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<br /> . `.�.r. noNr a henaltvr Ivcated oR sald peal Property (collecitvety `�lie •Perso►ta� _-__----
<br /> �r=� �- �- � assl�a snd� ents; �n°�._
<br /> �;=�"�`'_ P�op�rty�.lo Uw�xduslon ot 8arower (ts:ua�.essa�. y �::__._�_
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<br /> . . . � . . s�cu�ity dvposi�s or advat�c�t�tri p�id lo�hold by or tor Bonowerj: , , . . -
<br /> ' . . 1'� ,,. ., . {cj stl ha:�s and occuPancf►��re�ments.now or here�(Ier execu�ect. F . ., _
<br /> � �i . � � ati�cting :Nd R�ai Propeny. t�chidtnD withovl limitatlon th0 tease�, It a��y: ��� �
<br /> ' :� '�- � dasaib�d 1n�ct�it'A• attach�d 1»�oto�nd lnco�pocated heraln.togethe�with � .
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<br /> �::,; tf�;;; .:'. _ dghls l0 1h� paymM►t ol monoy at any tlme arlsl�p tn connectfon wt�l� Any .
<br /> ���.�
<br /> ' " . ;����, � �ejectio�or bc�ach ot anY ol tha teases by eny lesses theteunder or bustee ol
<br />� i . any such lessaa under Section 365 ot 1he 8ankruplcy Cocie. 11 U.S.C. §3G5.
<br /> � � � � ' inctudicog. wilhout �imilaUon, ail rights tv recover damages a�ising vul of s�rct�
<br /> . � .. - . breach or teJec.tions all tighls !o chatges payable by such tassae or uusl�+a h� _ .
<br /> _ � ' ;��:'�:'. �espect o1 the ioased p�amisa�follvwing the antry ol an orJac to�set[et w�ctPr 11�� �
<br />� �; , .,,. .
<br /> Banknt��cj/ CocJu in respect of such tesseo and a0 rentels anc�a���er Chn�y�a .
<br /> � • . � outsix�rnq tmdor tho Ioa�v as ol the data ot ontry at such orde� �vi ieiiel.
<br /> ' ' . : 2, tvnder may.in(ts awn nama, o�at�vnde�'s opJa�r:.a�alto�ney h� facl ,
<br /> � • tor gvrtawet and in 8ot�owor's namo �nd stead wiih tull powe� o!s�fis,.�i uiro»A»ci wit1�tt�a •
<br /> ' ��, . ' riQht to exe�ase thv rights and powers horain coniained without pdo��uc�:c��t��?�b�y nr��olica
<br /> . � . . to 8oaower,6o1h W which aro hor�by spocilically waivad: . ,
<br /> - - � - . • -. - t�j cott�cl arty snd alt at iho ants.lssues.Arotits er.r�'sveil� ot satd .
<br /> , � . . � � Aeat Propsrty ared P�rsonal t'rop�rfy and sll viher monsys snd�1ght�b �ACetvn
<br /> . � �ona�j�sss��n�d h�r�by,usinp such mQasures as Lender msy deem necesaa�y .
<br /> ,.
<br /> . or apprnpti�t�in ih�drewratanc�s; �
<br /> � �,� � :.: �` � �� .rrc..rtna arw fwa.occu�►.P�sosa�nd�n�oy ssw r�op���y
<br /> � iiesi �
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<br /> � �� . ic� �jact tsnanw, ll� vacancies, make, cancvi. modity end entnrca �
<br /> � - . �: -.� - - _ teases-oi satd R�at Ptoperty-and P�rsonat ptaperty or any pert U�ereaf-u��r�� -
<br /> - -- . . _� such tonns�s L�may dwm appropdai�: - �
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