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<br /> •� • S.Y���.urd oe IP�o��eety Y62suea�ce. Bacao�vcY ehaU kccp ti�e irupravemcnts now ercisdng or herc�ftcr erected an the Frog:,�ty �
<br /> ,�- insured against loss by t'uc, hozards inGludcd wid�in thc term "axtcnded coverage"and nny othcr hau�rds,including floads or �..
<br /> ;�,�£ flooding,for whlch Lender requi�es insurance.This insurance shaU bo maintained in tho amounts and for the nedods that L.ender
<br /> ecqulres.'t9te�nsuQanco currler providing tho instuance ehall ba chosen by Borrower subject to I.ender's approv�l which ahall not �,
<br /> •�`� be unrcasonabiy withheld. If Borcower fails W maintain covcragc descdbcd abovc, Lcnder may, at Lender's opUon, abtain _
<br /> f�_� �_
<br /> coveruge w protect Lender's rlght�in tho Properry in accardance�vith paregrsph 7.
<br /> --- AQ insuranca pnlicies end renewals ahall bo acceptable to Lcnder and ehall include a standa��d mor►gage cL^.use.l.ender�h�ll �
<br /> --���,� huve thc right w hold the poiicie�iut��entr,r�ls. tf't,cnau sequis�s�8v.�n,�G;a�t:=1 p�fi�tty g3va to I.�::�a s!!:��1�r4 Qf paid `
<br /> ._ n 1 premiuma end tenewal nodces.ln tt�a event of loss,�onower shell give prompt nodce to the insurance carrter and Lender.I.ender
<br /> mAy meka proaf of los.9 if noi made pran�ptly by Borrowcr.
<br /> ��� Unicss L�ender and Borcowcr othcrwise a�ce in wridng,insurance proccxds shell be applied to restaration or repair of the
<br /> ��� properip damaged,if the restoradon or repair is economicaUy feaslble and Lender's aecurlty le not lessened.If the restoradon or
<br /> ry.';� repalr is not econumically feasible or Lender's�,curity would be lesstne�ct,the insurtuice proce2ds shall 6c applIed w the sun�s �
<br /> __�� sccurcd by this Security Inssument,whether or not thcn due, wlth any eacess paid to Borrower. If Borrower abandons the
<br /> =�i Property,or does not answcr wlthin 30 days a nodce from Lender that the i��surance carrier has offcred to setUe a claim, then
<br />_-- Lender may collect the insurance praceeds.I.encler may use the proceeds w repair or restora the Properry or to pay sums secured
<br /> �a by this Security Instiument,whether or not then due.T'he 30-day period will ocgi�� whE�the nadcc Is given. � .
<br /> Unloss Lender and Borcower otherwise agrea in writing.a�►y aPPllcation of proce�ds to prtncipul shall not extend or postpone
<br /> :�� ihe due date of the monthly�Saymer�ts referrscl to in parng�aphs i end 2 or change the amount of the payments.If undcr paragraph
<br />`-:.�� 21 tho Property is acqutrcd by Lender. Bottower's dght to any insurance pollcics and proceeds resulting from damage to the
<br />,�:.t�rs� Property prfor w the acquisition shall psass to Lender to the oxtent of the sums secured by this Sacurity Instrument immediately
<br /> -"••.� prior u►thc acquisidon.
<br />___�__, 6.OccupAncy�Preserv�tion,Mainte�wnce And Protectian of the Property: Borrower's L�stn Applicxtion;Leaseholds.
