the National Housing Act within 60 days from the date hereof, I..�nder
<br /> msy, at its op:ion, require imme�iatQ p�yment in full of�II cums secure�i hy this Security Instruntent. A �
<br /> �vritten statement of nny authorized Agent of the Secretary datcd subsequent to 60 days from the datc hereof,
<br /> declining to insure this Security Instrument and the Note, shall be deemed conclusive pro��f of such
<br /> incligibility. Notwithstanding the foregoing, this option may not be exerciscd by Lender when the �
<br /> unavailability of insurance is solely due to I.ender's fxilure to remit a mortgage insurance premium tu the
<br /> Sccretary.
<br /> 10. Reitutatenxent. Borrower has a right to be reinstated lf Lcndcr has required immediate payment in full
<br /> bccause of Borrowcr's failu�e to pay an amount due under the Notc or this Securfty Instn►mcnt. This ri�ht applies
<br /> even nfter foreclosure proceedings are insticuted. To rcinstate the Security Instrument, Borrower shall tender in a
<br /> lump sum ull Ainounts required to bri�tg Barrower's account cunent including, to the extcnt they are obligations af
<br /> Borrowcr under this Security Instrument,foreclosure c�sts and reasonable snd customary attomeys'fees a�td expenses
<br /> properly associated with the forcclosure proceeding. Upmi reinstatement by Bonowcr, this Security Instrument and
<br /> �he obligutlons that it suures shall remai�i in effect ati if I.ender had not rcquimd immediate paymcnt in full.
<br /> However, I..ender is noc requircd to permit reinstatemer�t if: (i) C.ender has accepted reinstatcment after tl�e
<br /> commencement of foreclasure proceedings within two years immediateiy preceUing tne commencement oi a curren[
<br /> fareclosure procecding, (ii) reinstatem�nt will preclude foreclosure on different grounds in the future, or (iii)
<br /> reinstatement will adversely nffect the priority of the lien created by this Security[nstrument. �
<br /> 11. Borrower Not Relessed; Forbcarance�iy I.enaer Not n Waiver. Sxtension of tiic timc of payment or
<br /> modification of nmortiaation of the sums secured by this Security Instrume�t granted by Lcnder to any suceessor in
<br /> interest of Borrower shall not operatc to release the liubility of the original Borruwer or Borrowcr's successor in
<br /> mterest. I.ender sha!! not be required to commence proceedings against any successor in interest or refuse to extend
<br /> time for payment or otherv�ise modify amortization of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reason of atiy
<br /> demand made by the original Bonower or Horrower's successors in interest. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising
<br /> any tight or remedy shall tiot bc a waiver of or preclude thc exercise of any right ar remedy.
<br /> 12.Successors and Asslgns Bound;Joint nnd Sr.verat Liabllity; CaSi�tiers. 'Che covenants and agrcements
<br /> of this Security Instrument shayl bind �nd benefit the successors and nssigns of l,ender nncl Horrowzr, subject to the
<br /> provisions of paragraph 9(b). Bonowcr's covcnants and a�reemcnts shall be joint and several. Any.aorrower wlw
<br /> co-signs tl►is Sccurity Instrument but does not execute the Note: (a) is co-signing this Security Insttument only to
<br /> mortgage, grant und convey that Borrower's intcrest in the Pronerty under the terms of this Security Instrument;(b)
<br /> is not personally obli�ated to pay thc sums sccurccl by this Security Instrument; and(c)�grees tliat Lcnder and any
<br /> other Borrower may agres to extend, modify, forhenr or make any uccommodatians wicl� regard to tlie ternis of this
<br /> Security Instrument or tl�e Note withuut that Borrawer's consent.
<br /> Papo 6 018 -
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