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<br /> _ � _ - uwr�r a�d.nto�..�fr��inhts at 8arow�r 1iNr�nc►er. , _ � . . ; ,
<br /> — �M�- �NI��i:CO���NtU�.IOF�.lflY'�I10�I a11 O� M1Y � - -�.
<br /> pptH�on oi qid RNI PtopMh►-.fa �ut�lla pu�paN�a�an�►'d�!M" ior d�meqe� ,
<br /> �No:. ' . � " � :
<br /> �1� cOnMW. t�omlxan���d Niq��;�ny,j..fu�•qlasm�M a ollier � .
<br /> darp�kM�d ar a�tN�d-W��a�►,��.�'s�'ii��i Ftop�tty°r Pe�sa�a1 ,
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<br /> _ _ � � � �� paymo�t d� �q �xponses and ilabiliqes incurred in 1hs ca�e And � , L�
<br /> � - - manaQemeni o t �d d Ro a l P�o p orl y aad Personal Property� tnctuding nny .
<br /> ' ' � campensation pald to Lender's egents a�d ths expense ol sucl� repAb•, i� � ��;�
<br /> � ="�� i _`�: aitentlo�a. additlons a�d Improwments ta s�id Rv�l Pwpe�ly and Pe�so��al F_ �. : -_
<br /> .�:��-� P�opv�ty as msY b�doomvd tNCVS:ary or eidvb�Wv by lender. . . � --
<br /> -. ;... �� . -
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<br /> � �`'�'r = � (ej paym�nt oi any�ilom�y�'t9es.Coutl�osl�at�d exp9nses Incuned � . . -_
<br /> . - - . by �L.e,�n�do� ln �on�wction wlth ih� oxvrcisa ol (ts d�hts, powors and eutl�v�ity _ j: `�-;�__
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<br /> � �`�.'�°:�`:"r�' t oi any indob�edaasa ar Oab111ty o1 Bo�rower to lender � ; ' . _-
<br />. _ A���.y�_.�,. (0 P�Y� : , , . _
<br /> ac jis assi�rn.whvlhK absoluta or�ontinpen�and no msttgr when Il shAU��tse. � .
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<br /> � � Y:= �1. NoMfihsQandinD th�i ihis Asstprmment Is A prosent esslgnmenl.ev��vwp� I . ._ -,-kwr-
<br /> _ � '_"_.: 1 A�� . � _ . ' .
<br /> ' •F;',-� shan l4ave pe�misston to ca�itoct thv ronts� issues �end proflfs irom and mar��ge Il�a ttpri , ,
<br /> � � � � ����`'`` � � � Property and Personal PropeRy for so Iong as Borrower duiy and promptly pe�tonns aA ai na
<br />.,� .� � .,;•�. °
<br /> � .��;; vbtigaNvns;ccn+enants.represenlations and warran!!ea uncisr any and all noto(s�.I11UtIL�1(�P�C�. , .
<br /> . .. . deed(s�ol trusb security agreement(sj,andto�any vtKuc documonis aad Instr�mo��w�x��•�n��l .
<br />. � �� .�I �.��� by 8orrower in tavor or ivr the benept ot lend0r(cvllecpvefy.'Loan Insirument��:p��vtd�d Ih�l
<br /> ' �• � such pe�mksion shall automaUcally and� wilhout noUce tarminate in tl�e evenl t3�r�nw�r . .
<br /> � � brPaches or oiherwiss i�iis'to porlonn ar�y obiigallon, cove�anl� tepresentaiton o� waue���y
<br /> � � � und�r ar�y ot ih� Loan In�frum�n�t. .
<br /> � 6. Any tatlu[o ot torb�uanco by Lender to exarotae�ny o! Le��der's �iql�te �
<br /> � � vr remedies horeund�r shall not conslitN�a watvar at such�ighis and remedles or v�����wic� �
<br />� _ _. . � p�ovaM Londe�tram oxatcisinp such ti�hls and remedtag tn tha tuturs� � •
<br /> � ' � � e. M�r iight,pow�r ar aulhority grac.".od Lender heroun��r��y ba pxercts4d. : . :
<br /> � . � �liher personaity or by its atternoy vr apent wilhoo!bringing eny activis cfl►�rs�cep<irr:c�: a�r��+:v .
<br /> . vr tn equity.a by a,r�c�iwr to b�appointed by a ccwt.et lhe disc�elfon c�lpnttor, usFli�..��t ,
<br /> � � tegard to the adoquasy of �ny :acurlly for any tr.d�btsdness vt �or�o� to �.p��il-r ar,ct
<br /> � � � � Nilhoul tsktnD po�s�sion of ald R��1 Proporly. . � • .
<br /> __. —__.
<br /> - - - - ?. L,�adK:haq�ot 1n�ur any tlabitily tor talling to sxerctsa eny �Ipht. powp► - -�---- --
<br /> ,' � . � or authority ynnt�d hK�bj►.twr tor any acllon taken in Itis�ood faith exerct��vf w11A1 Le11t181 - '
<br /> — -- � . , � .g. — -- ; . .
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