<br />:�,��a Borrower shall occupy.establish,and use the Pmperty ss Bonower's principal residpnce wlthin sixty days ufter the execution of
<br /> this Sccurlry Instru�ment and shall condnue to occupy ttie Propeny as Boaowcr's principal resldence for at least one year after Ihe
<br /> date of oc,�upancy, unless l.ender othenvise agrees 1n wridng, which consent shell not be unreasonably withheld, or unless
<br /> extenuadng circamstances eaist which are beyond Borrower's conuol.Bonnwer sliall not destroy,damage or impair the Properry,
<br /> -` ellow the Propeity to dete,riorate, or commit waste on the Property. Borrower shall be in defeult if any forfeiture acdon or
<br /> proceeding,whether civil or criminal,Ls begun ehat in Lender's good faith judgmeaU could result in forfeinue of the Property or
<br /> - Q�,�...,���rp.3Any imna'v�t►e lien crr.ated by this Securlty Insuument or I.ender's security interes�Bormwu may cure such R
<br /> --� default and reinstete, as prvvided in pazagraph 18,by causing the aedon or proceeclin8 to be dismissed witn a ruun�g[hac,in
<br /> Lendu's good faith dete,m�inadon,prscludes forfeiture of thu Bonower's interest in the Pcoperty or other materlal impa�rment of
<br /> �— the lien created by ihLs Secuiriry Instrument or I.snder's securiry int�[es�BorrowGr shall elso be in defauft If Borrowu,d�ring the
<br /> loan appllcstion process,gave materislly false or inacc�uate Worniation or statements to Lender(or faUcd to provide I.ender with
<br /> any nnaterial lnformadon) in connection with the loan evidenced by the Note.including, but nflt limited w. represeatadons
<br /> — conceming Borrowu's occupancy of the Property as a principel residence.If this Securlty Instrumcnt is on a leasehold,Borroaer
<br /> shall comply with all the pro�isions of tha lease.If Borrower acquires fce ade to dx ProputY.the leaschold and the fee dtle shall
<br /> not mage nnless Lender agrees to the merger in writL►g.
<br /> 7.I'rotection of Lender'e�tighta in the Property. It Borrower fails to perfortn the covenants and egreements contained in
<br /> thls Security Instrument,or thae fs a legal proceeding that may sig��ificandy affxt Lender's rights in the�coperty (such u�a
<br /> procecding in bankcuptcy,probate.for cemdemnatlon or forfeiture or to enforce lawa or ra�ulati�ona).then Lender may do and pay
<br /> far whatever is nccessary to protoct the velue of tha Proparty and LtK►der's rights in tho Pcoperty.Lender's actions may includc
<br /> paying any sums secured by a lien which has prioriry over thia Security Insuument, appearing in caurt,PaYinB r�aSOnablc
<br /> suomeys'fees and entedng on the Property to make repairs.Although Lender may take action undu this paragraph 7,Lender
<br /> das not have w do so. '
<br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this parag�apt�7 shall bocome add�donsl debt of Boaower securtd by this Security
<br /> Instrumen� Uniess Borrower and Lcnder agcee to othu 6erms of paymeat,these amounts shall bear inurest from the daW of
<br /> _ �;s�,�-�,�zc�::.t il:e r:nte r.zis and al�.a]!�pAye�i�A,wirh interest,unon nodce from Lender to Aorrower requestin8 PaYmenG
<br /> 8.NAortgAQe Insurance. If L�der requimd mortgage insurance es a cflndidon of making the loan secured by this Security
<br /> Inst�ument, Boirawer shall pay the premiums requined to maintain tho moct�age insurance in effec� If. for any reason,the
<br /> mortgage insurance cove�rage requfred by I.endu lapses or esases to be in effect,Borrower shall pay the premiums required to
<br /> obtain coverage substant{ally equivalent to the mongage insurancci prevlously ui effect,at a cost sabstanGially equivalent to the
<br /> cost W Borrower of tha mortgage insaranw previousiy in effect,from �n eltemate mortgage insurer appmved by L.ender. If
<br /> � substantially equivaisnt mortgege insiu�nca covcrago ig not available,Borrower shell pay to Lender each manth a sum oqual to
<br /> _--�� one•iweltlh of the ycarly moctgage insuranc.�s premium being paid by Bomower when the insurnnce covera�e Ittpsed ar ceased to
<br /> — be in effect Lendcr wiU accept, usc and retain these payments es a loss rese�rve in Ueu of. mortgage insurance.Loss reserve
<br />��'?O Form S02a OIOO
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