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<br /> nlmndoncd Nrnperly, 13orrowcr tiluill idsu hc in �Ictindt If l�urruwcr, during Utc luan ►ippllcntt��n p���xcsw, bnvc
<br /> m;u��riidly fidac ur inticcurutc infi�rm:Uion or Stutcmcntx tu I.cndcr (or 6illcd to providc I.cndcr with nuy ntatc��inl
<br /> infi�rmadon) in connectinn with thc li�un cvldcnccd hy tl�c Noti:, Including, but not lindtcd ta, rcprescnti�tiuns
<br /> canccrning llorror�cr's t�:cupancy nf' tR� Prop;.rty u�� a princlpa! residcncc. If this 5ccuriry Instrumcnt is nu a ;
<br /> Ic;LSChold. &�rroK�cr shull cunwly with thc urovibions uf Ihc Icusc. If 13orr��wcr n�:quircw fcc titic to thc ProPcrty, tlic
<br /> Icaschold nnci fcc iiNc nhull ni�t bc mcrgcd unictis I�:ndcr ngrccs to liqc mcrgcr in writin�. . �
<br /> 6.Candnn�nptlon.Thc prac;�ads oi'iuiy uwurd�r cluim for daunage�s,dircct c�r consequcnNid, in cannection with
<br /> .my condemnation ar athcr tuking of�uiy part oP Ihc f'rc�perty, or fc�r convcyc�ncc in plucc of condcmnatlun, arc
<br /> licrcby assigncd nnd shall bo�nid to l.endcr ta�hc exte�u of tisc full amount of Uie indcbtcdness that remuins unpuid
<br /> under tl�c t�ate:ind this Securfty lnstrurnent. Lender sl�ul! upply sucl�pracecds to thc rcduction of tl�c In�lebteduess -
<br /> undcr the Note uncl this Security Inotntment, first tn any delinqucnt nmountg applicd in d�c order pmvided in
<br /> paragraph 3,and then ta peepnyn�ent of principal.Any uppl;cation af the proceecis to the principal shall nnt extend or
<br /> postpane th�:duc dnte of the monthly paymen[s, which ure referred ta in parugrnph 2, or chi►nge[he umount of'sucl�
<br /> paymems. Any excess proceeds over nn amount required to pny all outstunding indcbtcdncss under tl�c Note uud this
<br /> Security instrumenl shull be paid to tha entity legnlly entiticd thercto.
<br /> 7. Charges to Borrower ond ITrotection of Lcnder's Rights in the Property. Borrowcr shnll pay al!
<br /> governmentnt ar municipal charges, fincs nnd imposidons that nre no; lncluded in puragraph 2. Barrower shalf puy
<br /> these obUgatlons on time directly to the entity whicl�is owed the payment. If failure to pay would«dver�ely affect
<br /> Lender's interest ?n the Property, upon Lendcr's requcst Borrowcr sliall promptly furnish to I..endr,r reccipts
<br /> evidencing these payments.
<br /> IF Borrower fnils to make thesc pnyments or thc payments requircd by parngraph 2,or fails to perfom�any other
<br /> covenants und agreements contained in this Security lnstrument,or there is u legul proceeding that may significantly
<br /> affect l,ender's riglus in the Property(st�ch as a proceeding in bai�kruptcy, for condemnatIon or to enforec Isws or
<br /> regulations), then I..ender may do nnd pay wi�atever is necessary to protec? the vxluc af the Property und Lender's
<br /> rights in the Property, including payment of tuxes,haznrd insurance and other itcrns mentioned in paragraph 2.
<br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lendcr under this paragraph shall become An additional debt af IIorrower and be
<br /> securai by this Srxurity Instrument. Thesc umounts st�all bear interest from the date of disbursement, at the Nota
<br /> raie,and ui ihc aptian of i.endcr.shaii be imtnedia[eiy due and payabie.
<br /> Barrowcr shnll promptty discharge any licn which hAS priority over this Security lnstrument unless Borrower:
<br /> (a) agrecs in writinq to the �ay��ent of the obligation secured by the licn in a manner acceptable to Lxnder; (b)
<br /> contests in gaxl faith the lien by, or defends ugainst enforcement of thc lien in, legal proceedings which in the
<br /> I.ender's opinion uperate to prcvent the en£orcement of the lien; or (c) secures from the holder of the lien an
<br /> agreement satisf�ctory ta Lender subordinating the lien to thls Security Instrument.If Lender determines that any part
<br /> oF ►he Pro�erty 9s subject to a lien which may attain priority over this Security Instrument, i.snder may give
<br /> Borrower a notice identifying the lien. Dorcoa.�r shall satisfy the lien or take one or more of the actions set forth
<br /> abovc within 10 days of the giving of noticc.
<br /> S.Fees.Le�xfe�may collect fees nnd charges autliorized by thc Seoretary.
<br /> 9.Groundti tur Accelerxtlon oP bebt.
<br /> (a) De[sult. Lender m1y, except us limited by regulations issued by thc Secretury, in the cusc of pnyment
<br /> defaulis. rcquirc im�n�ediate payment in full of nll swns s�rured by this 5ecurity Instrun�ent if:
<br /> (i)Borrower defaults by fuiling to pay in full any monthly payment r�uired by this Security Instrument
<br /> prior to or on�he due date of the next n�onthfy payment.or
<br /> (ii)Borrower defaults by failing, for a p�:riai of thirry days. to perform any othcr ohligations contained
<br /> in this Secur�ty Ynstrumcnt.
<br /> (b? Sale Withuut Cr��dit Approvs►1. Lendcr shal(. if pcnnittcd by applicable law (including Scction 341(d)
<br /> ef the �»rn-�:. Ce:m�En Be��sisary Is:stitutions :ct of t?3w. :� L'.S.C. t70:,�;id}j aid witti �i�G p,iv�
<br /> upproval of the Secreta�y,require immediatc payment in full of all sums securacl by this Security Instrumcut
<br /> if:
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